
Health Systems Science: The Pre-Clinical Years in Medical School

The 2020 IAMSE Spring Webcast Audio Seminar Series begins today at 12pm Eastern! In the upcoming weeks experts and thought leaders will discuss curricular efforts to incorporate HSS in both the pre-clerkship and clerkship years as well as residency.

Our second session in the series will take place on March 12 and will feature Anna Chang, Adrienne Green, and Edward Pierluissi from the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine.

Anna Chang, Adrienne Green and Edgar Pierluissi

Health Systems Science: The Pre-Clinical Years in Medical School 
Presenters: Anna Chang, MD, Adrienne Green, MD and Edgar Pierluissi, MD
Session: March 12, 2020 at 12pm Eastern Time

The US health care system is failing many patients and clinicians today. Medical education must be a part of the solution, as all future physicians need the knowledge and skills to lead and participate in innovations to improve outcomes. This webinar describes a unique partnership between undergraduate medical education and an academic health system that allows early medical students to learn health systems improvement by contributing to real-time efforts. It features medical educators and health systems leaders as well as inspirational stories of student learning and project impact.

For more information and to register for the Spring 2020 Audio Seminar Series, please visit registration for individuals and institutions.

Registration for the ESME Program is Now Available!

IAMSE is once again pleased to offer the very successful, AMEE-sponsored course: Essential Skills in Medical Education (ESME), led by two distinguished educators: Prof. Ronald Harden, University of Dundee and Prof. Aviad Haramati, Georgetown University. The ESME course requires separate registration and is held on a full day prior to the IAMSE conference, continues with special discussion sessions during the conference, and concludes with a full afternoon on the final conference day.

This course explores numerous themes including learning outcomes and curricular planning, teaching and learning methods, assessment strategies, educational scholarship and the teacher as a leader. The course is ideal for faculty educators who are eager to learn about the principles of health professions education or for seasoned individuals interested in exploring new ideas and trends. Upon completion of the ESME course (with certificate), participants are eligible to enroll in the IAMSE Fellowship program

Additional ESME details and registration information can be found at

Don’t forget to register before the Early Bird deadline on Wednesday, April 1!

*Reminder* Special Issue Manuscripts Still Being Accepted

In the last quarter of 2020, Medical Science Educator, the journal of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), will be publishing a special journal section dedicated to the topic of “The Future of Health Sciences Education.”

The Editorial Board of Medical Science Educator is still soliciting article submissions on this topic and welcome contributions in the selected formats of Innovation, Short Communication, Commentaries or Monograph. Please see our website for a more detailed description of these article types. All submissions will be peer-reviewed according to our regular review process. Accepted manuscripts will be collected in a special section in issue 30(4) or will be published in one of the regular issues thereafter.

Manuscripts to be considered for this special section must be submitted by April 1, 2020.

Please submit manuscripts through our online submission system that can be found by visiting: In your cover letter, please refer to the topic “Future of Health Sciences Education” to indicate that you would like to be included in the special section. See our journal website to review the Instructions for Authors.

IAMSE Spring 2020 Webinar Series Session 1 with Jed Gonzalo and Ami DeWaters

Jed Gonzalo and Ami DeWaters to Present “The Third Pillar of Medical Education: Health Systems Science”

The 2020 IAMSE Spring Webcast Audio Seminar Series will begin next Thursday, March 5 at 12pm Eastern! Experts and thought leaders will discuss curricular efforts to incorporate HSS in both the pre-clerkship and clerkship years as well as residency. Our first session in the series will feature Jed Gonzalo and Ami DeWaters from Penn State College of Medicine.

The Third Pillar of Medical Education: Health Systems Science 
Presenters: Jed Gonzalo, MD, MSc and Ami DeWaters, MD
Session: March 5, 2020 at 12pm Eastern Time

In this introductory session, the core twelve domains of health systems science (HSS) will be defined and the historical evolution of HSS that has resulted in the development and implementation of HSS into medical education will be described. The necessary characteristics of health systems and providers that are grounded in HSS tenets will be discussed. This session will set the stage for the remainder of the series, which will more particularly address the incorporation of HSS into undergraduate and graduate medical education, culminating in a final session describing challenges that have been faced.

