
Check out the IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminar Series Archives!

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce that the archives for “The Role of Basic Science in 21st Century Medical Education,” the 2019 Spring series of the Webcast Audio Seminars are now online!

The Webcast Audio Seminar archives are located on the IAMSE website under the Events heading as Web Seminars. Here, you will be able to search the archives or browse by year and series.

If you have any issues accessing the archives, please just let us know at

Say hello to our featured member Amber Heck

Say hello to our featured member
Amber Heck

Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career, and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is 2020 Early Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Innovation recipient, Amber Heck, PhD.

Amber J. Heck, PhD
Associate Professor of Medical Education
TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine
Fort Worth, Texas, USA

How long have you been a member of IAMSE?
I have been a proud member of IAMSE since 2013. My first meeting was at St. Andrew’s University and I have only missed one meeting since. At the time, I was a new faculty member with only 3 years of teaching experience and was in search of faculty development opportunities. I attended the ESME course at that first meeting and learned so much that I was hooked right away.

Looking at your time with the Association, what have you most enjoyed doing? What are you looking forward to?
After being inspired by the ESME course, I decided to apply for the IAMSE Medical Educator Fellowship. My time in the Fellowship Program was very productive and instrumental to my growth as a medical educator. It resulted in my first publication in medical education and I have been pursuing this type of scholarship ever since. Over my time with IAMSE, I have become increasingly involved in the administrative side of things. I was asked to join the Educational Scholarship (ES) Committee, first as a member, and later to serve as Chair in 2018. Serving on the ES Committee has been one of the most fulfilling and enriching opportunities of my career. Finally, I became a member of the IAMSE Board of Directors in 2019, which has furthered my understanding of how the organization runs and opened up opportunities for collaboration, mentorship and friendship on an international level.

Among my favorite things to do within the organization include mentoring and serving as a reviewer. As part of the ES Committee and Professional Development Committee, I get the opportunity to review the work of our members in the form of faculty development sessions, poster and oral presentations, and research grants. In addition, I serve as a reviewer for our journal, Medical Science Educator. Through reviewing, I learn so much about educational scholarship and the exciting work our members are doing to improve medical education. Through my mentorship role on the ES Committee, I get to share this knowledge with other members and celebrate their successes alongside them.

What I most look forward to every year is the Annual Meeting. It is an excellent opportunity to meet others, hear about the exciting work of the members of IAMSE, and grow both professionally and personally. I am hooked on attending pre-conference professional development sessions and focus sessions, and I look forward to attending them again in person at the 2021 meeting in Cancun.

What interesting things are you working on outside the Association right now?
I am fortunate to have been faculty at three brand new medical schools. Currently, I am a founding faculty member at the TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine, where we employ a novel, patient-centered, active learning phase I curriculum. The majority of my time now is served by developing new classroom materials and activities, which I find great joy in. In regards to scholarship, I have focused my research on faculty development related to integration and active learning. In addition, I recently co-authored a book chapter and look forward to working more on similar formats, sharing knowledge through review and synthesis. I really enjoy academic writing and spend the remainder of my time outside of classroom preparation pursuing such opportunities.

Let’s talk about your award! You were chosen as the 2020 recipient of the IAMSE Early Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Innovation. Tell us more about that.
I am truly humbled to receive the 2020 IAMSE Early Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Innovation. It is an honor to be selected by my colleagues and mentors within IAMSE for this award. I have observed past winners’ careers and innovations and feel grateful to be listed among them. Through the career awards, IAMSE has inspired and instilled confidence in awardees to continue to pursue innovative projects in the field of academic medicine.

What type of Innovations have you focused on in your career? What would you like to see happen in the field of medical education in your tenure as an educator? 
I have been lucky in my career to be able to explore multiple research questions related to student preparation and faculty development. In the past, I have pursued projects related to early medical education preparedness interventions, such as pre-matriculation courses and orientation programs which promote a growth mindset and metacognitive approach to learning. More recently, I have focused my attention on developing faculty to thrive in an integrated, active learning academic environment. My most exciting innovation so far is the development of a tool to assist faculty with self-assessment of integration within a single educational session.

