
IAMSE – 2017 Board of Directors Election Results

It is our pleasure to announce to you that we have two newly elected and one re-elected members of our Board of Directors. Thanks to all who participated in our recent election process. These new Board members will initiate their terms immediately following the June annual conference.

Newly Elected:

Jennifer Baccon
Penn State University

Bonny Dickinson
Western Michigan University


Wilhelmina Hols-Elders
University Medical Center Utrecht

We’d also like to extend a sincere thank you to both Kathryn Huggett and Richard Vari, who are leaving the Board of Directors, for their service to IAMSE.

Please join us in congratulating our new and returning Board members as they join our continuing efforts to make IAMSE the preeminent international venue for faculty development and collaboration in health sciences education.

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming meeting in Burlington, Vermont this June! It’s not too late to register and participate in what promises to be a fantastic meeting in a wonderful setting! Information on the meeting and registration may be found online at

#IAMSE17 – Workshop: Integration of Clinical & Basic Sciences as a Road to Entrustment

During the upcoming IAMSE meeting in Burlington, there will be a number of terrific pre-conference sessions for your consideration.  We are very excited to offer this workshop on the topic of Integration of Clinical and Basic Sciences as a Road to Entrustment, presented by Amy Wilson-Delfosse, Leslie Fall, Ann Poznanski, Tracy Fulton, James Nixon. and Brian Wilcox.

The 2015 Institute of Medicine report on “Improving Diagnosis in Healthcare” notes that diagnosis and diagnostic errors have been largely unappreciated in efforts to improve the quality and safety of healthcare. One of the primary roles of medical training programs is to help learners develop medical decision-making skills, and to do so with graduated levels of independence. Effective cognitive integration of the basic and clinical science concepts plays an essential role in enhancing diagnostic accuracy for novice clinicians. Furthermore, deliberate practice in transferring knowledge obtained in one clinical context to solve a new problem, or the same problem in another context, is critical to the development of clinical expertise.

Unfortunately, many students who have demonstrated adequate basic science understanding in the pre-clinical curriculum are often unable to apply this knowledge to clinical problem-solving. Meanwhile, the basic science knowledge of clinical instructors is often encapsulated, challenging their ability to help students integrate basic and clinical science concepts. A process for “unpacking” clinical instructors’ knowledge and reinforcing its connections to clinical decisions would facilitate student activation of their basic science knowledge, improving both diagnostic accuracy and long-term retention. In return, students who are able to use basic science concepts to defend clinical decisions may improve the “diagnostic accuracy” of their clinician preceptors’ entrustment decisions.

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the concepts of cognitive integration and knowledge encapsulation
  • Identify basic science concepts that underlie day-to- day clinical decision making
  • Describe how understanding basic science concepts improves clinical decision-making
  • Demonstrate evidence-based strategies to “unpack” knowledge to improve cognitive integration at the bedside.

Following a review of the literature on clinical reasoning, cognitive integration and encapsulation, participants will identify key clinical decision-making points relevant to common clinical scenarios. In collaborative teams of basic scientists and clinicians, workshop participants will discuss underlying basic science concepts which inform these decisions, potential decision-making pitfalls, and the role of basic science application in avoiding patient harm.

Have you already registered for this special workshop at the 2017 IAMSE Meeting? If not, there’s still time to do so! Please register before April 1st to secure workshop participation. For more information on the 2017 IAMSE Meeting and to register, visit

#IAMSE17 – Workshop: The Basics of Team-Based Learning in a Day

We are thrilled to be able to present a pre-conference workshop on the Basics of Team-Based Learning at the 2017 IAMSE Meeting in conjunction with the Team-Based Learning Collaborative in Burlington. We hope you’ll join us to learn about TBL and how to make it work for you!

TBL 101 – This is the single best introduction to TBL. It is conducted in a TBL format, participants must prepare ahead, take an IRAT, and engage actively with their assigned team members. The structure, process, and essential characteristics of an effective TBL module are emphasized. By the conclusion of this workshop, the participant will be able to:

  1. Explain the key components of a successful TBL module.
  2. Outline how they would construct a TBL module from a set of objectives.
  3. Describe how they might convert a course/lecture they already teach into a TBL module.
  4. Illustrate how to transform a small group into a productive learning-team.

The afternoon session will focus on writing an effective TBL Module. By the conclusion of the afternoon, the participant will be able to:

  1. Describe how to construct a Group Application Exercise that promotes group cohesiveness.
  2. Identify how to use the four S’s in the design of GAE question.
  3. Demonstrate at least two different formats for the display of team productivity.
  4. Explain how the “power of why” in question writing generates so much learner engagement.

There’s still time left to register for the 2017 IAMSE Meeting! April 1 is the Early Bird Deadline, so be sure to register before then to receive the discounted rate. For more information on the 2017 IAMSE Meeting and to register, click here.

#IAMSE17 – Active Learning Workshop: Choosing the Best Method

Active Learning: Choosing the Best Method for your Educational Setting

During the upcoming IAMSE meeting in Burlington, there will be a number of terrific pre-conference sessions for your consideration. We are very excited to offer this workshop on the topic of Active Learning in the classroom, presented by Frazier Stevenson.