For more information and to register for the Spring 2020 Audio Seminar Series, please visit registration for individuals and institutions.

A Review from Medical Science Educator from Dr. Melanie Korndorffer

Each month the IAMSE Publications Committee reviews published articles from Medical Science Educator. This month’s review, written by Dr. Melanie Korndorffer, is taken from the article titled A Survey of Health Sciences Faculty Practices and Attitudes Regarding the Peer Feedback Component of Team-Based Learning (doi:10.1007/s40670-019-00816-z) published in Medical Science Educator, Volume 29, (pages 1211–1219), 2019 by Lerchenfeldt, S. & Eng, M.

As an avid user of Team-Based Learning as pedagogy and team learning as an essential component of our curricular outcomes, I benefitted from and enjoyed the work of these authors describing the importance of peer feedback in the development of health science learners from a variety of specialties. Many educators and administrators solicit and direct peer feedback, but the barriers to implementation and consequences are ever-present. Most of the responders to the surveys regarding the use of peer feedback describe a lack of adequate time and quality student instruction creating difficulties in the execution of the peer feedback process. Many different approaches to peer feedback are used by institutions, and their use as formative or summative assessment was also quite varied among the respondents. The authors’ purpose in writing this article was to identify current practices of peer feedback, identify curricular assessment, and note the challenges with peer feedback in TBL.

The authors describe the origins of the TBL briefly and note the importance of peer feedback in the implementation of TBL. Primarily, benefits include improvements in professionalism, teamwork, communication, and preparation of healthcare providers who will eventually have peer review responsibilities. Challenges were noted; students feel uncomfortable with providing feedback to their peers, do not feel adequately prepared to deliver feedback, are already overwhelmed with limited time and unlimited growth of medical sciences.

Using both qualitative and quantitative measurements, the authors found a substantial portion of the schools who responded to the queries use peer feedback in TBL through a variety of means and frequencies. Most of the responders stated that they feel that peer feedback is a necessary component of TBL. Several difficult impediments are listed and include the struggle to instruct the student on how to give meaningful feedback. Most of the listed schools responded that they do not review the quality of the peer feedback and so risk ineffective and potentially harmful feedback, which may lead to adverse outcomes.
Despite the difficulties, the authors describe peer feedback in TBL as vital. They state that providing high quality and useful feedback should be an essential curricular outcome. They suggest more research to determine the best practices for improving the implementation of the process to aid in the development of peer feedback skills.

Thank you for the opportunity to review this intriguing document.

Melanie L. Korndorffer, MD FACS
Director Gross and Developmental Anatomy, Advanced Surgery-Based Anatomy, and Anatomy Certification and Leadership Program
Co-Vice Chair of Medical Education
Department of Structural and Cellular Biology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Room 3301, Hutchinson Bldg

#IAMSE 2020 Plenary Highlight Poh-Sun Goh

The 2020 IAMSE meeting offers many opportunities for faculty development and networking, and brings medical sciences and medical education across the continuum together. This year’s main topic is Envisioning the Future of Health Sciences Education. One of our four confirmed keynote speakers is Poh-Sun Goh from the National University of Singapore in Singapore.

Medical Educator Roles of the Future
Presenter: Poh-Sun Goh – National University of Singapore
Plenary Address: Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

This session will explore how near future technology can impact how we educate healthcare professionals and the way they provide care.

In this address, the idea is to examine how “new” methods and platforms for displaying information, engaging an audience, extending and expanding the cognitive presence of “the instructor”, and increasingly “guide” will transform the learning experience, and training outcomes, of our educational efforts; and also explore how these same technologies, which will include Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), online and re-imagined out-of-the-simulation-center skill training experiences (inspired and modeled after gaming platforms), can augment, enhance, and transform how we educate and train healthcare professionals, along the whole continuum of learning, from undergraduate learning, through postgraduate training, to lifelong learning and continuing professional development settings.

For more information and to register for the 24th Annual IAMSE Meeting, please visit

We Hope to See You Exhibit at #IAMSE20 With Us in Denver, CO, USA!

