
#IAMSE18 – Call for Pre-Conference Professional Development Workshops

The Professional Development Committee is soliciting proposals to be considered for the 2018 IAMSE slate of Professional Development Pre-Conference (Saturday) workshops. Proposals will be accepted through September, 1, 2017. The committee will review all proposals and select 3-4 full day workshops and 6-8 half day workshops for the meeting.

IAMSE Professional Development Pre-Conference workshops focus on Career/Professional Development, and the workshops should be useful for advancing the career of the attendee. The broad umbrella areas of focus for these workshops include:

  • Leadership/Advancement as a Medical Educator
  • Research/Scholarship/Publications
  • Instruction/Assessment
  • Technology

Professional Development Pre-Conference workshop proposals must include the following information:

  • Title of workshop
  • Name and e-mail of Organizer
  • Facilitator(s) information
  • Summary of workshop and how it will advance the career of the attendee
  • Level of workshop (Introductory/intermediate/advanced)
  • Who should participate

All abstracts must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site found here.

Please contact Brandi Hinkle at for any questions about submission.

IAMSE – Congratulations to the Master Teacher Award Winner!

The International Association of Medical Science Educations (IAMSE) would like to congratulate the winner of the 2017 Master Teacher award.

Tracy B. Fulton, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, California

Tracy Fulton has spent the last 23 years at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), where she earned her PhD and is professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics. As a grad student, while studying telomerase in yeast, she explored her love for teaching as an adult literacy tutor, an animal museum docent, a K-5 classroom helper, and a TA for dental school biochemistry. She settled on professional school education as her target path and since joining the faculty in 2000 has directed and taught in courses in the Schools of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Dentistry, earning many teaching awards from her students and peers. In the inaugural Bridges medical curriculum, Tracy directs the REGulatioN (Renal, Endocrine, GI, Nutrition) block, and chaired two working groups to establish an assessment system that emphasizes open-ended questions. Tracy is active in IAMSE, past secretary for the Association of Biochemistry Educators (ABE), and co-chairs the NBME Test Material Development Committee for pharmacology and biochemistry. Tracy is on the leadership team for MedU Science, a project involving many IAMSE members focused on use of basic science concepts in clerkship clinical decision-making. She is working with IAMSE/ABE colleagues Janet Lindsley and Tina Cowan on an NBME task force to implement a nationally supported metabolic map as a reference on Step exams. Tracy’s involvement in IAMSE has been pivotal in her professional development; she thanks the organization’s leadership and membership for many of her most rewarding experiences, collaborations, and friendships in education.

The Master Teacher Award honors an IAMSE member who, over the course of many years, has consistently demonstrated extraordinary excellence in teaching, both at his/her institution and within IAMSE. Any teaching can be recognized, but nominations of members who have been active teachers at the annual IAMSE meetings or web seminars are particularly encouraged.

IAMSE – Administrative Office Closed July 3rd & 4th

The IAMSE Administrative Office will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, July 3-4, in observance of Independence Day in the United States. We will resume normal business hours on Wednesday, July 5th. We would like to wish everyone a safe holiday!

IAMSE – Save the Date! Fall 2017 WAS: Evolution and Revolution in Medical Education

IAMSE is pleased to announce the Fall 2017 Webcast Audio Seminar Series!

Evolution and Revolution in Medical Education – Global Challenges and Solutions in Health Professions Education

The Fall 2017 IAMSE Web Seminar Series takes on an increased international flavor as presenters review health professions education around the world each with unique challenges and solutions. The goal of this series is to foster the exchange of ideas in the community of health science educators. Continuing with our longitudinal focus on competency-based-education, the series begins with an overview of medical education in Canada with an emphasis on the initiatives of the International Competencies in Basic Medical Education (ICBME). From the Far East, we will hear a presentation on Chinese medical education (World-China initiative) which places an emphasis on primary care in China. A panel will provide an overview of the European model of health professions education from globalization of education to global healthcare. Another presentation will explore medical education challenges and solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa. The series will conclude with a session focusing on an integrated model of medical care: childhood disease prevention in South America. At the end of the series the audience will be able to identify global challenges and solutions to medical education that may provide valuable perspectives at the local level.

Registration to open in July. Please visit for more information.

