
Have an Announcement? Share it in Medical Science Educator!

In every issue of Medical Science Educator, we publish an announcements section. In this section, we share information that is of interest to the readership of the journal. Individual IAMSE members wishing to post medical education related announcements in the Journal are invited to send their requests to the Editorial Assistant at Announcements may be IAMSE-related, announcements from other medical education organizations, medical education conference information or international issues affecting medical education. Announcements will be published at the Editors discretion.

Deadline for inclusion in the next issue: April 5, 2020

Thank you,
Peter GM de Jong, PhD

#IAMSE20 Faculty Development Course Highlight

The 24th Annual IAMSE Meeting will feature a host of new workshops throughout the entire conference. One of our first-time workshops is Designing VR-Enhanced Educational Activities: A Backward Design Approach. This afternoon workshop will be given on Saturday, June 13 and will be led by Yerko Berrocal, Wen Cheng (Mark) Huang, Daniel Salcedo and James Thomas.

Workshop: From Theory to Practice: How to Apply Best Practices to Create Effective Video Microlectures
Time: Saturday, June 13 from 12:15 PM – 3:15 PM
Speakers: Yerko Berrocal – University of Illinois College of Medicine
Wen Cheng (Mark) Huang – Municipal WangFang Hospital, Taipei Medical University
Daniel Salcedo – Taipei Medical University, Center for Education in Medical Simulation
James Thomas – Lecturer

Virtual reality (VR) use for health professions education has been rapidly growing during the past few years. This educational technology offers great potential benefits, including better learner engagement, ability to provide learner-centred adaptive content, with a strong focus on experiential learning.  Unfortunately, there is still a lack of evidence-based best practices in VR-education, and poor implementation strategies can lead to limited educational outcomes and unnecessary costs. Proper design of VR-enhanced educational interventions based on proven educational frameworks with appropriate assessment strategies is essential to take full advantage of this technology. This interactive workshop aims to introduce the principles of backward design for VR-enhanced learning activities to improve educational outcomes and reduce unnecessary costs associated with deficient implementation, through the careful integration of educational objectives and assessment methods. Selecting the right tools for the job is essential in the successful utilization of any educational technology, and gaining the necessary knowledge of how to optimize VR in health professions education is critical to establishing a successful program. This workshop has been successfully conducted in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and this is the first opportunity to hold it in North America.


  • Understanding the full potential of VR as an educational tool
  • Identifying different types of VR tools commonly used in health professions education
  • Understanding the backwards design approach to developing educational activities with VR
  • Analyzing a VR-enhanced educational activity through a case study
  • Identifying common VR implementation errors and their impact on educational outcomes
  • Identifying strategies to improve educational transfer using VR
  • Designing a sample educational intervention using the backward design approach

Additional details about this and our other Faculty Development Workshops, as well as registration information, can be found at

IAMSE to Host Virtual Roundtable Discussions

IAMSE wants to hear how you are doing and how you are adapting to the new challenges at your institution. Have you had to cancel student research, deliver online exams or revamp your curriculum to more easily be shared online? What questions or words of advice would you give to fellow medical educators? Let us know during an upcoming #IAMSEchat.

We will soon be facilitating online discussions for our members to come together and chat about what works, what doesn’t, and how we can all be learning from and leaning on each other in this tumultuous time. Thus, to assist each other and help maintain our sense of community, we invite you to join in the conversation with your fellow educators in IAMSE by submitting your discussion topics here.

We will share information on these upcoming virtual roundtables in the next few days as it becomes available.

Subscribe to Medical Science Educator Table of Contents

Be alerted every time a new issue of Medical Science Educator is published by signing up for Table of Content alerts!

Springer offers MSE journal subscribers a first look at the newest articles as soon as they are available, so you never miss a breakthrough. To subscribe, visit Springer online here. In the right column, four headings down, you will see “Alerts for this journal.” Simply enter your email address to receive the table of contents for Medical Science Educator by email every time a new issue is published.

I hope you will enjoy reading our journal Medical Science Educator. If you have any questions, please contact .

Thank you,
Peter GM de Jong, PhD

Call for Reviewers – Medical Science Educator

Medical Science Educators Needs Reviewers Like You!
As editor-in-chief of the IAMSE journal Medical Science Educator, I would like to invite you to join us a manuscript reviewer. Medical Science Educator publishes articles which focus on teaching the sciences that are fundamental to modern medicine and health. Coverage includes basic science education, clinical teaching and the incorporation of modern educational technologies. Our journal is experiencing an increasing interest from educators from all over the world to publish with us.

