
#IAMSE18 – Reminder Pre-Conference Workshop Submissions – Due 9/1!

The deadline for the 2018 Call for Pre-Conference Professional Development Workshops is quickly drawing near. As a reminder, proposals are to be submitted in the format requested through the online proposal submission site. Submission deadline is September 1, 2017.

As a reminder, the focus for these workshops should include:

  • Leadership/Advancement as a Medical Educator
  • Research/Scholarship/Publications
  • Instruction/Assessment
  • Technology

Please contact Brandi Hinkle via email at for any questions about submitting your workshop.

IAMSE – How to Subscribe to MSE’s Table of Contents

Springer offers email alerts to keep up to date with new issues of Medical Science Educator! If you did not do so yet, please sign up for the Table of Contents alerts.

To subscribe, click here. In the right column, four blocks down, you will see “Alerts for this journal.” If you enter your email address, you will be signed up to receive the table of contents for Medical Science Educator by email every time a new issue is published.

For questions or more information please contact

IAMSE – Event of Interest – TBLC Regional Workshop

The Team-Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC) will be offering an all-day workshop on team-based learning at their 2017 Regional Workshop in Chicago, Illinois on September 30, 2017. This workshop is split into two sessions, TBL 101 and Creating an Effective TBL Module, which will help you learn the basics of implementing TBL in your classroom.

The morning session will be TBL 101, which is the single best introduction to TBL. It is conducted in a TBL format, participants must prepare ahead, take an IRAT, and engage actively with their assigned team members. The structure, process, and essential characteristics of an effective TBL module are emphasized.

At the end of this workshop, the participants will be able to:

  • Describe the fundamental principles that foster active learning in small groups
  • Identify the key elements of TBL
  • Appreciate the value of “backward design”
  • Define the 4S approach to effective in-class applications
  • Identify barriers to implementation and strategize solutions

The afternoon session is set aside for learning how to create an effective TBL module. This workshop is for educators who have completed the introductory workshop on Team-Based Learning™ – TBL 101. The entire workshop is conducted in a TBL format and there is an advance assignment.

Participants will practice and develop skills for creating effective Team-Based Learning modules by participating in the following activities:

  • a clarification of the process and importance of readiness assurance
  • a differentiation of the levels and types of application exercise questions
  • an opportunity to practice writing objectives for an application exercise writing an application exercise and comparing and contrasting the application exercises of others

For more information or to register for the TBLC Regional Workshop, please click here.

#IAMSE18 – Save the Date!

Join us for the 22nd IAMSE conference on Medical Science Education! We will be meeting at the Green Valley Ranch and Resort, just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada on June 9-12.

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
June 9-12, 2018

Co-Hosted by Roseman University of Health Sciences, University of Nevada Las Vegas, and Touro University Nevada

This year’s theme is “Integrating Nutrition and Wellness Education in Teaching the Health Sciences.”

For more details, please visit

IAMSE – Congratulations to the MSE Outstanding Reviewer

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) would like to congratulate Dr. Rick Vari as the winner of the 2017 Outstanding Reviewer Award. This award is a new initiative of the Editorial Board of Medical Science Educator. The award is to be presented annually to recognize one of the journal’s reviewers for his/her outstanding peer review efforts over the past year. The recipients are selected based on several criteria including reviewer performance and delivering the reviews in a timely manner.

The Editorial Board wants to thank Dr. Vari for his dedicated work for the IAMSE journal and would also like to extend a sincere thank you to all the reviewers for their efforts for the journal in the past year. We hope the award will stimulate others to excel in their review task

IAMSE – Medical Science Educator Call for Manuscripts

Medical Science Educator, the peer-reviewed journal of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), publishes scholarly work in the field of health sciences education. The journal publishes four issues per year through Springer Publishing. We welcome contributions in the format of Short Communication, Original Research, Monograph, Commentary, and Innovation. Please visit our website for a more detailed description of these types of articles.

IAMSE Manuals Available for Purchase

As you may know, IAMSE has published two how-to manuals: the How-To Guide for Active Learning and the How-To Guide for Team-Based Learning as well as a Japanese Translation of the How-To guide for Team-Based Learning.

