
IAMSE – Winter 2016 WAS Archive Now Available

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce that the archives for the 2016 Winter Series of the Webcast Audio Seminars, Research in Health Sciences Education, are now available online!

The Webcast Audio Seminar archives are located on the IAMSE website under the Events heading as Web Seminars. Here, you will be able to search the archives or browse by year and series.

If you have any questions or problems accessing the archives, please just let us know at

Jonathan Wisco – Board of Directors

IAMSE is many things; but to me, it is the only professional society in which basic scientists, clinicians, and medical educators work together through a mentoring process to solve issues and overcome barriers in curricular design and pedagogical effectiveness. IAMSE is an excellent resource for learning and applying new techniques, and the development of teaching technologies. Finally, IAMSE is the hub for emerging efforts to integrate across disciplines and professions.

IAMSE – Call for Travel Awards – Due 2/3

The IAMSE Conference Travel Awards support students or junior faculty to attend the IAMSE Annual Meeting. The amount of the 2017 Travel Awards will be $1,500, and is meant to cover expenses related to attendance at the IAMSE annual meeting in Burlington, such as conference registration, lodging, and airfare. Any IAMSE member who will attend the 2017 Annual Meeting is eligible to apply, though preference will be given to those submitting conference proposals for a poster abstract.

To be considered for the award, an applicant must submit the following items:

  1. A current CV
  2. A 300 word Personal Statement
  3. An abstract or description of the work, if applicable

Applications must be submitted via e-mail, in duplicate, to: Brandi Hinkle ( and Joe Stein ( by February 3, 2017.

Registration Now Open for Winter 2017 Webcast Audio Seminars

Registration for the WAS 2017 Winter Series is now open!

Creating a Culture of Well-being at an Academic Health Center

Reports from various sources indicate that chronic stress and burnout is prevalent in the health professions, affecting over half of primary care practitioners and even more in several specialties. This trend may begin earlier with the observed decline in empathy during medical student and residency training and the alarming rates of burnout in medical and other students in the health professions. As educators, administrators and academic health leaders grapple with developing interventions to address these issues, evidence is emerging that programs aimed at fostering resilience and stress reduction such as mindfulness, reflective capacity and appreciate inquiry, also lead to increased empathy and improved well being. Furthermore, the AAMC, ACGME and other national organizations are working to improve the learning environment and facilitate the creation of a culture of well-being at academic health centers. The IAMSE 2017 Winter Web Seminar Series has an impressive panel of leaders who will share their expertise on trainee stress and burnout and curricular interventions that have been shown to address these issues. The series is designed to help faculty, course directors and administrators understand the issues and hear about successful approaches and innovations to improve the health and well-being of students, residents and faculty. In Session 1, Dr. Colin West will provide an overview to the issue of student stress and physician burnout and share outcomes from the large studies conducted by the team at Mayo Clinic. In Sessions 2-5, Drs. Stuart Slavin (St. Louis University), Catherine Pipas (Dartmouth), Adi Haramati (Georgetown) and Michael Krasner (University of Rochester) will describe the rationale and approaches they undertook at different institutions and in various learners and trainees. We hope that this series will bring these serious issues to your awareness and provide you with possible solutions and ideas on how to move forward at your institution.

January 5 – Physician burnout and distress – causes, consequences, and a structure for solutions – Presented by Colin West

January 12 – Improving Medical Student Mental Health: A Multifaceted Approach – Presented by Stuart Slavin

January 19 – Strategies for promoting personal health & wellness and leading change at the individual level – Presented by Catherine Pipas

January 26 – The Imperative for Incorporating Mind-Body Medicine in Health Professions Education – Presented by Adi Haramati

February 2 – Cultivating Resilience and Reducing Burnout for Health Professionals: The Power of Presence, Reflective Practice and Appreciative Dialogue – Presented by Michael Krasner

For more information or to register, please click here.

IAMSE – Reminder: Board of Directors Nominations Due 11/20!

As a reminder, IAMSE is currently seeking nominations and self-nominations of candidates to serve on the IAMSE Board of Directors. International members are particularly invited.

The Board of Directors is the governing body that determines the direction of IAMSE and all our various programs and activities. This Spring, three of the Director positions become subject to election. The term for an IAMSE Director is for three years, renewable once.