Our reviewers are expected to have a broad interest in medical education. We will try to match the manuscript topic to your field of interest or expertise, but this is not always possible. Although expertise in the field is always helpful, the most important goal of our peer review is to judge the manuscript for its quality and appropriateness to be published in our journal and to provide the authors useful feedback. This is done using a standardized review form, and reviews must be returned within three weeks. We invite you to review at least four manuscripts per year, but of course more is always appreciated.

For the professional development of our reviewers, we offer a review workshop during the IAMSE annual meeting, free of charge. This year this workshop will be organized on Saturday June 13, 2020 at the meeting in Denver, CO, USA. Our reviewers are expected to be IAMSE members in good standing, so we hope that you maintain your active membership.

If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, or if you have any questions, please contact me at I look forward to working with you.

Peter GM de Jong, PhD

#IAMSE20 Faculty Development Course Highlight

The 24th Annual IAMSE Meeting will feature a host of new workshops throughout the entire meeting. One of our first-time workshops is From Theory to Practice: How to Apply Best Practices to Create Effective Video Microlectures. This morning workshop will be given on Saturday, June 13 and will be led by Yerko Berrocal, Jonathan Fisher, Leslie Hammersmith and Andrew Darr.

Workshop: From Theory to Practice: How to Apply Best Practices to Create Effective Video Microlectures
Time: Saturday, June 13 from 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Speakers: Yerko Berrocal – University of Illinois College of Medicine
Jonathan Fisher – University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria
Leslie Hammersmith – University of Illinois at Chicago
Andrew Darr – U of I College of Medicine at Peoria

Well-designed microlecture videos are an effective and efficient method for conveying core knowledge and key concepts.  Locally-produced video microlectures enable a faculty member to customize content delivery specific to session learning objectives and curricular context.  Faculty-generated video microlectures give students confidence that materials are relevant and personalized and also allow students to develop and maintain a sense of familiarity with faculty members.  However, sub-optimal design of video microlectures undermines learning effectiveness and detracts from student engagement.  Therefore, it is critical to control the quality of materials presented to our students.   In this interactive workshop, the science of learning and evidence-based multimedia principles will be applied as participants work in small groups to design, create, and refine their own video microlectures.

At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be familiar with a research-based theory of how people learn (i.e. the science of learning) and evidence-based principles on how to design effective and engaging video microlectures.  Participants will gain knowledge and practice in microlecture video production using low-cost and user-friendly resources that can be easily utilized at their home institutions.  Furthermore, participants will learn how to effectively use an established peer-review rubric to improve the overall quality of content produced both within the session and in the future.

Additional details about this and our other Faculty Development Workshops, as well as registration information, can be found at

IAMSE Spring 2020 WAS Session 2 Highlights

[The following notes were generated by Rebecca Rowe, PhD.]

IAMSE Webinar Series, Spring 2020

Speakers: Anna Change, MD, Director, Clinical Microsystems Clerkship, University of San Francisco School of Medicine; Adrienne Green, MD, Chief Medical Officer and Vice President for Patient Safety and Accreditation, University of San Francisco Health System and Edgar Pierluissi, MD, Director, Health Systems Improvement, University of San Francisco School of Medicine.
Title: “Health Systems Sciences: The Pre-Clinical Years in Medical Education”
Series: Evolution and Revolution in Medical Education: Health Systems Sciences

Objectives for the Session:
1. Identify the importance of health systems science in medical student education
2. Describe one sample strategy for integrating health system science with basic and clinical sciences in pre-clinical undergraduate medical education
3. List benefits of value-added student roles from the perspective of health system

During the session the following sections will be addressed:
1. What is health systems science and why is it important to medical education? Presented by Dr. Edgar Pierluissi.
2. How do we teach HSS in the pre-clerkship years? Presented by Dr. Anna Chang
3. Why do academic health centers want HSS education? Presented by Dr. Adrienne Green

Dr. Pierluissi started by reminding us the definition of HSS.
HSS is defined as “the study of how health care is delivered. It seeks to improve the quality of health care for patients and populations”. American Medical Association

1. Why is HSS important to Medical Education?
• Quality
• Patient Complexity
• Cost

Quality (JAMA, 2018; 319 (10); 1024-1039)
• There are many areas where American medicine doesn’t deliver care that we know can be achieved, although there are some areas of excellence.
• When comparing to the other wealthy countries, the USA ranked highly in Clinical Outcomes (1st), but did not do as well in other domains such as Access (6th), Perception of care (10th) and Disparities in Health Care (11th).
• There are significant gaps in health care quality across the US such as either overuse of diagnostic imaging or underuse of cancer screening.
• Basically, the quality of care in the US is not what is should be.
• The inclusion of HSS in medical education is a response to this problem.

