Dear IAMSE Members,
The Membership Committee is delighted to bring you another issue of IAMSE Connects, your quarterly newsletter that keeps you connected to all aspects of IAMSE. Enjoy!

The annual meeting in Leiden was a resounding success! It was great to see everyone from Charter Members to first-time attendees. Our gracious site host, Peter de Jong, showed all the guests the beauty and culture of Leiden…we even got to go on a tour through the body at CORPUS, a museum that lets visitors explore how our bodies work. A big thank you to Program Committee Chair Luke Mortensen and IAMSE President Veronica Michaelsen for a fantastic meeting!
Be sure to save the date for next year's meeting!

The Organizational Development Committee is currently seeking volunteers to join the committee. This committee is responsible for pursuing federal, foundation, corporate, and private funding on behalf of IAMSE. This committee also oversees the marketing outreach of IAMSE. If you're interested in joining, let Brandi Hinkle know at!
Remember to take a few minutes to visit the IAMSE member profile website here so that you can update your personal settings if you didn’t get a chance to already. These updates will allow the membership committee to determine what proportion of our membership are nursing educators, physician assistant educators, chiropractic educators, allopathic and osteopathic educators, alternative medicine educators, optometry educators, etc.
Thanks for your help,
Greg Smith, Chairman, IAMSE Membership Committee
Vice President, IAMSE

The website is beautiful, easy to navigate, and helps you keep connected. Check it out! And don’t forget to drop your ideas in the IAMSE Idea Box while you are there!

Looking for a great place to publish your scholarly work? Connect with Medical Science Educator, the Journal of IAMSE at and on Facebook at

Member News!
Roger W. Geiss, M.D., Charter Member of IAMSE, retired from full-time practice at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria (UICOMP) on June 1, 2015. Subsequently, he received the Distinguished Service Award from the Group for Research in Pathology Education (GRIPE) at their national meeting in San Diego, CA on January 30, 2016; the award was for "exceptional lifetime contribution to the mission of GRIPE". On May 19, 2016 he was awarded the designation of Professor Emeritus of Pathology at UICOMP.
Neil Osheroff, Ph.D. and Cathy Pettepher, Ph.D., along with Tyler Reimschisel and James Atkinson, received the inaugural Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Denis O’Day Excellence in Teaching Award for “Excellence in Team-Implemented Curricular Reform” in May.
Neil Osheroff is assuming the Directorship of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine/Vanderbilt University Medical Center Academy for Excellence in Education as of July 1.
Dr. Rebecca Pratt was recently promoted to Full Professor of Human Anatomy; Department of Radiology at Michigan State University East Lansing Michigan, USA. She was the recipient of the Golden Apple Teaching Award as voted on by the College of Osteopathic Medicine Class of 2019. Dr. Pratt was also invited to the College of Osteopathic Medicine Class of 2016 Graduation Banquet as the recipient of the Basic Science Faculty Award that is presented to the faculty member, over the course of four years, who has demonstrated excellence in teaching basic science and seeks to integrate basic science education with clinical medicine.
Raj Ettarh, MD PhD., Professor in the Department of Structural and Cellular Biology at Tulane University School of Medicine has been awarded one of two 2016 Tulane President’s Award for Graduate and Professional Teaching. The award medal was presented at Tulane’s Unified Commencement Ceremony on Saturday 14 May 2016. Four days earlier on Tuesday 10 May 2016, Dr. Ettarh also received the Tulane School of Medicine's 2016 Teaching Scholar Award and was inducted into the Tulane Society of Teaching Scholars. Dr. Ettarh has previously received the T1 Professor of the Year award from the medical school’s Owl Club on three occasions (2012, 2013 and 2014). He is founding Director of the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program in Anatomy, and currently serves as Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Teaching and Learning in the Anatomical Sciences (ATLAS), Director of Gross and Developmental Anatomy, and Vice-Chair for Education in the Department of Structural and Cellular Biology. He has been a member of IAMSE since 2011, serves on the IAMSE Finance committee, and is a review board member for the Medical Science Educator journal.
Gabi N. Waite, PhD has accepted the position of Professor of Physiology and Immunology in the Department of Basic Sciences at the Commonwealth Medical Collee (TCMC), Scranton, PA. The position starts on August 1st, 2016.
Michael W. Bradbury, Ph.D. began a new job in August to become part of the founding faculty of California Northstate University College of Medicine as Professor of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Genetics, and in May I became the first chair of the newly-formed Department of Basic Sciences.
Saleem Ahmed, MBBCh, FCPS, Founding Director of Anatomical Sciences Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine (VTC) was inducted into the Gold Humanism Honor Society of the Arnold P. Gold Foundation (in recognition of exemplary service, integrity, clinical excellence and compassion. He also received the Leonard Tow Humanism In Medicine Award of the Arnold P. Gold Foundation (in recognition of exemplary compassion, competence and respect in the delivery of care. Dr. Ahmed received the Diversity Associate Certificate of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Diversity Development Institute, as well as the Distinguished Facilitator Academy Award (signifying excellence in facilitation skills and dedication to professional development in the area of patient - centered learning) of the Virginia Tech Carilion School Of Medicine.
India Lane, Professor of Medicine at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, was recently promoted to Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs for the University of Tennessee university-wide administration. She also received the National Gamma Award from Omega Tau Sigma veterinary fraternity for her contributions to the veterinary profession.
Dr. Saeed Ali Alsareii , MD, SB-Surg, J.B.G.S. was recently elected as member of Saudi Society for Medical Education board (SSME)
Susan Labuda Schrop, Ph.D. Assistant Dean of Curriculum and Quality Measures, College of Medicine Associate Professor of Family and Community Medicine Northeast Ohio Medical University recently received the NEOMED 2016 Foundations of Clinical Medicine Course Excellence in Teaching Award.
Bob Theobald was recognized by the Kirksville Osteopathic Alumni Association (KOAA) with the Distinguished Service Award in October, 2015. The award is in recognition of my almost 40 years (from Nov. 1, 1976) service to the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in the Department of Pharmacology. It was awarded at the KOAA reception in Orlando, FL. He also received a recognition award from the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) for outstanding leadership in the Division of Pharmacology Education (DPE) at EB 2016 in San Diego.
Craig Goodmurphy Ph.D Eastern Virginia Medical School was promoted to full professor of Pathology & Anatomy in July and was named department vice chair of. He also received the PI Alpha award as an honorary Physician Assistant nominated by our PA faculty.