June 2020 is just around the corner and the preparations for the next IAMSE annual meeting are at full speed. Attendee registration opened recently and we are already off to a strong start! I would like to again remind you about the opportunity to participate in supporting the International Association of Medical Science Educators at our 2020 Meeting.

I have included a copy of our exhibitor brochure for your review. Download Here

The 2020 Annual IAMSE Meeting will be held June 13-16, 2020 at the Hilton Denver City Center hotel in Denver, CO, USA. At the meeting faculty, staff and students from around the world who are interested in medical science education join together in faculty development and networking opportunities. Sessions on curriculum development, assessment and simulation are among the common topics available at the annual meetings.

I look forward to working with you to make this educational event successful for all involved and hope to see you in Denver!


Julie K. Hewett, CMP, CAE
IAMSE Association Manager

#IAMSE 2020 Plenary Highlight Cindy Nebel

The 2020 IAMSE meeting offers many opportunities for faculty development and networking, and brings medical sciences and medical education across the continuum together. This year’s main topic is Envisioning the Future of Health Sciences Education. One of our four confirmed keynote speakers is Cindy Nebel from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

The Application of Cognitive Psychology to Improve Teaching and Learning
Presenter: Cindy Nebel – Vanderbilt University, USA
Plenary Address: Monday, June 15, 2020, 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM

Cognitive psychologists over the last century have identified six key strategies that promote learning in many situations, and this research can inform classroom learning. However, the research is not always translated into practice. During the talk, Dr. Nebel will describe the way in which cognitive research spans the laboratory to the classroom, and will discuss 6 key learning strategies that have been identified as particularly effective at improving student learning. Examples of how evidence-based learning strategies can be utilized in the classroom will be presented, as well as resources instructors can utilize to continue to learn more about evidence-based strategies in the future.

For more information on Dr. Nebel and to register for the 24th Annual IAMSE Meeting, please visit

IAMSE Winter 2020 WAS Session 5 Highlights

[The following notes were generated by Michele Haight, PhD.]

IAMSE Webinar Series, Winter 2020

Speakers: Lee Jones
Title: “Medical Students and Substance Use: Challenges and Supports”
Series: How is Health Science Education Tackling the Opioid Epidemic?

  • According to a 2019 CBS News Poll, views and opinions towards marijuana in the US are changing with a trend toward legalizing marijuana.
  • Marijuana is the most commonly used psychotropic drug by young adults in the US, second only to alcohol.
  • Effects of marijuana use:
    • Smoking has immediate effects that last 1-3hrs. Peak levels of intoxication for smoking marijuana occur 30 minutes after smoking and last for several hours.
    • GI ingestion effects occur within 30-60 min. and last “many hours.” This poses a greater risk for overdose.
    • THC is detected almost immediately in the bloodstream. It is fat-soluble and able to be detected in the urine anywhere from one day to more than a month after ingestion.
  • Common effects of Marijuana include:
    • Euphoria
    • Sense of relaxation
    • Altered senses/altered sense of time
    • Changes in mood
    • Impaired body movement
    • *Difficulty thinking and problem-solving
    • *Impaired memory
    • Hallucinations (heavy use)
    • Delusions (heavy use)
    • Psychosis (heavy use)
      * Of concern for physicians/physician trainees
  • Drug Detection Time in the Urine:
    • Single use. 3 days
    • Moderate use 5-7 days
    • Chronic use (daily) 10-15 days
    • Chronic heavy smoker >30 days (after cessation)
  • In the US, there are currently 2 FDA-approved THC medications : Dronabinol/Marinol and Nabilone. Dronabinol tests positive for THC on urine tests but Nabilone tests negative for THC.
  • According to Crean et al. (2011), marijuana impairs cognitive functions on many levels including basic motor coordination and more complex executive function tasks. These deficits vary depending on the quantity, recentness, age of onset and duration of the marijuana use.
  • Summary of research findings on the effects of cannabis (Crean et al., 2011)

The table shows mixed findings based on the types of effects, acute, residual or long-term as well as the focused area of executive functioning.

