
IAMSE Web Audio Seminar Series “Use of preclinical High Fidelity Medical Simulations (HFMS) to promote the integration of basic and clinical sciences in undergraduate medical education”

Use of preclinical High Fidelity Medical Simulations (HFMS) to promote the integration of basic and clinical sciences in undergraduate medical education
Presenter: Laurel Gorman
September 8, 12 PM ET

This session will discuss how to implement and effectively integrate pharmacology and physiology with other essential foundational and clinical sciences using preclinical high fidelity medical simulations carefully scaffolded to keep cognitive domain levels appropriate to the novice medical student’s abilities.  While the medical educational literature is replete with proposed curricular models designed to integrate critical foundational sciences like physiology and pharmacology with clinical sciences, gaps exist on the best pedagogy and procedures to maximize conceptual integration and learner encapsulation at the instructor and sessional level.   We will review our research evaluating the effectiveness of various techniques used to teach pharmacology within preclinical simulations, and share models and implemental procedures that best support active learning and reflection on error to maximize the impact to learners.  Further, we hope to promote a dialogue with other medical educators on how to utilize medical simulation pedagogy to support horizontal and vertical integration of the foundational basic and clinical sciences.

For more information and to register for the Fall 2016 Audio Seminar Series, please click here.

#IAMSE17 Plenary Speaker Highlight: Jeffrey D. Karpicke

The 21st Annual IAMSE Meeting is just around the corner, and we would like you to get to know some of our keynote speakers! We have four plenary speakers this year, and we hope you enjoy their presentations.

Jeffrey D. Karpicke: Retrieval-Based Learning: Active Retrieval Promotes Meaningful Learning [Purdue University]

Recent advances in the cognitive science of learning have important implications for instructional practices at all levels of education. For example, cognitive research has identified one strategy that promotes complex learning called retrieval practice: Practicing actively reconstructing one’s knowledge while studying has potent effects on long-term learning. Yet when students monitor and regulate their own learning, they often choose to engage in inferior strategies like repetitive reading, and the ultimate consequence is poor learning. This talk provides an overview of our research program on retrieval-based learning. In recent work, we have extended retrieval practice to meaningful learning of complex educational materials, converted existing classroom activities into retrieval-based activities, and developed new computer-based learning methods for implementing retrieval-based learning. Incorporating retrieval practice into educational activities is a powerful way to enhance learning.

For more information on Dr. Karpicke, please click here.

Be sure to Save the Date for the 2017 IAMSE Meeting! The Meeting will be held in Burlington, Vermont on June 10-13, 2017.


#IAMSE17 – Call for Focus Sessions Reminder: Deadline September 1

The deadline for the 2017 Call for Focus Sessions is quickly drawing near. As a reminder, proposals are to be submitted in the format requested through the online proposal submission site. Submission deadline is September 1, 2016. Session proposal acceptance notifications will be returned by November 15.

Please note that the call for Poster/Oral Abstracts will be sent in the coming weeks. Please contact Brandi Hinkle at for any questions about this call.

Katie Huggett – Board of Directors

I have been a member of IAMSE since 2004. I value IAMSE for the resources and collaborations that enrich my professional work.

IAMSE has been an important source for my professional development.  Also, as a facilitator for the IAMSE Medical Educator Fellowship program, I am privileged to meet and learn from the faculty who have completed the fellowship program. We are indeed fortunate to have members from around the world with expertise in so many areas of health sciences education.

IAMSE Exhibit at AMEE Meeting

The 2016 AMEE Annual Conference will be taking place in Barcelona, Spain from August 27-31. The IAMSE booth will be present at the conference exhibit, so if you plan on attending this meeting, do not forget to swing by and say hello!

For more information on the AMEE conference, please click here

IAMSE – Fall 2016 Webcast Audio Seminar Registration Now Open

Registration for the WAS 2016 Fall Series is now open!

Times are Changing: Evolution and Revolution in Medical Education – Strategies for Assessment of Skills, Attitudes, and Behaviors across the Health Sciences

Contemporary health science curricula have increasingly expanded beyond teaching knowledge and skills to fostering attitudes, behaviors and elements of professionalism.

The fall seminar series addresses approaches by which these qualities and activities can be assessed in learners when they are not easily quantified by standard methods.  The presentations will address contemporary approaches to assessing entrustable professional activities, clinical skills, and non-cognitive components critical to careers in health professions such as life-long learning and professional behaviors.

Sessions will focus on using simulation to teach and assess basic science knowledge and skills, assessment of “self-directed, life-long learning”, utilization of standardized patient educators in clinical skills assessment, and effective strategies for assessing professionalism. In addition, there will be a session on “defining competency, milestones and EPAs”, further developing their relationship, and addressing the challenge associated with their assessment.  Throughout the series the audience will be invited to contribute to the discussion by sharing their experiences via telephone or our newly implemented backchannel communication leading to a stimulating and thought provoking experience that will inform current thinking on the issues.

September 8 – Use of preclinical High Fidelity Medical Simulations (HFMS) to promote the integration of basic and clinical sciences in undergraduate medical education – Presented by Laurel Gorman

September 15 – Self-directed learning in your curriculum – getting from theory to practice – Presented by Sandrijin Vanschaik

September 22 – Entrustment decision making in EPA-based curricula – Presented by Olle ten Cate

September 29 – Standardized Patient Educators in Assessment – Presented by Gayle Gliva

October 6 – New Tools and Paradigms for Assessing Professionalism in the Health Sciences – Presented by John Mahan

For more information or to register, click here.

#IAMSE17 – Call for Focus Sessions Due September 1!

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce the call for focus sessions for the 21st Annual IAMSE Conference to be held in Burlington, VT from June 10-13, 2017. The IAMSE meeting offers opportunities for faculty development and networking, bringing together medical sciences and medical education across the continuum of health care education.