Anything else that you would like to add?
I would like to thank the IAMSE Executive Committee and IAMSE Board of Directors for their support and mentorship. I would also like to thank the members of the IAMSE Educational Scholarship Committee and Professional Development Committee. It is through the opportunities designed and bestowed by these groups that I have been able to grow so much in my career as a medical educator. Please allow me to thank the members of the ES Committee individually for their mentorship and fellowship:

  • Amina Sadik
  • Diana Glendinning
  • Joe Stein
  • Jon Wisco
  • Katie Huggett
  • Kelly Quesnelle
  • Norma Saks
  • Paula Smith
  • Staci Leisman
  • Wilhelmina Hols-Elders

Click here to register for the IAMSE 2020 Virtual Conference!

ScholarRx offers free access to Rx Bricks online curricular system to schools affected by COVID-19

In response to a request for assistance from a partner medical school impacted by COVID-19, ScholarRx has agreed to make its Rx Bricks program available at no cost to M2 students for the remainder of the 2019-20 academic year. This comprehensive, online resource can assist schools implementing contingency plans necessitated by the COVID-19 outbreak.

In this specific case, Rx Bricks will support the Infectious Disease course where the school has lost access to teaching faculty due to the public health emergency. ScholarRx will provide the students with access to Rx Bricks and further assist the school with curricular implementation and mapping support.

ScholarRx wishes to extend this offer of free access to Rx Bricks to you and your school. Please let us know if we can help you support the education process during this challenging period.

For more information or to request assistance, go to:

Rx Bricks is an innovative digital learning system designed to help students easily learn the foundations of medicine. 

Rx Bricks offers a repository of preclinical curricular materials and learning frameworks that can be rapidly deployed and customized to suit your unique curriculum needs and goals.

Rx Bricks uses short, high-yield, interactive lessons called “bricks.” Content is broken down into the smallest cohesive learning units, or “bricks”, and organized around basic science topics (e.g., pressure-volume loops) or clinical concepts (e.g., ischemic heart disease). Each brick uses clear language to explain and contextualize key topics, many in less than 20 minutes. Then it offers built-in review tools to test understanding of the content right away.

Currently, ScholarRx offers more than 600 Rx Bricks covering 12 preclinical disciplines and organ systems.

To learn more, go to:

A Special Message from IAMSE President, Neil Osheroff

Dear IAMSE Members,

I hope that you are all safe and well.

By any definition, 2020 has been a challenging year. The COVID-19 pandemic upended the way that we teach, but more importantly, it has had an immediate effect on the way that we live our lives. The pandemic has isolated many of us and forced us to confront our resilience and well-being.

However, recent tragic events involving African Americans have shone an even harsher light on issues related to isolation, resilience, and well-being. The shocking and needless deaths of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Breonna Taylor in Louisville, and Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, among others, and the ensuing protests, have brought long-festering social injustice issues to the forefront. It is time for us to acknowledge that while we all remain concerned about our health during the pandemic, many of our colleagues, students, friends, and neighbors have daily fears for their personal safety, and indeed for their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

Although the conversation about racism has been precipitated by events in the United States, racism, hatred, and xenophobia are not confined to the North American continent. These are universal issues. Thus, we must use this painful but illuminating time as a turning point. Hatred and injustice are abhorrent and antithetical to our roles as educators and academic leaders and IAMSE rejects them in all of their forms. IAMSE members have the responsibility and privilege of training the next generation of health professionals. We must work with our colleagues and trainees to lay the foundation for a better and more just future that fights for equity and inclusion, recognizes our commonalities, and celebrates our differences. We must embrace diversity rather than be frightened by it, and we must be prepared to discuss, listen, learn, and act.

