
#IAMSE16 – Congratulations Travel Award Winners

We would like to extend our congratulations to two individuals who have been awarded the 2016 IAMSE Travel Award.

The awardees for 2016 are:

Junior Faculty:
Jinping Li, MD, PhD
Department of Biomedical Science
Mercer University School of Medicine
Savannah, GA, USA

Kevin S. Steed
Department of Physiology & Developmental Biology
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT, USA

The IAMSE Conference Travel Awards support students or junior faculty to attend the IAMSE Annual Meeting. The amount of the 2016 Travel Awards will be $1,500, and are meant to cover expenses related to attendance at the IAMSE annual meeting, such as conference registration, lodging, and airfare.

#IAMSE16 Meeting Highlight: Cees van der Vleuten

The 20th Annual IAMSE Meeting is just around the corner, and we would like you to get to know some of our keynote speakers! We have four plenary speakers this year, and we hope you enjoy their presentations.

Cees van der Vleuten: A Programmatic Approach to Assessment [Maastricht University]

Cees van der Vleuten came to the University of Maastricht in 1982. He was appointed as a Professor of Education in 1996 at the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences and chair of the Department of Educational Development and Research. In 2005 he was appointed as the Scientific Director of the School of Health Professions Education ( His area of expertise lies in evaluation and assessment. He has published widely on these topics, holds numerous academic awards for his work, including several career awards. He has frequently served as a consultant internationally. He is a mentor for many researchers in medical education and has supervised more than 60 doctoral graduate students in the past. In 2010 he received a Dutch royal decoration for the societal impact of his work and in 2012 the Karolinska Prize for Research in Medical Education. A full curriculum vitae can be found at:

It’s still not too late to register for the 2016 IAMSE Meeting in Leiden! Registration and session information can be found at

#IAMSE16 Meeting Highlight: Marlies Reinders

The 20th Annual IAMSE Meeting is just around the corner, and we would like you to get to know some of our keynote speakers! We have four plenary speakers this year, and we hope you enjoy their presentations.

Marlies Reinders: Innovations in Clinical Kidney Transplant Education by a Massive Open Online Course [Leiden University Medical Center]

Marlies Reinders (MD, PhD) is a Nephrologist at the Leiden University Medical Center. She has long experience in renal transplantation, including research at the Transplant Immunology Laboratory, Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston. She published extensively in the field of transplantation and is principal investigator on clinical trials of stem cells in kidney disease. She has a major track in education. She is involved in the organization of the new curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Leiden and in the integration of novel forms of education in medicine for (under)graduate students and professionals. She is project leader of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Clinical Kidney Transplantation which started January 2016. The course is mentioned among the world’s few clinical MOOCs and is endorsed by various scientific organizations including the Dutch Transplant Society (NTV), the European Society of Transplantation (ESOT) and the International Transplantation Society. In addition, Marlies Reinders is chair of the International Leiden Oxford Summer School of Transplantation and member of the Education Committee of the ESOT. Since this year, Marlies Reinders is president of the Dutch Transplant Society and board member of Eurotransplant

MOOC links:

Have you registered for the 20th Annual IAMSE Meeting? Registration is still available online at We hope to see you there!

How to Connect with IAMSE on Social Media

Stay up to date with all of the latest IAMSE news and meeting updates by subscribing to IAMSE on social media!  IAMSE can be found on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Please see details below!






Registration for the 20th Annual IAMSE meeting is still open. At the annual meeting faculty, staff and students from around the world who are interested in medical science education join together in faculty development and networking opportunities. Sessions on curriculum development, assessment and simulation are among the common topics available at the annual meetings. For updates on the upcoming 20th Annual IAMSE Meeting, please visit


#IAMSE16 Basics of TBL in a Day

IAMSE is pleased to present our pre-conference workshop on the “Basics of Team-Based Learning in a Day”, led by certified consultant-trainers from the Team-Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC). We hope you’ll join us to learn about TBL and how to make it work for you!

The session starts with TBL 101 – This is the single best introduction to TBL. It is conducted in the TBL format to demonstrate the process, while giving participants the student experience. Participants must prepare ahead, take an IRAT, and engage actively with their assigned team members. The structure, process, and essential characteristics of an effective TBL module are emphasized. By the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to describe the elements and of TBL and debate how they impact small group learning through experiencing a TBL module.

The afternoon session will focus on applying what was learned in the morning session to the challenge of creating an effective TBL module. This session uses the TBL format to explore readiness assurance and group application exercise questions more thoroughly, including time for participants to work on creating their own applications with peer and faculty feedback. By the conclusion of the afternoon, participants will be able to create an action plan on how they might convert a learning session into a TBL module and to construct a group application that enhances team cohesiveness.

For more information on the 2016 IAMSE Meeting and to register, click herePlease note, this workshop is being offered as a pre-conference workshop. You do not have to register for the full meeting to attend the TBL workshop.

IAMSE Board of Directors Election Results

It is our pleasure to announce to you that we have one newly elected and two re-elected members of our Board of Directors. Thanks to all who participated in our recent election process. 
These new Board members will initiate their terms immediately following the June annual conference.

Newly Elected:
Jonathan Wisco
Brigham Young University

Paula Smith
University of Edinburgh

Carol Nichols
Georgia Regents University

Please join us in congratulating our new and returning Board members as they join our continuing efforts to make IAMSE the preeminent international venue for faculty development and collaboration in health sciences education.

 look forward to seeing you at our upcoming meeting in Leiden this June ( It’s not too late to register and participate in what promises to be a fantastic meeting in an absolutely beautiful setting!

