Gamification in Biomedical Education

Presented by Jr Georgiadis on January 5, 2023 at 12:00 pm

Gamification, the use of game elements in non-gaming context, has become a buzz-word in education and training. But can gamification live up to the high expectations that its popularity creates? In this session I will provide an overview of the use of gamification in graduate and post-graduate health professions education to show that the application of gamification is typically uninformed and unbalanced, and the effects of its application in education at best uncertain. I will nevertheless try to convince you that game design, if used adequately, can be very important for educational settings.

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Presenter Bios

Janniko Georgiadis graduated as a human movement scientist, and did a PhD in systems neuroscience. The title of his thesis “The orgasmic brain exposed” suggests that his research topic was quite exciting. He has been studying the neurobiology and neuropsychology of human sexual behavior ever since, but has also shifted his attention to other, completely different, areas where motivation through positive affect is thought to be of significance. One such area is game-based learning in academia. Janniko heads the Section Anatomy & Medical Physiology at his institution, and until recently was one of the course directors of UMCG medical school. He is responsible for the UMCG body donation program, and for two main teaching and training facilities: Dissection Room and Medical Physiology Lab. Furthermore, Janniko is actively involved in the design and development of digital educational innovations for anatomy and physiology.