  • Cannabis Use Disorder/Cannabis Withdrawal Disorder are included in the DSM-5.
  • According to Hasin et al. (2015), nearly 30 % of marijuana users manifested a marijuana use disorder between 2012 and 2013.
  • Marijuana laws vary by state. Currently, 26 states plus DC have decriminalized small amounts of marijuana. Eleven states and DC have legalized recreational marijuana. However, institutions that receive federal research or financial aid monies must have policies that comply with federal drug laws that consider marijuana illegal.
  • Marijuana is a DEA Schedule 1 Substance. Physicians cannot legally prescribe a Schedule 1 controlled substance.
  • The Federation of Sate Medical Boards (FSMB) “…advise their licensees to abstain from the use of marijuana for medical or recreational purposes while actively engaged in the practice of medicine…”
  • Physician trainee issues with medical and recreational marijuana:
    • ADA protections for protected disabilities do not extend to the use of non-FDA approved medications (marijuana). Graduates have been granted ADA protections if pre-employment drug screens were positive for an FDA-approved medication (Dronabinol/Marinol).
    • Institutions that employ residents are within their rights to deny employment because of a positive cannabinoid screen for marijuana use.
    • Matching in a state that has legalized medical and/or recreational marijuana does not protect graduates from adverse consequences (such as Match revocation) related to the use of legalized and/or medical marijuana.
    • An increasing number of clinical rotations, including medical school clinical sites, are requiring substance abuse screening, including marijuana.
    • It might be worthwhile to explore with one’s treating clinician FDA-approved treatments instead of medical marijuana.
  • For practicing physicians, even if a state approves of medical and recreational marijuana use, other institutions within the state might still require a negative test for marijuana.
  • Second-hand marijuana smoke exposure can produce a positive screening result, depending on the amount of time of exposure. However, a more recent study indicates that a positive screening for second-hand marijuana smoke is not likely.
  • Repeated dissemination of information to medical students related to potential consequences of medical and/or recreational marijuana use and the Match is done at UCSF SOM and is highly recommended for all medical schools.
  • The article referenced below provides a guide for developing support systems for substance use disorders in physician training.


“A Lethal Hidden Curriculum — Death of a Medical Student from Opioid Use Disorder.” Catherine R. Lucey, M.D., Lee Jones, M.D., and Abigail Eastburn, M.D. August 29, 2019, N Engl J Med 2019; 381:793-795. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1901537

#IAMSE 2020 Plenary Highlight Renay Scales

The 2020 IAMSE meeting offers many opportunities for faculty development and networking, and brings medical sciences and medical education across the continuum together. This year’s main topic is Envisioning the Future of Health Sciences Education. One of our four confirmed keynote speakers is Renay Scales from the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Dr. Scales will be speaking on diversity and inclusion in medical education.

Leveraging Diversity and Inclusion in Science and Medical Education
Presenter: Renay Scales – University of Kentucky
Plenary Address: Monday, June 15, 2020, 8:45 AM – 9:45 AM

Diversity prepares us for the best solutions for complex problems according to Scientific American (2014). When we attain structural diversity and minimize implicit biases held by individuals on campus, we are more accurate and innovative in our research, teaching and service. The micro and macro aggressions that are pervasive when stereotypes and prejudice goes unchecked can result in immense frustration, hurt and actual physical and emotional dysfunction for those targeted (Davis, Scales et. al., 2015). Being aware of the benefits of diversity and inclusion and building cultural competence can impact teaching and learning in positive ways, and will enable the transfer of knowledge to students and trainees, and to each other fostering the best discoveries of procedures, protocols and treatments for improved patient outcomes.

For more information on Dr. Scales and to register for the 24th Annual IAMSE Meeting, please visit

IAMSE Winter 2020 WAS Session 4 Highlights

[The following notes were generated by Michele Haight, PhD.]

IAMSE Webinar Series, Winter 2020

Speakers: Suzanne Lady and Narda Robinson
Title: “Informing Pain Management Curriculum: A Multi-Disciplinary Discussion on Alternatives to Opioids”
Series: How is Health Science Education Tackling the Opioid Epidemic?