IAMSE is deeply committed to realizing the vision of social justice and equality for Black people and other racial, ethnic, and religious groups, across the globe. Although we have programs in place that are beginning to formally address these critical issues, we know that considerably more progress needs to be made. To this end, you have our pledge that IAMSE will continue to work toward a more just, equitable, and inclusive society in the future.

By committing to take action that will help mold a better world today, IAMSE can have a profound influence on combating racism and health disparities in the future. Let us all work toward this common goal. We have an important opportunity to better ourselves and our organization, thereby increasing the impact that we have on our institutions, our communities, and the world.

Sincerely yours,

Neil Osheroff, Ph.D.
President, IAMSE
On behalf of the Board of Directors

James Pickering to Discuss Virtual Communities of Practice

Stay connected with your colleagues around the globe and join us for this week’s IAMSE Cafe round table discussion. Join our moderator, Kelly Quesnelle from Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine as she welcomes James Pickering from the University of Leeds (UK).
Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 10AM EDT – Communities of Practice in a Virtual World. In this session James Pickering from the University Leeds (UK), will lead a discussion around the importance of communities of practice in sharing innovative practice, learning from colleagues, and developing your own scholarly practice. Drawing on his experience of developing a community-based podcast and other social media opportunities, colleagues will be able to discuss the benefits and logistics behind such innovations.

To join the meeting please click here. The meeting password is IAMSECafe or, if you are calling in from a phone, the numeric password is 778130.

We look forward to seeing you this week!

TGME Online Conference Call for Abstracts 2020

The Generalists in Medical Education (TGME) annual conference will be held on Wednesday, November 11 Thursday, November 12 & Friday, November 13, 2020  Online. This year’s conference theme is:

Medical Education in 2020:
What’s Working, What’s Next, and What’s Needed

This theme promotes educational research and innovative ideas that bring new perspectives to not only the current state of medical education but also for the future.

You are invited to submit a proposal for this year’s conference.  It will provide a forum to share your educational research and educational innovations.

The Generalists in Medical Education offer a variety of proposal and presentation formats: a) Round Table Discussions, b) Descriptive Sessions, c) Panel Discussions, d) Problem-Solving Sessions, e) Skill Acquisition Sessions, f) Ignite Presentations.  Descriptions of each type of proposal format can be found on the website.

Please submit proposals via the TGME website

Proposals must be submitted electronically, no later than 11:59 pm EST on July 15, 2020.

 As you read about the session types and review criteria, please be aware of the following changes:

  • We will use Zoom as our platform for the conference. 
  • Some of the sessions will have a different duration than the past
  • Engaging participants in an online format is now part of the review criteria 

The success of any conference rests on high-quality proposal reviews. If you are interested in volunteering your time to review, please send an email to the Program Chair:


We look forward to another great conference!
Nagaraj Gabbur, MD, 2020 Chairperson of the TGME Steering Committee
Michele Haughton, MD, 2020 Program Chair

Good things happening? Share with IAMSE!

The next issue of the membership newsletter of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), IAMSE Connects, will be published in July. The purpose of this newsletter is to connect the IAMSE membership with information about our society, about opportunities to get involved with IAMSE, and about each other.

We are very pleased to dedicate one section of this newsletter to recognize the professional accomplishments of our members but we need your help! Have you received awards or promotions or landed a great new job in the last year? We would like to know about it and celebrate your professional accomplishments in our newsletter.

Please send your news and a recent photo to Cassie Chinn at for inclusion in the next edition. Sorry, we can only include professional accomplishments in the newsletter, but welcome you to share your personal news on the IAMSE Facebook and Twitter pages! Thanks for your help!

Deadline: July 1, 2020

Thank you,
Jennifer Baccon
Chair, IAMSE Membership Committee

Don’t Miss the #IAMSE20 Virtual Conference Plenary Speakers

The 2020 IAMSE Virtual Conference will offer many opportunities for faculty development and networking in an effort to bring medical sciences and medical education across the continuum together. This year’s main topic is Envisioning the Future of Health Sciences Education. Each of our four plenary speakers will engage in discussion to help highlight this topic and lead educators and students towards a more inclusive and adapted medical education.

