
#IAMSE17 – Congratulations to the 2017 Travel Award Winners

We would like to extend our congratulations to four individuals who have been awarded the 2017 IAMSE Travel Award.

The awardees for 2017 are:

Junior Faculty:
Audrey Vasauskas, PhD
Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine
Dothan, Alabama, USA

Chante Richardson, MBA, PhD
Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine
Dothan, Alabama, USA

Yunxiang Chu
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Bersabel Woldemariam
Touro University Nevada
College of Osteopathic Medicine
Henderson, Nevada, USA

The IAMSE Conference Travel Awards support students or junior faculty to attend the IAMSE Annual Meeting.

IAMSE – Publications Committee MSE Article Review

Every month, the IAMSE Publications Committee reviews published articles from the archives of Medical Science Educator or of its predecessor JIAMSE. This month’s review is taken from MSE volume 26.

The importance of training students to integrate concepts of ethics into medical conversations is becoming increasingly important in an era of personalized medicine. Conversations regarding the implications of genetic information including variants of known and unknown significance require an understanding of ethical concepts including patient welfare, respect for autonomy, social justice and shared decision making. Often, however, the topics of ethics and medical genetics are taught separately in distinct courses. This creates a challenge in terms of a student’s ability to integrate and transfer prior knowledge to a novel clinical scenario. One approach to address this challenge is discussed in a recent study entitled Design of a Platform to Discuss Ethical Considerations of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: a Case for Integration of Ethics in Foundational Science Medical Curriculum, published in Medical Science Educator, Volume 26 (pages 213-219), 2016, by authors HG Pine, H Gillis, T Weiler and J Fortun from the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University (FIU).

FIU developed an approach utilizing a large case-based discussion (CBD) integrating ethics and medical genetics that takes place towards the end of two concurrent courses in “Genes, Molecules and Cells” and “Ethical Foundations in Medicine”. Students were given an opportunity to apply and transfer prior knowledge from these course to a novel clinical scenario involving a preimplantation genetic diagnosis. The activity included learning objectives for both genetics and ethics. Students were required to defend their reasoning for embryo transfer recommendations and to address shared decision making. Two iterations of these sessions took place in two subsequent years. The first iteration was assessed for student satisfaction of the integration by a five-point Likert scale with comments. The second iteration included, in addition, a pre- and post-CBD multiple choice question quiz designed to test transfer of prior knowledge. During the first iteration, the diagnostic and ethical considerations were discussed separately, while in the second iteration the diagnostic and ethical considerations were discussed simultaneously.

Based on the analysis of the scores and comments, students were satisfied with the sessions. The authors found that the assessments of the second, more integrated session, in which ethical issues were discussed simultaneously with genetic issues, yielded higher Likert scores and more frequent positive comments surrounding the success, importance and value of the integration. The analysis of the pre- and post-CBD quizzes showed a statistically significant improvement in correct responses. These results suggest that transfer of prior knowledge to novel clinical scenarios can be promoted by integrated sessions, particularly when the integrated topics are discussed simultaneously rather than sequentially.

#IAMSE17 – Poster Award Nominees and Abstracts Now Online

The poster abstracts for the 2017 IAMSE Meeting are now listed online. Abstracts are listed in one of eight categories:

Assessment & Evaluation;
Curriculum & Evaluation;
Instructional Methods;
Student Support;
Technology Innovation

This year, we have 17 posters that are in the running for the Best Poster Presentation Award. This award recognizes the most outstanding medical education peer-reviewed presentation at the IAMSE Annual Meeting. The first author on the winning poster will receive a plaque, one year of IAMSE membership, and access to one series of the IAMSE Audio Seminars.

A full listing of this year’s Best Poster Presentation Award nominees may be found online here.

Have you registered for the 2017 IAMSE Meeting? Registration is still available online at! We hope to see you there!

IAMSE – Medical Science Educator Call for Announcements

In every issue of Medical Science Educator, we publish an announcements section. In this section we share information that is of interest to the readership of the journal. Individual IAMSE members wishing to post medical education related announcements in the Journal are invited to send their requests to the Editorial Assistant at Announcements may be IAMSE-related, announcements from other medical education organizations, medical education conference information or international issues affecting medical education. Announcements will be published at the Editors’ discretion.

Deadline: May 31, 2017

Approved announcements will be published in the September issue of the journal.

#IAMSE17 – Additional Hotel Information

Registration for the 2017 IAMSE meeting is exceeding our expectations! We are happy to welcome so many of our colleagues from all over the world to Burlington, VT in just a few weeks from now. As a result of this high attendance, the Sheraton Burlington Hotel has run out of rooms for IAMSE Meeting Attendees. Because of this, we would like to offer information on other hotels in the area for anyone without a hotel reservation.

The DoubleTree by Hilton is 1 mile from the Davis Center. Click here to visit the DoubleTree’s website.

The Holiday Inn Burlington is 0.9 miles from the Davis Center. Click here for the Holiday Inn’s website.

