
IAMSE Web Seminar “Overview of the Status and Future Direction”

Overview of the Status and Future Direction
Presenter: Geoff Norman
January 7, 12 PM ET

Medical education research is a relatively new field, which can trace its origins precisely to a group in Buffalo, NY, led by George Miller in the 1950s. These individuals came from diverse backgrounds, with virtually no relevant prior academic achievement. However through the collaborations engendered by the collaboration between medical teachers and academics, the field rapidly evolved. A major stimulus for the field was the development of the new problem-based schools at McMaster and Maastricht in the 1970s, with both schools committing resources to fund major research programs to evaluate the success of these innovations. Finally, another parallel development was the efforts by the American licensing and certifying bodies, primarily the National Board of Medical Examiners and the American Board of Internal Medicine, as well as the Medical Council of Canada, to improve student evaluation methods.

All of these developments set the stage for the field as we see it today, where a large number of researchers from many different social and behavioral sciences, from policy analysis to kinesiology, use a potpourri of research methods to address diverse questions related to health professions education. While this diversity is an enormous strength and a defining characteristic of the field, it does bring into focus some fundamental questions about what are the common threads. In particular, as the field matures standards for research have evolved. No longer is the focus solely or even primarily on the design of solutions for local problems; instead many journals demand evidence that research has theoretical underpinnings and generalizable application.

In this session, I will attempt to engage you in exploring some of these questions. We will explore, in a general way, what, if any, are the commonalities of all our research enterprises, and indeed what is the demarcation between scientific inquiry and other academic pursuits. In the course of the talk, we should be able to better understand what are the ingredients of successful research in health sciences education.

Registration Now Open for the 2016 Winter Audio Seminar Series

Registration is now open for Winter 2016 Audio Seminar Series! Sessions start on Thursday, January 7, 2016.

Research in Health Sciences Education
As health scientists and clinicians, we approach bench and bedside research in logical steps: define questions, plan approaches, fund projects, gather and analyze data, and publish results. As health science educators, our responsibility to our students is to be as efficient and effective as we can be in our educational approaches. We need to follow these same logical steps of scholarly activity to determine the best practices for our teaching and to promulgate results to our colleagues. But few of us are formally trained in education research. How do we translate our skills into this new arena?

This series of six sessions brings together some of the world’s experts in health sciences education research. Dr. Geoff Norman will provide an overview of current and future directions, and Dr. Grace Brannan will get us started with defining research questions and developing approaches. Dr. David Yens will pick up on this foundation with more specifics on how to conduct health science education research. Dr. Jane Dumsha will discuss the important topic of finding funds for your research, and Dr. Peter de Jong will talk about publishing your results. Our final session will provide the unique opportunity of a panel discussion with Editors of five top journals in health sciences education. Their tips for success will provide invaluable help in getting your research published and read by your target audience.

January 7 – Overview of the Status and Future Direction – Presented by Geoff Norman

January 14 – How to Get Started – Presented by Grace Brannan

January 21 – How to do Educational Research – Presented by David Yens

January 28 – How to Find Funding – Presented by Jane Dumsha

February 4 – How to Publish Your Results – Presented by Peter de Jong

February 11 – Panel Discussion: Current publication tips for success with the Editor-in-Chiefs of Medical Science Educator, Medical Teacher, Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Advances in Health Sciences Education, and Medical Education Online – Presented by Peter de Jong, Ronald Harden, Anna Cianciolo, Geoff Norman, and Scott Cottrell

Click here to register or for more information on the Winter 2016 Audio Seminar.


IAMSE Administrative Office Closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday

As those of us in the United States prepare for Thanksgiving, we would like to extend a sincere THANK YOU for being a part of our success and daily lives.

The IAMSE Administrative Office will be closed on November 26-27, 2015 for Thanksgiving. We will resume normal business hours November 30, 2015.

We are truly grateful for the support you have provided to us at IAMSE and look forward to any new opportunities 2016 may bring.

Peter de Jong – Editor-in-Chief

IAMSE offers me the opportunity to reach out to colleagues from around the world and work with them to create new collaborations and friendships. Such international connections move the teaching of the health sciences forward. IAMSE is an organization where any member is offered the opportunity to step up and make a difference, as a reviewer, a committee member, a committee chair or a director. Being offered the privilege to serve as the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Science Educator has enormously enriched both my professional career and my personal development.

