Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career, and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Dr. Stephen Hines.

Stephen Hines, DVM, PhD
Berger Keatts Distinguished Professor (Teaching Excellence)
and Director of the WSU College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Academy
Washington State University
How long have you been a member of IAMSE?
I’ve been an IAMSE member for approximately 10 years.
In your years with the association, what have you been up to? Committee involvement, conference attendance, WAS series, manuals, etc.? How have you interacted with IAMSE?
The IAMSE conference has been my primary activity with IAMSE. I look forward to the annual conference with anticipation as I know I will learn, that I will bring back several exciting new ideas, and that I will come home inspired. It’s always comforting to be reminded that we are all mostly confronting the same basic challenges – and that we are not in the battle alone. And I love the evidence-based approach that engagement with IAMSE fosters. I believe strongly that working from a scholarly base is what will drive the changes we need. This is also why I love the journal articles, IAMSE emails, and the manuals. Through our Teaching Academy we’ve also tapped into the IAMSE webinar series. I have not yet engaged in IAMSE committee work, but know that it’s time.
What are you working on professionally? Research, presentations, etc.
My focus at this time is improving career opportunities for faculty who are most deeply invested in our educational missions. As part of this work, we have developed a multi-institutional peer review of promotion packet process, an evidence-based format for creating more persuasive and reviewable promotion packets, and review teams. At WSU, we are working hard to elevate the status of faculty who teach. We are changing P&T processes so that faculty may be rewarded for excellent teaching, educational scholarship, innovation, and educational leadership through promotion and tenure. Until we change our institutions and institutional cultures, I believe we will continue to struggle to really “Make Teaching Matter.”
As a member, what is a standout benefit that keeps you engaged in IAMSE?
As noted above, I think IAMSE creates a unique space that feeds my need for growth and a community of practice focused on medical education. IAMSE has a much more inclusive feel than other organizations. I think that is a reflection in part of the diversity of members, including many basic scientists and people like me from fields like veterinary medicine.
Anything else that you would like to add?
I am often asked as Director of our Teaching Academy what organizations and conferences I would most recommend for junior faculty who are interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning. I inevitably point them to IAMSE first.