1910 and 2010: What’s with these Carnegie reports on medical education?
Twice over the past one hundred years The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has called for the reform of medical education. In 1910, Abraham Flexner stressed the importance of scientific research and educational excellence in the training of physicians, which resulted in a transformation of medical education. In 2010, the Carnegie Foundation called for actions that will transform medical education again: standardization of learning outcomes and individualization of learning processes; integration of formal knowledge and clinical experience; development of habits of inquiry and improvement; and explicit attention to the formation of professional identity (Cooke M, Irby DM, O’Brien BC. Educating Physicians: A Call for Reform of Medical school and Residency). In this webcast. Dr. Irby will describe the Flexnerian legacy and the key recommendations of the report. Subsequent webcasts will deal with the report’s major themes separately.
Educating Physicians: A Focus on Integration, Inquiry, Innovation and Improvement.
“Educating Physicians” calls for an integrated approach to medical education and cultivation of habits of mind and cultures that support inquiry, innovation, and improvement. In this session we will discuss the context and impetus for these two recommendations as well as relevant literature from the learning sciences. Then we will delve into practical applications and promising examples of these recommendations in undergraduate and graduate medical education. We will conclude with time for participants to discuss ways of applying these recommendations to educational programs in their own institutions.
Individualization and Standardization in Medical Education: Holy Grail or Third Rail?
- Describe drivers of and barriers to the widespread adoption of the principles of individualization and standardization
- List current teaching strategies that are compatible with individualization and standardization
- Cite pedagogical theories that support an individualization and standardization approach
- Describe elements of a successful individualization and standardization program
- Give examples of innovative educational programs implementing an individualized and standardized curriculum.
In keeping with a national focus on outcomes measures in health care and education, the 2010 Carnegie Foundation Report on Educating Physicians calls for medical educators and education systems to commit to developing objectively measurable performance standards for learners at all levels and ensuring that these standards are met before completion of the formal educational programs. To achieve these standardized outcomes, educators must prepare to continuously assess their learners across a broad range of complex competencies and to individualize curricula and experiences to the meet the professional developmental needs of their learners. This shift from a time based advancement system to a competency based advancement system poses unique challenges in both classroom and clinical learning environments. The speaker will address these challenges and provide examples of how the goal of individualized learning with standardized outcomes can be achieved in today’s busy health care environment.
Instituting and Using a Holistic Admissions Process
The Holistic Admission webcast is designed to assist both biomedical science and clinical faculty in exploring the complex dynamics of weighing and balancing applicants’ experiences and attributes with their academic achievements as a means of accomplishing the mission-based excellence they seek. The author provides a background for instituting and using a holistic review process to screen, interview and select applicants for medical school admissions while offering a context for the motivation for change, the challenges faced and the lessons learned.
Professional Identity Formation
The role of the physician in society has always required a broad-based education. However, during the most recent decades, emphasis on the improvement of health care delivery has broadened even further the variety of curricular areas that are important in medical education. In this talk, Dr. Skeff will highlight and discuss a conceptual model to help identify and focus attention on these expanding curricular areas. It is hoped that this model can enable faculty to identify areas for expanded focus and trainees can identify areas of emphasis for their careers.