IAMSE Publications Committee Journal Review

Every month, the IAMSE Publications Committee reviews published articles from the archives of Medical Science Educator or of its predecessor JIAMSE. This month’s review is taken from Medical Science Educator volume 25, issue 3.

The implementation of new educational methods is a constantly evolving reality at all levels of the educational spectrum. Recently, the flipped classroom model has become very popular because it is designed to foster higher order thinking and problem solving, as well as cooperative and collaborative learning skills for students. This format has been successful in the undergraduate setting and has been adopted by medical educators because of its promise. However, whether the flipped classroom model is as effective for educating medical students as it is for undergraduates has been shown to be predicated on several factors discussed in a recent study published in the Medical Science Educator, Volume 25, Issue 3 (pages 219-222), by authors C White, M McCollum, E Bradley, P Roy, M Yoon, J Martindale and MK Worden entitled Challenges to Engaging Medical Students in a Flipped Classroom Model. In this study the authors note that the flipped classroom model has not fostered the type of active, learner-centered experience or learner-teacher interactions for medical students that have been reported in other settings. The authors analyzed medical student survey data to define specific reasons to explain why they did not fully embrace the flipped classroom model. The results from their analysis identified three main themes that represent barriers to the successful implementation of the flipped classroom model in medical education. The first theme related to the perceived efficiency of the flipped classroom learning experience compared to learning on an individual basis. Medical students are less likely to embrace the flipped classroom model if they believe that they can more effectively and efficiently acquire knowledge on their own. This is compounded by the fact that in many medical schools attendance is not mandatory and the reality that instructors often do not know each of their learners personally, which is in contrast to undergraduate educational settings. The second major theme related to the importance of standardization of session quality, which has been observed across many small group learning formats. It was found that the quality of preparatory materials plays an important role in encouraging medical students to come to class prepared and that this has a significant impact on the overall quality of the learning experience. Third, the authors found that medical students have high expectations for the content, length and complexity of pre-class assignments, and that materials or expectations that were too simple or too complex negatively affected student engagement. Ultimately, one of the most significant issues affecting implementation of the flipped classroom model in a medical education setting is the fact that the model requires the day-to-day oversight of a dedicated educator or team of educators who can insure the development of consistent, high quality materials that are suited to the level of knowledge and experience of the medical students.

Louis B. Justement, PhD
Director, GBS Immunology Graduate Theme
Associate Director, Medical Scientist Training Program
Professor, Department of Microbiology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Member, Publications Committee

Call for Board of Director Nominations – Due 11/20

It’s time once again to begin thinking about selection of those to serve on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE). Please note that this call is different from the call related to the officer positions (president, etc.) sent out on October 20.

IAMSE is looking for nominations and self-nominations of candidates from across the membership. International members are particularly invited.

This is the governing body that determines the direction of IAMSE and all our various programs and activities.

This Spring, three of the Director positions become subject to election and the formal “job descriptions” for IAMSE Director are posted here.

What is the role of a Board Member? The Board Member is expected to be an advocate for the organization and to bring fresh ideas to IAMSE. In addition, each Director will be in charge of an IAMSE-sponsored project.

What is the time commitment for the Board Member? The term is for three years, renewable once. Board meetings are held via conference call every two months, with additional business conducted through e-mail.

If this opportunity to expand your influence in medical education while advancing the work of IAMSE fits your personal career goals, then the Nomination Committee invites you to submit your nomination for “Board of Director.”

To submit your nomination or self-nomination by November 20, 5 PM PT, please click here!

We look forward to hearing from the IAMSE membership and thank you for your continued commitment to the IAMSE mission.

The IAMSE Nomination Committee

2016 IAMSE Call for Poster & Orals Abstracts

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce the call for abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations for the 20th Annual IAMSE Conference to be held in Leiden, The Netherlands from June 4-7, 2016. The IAMSE meeting offers opportunities for faculty development and networking, bringing together medical science educators from many professional disciplines and spanning the continuum of health care education.

All abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site.

Please click here to submit your abstract.

Please note: The first time you enter the site, if you have not already done so previously, you will be required to create a user profile.

Submission deadline is December 15, 2015. Authors will be notified with a decision regarding their abstract submission by March 1.

