In this session we will discuss the creation of an integrated systems block curriculum from the perspective a basic medical scientist. During the first two years of the Phoenix track of the ArizonaMed curriculum, the curriculum is designed in blocks that integrate the traditional basic science disciplines (physiology, anatomy, pathology, etc.) into organ systems and disease units. Clinical content and skills are progressively integrated with basic science subjects. Woven through the blocks are curricular themes covering such topics as behavioral science, ethics and humanism, bioinformatics, population and public health. The following questions will be discussed: 1) What are the challenges for a basic scientist in designing integrated courses? 2) What resources are most helpful? 3) How do you orient a clinician to teaching in the preclinical years? 3) How do you choose your subject matter and prioritize what really needs to be taught? At the end of this session, participants will leave with a bevy of tips to get them started in designing or refining their own curriculum.
Basic Medical Science Course Directors in Integrated Medical Curricula
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