Twice over the past one hundred years The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has called for the reform of medical education. In 1910, Abraham Flexner stressed the importance of scientific research and educational excellence in the training of physicians, which resulted in a transformation of medical education. In 2010, the Carnegie Foundation called for actions that will transform medical education again: standardization of learning outcomes and individualization of learning processes; integration of formal knowledge and clinical experience; development of habits of inquiry and improvement; and explicit attention to the formation of professional identity (Cooke M, Irby DM, O’Brien BC. Educating Physicians: A Call for Reform of Medical school and Residency). In this webcast. Dr. Irby will describe the Flexnerian legacy and the key recommendations of the report. Subsequent webcasts will deal with the report’s major themes separately.
1910 and 2010: What’s with these Carnegie reports on medical education?
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