IAMSE Call for Connects Announcements – Deadline June 30

The next issue of the electronic membership newsletter of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), IAMSE Connects, will be published in July. The purpose of this newsletter is to connect the IAMSE membership with information, opportunities, resources and each other.

We are very pleased to dedicate one section of this newsletter to recognize the professional accomplishments of our members but we need your help! Have you received awards or promotions or landed a great new job in the last year? We would like to know about it and celebrate your accomplishments in our newsletter.

Please send your news to Brandi Hinkle at or submit it online here for inclusion in the next edition. Sorry, we can only include professional accomplishments in the newsletter, but welcome you to share your personal news on the IAMSE Facebook page! Thanks for your help!

Deadline: June 30, 2017.

#IAMSE17 – Thank You from the 2017 Program Committee

The 2017 IAMSE Meeting has come to a close and it truly is one for the record books! First, this year marked the 20th anniversary of the founding of IAMSE and we celebrated the occasion by honoring IAMSE Founder, Dr. Roger Koment. Second, meeting registration numbers were the highest in the organization’s history! The response to this year’s theme, “Delivering Evidence-Based Health Sciences Education” was impressive. The outstanding plenary presentations enlarged our understanding of the research on learning and cognition. The high-quality conference sessions, oral presentations and posters demonstrated application of these research-derived principles and challenged us to make changes in our own work as educators. Finally, and thanks to the efforts of the Student Research Committee, we benefited from the participation of learners and welcomed them as future colleagues into our conference and organization.

Membership in IAMSE is more than paying the annual membership fee and joining the listserv. Attending and contributing to the annual meeting helps the organization – our organization – fulfill its mission to “advance health professions education through teacher development and to ensure that the teaching and learning of medical science continues to be firmly grounded in foundational sciences and the best practices of teaching.” Without a doubt, the 2017 meeting hit the mark while still offering the networking, professional development, and participant engagement for which our meeting is known.

Sincere thanks and appreciation to the 2017 Program Committee, the Larner College of Medicine, and the University of Vermont for their dedicated and enthusiastic support in planning this outstanding meeting in Burlington, Vermont.

For updates on next year’s meeting, be sure to follow the IAMSE Facebook and Twitter pages.

Have You Seen our Member Surveys?

Did you know that the average class size of our members is over 100? Did you know that 20 IAMSE members have recommended IAMSE to their colleagues recently?

Every month, IAMSE lists a new survey question on the member’s only site. The surveys can be found at the bottom of any Member’s Only pages under the heading, “Online Surveys.” Have you answered them?

The next time you log in, be sure to answer that month’s survey question!

Featured Member: Peter de Jong, MSE Editor-in-Chief

This year I will be celebrating my 10th year as a member of IAMSE. I joined the organization in 2007 when I was invited to attend the meeting in Cleveland, OH. It was there that I had the opportunity to meet so many new wonderful people. The association felt like a welcome home where dedicated educators shared their passion about teaching and training young people towards a career as health science professionals. I joined the Board of Directors as Vice-President in 2008, and I worked to strengthen the international perspective of the organization. In 2010, I was entrusted with the position of Editor-in-Chief of the association’s online peer-reviewed journal, Medical Science Educator. I still enjoy working to transform this publication into a professional and respected journal in the international medical education research literature. Within IAMSE there are many opportunities to learn from others about current best practice in education, to network with colleagues, and to have inspiring discussions at the annual meeting. Whether you are an educator in the basic or clinical health sciences, in medicine, nursing, PA or otherwise, from the US or from elsewhere in the world, I feel we all should be members of IAMSE and participate in this wonderful family of educators!

Spring 2016 WAS Archive Now Available

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce that the archives for the 2016 Spring Series of the Webcast Audio Seminars, Curriculum Design and Evaluation, are now available online!

The Webcast Audio Seminar archives are located on the IAMSE website under the Events heading as Web Seminars. Here, you will be able to search the archives or browse by year and series.

If you have any questions or problems accessing the archives, please just let us know at

#IAMSE17 – See you in Burlington! Last Minute Information Before You Go!

We are just a few days away from the 2017 IAMSE Meeting in Burlington, Vermont. As you are preparing for your trip, there are a few items to note/remember!

