
#IAMSE16 – Grand Extravaganza to Utrecht

This year the Grand Extravaganza of the IAMSE Annual Meeting in Leiden will take us to Utrecht. This city in the center of the Netherlands is one of the oldest Dutch cities and has been very influential in the past. There are still remains visible from the Roman empire of 2000 years ago.

The participants of this activity will do a guided city tour (walk), followed by a guided boat tour through the canals ending up with a dinner at city castle Oudaen. Transportation from the conference hotel to Utrecht and back will be by coach.

The Grand Extravaganza is scheduled for Tuesday, June 7, 2016 and costs $150 per person. The fee covers all transportation, food and beverage, and all fees associated with the tour. The number of places is limited, so make sure you register in time for the IAMSE Conference and the Grand Extravaganza through the website

We hope you’ll be in Leiden for the meeting and that you will join us on this exciting tour to Utrecht!

#IAMSE16 Meeting Highlight: Geoff Norman

The 20th Annual IAMSE Meeting is just around the corner, and we would like you to get to know some of our keynote speakers! We have four plenary speakers this year, and we hope you enjoy their presentations.

Geoff Norman: Competency-Based Education: Milestones or Millstones? [McMaster University]

Geoff Norman is Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University. He received a Ph.D. in nuclear physics from McMaster University in 1971, and subsequently a M.A. in educational psychology form Michigan State University in 1977. He is the author of 10 books in education, measurement and statistics, and 300 journal articles.

His primary research interest is in cognitive psychology applied to problems of learning and reasoning. He has won numerous awards, including the Hubbard Award from the National Board of Medical Examiners in 1989, the Award of Excellence of the Canadian Association for Medical Education in 1997, the Distinguished Scholar Award of the American Educational Research Association, Division I, in 2000, the Award for Outstanding Achievement of the Medical Council of Canada in 2001. He presently holds a Canada Research Chair. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2007. In 2008, he won the prestigious Karolinska Prize for lifetime achievement in medical education research. He received an honorary degree from Erasmus University in 2010. In 2012, he was appointed the Querido Chair at Erasmus University.

Have you registered for the 20th Annual IAMSE Meeting? The early bird deadline is April 1st, so make sure you register before then if you want the reduced rate! You can register online at

#IAMSE16 – Active Learning: It Takes A Team to Make it Happen

20151111_123707During the upcoming IAMSE meeting in Leiden, there will be a number of terrific pre-conference sessions for your consideration.  We are very excited to offer this workshop on the topic of Active Learning in the classroom.

There is an overlap between small group and large group teaching strategies. Small groups, by their nature, tend to be interactive, using problems or cases to frame discussion among peers and a faculty facilitator. Large groups can become passive and focus on PowerPoint delivery of content. The faculty presenter can get caught up in the role of sage on the stage losing interactivity with the audience. This workshop offers strategies to transition to engaged and active learning.

Participants will:
1. Define the role of the flipped classroom model of education and apply to active learning strategies.
2. Dialogue with experts who use active learning techniques to facilitate learning; increase knowledge of the technique
3. Share additional techniques and adoption strategies
4. Be introduced to the IAMSE Manual: Active Learning

Outcomes: Participants will understand how the flipped classroom model fosters active learning principles. Participants will be able to bring active learning strategies for large group teaching back to their institution. The overall outcome is a positive feeling about introducing new strategies into their teaching of large group sessions. Finally participants will be made aware of a new IAMSE resource, a manual on Active Learning, and be introduced to author experts who are resources to guide them in adopting new active learning strategies.

For more information on the 2016 IAMSE Meeting and to register, click here.

IAMSE Web Audio Seminar Series “Applying Quality Improvement Principles to Advance Faculty Development”



Applying Quality Improvement Principles to Advance Faculty Development
Presenters: Andrea Berry, Julie Bridges Catalano, and Don Robinson
March 31, 12 PM ET

LCME has emphasized the importance of continuous quality improvement (CQI) to ensure AndreaBarrymedical schools have plans in place to meet programmatic goals and outcomes. In order to remain compliant, programs must utilize quality improvement principles, such as those used in the broader healthcare context, to evaluate and develop programming. OfJulieC-B particular interest to this talk, CQI must be applied to faculty professional development (LCME Element 4.5) and in giving feedback to faculty (Element 4.4).

