
IAMSE Winter Web Audio Seminar “Continuity, LICs and Competency-based Education – 2018”

Continuity, LICs and Competency-based Education – 2018
Presenter: Molly Cooke
February 1, 12 PM ET

This session will describe the current state of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships (LICs) in medical education in the US, including the variety of formats that incorporate longitudinally and integration in some degree. It will describe what we know about the outcome of clinical education in this format for medical students and emerging trends in LICs. Because of the audience, special attention will be paid to how issues and concepts in fundamental science can be addressed in the LIC format.

For more information and to register for the Winter 2018 Audio Seminar Series, please click here.

IAMSE Winter Web Audio Seminar “Integration, competence and expertise: Preparing learners for the future”

Integration, competence and expertise: Preparing learners for the future
Presenter: Nikki Woods
January 25, 12 PM ET

As medical education prepares for the shift to competency-based education, there is increasing emphasis on identifying and assessing the specific knowledge and skills needed for safe medical practice. However, putting this new understanding into practice is made complicated by perceptual/knowledge limitations of students and fundamentally flawed models of information processing and memory implicitly held by many teachers. This session will provide participants with basic understanding of core principles of memory, attention, categorization and expertise development drawn from the cognitive psychology literature. Participants will learn new ways to conceptualize their own expertise and better prepare their learners for the complexities of future practice.

For more information and to register for the Winter 2018 Audio Seminar Series, please click here.

IAMSE – Spring 2018 Webcast Audio Seminar Series Save the Date!

IAMSE is pleased to announce the Spring 2018 Web Seminar Series!

Integrating Nutrition and Wellness Instruction: Practical Applications for Health Science Educators

As a follow-up to our successful series on faculty and student wellness and resiliency and as a prelude to our annual meeting integrating nutrition and wellness education in teaching the health sciences, the 2018 Spring IAMSE Web Seminar Series focuses on specific examples of how schools have implemented programs to address these issues. The first session will feature presentations by Angela Cheung from the University of Toronto and Maryam Hamidi from Stanford who will describe the current status of physician nutrition, barriers to healthy eating by physician training and practice, and suggestions for awareness recognition of the importance of proper nutrition in the wellness of physicians. The second session will be presented by Nicholas Pennings from Campbell University who will highlight, from a practical standpoint, how a new osteopathic medical school implemented a longitudinal nutrition theme focused on obesity. The next session will be presented by Sian Cotton who will provide a detailed description of a highly successful center for the promotion of integrative health and wellness at the University of Cincinnati. The fourth session will be another paired presentation by John Yoon from the University of Chicago and Tania Jenkins from Temple who will highlight research focused on the moral and spiritual development of students over-time, conducted as part of the of the “Good Physician Project”. The series concludes with a presentation by Joe Shapiro from Beth Israel on promotion of student wellness using peer-support groups. This series will set the stage for our upcoming meeting and provide insight into implementation of these important curricular initiatives.

Sessions will be every Thursday at 12 PM Eastern Time from March 8 to April 5, 2018.

Registration is set to open in January. Please visit for more information.

IAMSE Winter Web Audio Seminar “Generating Trust in Entrustment: an update from the AAMC Core EPA Pilot Group”

Generating Trust in Entrustment: an update from the AAMC Core EPA Pilot Group
Presenter: Kim Lomis
January 18, 12 PM ET

Dr. Lomis, on behalf of the national pilot group, will briefly review the background of the AAMC Core EPAs for Entering Residency initiative and will summarize recent activities of the national pilot group. Guiding principles for implementation will be elucidated, and areas of ongoing development and study will be discussed.

For more information and to register for the Winter 2018 Audio Seminar Series, please click here.

IAMSE – Call for Travel Award Applications – Due February 2

The IAMSE Conference Travel Awards support students or junior faculty to attend the IAMSE Annual Meeting. The amount of the 2018 Travel Awards will be $1,500, and is meant to cover expenses related to attendance at the IAMSE annual meeting in Las Vegas, such as conference registration, lodging, and airfare. Any IAMSE member who will attend the 2018 Annual Meeting is eligible to apply, though preference will be given to those submitting conference proposals for a poster or oral presentation abstract.

To be considered for the award, an applicant must submit the following items:

  1. A current CV
  2. A 300 word Personal Statement
  3. An abstract or description of the work, if applicable

Applications must be submitted via e-mail, in duplicate, to: and by February 2, 2018.

Happy Holidays from the IAMSE Admin Team

From everyone in the IAMSE office, we would like to wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season!

The IAMSE Administrative Office will be closed on December 25-26, 2017 and on January 1, 2018 for the holidays.

We are truly grateful for the support you have provided to us at IAMSE and are greatly looking forward to what 2018 has in store!