Patient Complexity
• As patients age, the number of patients with complex medical and psychosocial factors is increasing.
• Patients that present with 4 or more co-morbidities increases with age.
• This population of patients disproportionately account for poor health outcomes and health care costs. ( J Amer Board of Fam Med 2018)
• In summary, “as the number of patients with multimorbid, complex, and medical and psychosocial factors increase, health outcomes will depend more on teams and systems of care than the individual physician.”

• The US spends more, by far, on health care than other wealthy countries.
• The cost of health care has consequences.
• Data shows that at least 25% of Americans, or a family member, delayed care for a serious health medical condition owing to the cost of care. (The Washington Post 2019)
• One-third of people that filed for bankruptcy confirmed the cost of health care was a contributing factor.
• Adhering to evidence, aligning care with patient’s values, increasing collaboration and care has the potential to reduce waste.
• Much of the cost of health care is due to waste.
• The aim of HSS in medical education is to reduce waste and to increase the value of care.

This concludes this section on the Drivers for HSS in Medical Student Education. By incorporating HSS in medical education, future physicians will be better equipped to participate in and lead systems change that addresses these issues, not alone, but part of a larger solution.

2. How do we teach HSS in pre-clerkship years? Presented by Anna Chang
Concerns for integrating HSS: (Gonzalo et al. Academic Medicine 2018 and 2019)
• Pre-clerkship medical students…is it too early?
o Feel it is not too early as students bring in a fresh perspective and motivation to make the world a better place.
• The medical student curriculum is already packed. Where do we put this?
o Through a process of re-envisioning, integration, and thoughtful change management are strategies that make this important transformation feasible.
• Clinical Faculty never learned this. Who will teach it?
o Through the strategy of co-learning and expansion of the definition of “educator” has helped to address this gap.
• Health systems are still working to improve. How can they partner to teach students?
o Invited the students to join the faculty to improve this together!

In addition to lectures and small classroom learning, there are a number of ways medicals in the US, Canada and the UK, have engaged medical students in experiential learning of HSS.
HS Experiential Learning Models
• Students can act as Patient navigators for individual patients
• Students can serve as Medical scribes for individual clinicians
• Engages students in Patient population health managers for groups of patients
• Medical Students serve as Quality improvement team members for health systems

The remaining of this section will explain how UCSF School of Medicine uses Medical Students as Quality improvement team members for health systems.

UCSF School of Medicine and PharmD program starts the New Bridges Curriculum in 2016.
The rest of this section will focus on foundation 1, which is the phase that encompasses the first and second years of medical school.

For UCSF School of Medicine, HSS is taught in multiple places with the focus being in the Clinical Microsystems Clerkship, which is a longitudinal element that combines direct patient care with health systems improvements. This is where experiential learning focus on quality improvement occurs.

Therefore, the goals of Clinical Microsystems Clerkship is to help early learners to learn:
• Health Systems Improvement
• Interprofessional Collaboration
• Direct Patient Care

Components critical to this curriculum:
• Faculty development
• Lectures and small groups
• Projects applying learn

3. Do academic health centers want HSS education presented by Dr. Adrienne Green.

Dr. Green shared with the audience why academic medical centers like UCSF want to collaborate with educational leaders to develop these types of programs.

Dr. Green presented Why HSS? From a Chief Medical Officer Perspective.
• Formal experiential training is far more effective than learning by doing on the job and I wish I’d had this kind of training in medical school.
• Students enter medical school eager to contribute to positive change, and for exposure to improvement strategies and policy implications.
• Early introduction and engagement in local health care value (quality/cost) work is key.
• Systems based practice is a core competency for students, residents, fellows, and practicing physicians, so there is a need to build these skills for the long term, regardless of their site or their type of practice.