  • As with nearly all conference hotels, air conditioning tends to be cooler than many like – pack the extra sweater or jacket just in case!
  • Bring comfortable walking shoes. While the hotel is flat and easy to walk, it is more enjoyable in comfortable shoes.
  • Transportation from the airport to the hotel is available by the Sheraton hotel shuttle. The shuttle is available for hotel guests daily from 4:30 AM through midnight. To arrange for the shuttle, please call the hotel at +1-802-598-9518.
  • An informational desk will be set up at the Sheraton Burlington Hotel on Friday, June 9th from 10 AM – 5 PM if you have any questions.
  • All sessions are located at the UVM Davis Center. Room locations are listed within the meeting app for each session. If you’re not sure where to go, please be sure to stop by the registration desk in the Scarlet Oak Lounge on the third floor of the Davis Center!
  • Parking permits are available to park on UVM’s campus. Please email the Admin Office at if you need a parking permit and have not already done so.
  • Beginning Saturday, a shuttle bus will run between the Sheraton and various hotels to the Conference Center and vice versa. This service is offered on a limited number of times per day. A detailed bus schedule has been published in the meeting app, on the conference website (, and will also be available at the registration desk.
  • Don’t forget to download the meeting app! You can download the app here: Once downloaded, use the search feature in the app to search for IAMSE and find the 2017 Meeting. If you don’t have an iPhone, iPad, or Android device, you can still view the app in your mobile browser by visiting

Due to travel, the IAMSE Administrative Office will be closed during the Meeting. We will still be answering emails, but may be slightly slower than usual. If you have any last minute questions or concerns, please be sure to let us know via email at!

#IAMSE17 – Things to do and see in Burlington Vermont

Burlington, Vermont is a beautiful, small city located on the shores of Lake Champlain, in between the Adirondacks and the Green Mountains in the Champlain Valley. Along with countless outdoor activities, and scenic vistas, Burlington gets national attention for its music and food scenes, daytime adventures, and vibrant nightlife. This small city is a vacation destination for visitors and a quality-of-life dream for residents. If you have some downtime before, during, or after the IAMSE Meeting, be sure to visit some of the wonderful things Burlington and Vermont have to offer!

  • Burlington Discover Jazz Festival – The Jazz Festival will be held June 3-11, 2017. If you arrive in Burlington before the IAMSE Meeting begins, be sure to check out the music of the jazz festival! More information on the jazz festival may be found here.
  • Church Street Marketplace – Downtown Burlington’s award-winning open air mall is a hub of activity where you’ll find historic architecture, year-round festivals, street entertainers, music and over 100 places to shop and dine. For more information on the Church Street Marketplace, click here.
  • Waterfront Park/ECHO/Bike Path – Right off the city’s Main Street, the Waterfront neighborhood is a lovely place to spend the afternoon. Explore the local ecosystem at the ECHO Lake Aquarium & Science Center, take a ride on Burlington’s scenic eight-mile bike path or lay out a picnic spread in Waterfront Park.
  • Shelburne Museum – Nearly 40 buildings, filled with various exhibits, span the museum’s 45 acres. There’s even a respectable collection of impressionist paintings, featuring the works of Degas, Cassatt, Manet and Monet. More information on the Shelburne Musem may be found here.
  • Craft Breweries – Vermont has a very successful craft brewery scene. If you like craft beer and craft cider, be sure to set aside some time to visit a few breweries! Some breweries include: Queen City Brewery, Zero Gravity Craft Brewery, Magic Hat Brewing Company, and Citizen Cider.
  • Shelburne Farms is a working farm set on the shore of Lake Champlain. It has 1,400 acres of pastures, woodlands, gardens, and historic buildings that are a beautiful setting for learning as well as strolling, photography and relaxing. In addition to historic barns, the campus includes the Market Garden, woodlands, dairy, and The Inn at Shelburne Farms, which contains a world-class restaurant. Visit them through our Virtual Tour. Admission is free.
  • Have more time to see Vermont? Take a ride along Lake Champlain on an eight-mile bike path for some of the most beautiful scenery in the country. The lovely resort town of Stowe (home to the Trapp Family Lodge and the Topnotch Spa) is an easy 45-minute drive, and Montreal is less than two hours away.

There’s still time left to register for the IAMSE Meeting if you haven’t already done so! Be sure to visit to register today.

IAMSE Admin Office Closed for Memorial Day

The IAMSE Administrative Office will be closed on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, May 30th. We would like to wish everyone a safe holiday weekend!