Learning Together to Practice Collaboratively: Some Principles for IPE and IPC
In this session I will cover a little of the history of interprofessional education for patient centred collaborative practice. I will then discuss some fundamental principles that need to be acknowledged and systematized if IPE/ICP are to realized on university and college campuses and across health care systems.
Strategies for Launching a Successful IPE program
Implementing interprofessional education (IPE) activities and establishing an IPE program can appear daunting. Known challenges include issues of leadership commitment, faculty and student buy-in, coordination across programs, academic calendars and class schedules, faculty development, and resources. Based upon the literature and the experience of one academic health science center, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), this session will discuss successful strategies for launching a sustainable IPE program at an academic health center. Unique to the MUSC IPE program is the inclusion of biomedical graduate studies students. An example program implementation framework and conceptual learning model with associated student learning goals will be presented. Required IPE student learning experiences, extra-curricular IPE experiences, and faculty development activities will be highlighted. Student assessment and program evaluation approaches will be briefly discussed. The objectives for the session are:
- Discuss strategies for IPE program implementation
- Describe IPE curricular activities
- Identify how IPE can be included in the extra-curricular environment
- Discuss faculty development approaches
- Identify IP student assessment and program evaluation approaches
This webinar will inform other institutions embarking on the development of IPE activities and establishment of a program possible approaches for their own efforts.
Interprofessional Teams, Culture and Service Learning – An Interprofessional 1st Year Experience for Students at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
In this session we will discuss the Interprofessional (IP) Teams and Culture in Health Care course at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science. The course introduces students to the concept of interprofessional teams, the influence of culture in health care, and the importance of service learning.
We will detail the logistics of student enrollment in this course, describe how students are divided into interprofessional teams, how we use small group discussion to achieve the purpose of the course which is to help prepare the health care professional student to provide effective patient-centered health care through small group discussion and problem solving activities. And we will discuss barriers and challenges to creating a successful course like ours.
We will discuss the topics included in the course which are: team interaction; communication; service learning; information literacy; quality improvement; healthcare professions,; diversity in society; the impact of culture, ethnicity and religion on communication and the provision of services; disparities in the healthcare delivery system; and awareness of the impact of a provider’s own wellness and illness beliefs on the decisions he/she makes for patients.
We will then describe how our interprofessional teams of students develop and participate in significant community need based service learning projects. The purpose of our service project is to promote Prevention Education in the areas of Physical Fitness, Preventive Screening, Nutrition, and Making Healthy Choices. After completing their projects students create a poster, participate in reflection, and celebrate their achievement with community partners and our university at large.
Creating an Interprofessional Learning Community: The University of Kentucky Deans’ Honors Colloquium
Health profession education programs are increasingly being challenged to prepare practice-ready graduates who deliver high quality patient/community-centered care as effective members of interprofessional teams. To meet this demand, students enrolled in health science programs at the University of Kentucky participate in a semester-long interprofessional honors course designed to provide them with a forum to explore the characteristics and implications of collaborative practice around one or more cross-cutting healthcare challenges while learning more about themselves as team members. As a result of participation in this course, students learn to understand, appreciate and value interprofessional collaboration among their colleagues.
Multiple colleges participated in needs assessment and feasibility study in 2008 and subsequent course design, planning, and implementation of the interprofessional honors colloquium. Ultimately the course has become a collaborative project across eight colleges and 12 educational programs, wherein each contributes equally-valued resources. Faculty from the participating colleges acted as instructors, lecturers, or small group facilitators. Students are invited by their respective deans to participate.
Twenty-six students enrolled in the course initially. Three years later, course enrollment has more than doubled and there is an impressive waiting list. Despite competing demands and limited resources, 100% of the faculty have been retained and students frequently enroll for more than one semester. Data suggests that the course experience has an impact on students’ attitudes toward, respect for, and understanding of teamwork and one another’s professional roles.
Interprofessional Education at Case Western Reserve University: Curricular Challenges and Meaningful Work
Case Western Reserve University’s Health Professions Schools are implementing a series of interprofessional workshops that bring together students from the schools of dental medicine, medicine, nursing and applied social science. In this webinar, we would like to share our lessons learned and successes in implementing an interprofessional workshop on obesity for over 500 students in four health professions, done entirely in small groups. Because we wanted to have an interactive, learner-centered focus for the sessions, students worked in one of 46 small, interprofessional groups, each facilitated by a faculty member from one of the four health professions schools. The webinar will focus on the following elements: 1) central support and clear goals, 2) a small, cohesive interprofessional planning group, 3) a small group workshop format with activities around relationship building, a common patient experience, review of each health profession’s literature, and reflection, 5) evaluation, and 6) lessons learned.
This four-part series is one component of a much larger interprofessional initiative that incorporates classroom, community, and patient care settings. The overall goals for the interprofessional workshops are to bring students together in the small group setting to: 1) interact with peers from other health professions schools; 2) describe the roles/education for each other’s health professions 3) examine select articles from each profession’s literature, and 4) appreciate opportunities for collaboration among our professions to improve outcomes for patients/clients/communities.
The evaluation data has helped us to address the following questions: 1) What do students perceive as salient features of each other’s professions; how do student react to the perceptions of their professions by students from other health professions? 2) What is the nature of the insights that emerge about a topic when learning in an interprofessional group? 3) What opportunities for collaboration do students identify for helping people with obesity? 4) What value do students from four health professions find in interacting together?
IPE experience in a clinical setting
During four years at Hull York Medical School, she established and ran the Interprofessional Training Ward based on the 18-bed Specialist Rehabilitation Unit at Goole and District Hospital. All final year medical students undertook a two-week interprofessional training placement wherein they worked side by side with the trained staff in the Unit to provide all aspects patient care, learning what other professionals did and didn’t do, and sharing their own skills. Her presentation will focus on the experiences and outcomes of hands-on interprofessional training.
Herding Cats: Development and Implementation of a Multi-phase Interprofessional Education Program
This talk will describe the development and implementation of the 3 phase interprofessional education curriculum at Western University of Health Sciences (WesternU). Included in the presentation will be a brief description of the planning process, development of the curriculum and development of the assessment plan. The presenters will also describe the development and implementation of the faculty development process that was utilized at WesternU. The talk will describe to the participants the lessons that were learned throughout the process, and will describe changes made to the processes and the curriculum based upon lessons learned. The presenters will also provide sage advice for the participants to help them prepare for implementation of an interprofessional education curriculum/program at their respective institutions.