Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career, and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Dr. Machelle Linsenmeyer.
Machelle Linsenmeyer, EdD, NAOME Fellow
Associate Dean for Assessment and Educational Development
West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
Lewisburg, WV
How long have you been an IAMSE member?
I went to my first conference in 2009 but I believe I’ve been a member since 2008.
Have you ever served on the IAMSE Program committee before working on the 2019 team?
I sat on the Program committee in 2014 for the Nashville meeting.
What was your experience like on the Program Committee?
I loved being on the program planning committee because you don’t really appreciate how much goes on behind the scenes. Selecting the hotel, logistics, reviewing abstracts, picking the keynote speakers. I think it’s exciting to be part of that group that is putting it all together and the energy behind it.
What was a standout experience for you?
When I served in 2014 there was a speaker that I was able to bring forth and do the introduction for. It made me feel like a bigger part of the conference. Bringing their name/topic to the forefront was exciting. It was exciting be closer to the actual speakers and topics than you normally would get to do by just attending. You really have more of a passion behind it because you are more alert to what people feel about the program. The other thing is when you hear feedback you run to the other (committee members) and say, “We need to make a change!”
What interesting things are you working on outside the Association right now?
One of the other things that I love about IAMSE is that they really are partners with other organizations. I just recently stepped off (the) Program (Committee) for the Generalists, which I had the opportunity to be on for several years. It was nice to see the exchange of booth, exhibit space, and resources between the two organizations. That participation with other organizations is a fun experience. I’ve also done a lot of talks at the AMEE and OTTAWA conferences and IAMSE is always represented there. I like having interactions with other people at conferences and doing the presentations. I just recently did a presentation on Entrustable Professional Activities and Portfolios at the Ottawa conference in Abu Dhabi this past March. I also led roundtable discussions on EPA’s during AAMC.
Is there anything else you’d like to speak on about your longstanding membership in IAMSE?
Something else that is just great is the number of resources IAMSE offers. Manuals, faculty development opportunities, the journal. There are just so many resources. I find myself sharing those ideas and resources at my institution all the time.
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