IAMSE – Publications Committee MSE Article Review

Every month, the IAMSE Publications Committee reviews published articles from the archives of Medical Science Educator or of its predecessor JIAMSE. This month’s review is taken from the article titled, “A Scoping Review of Ultrasound Teaching in Undergraduate Medical Education.” This article was published as an open-access article in 2017 in Medical Science Educator. It is certainly an important contribution to the undergraduate medical education community. UGME is in a strong uphill curve with the topic of Point of Care Ultrasound Education (POCUS). To attempt a scoping review (and thank you to authors for clarifying a scoping vs systematic review) should be appreciated by all who are attempting to understand this curriculum component as required or elective or both. In addition, the authors organization of the extensive literature reviewed into 4 themes applicable to decision makers of curriculum designers makes the quantity and quality of the content accessible to the reader. Studies that met the inclusion criteria were sub-categorized under the following headings: those that described or evaluated an ultrasound curriculum, those that employed ultrasound as a means of teaching another topic in the curriculum (i.e., anatomy, physical examination, physiology, invasive procedures), those that investigated the learning curve of ultrasound education and those that employed adjuncts or peer mentoring to teach ultrasound.

The text discussion is supported with excellent figure and tables to further organize the large content uncovered in the review and is clearly communicated to the reader. The content presented under each theme allows medical educators to look at literature that fits their current developmental stage of planning and implementing a POCUS curriculum. Finally, I must congratulate the authors on addressing the weakness of POCUS education, assessment. We know for students’ assessment drives learning and we also want assessment for learning purposes. The lack of instruments and need for validation of existing instruments in UGME is essential for the field to move forward. This is a call to UGME researchers to take this recommendation forward and not only plan and implement POCUS curriculum but assure development of assessments is a strong objective. This is clearly supports further exploring the OSAUS scale reported on and its validity and reliability in UGME.

On a personal note as an educator I have heard and questioned the statement “the ultrasound machine is the new/modern stethoscope”. I know students like gadgets and they like this POCUS approach in their clinical education, as it crosses both anatomical and clinical sciences. To date, the data satisfies the lowest level of Kirkpatrick evaluation-user satisfaction. The medical education community must move assessment of trainees to learning and most important behavior change in the clinical care of patients and ultimately measure increased quality and decreased cost to patients and healthcare systems.

IAMSE Winter Web Audio Seminar “Competency-Based Medical Education: Understanding the Principles”

Competency-Based Medical Education: Understanding the Principles
Presenter: Linda Snell
January 11, 12 PM ET

This webinar will lay the foundation for future sessions in this series. We will discuss the definition and define the common terms that are used in competency-based medical education (CBME). The reasons for why we need to change our current education system, and how CBME may address these, will be discussed. We will describe the five components of CBME and models for implementing this new education paradigm across the continuum of medical education.

For more information and to register for the Winter 2018 Audio Seminar Series, please click here.

Consider Donating to IAMSE This Year

On behalf of IAMSE and the Development Committee, we hope you have a joyous holiday season and wish you a happy and prosperous new year. We ask that you consider including IAMSE in your year-end charitable giving plans. Your gift would support the IAMSE mission to advance health professions education through teacher development and to ensure that medical science education continues to be firmly grounded in foundational sciences and includes the best practices of teaching by providing travel awards that would enable junior faculty members to attend our meetings and to access our educational resources.

Donating is easy – please access the “Make a Donation” button on the IAMSE website under the “Connect” subheading or by clicking here. A contribution in any amount would help greatly.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

IAMSE – Winter 2017 Well-being WAS Archive Now Available

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce that the archives for the 2017 Winter Series of the Webcast Audio Seminars, Creating a Culture of Well-being at an Academic Health Center, are now available online!

The Webcast Audio Seminar archives are located on the IAMSE website under the Events heading as Web Seminars. Here, you will be able to search the archives or browse by year and series.

If you have any questions or problems accessing the archives, please just let us know at

IAMSE Call for Connects Announcements – Deadline December 30

The next issue of the electronic membership newsletter of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), IAMSE Connects, will be published in January. The purpose of this newsletter is to connect the IAMSE membership with information, opportunities, resources and each other.

We are very pleased to dedicate one section of this newsletter to recognize the professional accomplishments of our members but we need your help! Have you received awards or promotions or landed a great new job in the last year? We would like to know about it and celebrate your accomplishments in our newsletter.

Please send your news to Brandi Hinkle at or submit it online here for inclusion in the next edition. Sorry, we can only include professional accomplishments in the newsletter, but welcome you to share your personal news on the IAMSE Facebook page! Thanks for your help!

Deadline: December 30, 2017.

IAMSE – Medical Science Educator Call for Announcements

In every issue of Medical Science Educator, we publish an announcements section. In this section we share information that is of interest to the readership of the journal. Individual IAMSE members wishing to post medical education related announcements in the Journal are invited to send their requests to the Editorial Assistant at Announcements may be IAMSE-related, announcements from other medical education organizations, medical education conference information or international issues affecting medical education. Announcements will be published at the Editor’s discretion.

Deadline for inclusion in the March issue: December 22, 2017