The purpose of a 90-minute Focus Session is to “focus in” on a specific topic in small group discussion format. Groups of 10-50 individuals consider a particular topic in an interactive format. Formats can be variable. Additional information about Focus Group formats is available here.

All abstracts must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site found here.

Submission deadline is September 1, 2016. Abstract acceptance notifications will be returned by November 15.

Please contact Brandi Hinkle at for any questions about submission.

We hope to see you in Vermont next year!

Mark Hernandez – Board of Directors

Membership and participation in the IAMSE society for me has been a valuable tool to help advance my professional career as a medical educator in a number of ways.  Through involvement with this organization I have been able to network with other successful educators.  The weekly webcasts provide valuable information that directly influences my job as educator.  The IAMSE national and international meetings have helped me become more informed about the direction of medical education and opportunities for advancement.

IAMSE is an organization of medical educators who share similar interests that concern medical education. The organization inspires career advancement for all its members through support of networking opportunities and/or participation in workshops. There are numerous opportunities to connect and network with other nationally and internationally recognized medical science educators and those professional interactions have been fruitful in my professional development as an educator.

#IAMSE17 – Save the Date!

Join us for the 21st IAMSE conference on Medical Science Education! We will be meeting in Burlington, Vermont on June 10-13. This meeting is being hosted by The University of Vermont College of Medicine.

Burlington, Vermont, USA
June 10-13, 2017

Hosted by the University of Vermont College of Medicine

This year’s theme is “Delivering Evidence-Based Health Sciences Education.”

Please visit for more details.

IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminar – Save the Date Fall Series

IAMSE is pleased to announce the Fall 2016 Web Seminar!

Times are Changing: Evolution and Revolution in Medical Education – Strategies for Assessment of Skills, Attitudes, and Behaviors across the Health Sciences

Contemporary health science curricula have increasingly expanded beyond teaching knowledge and skills to fostering attitudes, behaviors and elements of professionalism.

The fall seminar series addresses approaches by which these qualities and activities can be assessed in learners when they are not easily quantified by standard methods.  The presentations will address contemporary approaches to assessing entrustable professional activities, clinical skills, and non-cognitive components critical to careers in health professions such as life-long learning and professional behaviors.

Sessions will focus on using simulation to teach and assess basic science knowledge and skills, assessment of “self-directed, life-long learning”, utilization of standardized patient educators in clinical skills assessment, and effective strategies for assessing professionalism. In addition, there will be a session on “defining competency, milestones and EPAs”, further developing their relationship, and addressing the challenge associated with their assessment.  Throughout the series the audience will be invited to contribute to the discussion by sharing their experiences via telephone or our newly implemented backchannel communication leading to a stimulating and thought provoking experience that will inform current thinking on the issues.

September 8 – Simulation to Teach and Assess Basic Science – Presented by Laurel Gorman
September 15 – Assessing “Self-directed, Life-long Learning” – Presented by Sandrijin Vanschaik
September 22 – Competencies, Milestones and EPAs – Presented by Olle ten Cate
September 29 – Standardized Patient Educators in Assessment – Gayle Gliva
October 6 – Assessing Professionalism – Presented by John Mahan

Registration is set to open in August. Please visit for more information.

Have You Updated Your IAMSE Membership Profile?

We believe that it is much easier to connect with colleagues when you remember their faces. Our new membership database platform allows us to include a photo with your profile. We are asking your help to update the new system.

If you would like to upload your picture to your member profile, you can do so by logging in to the IAMSE Member‘s Only section of the website here. If you do not remember your user login information, follow the link “Click Here to Reset your Password.” Once logged in, click “My Profile” at the top of the page and then click on the current picture. Once here, you can upload a picture to your profile and make any necessary changes to your membership profile, such as adding your address, phone number, or university.

If you have any questions about uploading your picture or updating your membership profile, contact Brandi Hinkle at

How to Connect with the IAMSE Admin Team

The IAMSE Admin team has grown. To better support your membership needs, it may be helpful to know our members and what they do for IAMSE.

Julie K. Hewett, CMP
Association Manager

Julie has been supporting IAMSE for over 17 years in many different ways. Currently, she is responsible for Board and Committee support and conference management. Julie will continue to oversee the rest of the management team to support the overall needs of the Association.

Brandi Hinkle
Account Manager, Membership Support

Brandi’s role with IAMSE will be as the first point of member contact whether by phone or email. She will be helping to manage the day-to-day operations of the Association and will be available to answer questions regarding memberships, web audio seminars and upcoming Association activities.

Amoritia Strogen-Hewett
MSE Editorial Assistant, Conference Logistics

Amoritia currently serves as the Editorial Assistant for Medical Science Educator. She will also play a major role in abstract management for the conference as well as on-site logistics.

Kyle Hewett
IT Manager, Conference Logistics

Kyle will be providing IAMSE with his technical expertise in server and website maintenance. He will be working behind the scenes with the Website Committee to evaluate the current website as well as work to improve the services it provides.

Alex Strogen
Graphic Designer

Alex creates graphics for the association while also handling any of the marketing needs that may arise.

Danielle Inscoe
Communications and Website Manager

Danielle manages the social media aspect of IAMSE. She helps create posts to get the word out about what goes on within the organization. She also ensures the website for IAMSE is always up to date while also helping get new content posted as it becomes available.

How to Connect with the Team:

c/o JulNet Solutions, LLC
1404 1/2 Adams Avenue
Huntington, WV 25704
Phone: 304 522 1270
Fax: 304 523 9701

Julie Hewett:
Brandi Hinkle:
Amoritia Strogen-Hewett:
Kyle Hewett:
Alex Strogen:
Danielle Inscoe:
