If the measure of a successful meeting is in its engaged participants, its rigorous scientific presentations, its conducive venue, its collegial interactions, and its detailed organization and focus on education and service, then the 2019 IAMSE Meeting was an enormous triumph thanks to your sustaining participation. We hope that our diverse and dynamic slate of plenary speakers provided in-depth insight and perspectives that are valuable to your educational work.
Your attendance helps IAMSE achieve its goals while allowing our members to receive valuable networking and resources. The enthusiasm and positive spirits that were so clearly apparent helped make our time together both productive and enjoyable. Our heartfelt thanks and great appreciation are extended to the 2018-19 Program Committee for their extensive efforts in planning this outstanding meeting in Roanoke, VA, USA.
Next year the 24th IAMSE Annual Meeting will take place in Denver CO, USA, from June 13-16 2020. For updates on this meeting, be sure to follow the IAMSE Facebook and Twitter pages.
Thank you,
James Pickering
2019 Program Committee Chair