Thank you,

Luke Mortensen
2016 IAMSE Program Chair

IAMSE to attend Generalists/AAMC/NVMO

Dear IAMSE members,

In November, three leading conferences on Medical Education will take place that may be of interest to you. First, The Generalists in Medical Education will be holding their 2015 conference on November 8-9 in Baltimore, Maryland. Information on this conference can be found through the website Also in Baltimore, the 2015 Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Medical Education Meeting with a special focus on education will be taking place from November 10-12. For more information, please visit Finally, the IAMSE booth will also be exhibiting at the annual meeting of the Netherlands Association for Medical Education (NVMO) in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on November 12 and 13. Information on the 2015 NVMO meeting can be found at

The IAMSE booth will be present at these conferences to exhibit and to promote the work and services of IAMSE, so if you plan on attending these meetings, please don’t forget to swing by and say hello! We look forward to seeing you there!

IAMSE – Winter Web Seminar Series: Research in Health Sciences Education

IAMSE is pleased to announce the Winter 2016 Web Seminar!

Research in Health Sciences Education

As health scientists and clinicians, we approach bench and bedside research in logical steps: define questions, plan approaches, fund projects, gather and analyze data, and publish results. As health science educators, our responsibility to our students is to be as efficient and effective as we can be in our educational approaches. We need to follow these same logical steps of scholarly activity to determine the best practices for our teaching and to promulgate results to our colleagues. But few of us are formally trained in education research. How do we translate our skills into this new arena?

This series of six sessions brings together some of the world’s experts in health sciences education research. Dr. Geoff Norman will provide an overview of current and future directions, and Dr. Grace Brannan will get us started with defining research questions and developing approaches. Dr. David Yens will pick up on this foundation with more specifics on how to conduct health science education research. Dr. Jane Dumsha will discuss the important topic of finding funds for your research, and Dr. Peter de Jong will talk about publishing your results. Our final session will provide the unique opportunity of a panel discussion with Editors of five top journals in health sciences education. Their tips for success will provide invaluable help in getting your research published and read by your target audience.

January 7 – Overview of the Status and Future Direction – Presented by Geoff Norman

January 14 – How to Get Started – Presented by Grace Brannan

January 21 – How to do Educational Research – Presented by David Yens

January 28 – How to Find Funding – Presented by Jane Dumsha

February 4 – How to Publish Your Results – Presented by Peter de Jong

February 11 – Panel Discussion: Current publication tips for success with the Editor-in-Chiefs of Medical Science Educator, Medical Teacher, Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Advances in Health Sciences Education, and Medical Education Online – Presented by Peter de Jong, Ronald Harden, Anna Cianciolo, Geoff Norman, and Scott Cottrell

Registration will open early November. Please visit for more information.

IAMSE 2016 Scholarship Award

Dear Colleagues,

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) wishes to encourage and support scholarship in medical science education, and therefore announces the 2016 educational scholarship grant program. IAMSE will award one research grant in the amount of $3000 for a 2-year grant period.

All IAMSE members are eligible to submit a grant proposal. Preference will be given to new projects, and must be relevant to the mission of IAMSE. The results of funded projects must be presented at a future IAMSE meeting. The initial funding award will be announced via email, and at the 2016 IAMSE meeting.

Applications are to be submitted to Brandi ( via email by January 15, 2016. You can download the instructions for grant proposals here.

All information regarding the IAMSE Educational Scholarship Grant, including the application process, eligibility, proposal format, and evaluation criteria can be found on the IAMSE website (

Thank you,

Joe Stein
Chair, IAMSE Educational Scholarship Committee

Carol Nichols – Board of Directors

I have been a member of IAMSE for over ten years and have participated in most of the meetings since that time. IAMSE is one of the few professional organizations that crosses many disciplines and health science professions. During my time as an IAMSE member, I have had the opportunity to network with colleagues around the world who have similar professional goals and interests and grow professionally through consultation and collaboration with the diverse IAMSE membership. When my home institution began the process of restructuring and further integrating our preclinical curriculum in 2008, IAMSE was one of my most valuable sources for consultation, “best practices” information, and cutting edge ideas. Most importantly, the friends I have made though IAMSE keep me excited to return to the meeting each year. I feel like I have found a wonderful professional home, and each meeting is like a reunion!