Card and Board Games for Health Professionals Education

Presented by Michael Cosimini, Sarah Edwards on January 26, 2023 at 12:00 pm

Serious games are games designed for a specific purpose other than entertainment, usually education. These games can provide a safe space for learners to experiment and learn in an active manner. In this presentation, we will discuss where serious games work well in a medical education context. This will include tips for the development of games following our experience of developing and distributing serious card and board games. We will also discuss the Games And Medical Education Research(GAMER) collaborative community and ongoing projects. This talk will include a handout of resources for developing and distributing card and board games for education and links to free-to-download games for use. Objectives: By the end of this session audience members will recognize the difference between serious games and gamification. By the end of the session participants will be able to discuss how specific tabletop game mechanics support learning goals By the end of this session participants will have ideas about how they may develop their own serious game for education

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Presenter Bios

Dr. Michael Cosimini (twitter:@MichaelCosimini) is an assistant professor of pediatrics at the Oregon Health and Science University. His work focuses on educational scholarship in the areas of podcasting and serious games for health professionals education. He is the designer of Empiric Game which is a widely distributed card game used to teach the antibiotic management of common and important infections.

Dr Sarah Edwards is a Senior Emergency Medicine Resident in the United Kingdom. She has completed a Masters in Medical Education and has completed one in Paediatric Emergency Medicine. she has education interests in serious games for medical education, social media medical education and qualitative medical education research.