The formal “job descriptions” for IAMSE Director are posted here. To submit your nomination or self-nomination by November 20 at 5 PM ET, please click here.

#IAMSE17 – Call for Abstracts Reminder – Due 12/15

The deadline for poster abstract submission is quickly drawing near! As a reminder, IAMSE is currently accepting Oral and Poster abstract presentations to be presented at the 21st Annual IAMSE Conference. The 2017 IAMSE Meeting will be held in Burlington, Vermont from June 10-13, 2017. The IAMSE meeting offers opportunities for faculty development and networking, bringing together medical science educators from many professional disciplines and spanning the continuum of health care education.

All abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site.

Please click here to submit your abstract
Please note: The first time you enter the site, if you have not already done so previously, you will be required to create a user profile.

The deadline for submission is December 15, 2016 at 5 PM ET! Authors will be notified with a decision regarding their abstract submission by March 1. There is no limit to the number of abstracts you can submit.

Students – Would you like someone to review your proposal before you submit it? If so, the IAMSE Student Research Committee members will review your proposal and give you feedback to improve your proposal. The deadline for this optional review is November 14, 2016 (one month before the actual submission deadline). Please send your proposal to

Call for Board of Directors Nominations – Due 11/20

It’s time once again to begin thinking about selection of those to serve on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE). IAMSE is currently seeking nominations and self-nominations of candidates from across the membership. International members are particularly invited.

The Board of Directors is the governing body that determines the direction of IAMSE and all our various programs and activities. This Spring, three of the Director positions become subject to election and the formal “job descriptions” for IAMSE Director are posted here.

What is the role of a Board Member? The Board Member is expected to be an advocate for the organization and to bring fresh ideas to IAMSE. In addition, each Director will be in charge of an IAMSE-sponsored project.

What is the time commitment for the Board Member? The term is for three years, renewable once. Board meetings are held via conference call every two months, with additional business conducted through e-mail.

If this opportunity to expand your influence in medical education while advancing the work of IAMSE fits your personal career goals, then the Nomination Committee invites you to submit your nomination for Board of Director.

To submit your nomination or self-nomination by November 20, 5 PM ET, please click here!

We look forward to hearing from the IAMSE membership and thank you for your continued commitment to the IAMSE mission.

Rick Vari – WAS Committee Chair

I have been a member of IAMSE for 15 years and love being a part of this association. The program at the annual meeting is always current, exciting and designed for maximization of interaction, faculty development and networking. They are also a lot of fun! Numerous opportunities exist for individuals in IAMSE to expand their educational horizon and build their educational leadership portfolio within the IAMSE family. I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate in many IAMSE activities including membership on meeting program committees, web seminar presentations, faculty development workshops, Membership Committee, Professional Development Committee, and serving two terms on the Board of Directors. For the past three years, I have had the distinct privilege and honor to Chair the Web Seminar Committee. This group of IAMSE colleagues works diligently all year long to bring to the IAMSE membership three web seminar series a year (5 sessions each) focused on the most current and interesting health sciences education topics. The committee also strives to connect these seminars to the annual meeting program and the themes and topics in our journal Medical Science Educator to provide a longitudinal education continuum for our membership. This association has become my educational family and I have been mentored by the best educators in the world. It is very special!

IAMSE Exhibiting at AAMC, NVMO, and The Generalists

In November, the IAMSE booth will be present at three medical education conferences to exhibit. First the IAMSE representatives will be present at the annual meeting of The Generalists in Medical Education, which will take place on November 10-11 in Seattle, Washington (USA). Information on this conference can be found here. After that the booth will be present at the 2016 Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Medical Education Meeting, also in Seattle, from November 12-14.  Click here for more information on the AAMC meeting. Finally the IAMSE booth will also be exhibiting at the Netherlands Association for Medical Education (NVMO) in Egmond aan Zee in The Netherlands on November 17-18. Information on the 2016 NVMO meeting can be found here.

At all three meetings IAMSE members are involved in sessions and presentations. If you plan on attending one of these meetings, do not forget to swing by our booth and say hello! The IAMSE team appreciates your interest and presence. We look forward to seeing you there!

IAMSE – Winter 2017 Webcast Audio Seminar Save the Date!

IAMSE is pleased to announce the Winter 2017 Web Seminar!