  • “Pain as the 5th Vital Sign” was an initiative launched in 1999 by the American Pain Society to bring awareness to practitioners and the public that patients experiencing pain were being under-treated. Each patient encounter required a pain rating assessment. As a result, pain became a huge clinical focus.
  • During the 2000s, drug manufacturers funded publications and CME events for physicians to encourage the expanded use of opiates.
  • In response to the opioid crisis, in 2007, he ACP and APS published guidelines for non- addictive, OTC pain medications as alternative treatment options for low back pain which included: analgesics, NSAIDs and secondarily, muscle relaxants.
  • Recent studies do not necessarily support the efficacy of these suggested pain medications, especially in light of their side effects.
  • Guideline recommended CAM treatments for pain include: Tai Chi, Yoga, Diet Modifications, Exercise, Mind/Body techniques, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, Massage Dietary Supplements, Cognitive-based Therapy and Spinal Manipulation.
  • Pain is influenced by a person’s biology, pain beliefs and attitudes and their social support system or lack thereof.
  • Given the complexity of pain management, it is necessary to teach and approach pain management from a bio-psycho-social perspective.
  • Spinal manipulation, one aspect of manual therapy, is a hands-on treatment which is often done by chiropractors, osteopaths, physical therapists, and medical doctors. It includes additional recommendations for exercises, making healthy lifestyle and dietary choices and engaging in stress reduction through mind/body medicine techniques.
  • International and Interdisciplinary Guidelines on treating low back pain include the following:
  • The following are recommendations for acute low back pain:
  • The evidence demonstrates that manipulation enhances function while medications do not.
  • Integrative medicine is a field that uses practices that traditionally have not been part of conventional medicine but are now being combined with conventional medicine as evidence for safety and effectiveness increases.
  • In terms of pain management, we need to:
    1. bring together conventional and complementary medicine practitioners along with other disciplines that treat pain to create a team-based approach to pain management.
    2. include pain medicine as a mandatory part of the medical school curriculum.
    3. provide integrative medicine learning opportunities and experiences from day one in the curriculum.
    4. create interdisciplinary opportunities for multiple integrative medicine professionals to train together such as integrated clinical preceptorships and residencies.
    5. see patients as a whole and learn to palpate from year 1; if you do not touch patients, how do you know where they hurt and the quality of their pain?
    6. build a healthier workplace culture for overworked and overstressed practitioners
  • Pain care is changing to multi-modal, evidence-informed options.
  • Prescribing opioids is the path of least resistance for overworked practitioners.
  • PRIMA (The Pain, Rehabilitation and Integrative Medicine Advantage) is a parallel training pathway for human and veterinary medicine. From the beginning of training acupuncture, biotherapy, manual therapy botanical medicine, phototherapy, movement therapy, etc. are taught alongside a more conventional curriculum. This gives broader meaning to the basic science topics and helps learners to incorporate CAM to facilitate healing without solely relying on medications and procedures. The 5 modalities of PRIMA practice are: medical acupuncture, medical massage, laser therapy, botanical medicine, and movement therapy.
  • Challenges are to incorporating integrative therapies with conventional medicine include the following:
    1. lack of faculty support
    2. insufficient awareness of scientific support for integrative therapies
    3. prescribing habits of practitioners
    4. corporate influence over curricula
    5. reimbursement
  • The solutions to the opioid crisis are not:
    1. more expensive tests
    2. more education solely about opioids
    3. drugs and procedures
    4. disengaged patients
  • In current medical education, there is a lack of instruction in pain medicine, a lack of awareness of non-opioid options and insufficient scrutiny of corporate influence in physician training. There needs to be a longitudinal, 4-year, comprehensive integrative pain medicine curriculum for all physician trainees devoid of corporate influence.
  • Sample Integrative curriculum:
    • Integrative Curriculum, Year 1 (14 hours) – acupuncture anatomy, neurophysiology, problem-based learning, experiential laboratory, Photomedicine physiology, clinical applications, experiential laboratory
    • Integrative Curriculum, Year 2 (14 hours) – Medical massage anatomy, physiology, techniques, experiential laboratory, Botanical medicine pharmacology, clinical practice, experiential laboratory
    • Integrative Curriculum, Year 3 (14 hours) – Integrative medical approaches to orthopedic and neurologic disease and injury, integrative rehabilitation and physical medicine, experiential laboratory
    • Integrative Curriculum, Year 4 (150-300 hours) – Hybrid online/onsite medical acupuncture comprehensive program
  • Final Thoughts: We need to move away from opioid reliance by learning new ways to heal and be healed by various integrative therapies in order to help our patients take control of their lives and be well.