• For UCSF, alignment of student quality improvement projects with UCSF Health True North priorities and Lean strategies is the key.
• Health systems and educational leaders collaborate and iterate each year.
• Training for physicians coaches and students includes:
o Health systems priorities to guide project selection and design
o Lean improvement methodology (same as health system)
• Students integrate into existing improvement teams and ongoing work.
• Students are seen as unique contributors to teams and expand the improvement workforce.

What is meant by Lean tool?
• Dr. Green discussed an example called “A3 Thinking” as a way of problem-solving and documenting their project work than contains the following parts:
o Problem
o Current state
o Target
o Gap analysis
o Experiments
o Action plan
o reflection
• This forces then to fully work through the problem they are trying to solve, at the current state in that particular area to determine the root cause of the problem, before developing their intervention and action plans.

The last part of Dr. Green’s session took us through one of the UCSF student presentations illustrating the work they are doing.

Take-home points by:
Dr. Pierluissi: Because of the gaps in our health care systems, today’s medical educators need to add HSS early in undergraduate medical education.

Dr. Chang: There are models to integrate HSS into the classroom and experiential learning in the first two years of medical school for early students.

Dr. Green: Academic health system leaders perceive an alignment and value in having early medical students engaged in health systems improvement.

IAMSE March Featured Member – Benjamin Robinson

Say hello to our featured member
Benjamin Robinson

Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career, and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Benjamin Robinson.

Benjamin Robinson
Second Year Medical Student
Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine
Lillington, North Carolina, USA

How long have you been a member of IAMSE?
I have been a member of IAMSE since 2019.

In your time with the association, what have you been up to? Committee involvement, conference attendance, WAS series, manuals, etc.? How have you interacted with IAMSE?
In my time with the organization, I have been constructing a manuscript to submit to Medical Science Educator regarding my research with augmented reality anatomy education. I have also been preparing to attend my first annual conference with IAMSE. I look forward to becoming more involved with the organization by participating in the IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminar Series. 

My oral presentation will discuss the benefits and limitations of using augmented reality (AR) to teach gross and microscopic anatomy to medical students in a small group learning environment. Specifically, I will analyze the impact of AR on promoting short and long-term anatomical knowledge retention and improving perceived anatomy understanding. Student feedback from use of AR will also be examined. Lastly, implications for further use of AR in anatomy education will be evaluated.

What interesting things are you working on outside the Association right now? Research, presentations, etc.
Outside of IAMSE, I have been collaborating with leaders of the mixed reality learning industry regarding the improvement and practical implementation of mixed reality applications in health science education.

As a member, what is a standout benefit that keeps you engaged in IAMSE?
IAMSE offers a tremendous opportunity to network with a diverse array of health science students and educators. The connections made through my involvement with IAMSE will further inspire and assist my career ambitions of becoming a physician educator. I am also looking forward to the opportunity to share my research and receive feedback from an international audience of IAMSE members at the 2020 meeting in Denver.

Anything else that you would like to add?
As a new member of IASME, I look forward to a career of involvement with the organization. I am thankful for the opportunity to help advance health science education.

For more information on this year’s annual conference, and to register, please visit

Early Bird Registration for #IAMSE20 ends April 1!

The 2020 IAMSE Annual Conference is right around the corner! The Early Bird Deadline is April 1. Currently, registration is $725/$800 for member/non-member. After the Early Bird Deadline, rates will increase to $825/$900 for member/non-member registration. Be sure to register before this deadline to receive the reduced rate!

The IAMSE attendee room rate is $199 per night at The Hilton Denver City Center. The special room rate is for the nights of June 11 – 16, 2020. This special rate will only be available until May 11, 2020.

After May 11, the hotel cannot guarantee a room for IAMSE attendees, so be sure to book your hotel before the cut off!

To make your reservations please follow this link.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let us know at Additional meeting details and registration can be found at

We’re looking forward to seeing you in Denver!

Health Systems Science: The Clinical Years (and transition) in Medical School

The 2020 IAMSE Spring Webcast Audio Seminar Series is here! This season will focus on health systems sciences. Health Systems Sciences has evolved as the third pillar of medical education, integrated with the two historic pillars—basic and clinical sciences. To address this curricular innovation, the Spring 2020 IAMSE webcast audio seminar series will explore the implementation of Health Systems Science (HSS) curricula in medical education. This March, we’ve lined up multiple speakers to shine a light on the topic across multiple landscapes in medical education. In our third session, we welcome Drs. Maya Hammoud of the University of Michigan School of Medicine and Mamta Singh of Case Western Reserve University.