Creating a Culture of Well-being at an Academic Health Center

Reports from various sources indicate that chronic stress and burnout is prevalent in the health professions, affecting over half of primary care practitioners and even more in several specialties. This trend may begin earlier with the observed decline in empathy during medical student and residency training and the alarming rates of burnout in medical and other students in the health professions. As educators, administrators and academic health leaders grapple with developing interventions to address these issues, evidence is emerging that programs aimed at fostering resilience and stress reduction such as mindfulness, reflective capacity and appreciate inquiry, also lead to increased empathy and improved well being. Furthermore, the AAMC, ACGME and other national organizations are working to improve the learning environment and facilitate the creation of a culture of well-being at academic health centers. The IAMSE 2017 Winter Web Seminar Series has an impressive panel of leaders who will share their expertise on trainee stress and burnout and curricular interventions that have been shown to address these issues. The series is designed to help faculty, course directors and administrators understand the issues and hear about successful approaches and innovations to improve the health and well-being of students, residents and faculty. In Session 1, Dr. Colin West will provide an overview to the issue of student stress and physician burnout and share outcomes from the large studies conducted by the team at Mayo Clinic. In Sessions 2-5, Drs. Stuart Slavin (St. Louis University), Catherine Pipas (Dartmouth), Adi Haramati (Georgetown) and Michael Krasner (University of Rochester) will describe the rationale and approaches they undertook at different institutions and in various learners and trainees. We hope that this series will bring these serious issues to your awareness and provide you with possible solutions and ideas on how to move forward at your institution.

January 5 – Physician burnout and distress – causes, consequences, and a structure for solutions – Presented by Colin West

January 12 – Improving Medical Student Mental Health: A Multi-faceted Approach – Presented by Stuart Slavin

January 19 – Strategies for promoting personal health & wellness and leading change at the individual level – Presented by Catherine Pipas

January 26 – The Imperative for Incorporating Mind-Body Medicine in Health Professions Education – Presented by Adi Haramati

February 2 – Cultivating Resilience and Reducing Burnout for Health Professionals: The Power of Presence, Reflective Practice and Appreciative Dialogue – Presented by Michael Krasner

Registration is set to open in November. Please visit for more information.

IAMSE Fall 2016 WAS Session 5 Highlights

In case you missed yesterday’s Webcast Audio Seminar (WAS) Session, here are the highlights of this session:

New Tools and paradigms for Assessing Professionalism in the Health Sciences

John D. Mahan, MD
Nationwide Children’s Hospital/Ohio State University

  • Many definitions exist for “professionalism” and they have been around for a long time (ancient Greece)
  • Education and assessment of professionalism needs to be reinforced in our learners and ourselves (Health Sciences are professions-patients deserve it)
  • Overarching models exist linking the three constructs/models of professionalism: virtues, behaviors, and professional identity; each one being defined and described
  • The challenges to assessing each of the constructs/models were explored
  • Many assessment methods exist; nine were listed with examples and the following five were discussed in great detail:
    • Professionalism Mini-Evaluation Exercise (P-Mex)
    • Standardized Direct Observation Assessment Tool (SDOT)
    • 360° Multisource Feedback (MSF)
    • Reflection- A Window to Professionalism Development & Status
    • Professionalism Climate Assessment
  • Recommendations for assessment of professionalism
    • Link the assessment to the educational task and effort
    • Use multiple assessment methods that address multiple professionalism constructs/models

Be sure to save the date for the IAMSE Winter 2017 Webcast Audio Seminar Series beginning January 5!

#IAMSE17 – Call for Poster Abstracts – Due 12/15!

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce the call for abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations for the 21st Annual IAMSE Conference to be held in Burlington, Vermont from June 10-13, 2017. The IAMSE meeting offers opportunities for faculty development and networking, bringing together medical sciences and medical education across the continuum of health care education.

Please click here to submit your abstract today.

Please note: The first time you enter the site, you will be required to create a user profile. All abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site.

Submission deadline is December 15, 2016. Abstract acceptance notifications will be returned by March 1.

Students – Would you like someone to review your proposal before you submit it? If so, the IAMSE Student Research Committee members will review your proposal and give you feedback to improve your proposal. The deadline for this optional review is November 14, 2016 (one month before the actual submission deadline). Please send your proposal to