Frazier StevensonThere has been considerable recent discussion and literature on advantages of active learning modalities in health science education, especially as a way of replacing lecture for large groups. Clickers, Team-Based Learning, Games, Flipped Classroom all can enhance student engagement, learning, and retention. But which one to choose? There is scant literature on comparisons between them, yet experienced faculty know that each has strengths and weaknesses regarding faculty development and technology demands, student/faculty acceptance, and fit for student learning styles and for specific curricular topics. This workshop will actively examine these strategies with an eye towards the methods’ strengths and weaknesses, helping the attendee make decisions on which one(s) best suit their classroom or institution. The workshop will rely on the collective wisdom of attendees and of the workshop leader, who has taught in all the above methods in both pre-clinical and clinical settings.

Have you registered for the 2017 IAMSE Meeting? If not, there’s still time to do so! For more information on the 2017 IAMSE Meeting and to register, click here.

#IAMSE17 – ESME Program with Ron Harden and Adi Haramati

IAMSE is once again pleased to offer the very successful, AMEE-sponsored course: Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME), led by two distinguished educators: Prof. Ronald Harden, University of Dundee and Prof. Aviad Haramati, Georgetown University. The ESME course requires a separate registration and is held on a full day prior to the IAMSE conference, continues with special discussion sessions during the conference, and concludes with a full afternoon on the final conference day.

This course explores numerous themes including: learning outcomes and curricular planning, teaching and learning methods, assessment strategies, educational scholarship and the teacher as a leader. The course is ideal for faculty educators who are eager to learn about the principles of health professions education or for seasoned individuals interested in exploring new ideas and trends. Upon completion of the ESME course (with certificate), participants are eligible to enroll in the IAMSE Fellowship program.

Prof. Harden and I look forward each year to actively engaging with individuals who wish to develop as educators in the health professions. – Aviad Haramati

Have you registered for the 2017 IAMSE Meeting? Don’t forget that the Early Bird Deadline is April 1st! Be sure to register before then to receive the reduced rate. Register online today at

#IAMSE17 – Call for Silent Auction Donations

As you may know, IAMSE conducts a silent auction at the annual meeting each year. The purpose of the silent auction is to raise money to fund scholarships for attending the annual meeting. It is important to support and foster the interests and scholarly activities of the younger generation who will one day step into our shoes. We hope this year’s event will be even more successful than before.

How you can help: Please consider donating items that would be appealing to our members. Even if you are unable to attend the meeting this year in Vermont, you can still participate! Please contact our office regarding the items you would like to donate.

Examples of past contributions include (but are not limited to) the following: functional equipment, computer hardware (older versions of the iPad), software – educational programs or applications, signed artwork / photographic images, jewelry, books, textbooks, video or graphic supplies, lab supplies, lab or service bureau gift certificates, retail gift certificates, medical or photographic antiques, collectibles, handcrafted items, promotional items from suppliers, mugs, t-shirts, caps, etc. from your institution/state/country, food, wine, or specialties of your state/region/country, vacation homes to be used for a week, and airline miles.

Please let us know which item(s) you would like to donate by emailing Brandi Hinkle via email at

Thank you for considering your contributions to this important endeavor. We look forward to seeing you in Vermont!

#IAMSE17 – Bill Jeffries, 2017 Site Host

As Site Host, I am excited to remind you that the 21st Annual IAMSE Meeting will be in Burlington, Vermont, USA, on the beautiful campus of the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont. Burlington is the educational, medical, financial and cultural epicenter of our state and is a popular year-round vacation destination. The pre-conference workshops and the main IAMSE meeting (which has received a record number of abstracts) will make use of our excellent university facilities and will feature world-class speakers and facilitators. There will be a daily wellness and fitness program and we are planning a social program for families and friends of attendees. The annual IAMSE Gala Dinner will take place at the ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, which features interactive science exhibits along beautiful vistas. You will find the city easy to get to, with direct air service at the Burlington International Airport by American, Delta, United, JetBlue and Allegiant airlines. The city is 220 miles northwest of Boston, 285 miles north of New York City and just 100 miles southeast of Montreal.

In addition to the superlative IAMSE program, there will be lots to see and do in Vermont. Located on the shore of the sixth largest freshwater lake in the U.S., Lake Champlain, and in the shadow of the Green Mountains, Burlington is Vermont’s largest and most cosmopolitan city. Trip Advisor suggests that it is the “perfect blend of old New England charm, arts, culture and nature.” No matter where you go, you’ll be sure to find something you love in Burlington. You can tour the campus, stroll the Farmer’s Market and historic Church Street, visit the many museums, shops and breweries, take a cruise or paddleboard on the lake and hike or bike hundreds of miles of dedicated trails. Lake Champlain’s waterfront is perfect for summer nights and the famous Burlington Jazz Festival will coincide with the meeting. Burlington is also known as a gourmet destination and is home to the “locovore” food movement. So please plan on attending the IAMSE Annual Meeting here in Vermont and consider bringing your family for a wonderful visit to New England!