Health Systems Science: The Clinical Years (and transition) in Medical School 
Presenters: Mamta Singh, MD, MS, FACP and Maya Hammoud, MD, MBA
Session: March 19, 2020 at 12pm Eastern Time

As Medical Schools integrate Health Systems Science into the curriculum, one of the areas that remain a challenge is the clinical years. Traditional clinical care has very little flexibility to incorporate HSS if approached with a pure scheduling lens. However, there are ample opportunities in daily workplace learning to recognize how HSS impacts clinical decision making and ultimately clinical care. In this session, the facilitators will share how they have or plan to incorporate and evaluate HSS in the clerkship, fourth year and transition to residency curriculum.

For more information and to register for the Spring 2020 Audio Seminar Series, please visit registration for individuals and institutions.

IAMSE Spring 2020 WAS Session 1 Highlights

[The following notes were generated by Rebecca Rowe, PhD.]

IAMSE Webinar Series, Spring 2020

Speakers: Ami DeWaters, MD, Assistant Professor Internal Medicine, Assistant Director Health Systems Sciences, Penn State College of Medicine and Jed Gonzala, MD, MS, Associate Dean for Health Systems Sciences Education, Penn State College of Medicine
Title: “The Third Pillar of Medical Education: Health Systems Science”
Series: Evolution and Revolution in Medical Education: Health Systems Sciences

Objectives for the session:

  1. Describe and define Health System Science (HSS).
  2. Highlight the historical context of HSS and how the field has emerged over the past century
  3. Identify the need for conducive clinical learning environments to enhance HSS education.
  4. Appraise the evolving medical professionalism in healthcare towards systems citizens.
  5. Describe a brief overview of sessions 2 – 5 and how they integrate with one another.

While each of the 5 sessions is designed to be a stand-alone session, they are integrated and build sequentially and developmentally across the 5 sessions.

The main goal of the sessions is to shine a light on this third pillar of medical education so that you can find areas in your internal program for improvement to make your program even better.

The first two pillars of medical education, Basic Science and Clinical Science have been around for well over a century.

HSS is defined as “the principles, methods, and practice of improving quality outcomes, and cost of healthcare delivery for patients and populations within systems of medical care.”

HSS is presented as a three-pillar model as an interdependent and integrated framework as a third pillared that is integrated with the other two pillars of medical education.

In order for Basic Science and Clinical Science to be manifested and learned to improve patient outcomes, they need to be integrated with HSS and vice versa.  Where all three pillars are working together in order to improve patient care.

The following milestones were organized to show that HSS has been around for a while and is not a fad, but is here to stay. The following tells the story of how HSS has gotten to where it is today.

HSS Historical Milestones:

  1. 1913 Flexner Report: Over a century ago, identified the 2 + 2 model of medical education including basic and clinical sciences that established these two pillars of medical education that are still used today.
  2. 1920 Ernest Amory Codman: Was physician at the Harvard Medical School and he and others began to look at outcomes of surgical patients that were outside of whether or not they made it out of the operating room. They were looking at patient outcomes 30 and 60 days after their surgical procedures. They came up with the end results cards system that began to document the quality outcomes well beyond the procedure itself. Their work led to the quality standards across units and the joint commissions came from this work. Lead to the idea that “structure drive outcomes in healthcare delivery and medical education.”
  3. 1963 Interprofessional Education in Europe: First time IPE appeared in the literature. Really took traction recently through the work of George Tebow and the Macy Foundation. There is increasing evidence that diverse and interprofessional care teams improve patient’s outcomes.
  4. 1967 First Department of Humanities: The first such department was at Penn State College of Medicine and since this time there have been other departments, centers, etc. that have opened up in other medical schools that really focused on the health humanities as a key pillar of medical education.
  5. 1980 George Engle’s Biopsychosocial Model: Engle’s work established that patient’s outcomes are not only contingent on the biomedical diagnosis and therapeutic plan, but the psycho, social and systemic contexts matter just as much. It is an integrated whole for the patient and his work and the addition of many others really established the patient-centered framing for care delivery.
  6. 1983 Libby Zion Case: Centers around a young female that dies 12- 14 hours after being admitted into a NY hospital. Her case really shined a light on the safety structures that we have in place in the hospitals and the structures that were in place that manifested for bad patient outcomes and put the spotlight on patient safety and examining structures.
  7. 1994 Harvard Medical Practice study identified that up to 4% of hospitalized patients and adverse events and one in five of these events resulted in death. Patients experienced poor health outcomes in the context of care delivery itself and really shined a light on unsafe care and quality outcomes.
  8. 1999 Systems-Based Practice Competency: provided a key moment in GME in that it opened up a space for systems-based learning. If this space had not opened up, it is doubtful that HSS would have emerged.
  9. 2001 IOM Reports: articulated a lot of the data that came out the prior decade with regards to quality, safety, structure, systems education.
  10. 2007 AAMC Social Determinants of Health: AAMC put out a recommendation that medical schools should increase the focus of the social determinants of health and behavioral health.
  11. 2009 College of Population Health: The first college of population of health in a US health center was at Thomas Jefferson University further established population health as a key pillar.
  12. 2012 Waste/Value: The increasing data through the work of Don Berwick and others identified the key categories of waste, identified the high care value equation.
  13. 2015 HSS coined: mainly through the work of the AMA consortium.
  14. 2018 HSS text books and Board Exams:
  15. 2019 HSS and SBP:

