
#IAMSE21 Registration is NOW OPEN

We are pleased to announce that registration for the 25th Annual Meeting of IAMSE, to be held virtually from June 12-17, 2021 is now open. At this annual meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) faculty, staff and students from around the world who are interested in medical science education join together in faculty development and networking opportunities. Sessions on curriculum development, assessment and simulation are among the common topics available at the annual meetings.

Featured plenary speakers include Camille Bentley (USA), David Gordon (UK), Atsusi Hirumi (USA) and Stewart Mennin (Brazil).

Additional meeting details and registration can be found at

A Review from Medical Science Educator from Dr. Steven Crooks

This month the IAMSE Publications Committee review is taken from the article titled Cultivating Patient-Physician Communication About Vaccination Through Vaccine Metaphors, published online in Medical Science Educator, (19 May 2020) by Amanda J. Chase, Mark A. Clark, Anna Rogalska & Melanie Musselman.

In a recent article in Medical Science Educator, Chase, Clark, Rogalska, and Musselman describe an innovative instructional intervention designed to teach medical students to use metaphor to improve patient-physician communication about vaccination—an important public health issue. I should note that the intervention isn’t necessarily limited to the topic of vaccination—it can easily be extended to a variety of topics that may be considered abstruse to those lacking a medical science background.

The intervention involved two separate 120-min activities. The first activity introduced the vaccination communication topic through a clinical case chronicling a conversation between a pediatrician and a vaccine-resistant mother of an unvaccinated child. Students studied the case in small groups (n=10) using discussion and role-play to explore ways to communicate with the patient. The second activity extended the first with a flipped classroom approach wherein each student composed their own written and/or graphical metaphor to “communicate a scientific conceptualization of vaccines” to a “relatively uneducated patient.” In preparing their metaphors, students were told to imagine the cultural and religious background of their hypothetical patient and to incorporate this information into the construction of their metaphor. The in-class portion of the activity involved students sharing their metaphors with the entire class intermixed with instructor-facilitated questions designed to stimulate connections between the students’ metaphors and the clinical scenario encountered earlier in the week in the small group sessions.

In my judgment, the authors have described a potent instructional intervention on a number of levels. The intervention merges two notoriously disparate—yet important—topics within the undergraduate medical curriculum: patient-physician communication (a core component of professionalism) and virology (a key area in medical science). This is a laudable achievement by itself as professionalism remains one of the most challenging—yet fundamental—areas of medical training to integrate into the main curriculum. Further, the intervention was implemented seamlessly within the biosciences in a way that highlighted empathy and communication as vital aspects of professionalism, not—as is often the case—as discrete intangible topics isolated from more important topics. The intervention also conveyed a very innovative, yet practical, rhetorical tool (i.e., metaphor) that medical students can use to improve their interactions with patients for the remainder of their careers.

I appreciate the authors sharing this intervention with the medical education community. From my perspective, we need more published reports of interventions documenting the application of our best theories/ideas (e.g., curriculum integration)—bringing them down from the realm of lofty ideals to the real-word of praxis. 

Steven Crooks, PhD, MHA
Professor of Medical Education
Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
Member, IAMSE Publications Committee

IAMSE Winter 2021 WAS Session 2 Highlights

[The following notes were generated by Andrea Belovich, PhD.]

The second installment of the Winter 2021 IAMSE Web Seminar Series, “USMLE Step-1 is Going to Pass/Fail, Now what do we do?”, was presented on January 14th, 2021 by Dr. Douglas Gould, Professor and Chair of the Department of Foundational Medical Studies at the Oakland University William Beaumont (OUWB) School of Medicine. In his webinar, entitled “Pass/Fail Step 1: Implications for a Foundational Sciences Department” Dr. Gould provided an overview of how the transition of the USMLE Step 1 scoring to pass/fail (P/F) may impact biomedical/foundational sciences departments across medical schools. Throughout his presentation, he incorporated audience polling questions, enabling participants to interact in real-time.

