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Basic science education in the medical curriculum is facing a challenge. Despite the fact that health science curricula teach foundational science integrated with clinical science, lecture halls are essentially empty and students rely more and more on review books to prepare for USMLE Step 1. How can basic science instruction continue to fulfill its mission of providing a scientific approach to the practice of medicine? The IAMSE spring series is addressing this question by presenting several new approaches to improve foundational science instruction beyond integration with the clinical sciences. After an introduction that describes the challenge and proposes new roles for basic science educators, the audience will learn from the experiences of a lecture-free curriculum, from a curriculum with foundational science instruction during the clerkship years and from schools who place USMLE Step 1 after clinical clerkships. Finally, the audience will hear the latest status on the role and impact of USMLE Step 1 on medical education. The series will provide participants with a better understanding of the issues and current trends in novel foundational science curricula.
Join us on Thursdays in March at 12pm Eastern for a deeper look at:
- March 7 – The Changing Roles of the Basic Science Educator – Ron Harden, OBE MD FRCP (GLAS.) FRCS (ED.) FRCPC
- March 14 – Going Lecture Free for Gen Z – Brenda Roman, MD; Mary Jo Trout, Pharm D, BCPS, BCGP; Irina Overman, MD
- March 21 – Role of Foundational Sciences in Clinical Years – Kim Dahlman, PhD
- March 28 – Stepping Beyond the “Step 1 Climate” – Kathy Andolsek, MD, MPH;
David Chen, MSIII - April 4 – Moving USMLE Step 1 After Core Clerkships: Rationale, Challenges
and Early Outcomes – Michelle Daniel, MD, MHPE, FACEP
And the best part is Student Members Register for FREE!
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