The key takeaway from the historical milestones of HSS is that HSS framework is built on evidence and is as focused on patients and is a patient-centered as you can possibly be.

The HSS Framework, that the AMA has produced and it is a series of circles or rims that is clearly centered on the patient. The first circle is the 6 core domains that surround the patient. The 6 core domains are:

  • Health system improvement
  • Value in health care
  • Population, public, and social determinants of health
  • Clinical informatics and health technology
  • Health care policy and economics
  • Health care structure and process.

The next rim includes cross-cutting domains, such as:

  • Teaming
  • Change agency management and advocacy
  • Ethics and legal
  • Leadership

The third and final rim is systems thinking, which we think is a critical, cohesive concept or domain area for the HSS framework. It’s a set of tools, it’s a mindset, it’s an attitude, that is required to cohesively see all the parts of the system, the interconnectedness of them all.

The HSS framework contains 12 core domains and sub-domains, in parenthesis (see below) are outlined in a schema crosswalk of all HSS domains and these domains were mapped with the GME competencies, the Clear Report, Systems based practiced, and textbooks to see if HSS was contained in the other items.

  • Patient experience and context (patient experience, behaviors)
  • Healthcare delivery (structure, process)
  • Policy and economics (policy, economics)
  • Clinical informatics and health technology (informatics, decision support, technology)
  • Population and public health (social determinants, public health, population health improvement)
  • High-value care (quality, cost, evaluation)
  • Health system improvement (quality improvement, data and measurement, innovation and scholarship)
  • Systems thinking
  • Change management
  • Ethics and law
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork

There are a lot of holes between HSS and these other measures. We view HSS as a comprehensive, integrated third pillar of medical education and when you do a schema crosswalk you can see where the heavy overlap is, such as:

  • Process or transition of care
  • Social determinants
  • Quality or Patient safety
  • Quality improvement
  • Teamwork or IPE

This overlap is where most US medical schools and residencies then to focus their time.

Why does this comprehensive HSS framework matter? Here are six tenants that were articulated in the paper :

  1. Ensures core competencies are not marginalized.
  2. Accounts for related competencies in curricular design
  3. Establishes a foundation for comprehensive pedagogies
  4. Provides a clear learning pathway for UME ® GME ® workforce
  5. Facilitates a shift towards a national standard
  6. Catalyzes the new healthcare professionalism of systems citizens.

Key Implications for US Medical Education (probably more than 50, but is limited to these four)

  1. Value-added roles for Medical Students
  2. The expanding educator bench of US Medical Schools
  3. The Clinical Learning Environment
  4. The New Professionalism: Systems Citizens