IAMSE February Featured Member – Laurel Gorman

Say Hello to Our Featured Member
Laurel Gorman!

Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career, and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Dr. Laurel Gorman.

Laurel Gorman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Medical Education; Director, Endo-Repro and Brain-Behavior systems modules; Director, preclinical pharmacology curriculum
Chair, ASPET Division of Pharmacology Education
University of Central Florida College of Medicine

How long have you been a member of IAMSE?
I have been a member of IAMSE since 2011 and a reviewer for IAMSE medical education journals and meeting abstracts since 2012.

In your time with the association, what have you been up to? Committee involvement, conference attendance, WAS series, manuals, etc.?
I have been a member of the programing committee for the 2012, 2018, and 2020 IAMSE meetings. I have presented an IAMSE webinar on high fidelity simulations and basic science teaching. Across the years, I have chaired and presented multiinstitutional educational focus groups/workshops at 4 different IAMSE meetings on diverse topics (simulations, faculty identity, educational incentive misalignment, flipped class teaching). I will co-present another multiinstitutional focus group for the 2020 meeting on “scaling barriers” with vertical integration. A dedicated IMASE member, I attend the annual meetings regularly and author/co-author several medical education abstracts at each meeting. I have also published my educational research in the Medical Science Educator.

What has been your experience working on the 2020 Annual Meeting in Denver?
I have enjoyed working on the programming committee and having the opportunity to get to collaborate with a group of passionate medical educators. I am thrilled by the quality of medical education submissions I have had the opportunity to review. I am excited about the 2020 meeting as it will feature discussions of relevant and intellectually engaging topics.

What interesting things are you working on outside the Association right now?
I am passionate about teaching pharmacology as well as other foundational sciences, and excited to participate in diverse scholarly work designed to improve these processes. Areas of my scholarship include geriatric pharmacology education, opioid/addiction curricula, innovative teaching (games, simulations, flipped classes), and integration. I direct the preclinical pharmacology curriculum at my school, and I am very active in promoting educational scholarship, educational programming, and innovative teaching in my role as the Chair of the Association for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) Division of Pharmacology Education. I am also a distinguished fellow of the ASPET Academy of Pharmacology Educators. I have given back to my local community by serving as a content reviewer, presenter, and healthcare educator on opioids and addiction through the Central Florida Area Health Education Center (AHEC), a non-profit organization dedicated to improving opioid and addiction education through innovative educational programming. I have also served my local community in this capacity as the Central Florida Prevention of Prescription Drug Abuse Conference speaker for 2 years.

As a member, what is a standout benefit that keeps you engaged in IAMSE?
The meetings are great! Most of the topics are highly relevant to my educational and curricular roles so I always learn something new. I love interacting with other passionate medical educators, regardless of their discipline or background. The idea exchanges are invigorating, but I also like the networking and hope to continue developing collaborations with educators who share my interests (active learning methods, innovative teaching techniques, curriculum integration, and selected pharmacology topics). I recently joined the IAMSE Pharmacology Interest Group (PHIG) and I enjoy posting blogs and discussing hot topics. I also enjoy reading the Medical Science Educator journal articles.

Anything else that you would like to add?
I am always open to new collaborations and I enjoy mentoring junior scientists interested in improving their teaching or medical education scholarship. I often share ideas from IAMSE with ASPET and I invite my pharmacology education colleagues from ASPET to attend IAMSE as we all benefit from the exchange of ideas and collaborations that can arise between different educational organizations and also different disciplines. 

Registration for the IAMSE 2020 Annual Meeting in Denver, CO, USA is now open! Visit for more information and to register.