
IAMSE Spring Web Audio Seminar: “Remediation of ‘High Stakes’ Professional Exams”

Remediation of “High Stakes” Professional Exams
Presenter: Aubrey Knight, Nicole Wadsworth, Pat Kenney-Moore
March 9, 12 PM ET

(USMLE Step-1, COMLEX, PANCE) Nicole Wadsworth will describe the multidisciplinary approach to identifying and supporting the students who are most at risk for failing Level 1 of the COMLEX exam.

Pat Kenney-Moore: Physician assistant education is a condensed and abbreviated version of allopathic medical education that occurs over an average of 27 months. The licensing examination for PAs (Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination or PANCE) is uniquely situated to occur after graduation, creating challenges in identifying at risk students early in order to ameliorate potentially negative outcomes after graduation. This portion of the webinar will highlight issues related to PA student remediation and the approach to graduates who are unsuccessful in passing the PANCE.

Aubrey Knight will talk about the process of preparing, monitoring progress, modifying study strategies, and remediation of students for USMLE Step 1.

For more information and to register for the Spring 2017 Audio Seminar Series, please click here.

IAMSE Spring Web Seminar Series: “Remediation of Basic Science in Integrated Blocks”

Remediation of Basic Science in Integrated Blocks
Presenters: Giulia Bonaminio and Jeannette Guerrasio
March 2, 12 PM ET

The session will define remediation and describe the unique challenges of struggling medical students, including information to guide course directors and students through the process. Drs. Guerrasio and Bonaminio will highlight teaching tips to improve our learners’ studying and test taking skills. Examples of remediation programs will also be discussed.

For more information and to register for the Spring 2017 Audio Seminar Series, please click here.

#IAMSE17 – Katie Huggett 2017 Program Chair

This year’s annual meeting will focus on “Delivering Evidence-Based Health Sciences Education.” We will be led in our discussions and deliberations throughout the event with internationally-renowned plenary speakers Dr. Eric Mazur, Dr. Patrick G. Croskerry, Dr. Jimmie Leppink and Dr. Jeffrey D. Karpicke and other education scholars and innovators. The conference theme will explore the evidence for effective teaching strategies and challenge us to ask difficult questions about how we teach and assess learners and the scientific evidence to support our work. This scholarly approach to health sciences education will be reflected in the meeting’s posters, oral sessions and workshops.

The Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont looks forward to welcoming you to beautiful Burlington, Vermont in June 2017. Vermont is centrally located in New England for easy access to the major metropolitan areas on the East Coast, including New York, Boston, New Jersey, Connecticut and Montreal, Canada. Consistently ranked among America’s top places to live and top college towns, Burlington is a vibrant city with downtown shopping, lakefront areas, and an active local food and craft brewing scene. There are many outdoor activity and recreational options for all ages, and the Green Mountains are only a short drive from the city. There will be much to experience so I encourage you to bring yourself, your colleagues, and your families!

Have you registered for the 2017 IAMSE Meeting yet? Register online today at!

IAMSE Winter 2017 WAS Session 5 Highlights

In case you missed last week’s Webcast Audio Seminar Series, here’s the highlights of the session:

Cultivating Resilience and Reducing Burnout for Health Professionals: The Power of Presence, Reflective Practice and Appreciative Dialogue
Mick Krasner MD
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry


  • The current crisis in the practice of Medicine is influenced by crises of meaning, identity, purpose and role.
  • To offset burnout, it is imperative to create capacity as individuals and organizations to build resilience and a sense of accomplishment in work life.
  • Resilience is an integrated way of learning, a capacity that can be cultivated and grown. Humans are uniquely designed for this.
  • Cultivating resilience involves reimagining how one views stress and how one sees his/her capacity to cope with stress.
  • In order to build resources for resilience, one must engage with the environment, acknowledge uncertainty, face difficulties head-on, appraise one’s relationship with stress and develop perspective-taking skills.
  • Physician well-being and burnout inform both quality of care and quality of caring.
  • Three domains characterize burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low personal accomplishment. Negative physical, social and psychological environments influence these domains.
  • There is no “one size fits all” for interventions to address burnout. However, the literature provides many examples of different interventions that have had positive effects in the burnout domains. (Kearney, JAMA, 2009, West et al. Lancet, 2016, West et al. JAMA, 2014, Krasner et al. JAMA, 2009, Beckman et al. Academic Medicine, 2013).
  • Strategies for addressing burnout and cultivating well-being include: mindfulness, appreciative inquiry and communication and narrative medicine (crafting stories).
  • Participation in a mindful communication program yielded positive results. Participants identified three domains for enhancing wellness: establishing a sense of community, skills development and self-care (giving oneself permission to take time for self-development).
  • Wellness is not just for the “at risk” and “floundering;” it needs to be integrated into the formal and hidden curricula and prioritized and institutionalized at all levels of education.