The Comfort Inn & Suites is also 0.9 miles from the Davis Center. To visit the Comfort Inn’s website, click here.

We are looking forward to meeting many of you at the meeting!

IAMSE – Search for Editor-in-Chief for IAMSE Manuals

As you all should know, IAMSE began the publication of IAMSE Manuals a couple of years ago. These short how-to manuals are envisioned as affordable, accessible guides to timely topics in medical education.

After the publication of two IAMSE Manuals, we believe that the viability of this venture is clear. As a result, we have been in negotiation with Springer, the publisher of our journal, Medical Science Educator, to also publish IAMSE Manuals. With the growth of this venture we seek an Editor-in-Chief for IAMSE Manuals. The document linked here describes and outlines the requirements for the position.

Any interested members should send a letter of application and CV in one file via e-mail to Brandi Hinkle in the IAMSE Administrative Office at Please write Editor-in- Chief in the subject line. The letter should indicate your interest in the position and why you feel you are qualified to take on this role. Closing date for receipt of application materials is June 1, 2017.

Applications will be reviewed by a search committee, some candidates will be interviewed via conference call and recommendations will be made to the Publications Committee which will in turn make recommendations to the Board of Directors which will make the final decision.

#IAMSE17 – Silent Auction Reminder

As the 2017 IAMSE Meeting gets closer, we would like to remind you one more time about our silent auction. The purpose of the money raised from the silent auction is to fund scholarships for attending the annual meeting. It is important to support and foster the interests and scholarly activities of the younger generation who will one day step into our shoes. This year, two people will visit the meeting in Burlington with support from this fund. We hope this year’s event will be even more successful than before!

Please let us know which items you will donate by emailing Brandi Hinkle at, so we can create the item list.

Thank you for considering your contributions to this important endeavor. We look forward to seeing you in Burlington in June!

#IAMSE17 – Dr. Roger Koment, Founder of IAMSE, to Attend 2017 IAMSE Meeting

IAMSE is pleased to announce that the association’s founder, Roger Koment, PhD, will be our guest of honor at the 2017 IAMSE Meeting in Burlington, Vermont.

Roger Koment received his PhD in Medical Microbiology from the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, and his initial direction was to pursue a medical research path. Following completion of a fellowship at the University of Miami, he joined the faculty at the University of South Dakota School of Medicine where, as a professor and medical research scientist, he helped train more than 1,500 medical students, scores of graduate students, and uncounted numbers of baccalaureate students in the fundamental principles of infectious disease. Many more students, residents, and physicians were impacted through his teaching, including well over 1,000 international physicians he helped prepare for the USMLE.

The concept of IAMSE began in 1988, when Dr. Koment organized the Special Interest Group on Basic Science Education within the AAMC Group on Educational Affairs (GEA). He wanted to insure that basic scientists were involved in the planning for training physicians for the 21st century of medical practice. In 1993, he and others decided to create an organization that would be independent, yet parallel, to this Special Interest Group, called the Basic Science Education Forum (BSEF. Between 1993 and 1997, the Basic Science Education Forum attracted individual members from over 400 medical institutions among 87 countries. Three meetings were convened (in 1993, 1995 and 1997). By mid-1996 it became evident that managing a global organization of such proportions with only the efforts of volunteers already holding full-time faculty appointments would no longer be feasible. On June 22, 1997, during the Third Biennial International Conference in Charleston, SC, Dr. Koment announced the dissolution of the Basic Science Education Forum and the formation of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) in its place. This action became effective on July 1, 1997.

IAMSE members owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Roger Koment for his vision and his perseverance and tenacity to establish this vital and vibrant educational organization. We look forward to honoring him at the 2017 Annual Meeting, in Burlington, VT.

If you’re not yet registered for the 2017 IAMSE Meeting, please be sure to do so online at! We look forward to seeing you there!

IAMSE Exhibiting at AACOM/AODME Annual Conference

The 2017 joint American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) and Association of Osteopathic Directors and Medical Educators (AODME) Meeting will be taking place in Baltimore, MD (USA) from April 26-29, 2017. The IAMSE booth will be present at the conference to exhibit and to reach out to colleague educators. If you plan on attending this meeting, do not forget to swing by, to pick up your special IAMSE membership ribbon and to say hello to the IAMSE representatives!

How to Connect with IAMSE on Social Media

Stay up to date with all of the latest IAMSE news and meeting updates by subscribing to IAMSE on social media!  IAMSE can be found on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Please see details below!






IAMSE – Medical Science Educator Call for Manuscripts

Call for Manuscripts – Medical Science Educator

Medical Science Educator, the peer-reviewed journal of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), publishes scholarly work in the field of health sciences education. The journal publishes four issues per year through Springer Publishing. We welcome contributions in the format of Short Communication, Original Research, Monograph, Commentary, and Innovation. Please visit our website for a more detailed description of these types of articles.

We look forward to receiving your submissions!