Inspired by the 2015 Institute for Healthcare Improvement Open School Chapter Congress, this presentation will use a rapid fire Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) format to demonstrate progress made with two essential faculty development programs, Resident as Teacher and an Active Learning series, at the University of Central Florida College of Medicine. Participants will explore the types of data that were DonRobisonutilized to make decisions and changes in the faculty development programs while developing an understanding of the principles that drive CQI.

For more information or to register for the Spring Audio Seminar Series, click here.


IAMSE Web Audio Seminar Series “Essay Exams: Beyond Knowledge and Recall of Factual Information”

AmyW-D KlaraPapp

Essay Exams: Beyond Knowledge and Recall of Factual Information
Presenters: Amy Wilson-Delfosse and Klara Papp
March 24, 12 PM ET

A firmly held belief in medical education is that assessment drives learning. Students generally learn what they need to learn to succeed on required assessments. As part of our curriculum redesign a decade ago at Case Western Reserve University SOM, we switched from almost exclusively multiple-choice to open-ended essay type questions. The switch occurred after vigorous debate. The leadership believed that constructed response-type questions promoted more desirable study methods and required conceptual organization and synthesis of information on the students’ part more so than multiple choice. This shift was supported by our faculty. During this webinar, we will review our experience with open-ended assessments as well as the lessons learned using open-ended essay type questions for the assignment of student grades during Foundations of Medicine and Health. We will share a sampling of our faculty’s comments and insights regarding the assessment of student performance using open-ended essay type questions. We will explore evidence behind the commonly held view that open-ended items require that students both search for and retrieve information whereas multiple choice test items require only that students recognize and pick the correct answer out from among a list of incorrect choices (ironically enough, called distractors), i.e., that different assessment formats place different cognitive demands on students.

For more information or to register for the Spring Audio Seminar Series, click here.

#IAMSE16 – ESME Program with Ron Harden and Aviad Haramati


IAMSE is pleased to offer the very successful, AMEE-sponsored course: Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME), led by two distinguished educators: Prof. Ronald Harden, University of DundeeRMHarden and Prof. Aviad Haramati, Georgetown University. The ESME course requires a separate registration and is held on a full day prior to the IAMSE conference, continues with special discussion sessions during the conference, and concludes with a full afternoon on the final conference day.

This course explores numerous themes including: learning outcomes and curricular planning, teaching and learning methods, assessment strategies, educational scholarship and the teacher as a leader. The course is ideal for faculty educators who are eager to learn about the principles of health professions education or for seasoned individuals interested in exploring new ideas and trends. Upon completion of the ESME course (with certificate), Adi Haramatiparticipants are eligible to enroll in the IAMSE Fellowship program.

Teaching this course with Prof. Harden is an honor and a delight. We are always struck by the rich discourse and engaged discussion of the dedicated participants, some of whom either new to education or have recently assumed new curricular responsibilities and others who bring years of experience.” — Aviad Haramati

For more information and to register, click here.

IAMSE Web Audio Seminar Series “Testing your test: Assessing the Quality of Test Items”

Veronica MIchaelsenTesting Your Test: Assessing the Quality of Test Items
Presenter: Veronica Michaelsen
March 17, 12 PM ET

For an assessment to be an acceptable measure of student learning, it must be a valid and reliable and contain high quality test items. But how can you determine if your assessment makes the grade? Psychometric and item analysis data are often provided and allow for a post-hoc analysis of an assessment and yet few of us have formal training on how to interpret these data. This web seminar will review the types of statistics that are generally provided, how these numbers are derived and the waysin which they can be interpreted. Participants will learn about some general guidelines used in determining the quality of test items as well as hear about some of the exceptions to those rules.

For more information or to register for the Spring Audio Seminar Series, click here.

IAMSE Web Audio Seminar Series “Planning for Curriculum Mapping”

DinaKurzweilPlanning for Curriculum Mapping
Presenter: Dina Kurzweil
March 10, 12 PM ET

Curriculum mapping acts as a catalyst for opening up lines of communication among all educators. The use of curriculum mapping encourages leadership, faculty and staff to have conversations within their own department, school, and university, increasing collegiality and breaking down silos.

This session will introduce the audience to topics and conversations focusing on how curriculum mapping gets started. The session will provide some best practices, challenges, and things to consider before engaging in curriculum mapping. Finally we will discuss some of the hidden aspects and impacts of curriculum mapping.