Registration for the Spring WAS Series is now open! Click here for more information or to register today.

IAMSE – 2017 Board of Directors Slate Online

We are pleased to present the Nominating Committee’s slate of candidates for the 2017 election of members for the Board of Directors of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE). In accordance with our bylaws, the committee has delivered these names and supporting materials for posting to our website. We now invite you to review the individuals and their qualifications. Click here to view the slate.

This information will remain posted throughout the month of February, and on March 1st an electronic ballot will be activated. At that time, IAMSE members in good standing will be invited to select three (3) of the candidates for the position of Director.

Write-in candidates will be accepted until Wednesday, February 15th. To qualify for nomination by petition, each candidate must have the support of at least 15 IAMSE members in good standing. All petitions and letters must be addressed to and received by Brandi Hinkle ( on or before midnight Eastern Time (GMT-5).

IAMSE Winter 2017 WAS Session 4 Highlights

In case you missed last week’s Webcast Audio Seminar (WAS) Session, here are the highlights of this session:

The Imperative for Incorporating Mind-Body Medicine in Health Professions Education
Aviad Haramati PhD
Georgetown University School of Medicine


  • There is abundant evidence in the literature underscoring the prevalence and impact of physician burnout.
  • Physician burnout is a serious issue that is preceded by declines in empathy and well-being in medical school.
  • Medical schools have a responsibility to prepare graduates for the rigors of the medical profession through curricular interventions that help to manage stress, foster empathy and build resilience. Mind-Body Medicine is one such approach. These interventions need to be fully integrated into the institutional culture.
  • Practicing mindfulness can reduce burnout and increase empathy by modulating the physiologic stress response to help individuals “de-stress” and bring their stress hormones back to baseline.
  • Mind-Body therapies include the following: Meditation, Imagery, Biofeedback, Self-Hypnosis, Breathing Techniques, Exercise, Yoga/Tai Chi and Group Support.
  • Georgetown University instituted a voluntary Mind-Body Medicine program for medical students which utilizes a skills development platform that is designed to cultivate self-awareness, self-care and personal growth. Key components of this Mind-Body Medicine intervention include: fostering engagement by faculty and medical students, non-marginalization of Mind- Body participants, maintenance of confidentiality and group support. Data collected indicate that an increase in mindfulness correlates with a decrease in perceived stress. For further information about this program, contact Dr. Haramati at
  • Mindful practice and enhancing self-consciousness, self-care and a sense of meaning in work are elements that need to be actively integrated into the curriculum and culture at academic health centers.
  • Burnout is an issue that extends across all health professions. It is an issue that needs to be taken seriously with the understanding that the status quo is not acceptable.

For more information on the final session or to register, please click here.

IAMSE Winter 2017 WAS Session 3 Highlights

In case you missed last week’s Webcast Audio Seminar (WAS) Session, here are the highlights of this session:

Strategies for Promoting Personal Health and Wellness and Leading Change at the Individual Level
Catherine Florio Pipas MD, MPH
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth


  • A commitment to personal health and wellness positively impacts the individual, as well as patients, colleagues, learners and the entire community of practice. How can we empower individuals to help themselves?
  • Applying a systems-based improvement model (e.g. SWOT, PDSA) to the individual serves as a framework for the development and maintenance of personal health and well-being.
  • Improving the work life of health care clinicians and staff is an additional, essential component of the Triple Aim, which is known as the Quadruple Aim (Bodenheimer & Sinsky, 2014).
  • Strategies for the development and maintenance of personal health and wellness include the following:
    • Self-Awareness (Know self. How do I assess my level of burnout?)
    • Self-Care (Be authentic to self. What gives me meaning?)
    • Self-Improvement (Improve self. What is my personal health improvement plan [PHIP]?)
  • Reframing “resilience” as Post Traumatic Growth vs. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder allows for flexibility and improvement when faced with adversity.
  • Factors that contribute to resilience include: optimism, facing fear, moral compass, religion and spirituality, social support, role models, physical exercise, mental exercise, flexibility and acceptance (cognitive reframing) and meaning/purpose. These serve as cushions for our lived realities.
  • Use SMART goals, Self-SWOT and Geisel PHIP template as resources to develop a PHIP. Worksheet can be found here.
  • Top ten PHIP themes include:
    1. Meditation/Mindfulness
    2. Physical Exercise
    3. Healthy Eating
    4. Sleep Hygiene
    5. Reflection/Journaling
    6. Un Plug from Technology
    7. Time Management
    8. Social Supports
    9. Positivity/Appreciative Inquiry
    10. Hobbies.
  • Self-care is a sign of personal strength, commitment and success that leaders need to prioritize, role-model and support.
  • The sustainability of our healthcare system is determined by the health and well-being of each one of us.

Registration Now Open – 2017 IAMSE Meeting!

We are pleased to announce that registration for the 21st Annual Meeting of IAMSE, to be held June 10-13, 2017 in Burlington, Vermont, is now open!

At this annual meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) faculty, staff and students from around the world who are interested in medical science education join together in faculty development and networking opportunities. Sessions on curriculum development, assessment and simulation are among the common topics available at the annual meetings.

Featured plenary speakers include Jeffrey D. Karpicke, Eric Mazur, Jimmie Leppink, and Patrick G. Croskerry.

Additional meeting details and registration can be found at

Registration Now Open for the 2017 Spring Audio Seminar Series

Registration is now open for the Spring 2017 Audio Seminar Series! Sessions start on Thursday, March 2, 2017.

Remediation in Health Sciences Education

As a follow-up to the IAMSE fall 2016 web seminar series on assessment, the spring 2017 IAMSE web seminar series will continue with exciting, informative sessions focusing on remediation. The goal of remediation is to correct the course of students who have gone astray in their journey to become a health professional. However, because of the varying components in a professional health science curriculum including basic science knowledge, clinical skills, and professionalism coupled with ever changing curricular modifications; effective remediation in health science education has become a complex issue with many challenges. To explore some of these issues, the spring web seminar series will provide a series of presentations by speakers who will share their experiences and expertise in remediation. The fundamental groundwork for the understanding of the importance of successful remediation will be laid and examples of programs who have applied these principles to integrated basic science courses and clinical skills will be provided. A timely presentation on the approaches to remediation of the new paradigm in undergraduate medical education assessment: Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) will be included. Licensing exam failures are a major concern in health professions education and one session will be dedicated to a panel presentation of identification of students in jeopardy of not passing and/or remediation of these exams from the perspectives of allopathic (USMLE Step-1), osteopathic (COMLEX), and physician assistant (PANCE) medical programs. The series will also contain a session on the many issues (philosophical, educational, and legal) of “forward-feeding” assessment information on learners to faculty in subsequent courses. The audience will be invited to contribute to the series by sharing their experiences and insights using the phone line or our newly implemented back-channel communication.

March 2 – Remediation of Basic Science in Integrated Blocks – Presented by Giulia Bonaminio and Jeanette Guerrasio

March 9 – Remediation of “High Stakes” Professional Exams – Presented by Aubrey Knight, Nicole Wadsworth, and Pat Kenney-Moore

March 16 – How to Remediate Trust Issues Related to EPAs – Presented by Brian Martin

March 23 – Forward Feeding of Assessment Information: Should We Do It? – Presented by Lynn Cleary

March 30 – Clinical Skills Remediation – Presented by Cate Nicholas and Camilla Curren

Click here to register or for more information on the Spring 2017 Audio Seminar.

