Did you know that IAMSE has published two how-to manuals: the How-To Guide for Active Learning and the How-To Guide for Team-Based Learning?
How-To Guide for Active Learning: This manual is a compilation of teaching strategies in active learning to adapt to your own large group settings.
Each chapter is a specific description of a strategy written by authors who are experienced in using the strategy in a classroom environment with students. The Manual chapters are designed to be accessible and practical to the reader. The manual is edited by Alice Fornari and Ann Poznanski.
How-To Guide for Team-Based Learning: This “How-To” Guide for Team-Based Learning is a manual that provides an overview of the fundamental components TBL and serves as a blueprint for instructors considering using this technique. The manual also identifies factors that will facilitate or sabotage a successful implementation of TBL. Authored by Ruth Levine and Patricia Hudes, both internationally recognized experts in the field of TBL
If you’d like to purchase one or both of these manuals, please visit the IAMSE store here. Each manual is $5 for members or $10 for non-members.
The IAMSE manuals are for individual use only and are not to be copied or distributed.