For more information or to register for the Spring Audio Seminar Series, click here.

#IAMSE16 – Site Host Peter de Jong

Peter de JongI am very excited about IAMSE selecting Leiden to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the IAMSE Annual Meeting. The city of Leiden hosts the country’s oldest university (founded in 1575) and almost from the very beginning a Medical School has been in place. So it should not surprise you that Leiden has a very long tradition and excellent record in the field of medical science education. Throughout the city you still find impressive milestones from that legacy. Nowadays, Leiden University Medical Center is a modern high quality healthcare facility delivering patient care, biomedical research, and education in the health care professions across the entire continuum. Leiden Medical School is eager to share their experiences and knowledge in this field with the meeting participants. Therefore please do plan to join us in The Netherlands this June to meet your fellow educators from around the world and to enjoy the wonderful country and its welcoming people.

For more information on the 2016 IAMSE Meeting or to register, please visit

Peter GM de Jong
Leiden University Medical Center
2016 IAMSE Annual Meeting Site Host

IAMSE Web Audio Seminar Series “Instructional Design – Learning Objectives; Backwards Design, Blooms Taxonomy”

Michelle Yoon PortraitInstructional Design – Learning Objectives; Backwards Design, Blooms Taxonomy
Presenter: Michelle Yoon
March 3, 12 PM ET

It is often said that medicine and healthcare is both a science and an art. Likewise, teaching is often referred to as both a science and an art, and the same can said specifically in reference to teaching in medical science education, or health professions education. But before good teaching can occur, it is important to examine the process of developing of learning experiences through systematic instructional design.

“What do you want your students to know?” “What do you want them to be able to do?” “How do you gauge or calibrate the complexity of learning?” This web audio seminar will enable participants to thoughtfully answer these questions, by introducing them to the juxtaposed perspectives of the iterative 5-step Dick and Carey model, and Wiggins & McTighe’s Backward Design Model of instruction design (ID). The session will connect these instructional design paradigms to Bloom’s Taxonomy so that participants will be able to think globally about systematic instructional design in the context of cognition or learning domains.

Participants will be introduced to designing instruction in a methodical, step-by-step, iterative way that allows them to calibrate instruction involving varying levels of complexity. This session will also allow participants to see how designing good instruction can also begin with using learning objectives and goals as a guiding map to help design specific pieces of instruction. Participants will learn how good instructional design can–and should–bridge, or align, learning objectives with assessment in the instructional process.

For more information or to register for the Spring Audio Seminar, please click here.

IAMSE 2016 Spring Audio Seminar Series Registration Now Open!

We are pleased to announce that registration for the 2016 Spring Audio Seminar Series is now open! Sessions begin Thursday, March 3 at 12 PM ET.

Curriculum Design and Evaluation
Curriculum development and evaluation in the modern health sciences environment poses many challenges from the perspective of course developers. Faculty members face an ever-increasing demand to develop integrated courses that incorporate active learning and that are also matched to assessment and program evaluation criteria. To meet this demand and provide quality education programs, faculty members must have a thorough understanding of course design. The IAMSE Spring Series will cover several key topics to help course directors design courses based on carefully planned objectives and expected student outcomes, assess student performance using several types of questions, and perform detailed program evaluation to help gauge course effectiveness and promote successful quality improvement. Session 1 will explore issues related to instructional design with emphasis on creating measurable learning objectives using Blooms Taxonomy, and utilizing a backwards design approach to course development. Session 2 will focus on how to use curriculum mapping to identify content gaps and undesired redundancy within programs. The next two sessions will demonstrate how to perform post-hoc multiple choice item analysis using psychometric data and how to design effective essay questions that assess student knowledge. The final session will concentrate on methods to connect program evaluation to continuous quality improvement.

March 3 – Instructional Design – Learning Objectives; Backwards Design, Blooms Taxonomy – Presented by Michelle Yoon

March 10 – Planning for Curriculum Mapping – Presented by Dina Kurzweil

March 17 – Testing your test: Assessing the Quality of Test Items – Presented by Veronica Michaelsen

March 24 – Essay exams to assess medical knowledge in a large health professions education class – Presented by Amy Wilson-Delfosse and Klara Papp

March 31 – Applying quality improvement principles to advance faculty development – Presented by Andrea Berry, Julie Bridges Catalano, and Don Robinson

Click here to register or for more information on the Spring 2016 Audio Seminar.

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