From left: Cindy Nebel, Renay Scales, Maria Mylopoulos and Poh-Sun Goh

When: Monday, June 15, 2020, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM EDT
Title: The Application of Cognitive Psychology to Improve Teaching and Learning
Speaker: Cindy Nebel, Vanderbilt University (USA)

When: Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM EDT
Title: Cultivating Diversity and Inclusion in Medical Education
Speaker: Renay Scales, University of Kentucky (USA)

When: Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM EDT
Title: Preparing Future Experts: Cognition, curriculum and adaptive expertise
Speaker: Maria Mylopoulos, University of Toronto (CAN)

When: Thursday, June 18, 2020, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM EDT
Title: Medical Educator Roles of the Future
Speaker: Poh Sun Goh, National University of Singapore (Singapore)

For more information on each speaker and their sessions please visit

Call for Submissions to the IAMSE Resources Page

Do you have an online resource that is freely available and helpful for your development as a health sciences educator? Would you be interested in seeing what other IAMSE members use for faculty development from around the web?

The IAMSE Publications Committee is now requesting submissions for the IAMSE online resources page. We are looking for resources that are helpful across the following areas:

  • Assessment
  • Curriculum Development
  • E-Learning
  • Instructional Methods
  • Interprofessional Education
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Student Support
  • Faculty Development
  • Educational Scholarship

We would like to focus on resources that may be helpful to all members of IAMSE, so we will not be accepting discipline-specific content at this time. The resources should be links to freely available articles, video and audio files, and PowerPoints that are not hosted already on the IAMSE website. Resources will be posted on a rolling basis, pending review and approval from the Publications committee. Please click here to submit your content.

If you have any questions on the submission process, please email

Thank you,
IAMSE Publications Committee

#IAMSECafe Welcomes Alice Fornari to Discuss Faculty Development in the COVID-19 Era

Stay connected with your colleagues around the globe and join us for this week’s IAMSE Cafe round table discussion. Join our moderator, Kelly Quesnelle from Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine as she welcomes Alice Fornari from the Hofstra University Zucker School of Medicine.
*Please note the time change for this week’s session.

Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 1PM EDT  – Faculty Development in the COVID-19 Era. We welcome Alice Fornari who serves as Associate Dean of Educational Skills Development at Hofstra/Northwell and is the Vice President of Faculty Development for the 23 hospitals of the Northwell Health organization. Topics for the discussion will include:
  • Have the fundamental roles of the faculty developer changed as a result of the COVID pandemic? What is the impact on setting, audience expected, activities, and short- or long-term outcomes?
  • Will institutional support for faculty development be enhanced or drift?
  • What changes do we need in faculty development practices in the context of virtual medical education? We will consider the focus and skills of medical educator in 2025.
  • How do we create and maintain virtual communities of practice in the virtual workplace?

To join the meeting please click here. The meeting password is IAMSECafe or, if you are calling in from a phone, the numeric password is 778130.

We look forward to seeing you this week!

Registration for the IAMSE 2020 Virtual Conference is NOW OPEN

We are pleased to announce that registration for the 2020 IAMSE Virtual Conference, to be held June 15-18, 2020 is now open. At this annual meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) you will be able to connect with and learn from others who share the same passion for the improvement of teaching and learning medical and basic sciences. The annual IAMSE conference will provide you with new teaching techniques, ideas and resources. It is also one of the best professional development activities for networking with other professionals.

Registration is FREE!

By registering for the free virtual conference you will gain access to each of the accepted poster and oral presentations, plenary addresses, award presentations and more! You can find a full schedule of events here. Some events, like the poster and oral presentations, will be presented on demand and will be available for 60 days after the meeting. Please note that you will need to register and be signed in to view any conference events or presentations.

Additional meeting details and registration can be found at

Thank you,
Bonny Dickinson, PhD, MS-HPEd
Chair, 2020 Program Committee