Have you registered for the 2017 IAMSE Meeting? The Early Bird Deadline is April 1st, so be sure to register before then to receive the reduced registration rate. You can register online anytime at

IAMSE March 9, 2017 Web Seminar Session POSTPONED

Due to technical issues with last week’s session, we are moving our webinars to a new platform.

This week’s session ‘Remediation of “High Stakes” professional exams’ will be postponed to April 13th so that we may transition smoothly to the new system. We will announce the new date soon.

Next week, we will continue our series as scheduled, with “Trust and Remediation: Entrustable Professional Activities and Trust Decisions” from presenter Brian Martin.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay but looking forward to providing you with an improved webinar experience next week.

If you have any questions, please write

IAMSE Spring Web Seminar Series: “Remediation of Gaps in Clinical Skills – One Size Fits One”

Remediation of Gaps in Clinical Skills – One Size Fits One
Presenters: Cate Nicholas and Camilla Curren
March 30, 12 PM ET

Remediation of gaps in clinical skills requires an individualized approach to the learner, the problem, and the clinical setting in which the gaps are noted. Having the learner repeat a standardized patient skills encounter alone, for example, will likely not result in the desired demonstration of adequate skills which were absent on initial assessment. However, a methodical assessment of the learner’s cognitive or behavioral errors, followed by progressive coaching to an acceptable endpoint, is usually successful in achieving targeted skills acquisition. This session will discuss methods of analyzing clinical skills encounters for, and of remediating, common cognitive or behavioral learning issues in ways that are respectful of the learner and that contribute to durable improvement in clinical skills. We will specifically discuss teaching approaches that have been implemented successfully in clinical skills remediation situations. During this session the participant will learn to:

  1. Analyze the learners cognitive or behavioral error
  2. Create an individualized remediation plan
  3. Assess the effectiveness of the plan

IAMSE Spring Web Seminar Series: “Sharing Assessment Information: Why, How, and What to Consider”

Sharing Assessment Information: Why, How, and What to Consider
Presenter: Lynn Cleary
March 23, 12 PM ET

Competencies in medical education are developed longitudinally, and competency is rarely achieved within one course, clinical rotation, or educational unit. Learners gain competency at differing paces, and some require more time or practice to achieve one or another competency. Sharing assessment information across traditional course boundaries may improve efficiency and support more personalized educational experiences. As a group, educators have some ambivalence about sharing assessment information, with the greatest concern that sharing assessments may introduce bias. This webinar will summarize existing literature on the subject, the case for and against sharing assessment information, and considerations in establishing a process for sharing assessment information.

For more information and to register for the Spring 2017 Audio Seminar Series, please click here.

IAMSE Spring Web Seminar Series: “Trust and Remediation: Entrustable Professional Activities and Trust Decisions”

Trust and Remediation: Entrustable Professional Activities and Trust Decisions
Presenter: Bryan Martin
March 16, 12 PM ET

Professionalism is difficult to define, and both professionalism and unprofessional activities are too often described in terms that resemble the old adage: “you will know it when you see it.” Activities that are difficult to define and quantitate are also difficult to remediate, and leave the educator with the difficult and frustrating task of accessing a remedial endpoint for an attribute that is difficult to define. This program will examine the important role of trust in the training of medical professionals. How do we develop, evaluate and remediate trust in the training of medical professionals? The new paradigm in undergraduate medical education assessment: Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs), has made the incorporation of trust a vital part of medical education. Medical Educators and patients both want the same thing in student health care providers. The patient needs to trust that the team member who is in a learning role is knowledgeable, yet understands the limits of his/her knowledge, is compassionate, can communicate with them in a way they can understand, who will be there when needed; in a word, one they can trust. The preceptor also needs to know the learner has these attributes, and wants a student who is able to ask for, receive and react to, feedback. While it may seem obvious that trust underlies all educational and medical decision making, trust is difficult to access and even more difficult to remediate if it is lacking or lost. There is evidence that physician-learners are poor at accessing their own capabilities, making feedback a critical part of their education, and yet, honest, constructive feedback is both difficult to give and difficult to receive. EPAs may help educators give this feedback by breaking down Entrustable Professional Activities into individual competencies which can be evaluated and discussed. Using a series of case examples this webinar is designed to help the educator develop an emotional intelligence based strategy to help provide better communication and remediate trust based decision making.

For more information and to register for the Spring 2017 Audio Seminar Series, please click here.

IAMSE – Master Teacher & Master Scholar Nomination Reminder – Due 2/28

The deadline for Master Scholar and Master Teacher nominations is drawing close! As a reminder, all nominations and application packets must be received by Brandi Hinkle (brandi@iamse.orgno later than February 28, 2017! The awards will be presented at the annual meeting in Burlington, Vermont in June, and awardees must be present.

Qualified candidates may self-nominate, or be nominated by an IAMSE colleague. Details regarding each award, required application materials, and deadlines may be found here.