How-To Guide for Active Learning: This manual is a compilation of teaching strategies in active learning to adapt to your own large group settings. Each chapter is a specific description of a strategy written by authors who are experienced in using the strategy in a classroom environment with students. The Manual chapters are designed to be accessible and practical to the reader. The manual is edited by Alice Fornari and Ann Poznanski.

How-To Guide for Team-Based Learning: This “How-To” Guide for Team-Based Learning is a manual that provides an overview of the fundamental components TBL and serves as a blueprint for instructors considering using this technique. The manual also identifies factors that will facilitate or sabotage a successful implementation of TBL. Authored by Ruth Levine and Patricia Hudes, both internationally recognized experts in the field of TBL.

How-To Guide for Team-Based Learning Japanese Translation: IAMSE is proud to announce that we now have a Japanese translation of this “How-To” guide! The How-To Guide for Team-Based Learning was authored by Ruth Levine and Patricia Hudes and translated by Yukari Igarashi, Mariko Iida, Yoko Shimpuku, Yoichiro Miki, and Hiromi Seo.

If you’d like to purchase a digital copy of one or both of these manuals, please visit the IAMSE store here. Each manual is $5 for members or $10 for non-members. Please note: These manuals are for individual use only.

IAMSE – Fall 2017 WAS Registration Now Open!

Registration is now open for the Fall 2017 Webcast Audio Seminar Series! Sessions begin on Thursday, September 7, 2017.

Evolution and Revolution in Medical Education – Global Challenges and Solutions in Health Professions Education

The Fall 2017 IAMSE Web Seminar Series takes on an increased international flavor as presenters review health professions education around the world each with unique challenges and solutions. The goal of this series is to foster the exchange of ideas in the community of health science educators. Continuing with our longitudinal focus on competency-based-education, the series begins with an overview of medical education in Canada with an emphasis on the initiatives of the International Competencies in Basic Medical Education (ICBME). From the Far East, we will hear a presentation on Chinese medical education (World-China initiative) which places an emphasis on primary care in China. A panel will provide an overview of the European model of health professions education from globalization of education to global healthcare. Another presentation will explore medical education challenges and solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa. The series will conclude with a session focusing on an integrated model of medical care: childhood disease prevention in South America. At the end of the series the audience will be able to identify global challenges and solutions to medical education that may provide valuable perspectives at the local level.

Sep 7: The Rising Tide of Competency-based Medical Education: A Global View – Presented by Jason Frank

Sep 14: The Future of Family Medicine: In China – Presented by William Burke

Sep 21: Globalization of education to global healthcare overview of European model – Presented by Jen Cleland and Meabh Bhuinneain

Sep 28: – Challenges and Opportunities for Medical Education in Sub-Saharan Africa – Presented by Quentin Eichbaum

Oct 5: Lessons from the Design and Implementation of a Pediatric Critical Care and Emergency Medicine Training Program in a Low Resource Country— The South American Experience – Presented by Michelle Grunauer

For more information or to register, please click here.

#IAMSE18 – Call for Focus Sessions – Deadline September 15

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce the call for focus sessions for the 22nd Annual IAMSE Conference to be held at the Green Valley Ranch and Resort, just outside of Las Vegas, from June 9-12, 2018. The IAMSE meeting offers opportunities for faculty development and networking, bringing together medical sciences and medical education across the continuum of health care education.

The purpose of a 90-minute Focus Session is to “focus in” on a specific topic in small group discussion format. Groups of 10-50 individuals consider a particular topic in an interactive format. Formats can be variable. Additional information about Focus Group formats is available here.

This year’s theme is, “Integrating Nutrition and Wellness Education in Teaching the Health Sciences.” Please note that Focus Sessions do not necessarily need to be related to either wellness or nutrition.

All abstracts must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site found here.

Submission deadline is September 15, 2017. Abstract acceptance notifications will be returned by November 15.

Please contact Brandi Hinkle at for any questions about submission.

We hope to see you next year!

IAMSE – Congratulations to the 2017 Educational Scholarship Grant Winners!