IAMSE Winter 2017 WAS Session 2 Highlights

In case you missed last week’s Webcast Audio Seminar (WAS) Session, here are the highlights of this session:

Improving Medical Student Mental Health: A Multi-faceted Approach
Stuart Slavin MD, MEd
Saint Louis University (SLU) School of Medicine


  • Statistical indicators for moderate to severe depression and anxiety rates across the spectrum of physician training (medical students, residents, physicians) are alarmingly high.
  • Investing in well-being improves cognitive functioning.
  • Rather than mistreatment, medical students are mostly demoralized by working with unhappy residents, unhappy faculty and the subjectivity and perceived unfairness of grading.
  • It is imperative to improve the clinical learning environment and enhance the well-being of the residents and faculty who train medical students.
  • Making improvements across the clinical learning environment includes a focus on: workload, control, rewards, community, fairness and values.
  • The SLU Mental Health Initiative, which began in 2009 sought to develop a new model for mental healthcare for medical students that is not limited to the preclinical years. This model is designed to decrease the unnecessary stressors in the learning environment, create opportunities for students to find and sustain meaning in their work and increase students’ ability to deal with stress.
  • Curricular interventions were designed to cultivate mindfulness, metacognition and resilience without a huge investment of time. Key constructs of resilience include: cognitive restructuring (maladaptive perfectionism, imposter syndrome, cognitive distortions) negativity bias, optimistic vs. pessimistic explanatory styles, positive emotions and emotional self-regulation.
  • Current data from the SLU Mental Health Initiative indicate reduced levels of depression and anxiety for first and second year medical students.
  • Lessons learned: more is not necessarily better and overloading students has a negative impact on their mental health, an emotional reaction can modify the outcome of an adverse event, toxic learning environments override resilience, the origins of mental health are multi-factorial and synergistic; changing one variable is not sufficient.
  • For further details about the SLU Mental Health Initiative, contact Dr. Stuart Slavin

IAMSE Educational Scholarship Grant – Updated Information and Deadline

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) wishes to announce an increase in support for the educational scholarship grant program for the 2017 fiscal year. IAMSE will now award two grants per year, and the budgetary allowance has been increased to $5,000 per grant. In addition, each successful applicant will receive a $1,500 travel award to present the results of their grant research at an IAMSE meeting subsequent to the grant award.

Due to these changes, the deadline for submission of 2017 grant proposals has been extended until February 15, 2017.

All IAMSE members are eligible to submit a grant proposal. Preference will be given to new projects, and must be relevant to the mission of IAMSE. The results of funded projects must be presented at a future IAMSE meeting. The initial funding award will be announced via email, and at the 2017 IAMSE meeting.

Applications are to be submitted in duplicate to Brandi Hinkle ( and Norma Saks ( via email by Febuary 15, 2017. You can find the instructions for grant proposals here:

All information regarding the IAMSE Educational Scholarship Grant, including the application process, eligibility, proposal format, and evaluation criteria can be found on the IAMSE website (

Call for Master Teacher & Master Scholar Nominations – Deadline: 2/28!

Since 2007, IAMSE has honored member medical educators with two prestigious awards, the Master Scholar and Master Teacher awards. We now open the nominations for the 2017 Master awards, which will be presented at the annual meeting in Burlington, Vermont in June.

The Master Scholar Award recognizes an IAMSE member who has a distinguished record of educational scholarship, including educational research and/or dissemination of scholarly approached to teaching and education. This could include development of multimedia medical education programs, research in the areas of curriculum design and evaluation, student assessment, or innovative programs and methods.

The Master Teacher Award honors an IAMSE member who, over the course of many years, has consistently demonstrated extraordinary excellence in teaching, both at his/her institution and within IAMSE. Any teaching can be recognized, but nominations of members who have been active teachers at the annual IAMSE meetings or web seminars are particularly encouraged.

Qualified candidates may self-nominate, or be nominated by an IAMSE colleague.

Details regarding each award, required application materials, and deadlines are found in the download linked here. All nomination/application packets must be received by Brandi Hinkle ( no later than February 28, 2017.