In this session we will discuss the Interprofessional (IP) Teams and Culture in Health Care course at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science. The course introduces students to the concept of interprofessional teams, the influence of culture in health care, and the importance of service learning.
We will detail the logistics of student enrollment in this course, describe how students are divided into interprofessional teams, how we use small group discussion to achieve the purpose of the course which is to help prepare the health care professional student to provide effective patient-centered health care through small group discussion and problem solving activities. And we will discuss barriers and challenges to creating a successful course like ours.
We will discuss the topics included in the course which are: team interaction; communication; service learning; information literacy; quality improvement; healthcare professions,; diversity in society; the impact of culture, ethnicity and religion on communication and the provision of services; disparities in the healthcare delivery system; and awareness of the impact of a provider’s own wellness and illness beliefs on the decisions he/she makes for patients.
We will then describe how our interprofessional teams of students develop and participate in significant community need based service learning projects. The purpose of our service project is to promote Prevention Education in the areas of Physical Fitness, Preventive Screening, Nutrition, and Making Healthy Choices. After completing their projects students create a poster, participate in reflection, and celebrate their achievement with community partners and our university at large.