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) would like to congratulate the 2017 Educational Scholarship Grant Recipients. We received many high quality grants this year. There were 25 submissions, and we are happy to congratulate the following on receiving the IAMSE Educational Scholarship Grant this year:

  • Osvaldo Lopez, Ph.D. (Rowan University): “Incentive structure and student participation in active learning strategies in medical school”
  • Terrence Miller, Ph.D. (Touro University Nevada): “A Comparison of SOAP note style exam questions to traditional vignette style exam questions”

Grant submissions were open to all IAMSE Members. Funding preference was given to new projects, which must be relevant to the mission of IAMSE. The results of funded projects are presented at a future IAMSE meeting. If you would like to submit a proposal for the 2018 IAMSE Educational Scholarship Grant, watch for an email later this year!

IAMSE – Congratulations to the Master Scholar Award Winner!

The International Association of Medical Science Educations (IAMSE) would like to congratulate the winner of the 2017 Master Scholar award.

William B. Jeffries, Ph.D.
Professor of Pharmacology and Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education
University of Vermont
Burlington, Vermont

William B. (Bill) Jeffries, Ph.D. is a Professor of Pharmacology and the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education at the Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at the University of Vermont. Dr. Jeffries earned his master’s and doctoral degrees in pharmacology from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. While in graduate school he began his 37-year education career as a graduate assistant, teaching freshman biology labs. He did his postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas in the Department of Pharmacology.

After his fellowship, Dr. Jeffries joined the faculty at Creighton University. There he was elected Fellow of the Council for High Blood Pressure Research of the American Heart Association and spent two decades as a successful research investigator in hypertension and molecular pharmacology. At Creighton he became very active in health sciences education, teaching and directing courses for medical, nursing, pharmacy, dental and graduate students. He assumed a leadership role in graduate education as director of the Pharmacology Graduate Program for 7 years. He also developed an NIH-funded program to help prepare underrepresented minority students for research and medical careers. This program continued at Creighton for 15 years. He was also a driving force in medical curricular reform, overseeing the integration of Pharmacology content in a major curricular change at Creighton.

These early experiences led to Dr. Jeffries’ scholarly efforts in education, including effective teaching through active learning, curriculum design, strategic institutional planning and technological innovation. Dr. Jeffries served on the IAMSE Board of Directors for 7 years and is a past chair of the Division for Pharmacology Education of the American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. He has also served on several national groups and committees of the Association for American Medical Colleges and as a faculty member in its LEAD mentorship program. He has been a long term contributor to IAMSE and its programming, contributing numerous workshops and seminars. He has authored over 100 scholarly works.

Dr. Jeffries primary scholarly interest today is faculty development. He has made over 70 education presentations, seminars, and workshops regionally, nationally and internationally with the goal of improving medical teaching. Jeffries is coeditor (with Dr. Kathryn Huggett) of two editions of An Introduction to Medical Teaching, a faculty development manual for medical educators. He is a contributing author to many other medical teaching works, including IAMSE’s How-To Guide for Active Learning, A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers, Knowledge Objectives in Medical Pharmacology, the Guidebook for Clerkship Directors, 4th and 5th Editions, and The Eight Roles of the Excellent Medical Teacher. He is an outspoken proponent of active learning, and his advocacy for its use in medical education has been featured in many medical education meetings, the New York Times, Boston Globe, the AAMC Reporter, the Chronicle of Higher Education and the US News and World Report.

The Master Scholar Award recognizes an IAMSE member who has a distinguished record of educational scholarship, including educational research and/or dissemination of excellent and scholarly approaches to teaching and education. This could include development of multimedia medical educational programs, research in the areas of curriculum design and evaluation, student assessment, or innovative programs and methods.

IAMSE – Visit the WAS Archives!

As you probably know, IAMSE offers three Webcast Audio Seminar (WAS) Series every year. Did you know that we maintain an archive of all WAS seminars on the IAMSE website as well? The archive is the perfect opportunity to revisit your favorite series or to catch up on missed seminars, such as the Spring 2016 series on Curriculum Design and Evaluation or Winter 2014 series on Practical Applications of Active Learning!

The Webcast Audio Seminar archives are located on the IAMSE website under the Events heading as Web Seminars. Here, you will be able to search the archives or browse by year and series.

If you have any questions or problems accessing the archives, please just let us know at