#IAMSE16 Meeting Highlight: Olle ten Cate

The 20th Annual IAMSE Meeting is just around the corner, and we would like you to get to know some of our keynote speakers! We have four plenary speakers this year, and we hope you enjoy their presentations.

Olle ten Cate: Entrustment Decision-Making in competency-Based Teaching and Assessment in Health Professions Education [UMC Utrecht]

Olle ten Cate attended medical school at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands and has spent his professional life from 1980 serving medical education. In 1986 he completed a PhD dissertation on peer teaching in medical education. Until 1999 he was closely involved with all of the University of Amsterdam’s major preclinical and clinical curriculum reforms, education research, program evaluation and educational development. In 1999 he was appointed full professor of Medical Education at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, and program director of undergraduate medical education at University Medical Center Utrecht. Since 2005 he leads the Center for Research and Development of Education at UMCU. His research interests include curriculum development, peer teaching, competency-based medical education, and many other topics. From 2006 until 2012 he served as president of the Netherlands Association for Medical Education. In 2012 was appointed adjunct professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, next to his work in Utrecht. He has published extensively in the medical education literature (250+) and supervised and supervises many doctoral students (25+) in medical education research.

Have you registered for the 20th Annual IAMSE Meeting? You can register online at

#IAMSE16 – Early Bird Deadline Reminder

The 2016 IAMSE Annual Conference is right around the corner! The Early Bird Deadline is Friday, April 1. Currently, registration is $575/$675 for member/non-member. After the Early Bird Deadline, rates will increase to $650/$725 for member/non-member registration. Be sure to register before this deadline to receive the reduced rate!

The IAMSE attendee room rate begins at  €110 per night at the Holiday Inn Leiden. The special room rate is for the nights of June 3-8, 2016. This special rate will only be available until April 4, 2016.

After April 4, the hotel cannot guarantee a room for IAMSE attendees, so be sure to book your hotel before the cut off!

To make your reservations, please click here.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let us know at We’re looking forward to seeing you in Leiden!

IAMSE Exhibit Booth at AACOM

The 2016 American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) Meeting will be taking place in Washington, DC from April 6-9, 2016. The IAMSE booth will be present at the conference to exhibit, so if you plan on attending this meeting, do not forget to swing by and say hello!

For more information on the AACOM Meeting, please click here.

IAMSE – Manuals Available for Purchase

Did you know that IAMSE has published two how-to manuals: the How-To Guide for Active Learning and the How-To Guide for Team-Based Learning?

How-To Guide for Active Learning: This manual is a compilation of teaching strategies in active learning to adapt to your own large group settings.

Each chapter is a specific description of a strategy written by authors who are experienced in using the strategy in a classroom environment with students. The Manual chapters are designed to be accessible and practical to the reader. The manual is edited by Alice Fornari and Ann Poznanski.

How-To Guide for Team-Based Learning: This “How-To” Guide for Team-Based Learning is a manual that provides an overview of the fundamental components TBL and serves as a blueprint for instructors considering using this technique. The manual also identifies factors that will facilitate or sabotage a successful implementation of TBL. Authored by Ruth Levine and Patricia Hudes, both internationally recognized experts in the field of TBL

If you’d like to purchase one or both of these manuals, please visit the IAMSE store here. Each manual is $5 for members or $10 for non-members.

The IAMSE manuals are for individual use only and are not to be copied or distributed.

#IAMSE16 – Grand Extravaganza to Utrecht

This year the Grand Extravaganza of the IAMSE Annual Meeting in Leiden will take us to Utrecht. This city in the center of the Netherlands is one of the oldest Dutch cities and has been very influential in the past. There are still remains visible from the Roman empire of 2000 years ago.

The participants of this activity will do a guided city tour (walk), followed by a guided boat tour through the canals ending up with a dinner at city castle Oudaen. Transportation from the conference hotel to Utrecht and back will be by coach.

The Grand Extravaganza is scheduled for Tuesday, June 7, 2016 and costs $150 per person. The fee covers all transportation, food and beverage, and all fees associated with the tour. The number of places is limited, so make sure you register in time for the IAMSE Conference and the Grand Extravaganza through the website

We hope you’ll be in Leiden for the meeting and that you will join us on this exciting tour to Utrecht!

#IAMSE16 Meeting Highlight: Geoff Norman

The 20th Annual IAMSE Meeting is just around the corner, and we would like you to get to know some of our keynote speakers! We have four plenary speakers this year, and we hope you enjoy their presentations.

Geoff Norman: Competency-Based Education: Milestones or Millstones? [McMaster University]

Geoff Norman is Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University. He received a Ph.D. in nuclear physics from McMaster University in 1971, and subsequently a M.A. in educational psychology form Michigan State University in 1977. He is the author of 10 books in education, measurement and statistics, and 300 journal articles.

His primary research interest is in cognitive psychology applied to problems of learning and reasoning. He has won numerous awards, including the Hubbard Award from the National Board of Medical Examiners in 1989, the Award of Excellence of the Canadian Association for Medical Education in 1997, the Distinguished Scholar Award of the American Educational Research Association, Division I, in 2000, the Award for Outstanding Achievement of the Medical Council of Canada in 2001. He presently holds a Canada Research Chair. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2007. In 2008, he won the prestigious Karolinska Prize for lifetime achievement in medical education research. He received an honorary degree from Erasmus University in 2010. In 2012, he was appointed the Querido Chair at Erasmus University.

Have you registered for the 20th Annual IAMSE Meeting? The early bird deadline is April 1st, so make sure you register before then if you want the reduced rate! You can register online at