Value-Added Roles for Medical Students

  • Are Medical Students an asset or “liability”?
  • Value-added roles for Medical students are defined as experiential roles for students in practice environments that can positively impact patient and population health outcomes, cost of care, or other processes within the health system, while also enhancing student competencies in Clinical or Health Systems Science.
  • Results table of how student learners can add value:
    • Direct patient care
      • History taking
      • Evidence-based medicine
      • Patient education
      • Patient advocates
      • Value chief
    • Care extenders
      • Clinical process extenders
      • Patient navigator
      • Safety analysts
      • QI team extenders
      • Population health managers
    • Research and systems projects
      • “systems” projects
    • Penn State has built a student patient navigator program where they are embedded into the clinical community not as physicians but as medical students and can do many of the patient navigator tasks. Mentored by non-clinicians, such as nurses, social workers, etc.
    • What are students actually learning in this patient navigator program?
      • Patient’s perspective on health care and his/her health
      • Patient’s social determinants that are impacting his/her health
      • Communicating with patients
      • Interprofessional collaboration and teamwork
      • Healthcare delivery and the system
      • Systems thinking
      • Clinical medicine
    • Penn State College of Medicine Medical Student EPA for Patient Navigation. Student is entrusted to:
      • Interact professionally with patients, staff, and clinicians in both informal and clinically-based settings.
      • Effectively manage communications with patients and members of the interprofessional care team.
      • Comprehensively assess and diagnosed the root cause of a patient’s healthcare situation.
      • Identify and facilitate linkage of health system and community resources for patients in need.
      • Participate in and contribute to the ongoing work of an interprofessional care team within a clinical setting.
      • Document patient encounters in the electronic health record in a timely and accurate manner.
      • Apply the habits of a system thinker when they work to address patients’ healthcare situation.
      • Build a therapeutic relationship with a patient.

The Expanding Educator Bench for Medical Schools

  • Harden and Crosby wrote a fantastic article in Medical Teacher in 2000 outlining how we need to expand our definition of teacher. Outlined six different roles of a teacher:
    • Facilitator
    • Role model
    • Information provider
    • Resource developer
    • Planner
    • Assessor
  • Each one of these roles has a different balance of educational expertise versus clinical expertise.
  • When looking at a program to help implement HSS, one of the things that cannot be ignored is there are plenty of people who are experts in this outside of the physician community and we need to expand our thoughts outside of just physicians.
  • New roles include Director of Nursing Ambulatory Care, QI Chief, for example.
  • Implication 1: These “new” educators are already in our community.
  • Implication 2: We can help develop the skills of these educators.
  • Implication 3: We can meaningfully acknowledge and “incentivize” these educators.

The Clinical Learning Environment

  • Shift away from individual and teams and move towards the actual clinical environment
  • The environment (primary service) is determining clinical care based on factors such as teamwork, policy, and structures and process.
  • Can’t ignore the learning environment when we are thinking about HSS.
  • A study by Asch, et al. published in Jama 2009 shows where residents train in an OB/GYN Residency Program clearly correlated to their patient outcomes when they became attendings.
  • What learners gather from their environment when they are training is what they will do in practice years later.
  • So, the environment itself is hugely influential in deciding how people choose to practice.

The New Professionalism: Systems Citizenship

  • “Is medical education designed to be transformative (e.g., a physician as a refined alloy produced from the ore of a medical student) or additive (she is the same person but with highly enhanced skills in science, technology and humanities)?”
  • Clearly, there is no right answer but is probably a blend of both, but cannot clearly just be the later.
  • Hafferty and colleagues developed these waves of Professionalism:
    • Wave 1: Discovery
    • Wave 2: Definition
    • Wave 3: Measurement
    • Wave 4: Institutionalization
    • New Wave: System Citizenship
  • The professionalism tenant needs to also look at the relationship between the physician and the system itself.
  • Physicians should be citizens of the health care system or healthcare country and with this comes rights and responsibilities.
  • It is not an option but an obligation that we should be addressing the social determinants of health.
  • Health system improvement should be part of the identity of what physicians do.
  • We feel HSS is starting to shift the professional identity.

What’s to come in the upcoming Webinars:

  • Session 2: HSS in the preclinical years of UME
  • Session 3: HSS in the clinical years of UME
  • Session 4: HSS and GME and faculty
  • Session 5: Challenges for HSS: The broccoli of US Medical Education

Good things happening? Share with IAMSE!

The next issue of the membership newsletter of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), IAMSE Connects, will be published in May. The purpose of this newsletter is to connect the IAMSE membership with information about our society, about opportunities to get involved with IAMSE, and about each other.

We are very pleased to dedicate one section of this newsletter to recognize the professional accomplishments of our members but we need your help! Have you received awards or promotions or landed a great new job in the last year? We would like to know about it and celebrate your professional accomplishments in our newsletter.

Please send your news and a recent photo to Cassie Chinn at for inclusion in the next edition. Sorry, we can only include professional accomplishments in the newsletter, but welcome you to share your personal news on the IAMSE Facebook and Twitter pages! Thanks for your help!

Deadline: April 3, 2020

Thank you,
Jennifer Baccon
Chair, IAMSE Membership Committee