Multiple reports over the last ten years have highlighted the critical importance of direct observation by faculty and other educators in assessment and feedback of medical trainees. Furthermore, competency-based medical education also relies heavily on high quality coaching and feedback. Direct observation is particularly important for the teaching and assessment of clinical skills, communication and interpersonal skills. Despite substantial advances in technology, such as imaging and minimally invasive procedures, clinical and communication skills remain vitally important for effective and high quality healthcare, and faculty must still play a critical role in providing detailed and accurate assessment and feedback to trainees.
This webinar will first provide an overview of theories and recent empiric studies in rater cognition and the implications for direct observation as an assessment method. The webinar will also cover faculty development methods, such as performance dimension training (PDT), frame of reference training (FOR) and behavioral observation training (BOT), that may help faculty to recognize the important characteristics and factors that drive faculty rating performance.