Dr. Gould began by introducing the changes in USMLE Step 1 scoring and a poll question gauging the audience’s familiarity with the topic. Based on the response, Dr. Gould provided an abridged review of the USMLE Step exam sequence and the recommendations made by the AAMC, AMA, ECFMG, FSMB, and NBME’s Invitational Conference on USMLE Scoring (InCUS) conference in March, 2019. As recommended by the InCUS, the transition of USMLE Step 1 to P/F scoring will be implemented beginning in January, 2022, with no numeric score reported. The content of USMLE Step 1 will remain unchanged, as it will continue to focus on foundational sciences including Anatomy, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pharmacology, and Physiology. USMLE Step 2 CS will remain P/F, although it may continue to be suspended due to COVID-19, as it involves in-person interaction with Standardized Patients, and USMLE Step 2 CK and 3 will remain numerically scored.

Dr. Gould provided an overview of the anticipated impacts of the transition of the USMLE Step 1 to P/F scoring. He addressed how the loss of the numeric score eliminates a valuable tool for residency program directors to screen and filter applicants and suggested the possibility that the transition may disadvantage students from newer or less-well known medical schools. This could possibly amplify disparities for underrepresented minorities, women, and international students if they lack equitable access to the subjective components of residency applications. Later in the webinar, he would mention the likelihood for increased pressure on students to attend more prestigious medical schools and apply to greater number of residencies, both of which would contribute to increased student debt.

Next, he focused on what residency program directors may use to replace the Step 1 numeric scores in screening applications and how preclinical curricula may be generally impacted. Citing the 2018 Program Director survey results from the National Resident Matching Program, Dr. Gould identified the following top-seven criteria used to rank residency applications (in order of decreasing importance): Step 1 score, Letters of Reference, MSPE, Step 2 (CK) score, Personal Statement, Grades in required clerkships, and Failed USMLE attempts. Other factors emphasized included AOA membership (#14), ‘other’ life experience (#16), Step 2 (CS) score (#17), and finally, Involvement in Research (#26) [1]. Dr. Gould then mapped the results from a poll question administered during the previous week’s webinar asking webinar participants which factors they themselves would consider most likely to be relied upon to screen residency applications in the absence of a Step 1 numeric score. The audience results indicated the top three factors to be 1) Step 2 (CK) score, 2) Grades in required clerkships, and 3) Letters of Reference. Dr. Gould suggested that these IAMSE webinar audience response results underscore the variation and unpredictability of which factors may become most important going forward, emphasizing the need for the flexibility of medical schools as they adjust to the Step 1 P/F change. With these results in mind, Dr. Gould discussed the potential for preclinical, foundational sciences curricula to transition to P/F as well, and may experience reorientation towards preparing students for Step 2 CK, as this exam will still be assessed with a numeric score. In short, Dr. Gould anticipates further de-emphasis on basic science education going forward.

Importantly, an expose of the process of holistic review of the residency application dossier revealed opportunities for biomedical/foundational sciences to promote strong applications by providing students with research activities. Dr. Gould then presented the mission statement of his home institution, OUWB, and showcased their Department of Foundational Medical Studies (FMS), which encompasses approximately 40 faculty members, including those in basic science and medical education, medical humanities, community/public health, traditional (bench) researchers and medical librarians. As part of the department’s approach to research activities, he discussed their longitudinal, 4-year required research program (Embark). Students are paired with mentors and receive training across multiple domains of the research design and implementation process, including navigating IRB requirements, presentation skills, abstract writing, and paper publication. Dr. Gould noted the possibility of using the outcomes of student research activities as quantifiable metrics for residency application, which will favor the development of research programs.

Finally, Dr. Gould described the COVID-19 pandemic as a significant catalyst for the changes medical education has already been experiencing recently. This includes an increase in medical school and residency applications, which have not been accompanied by an increase in federally-funded residency programs. While not necessarily a novel trend, this does contribute to application inflation and makes holistic review more challenging. Other significant changes include the transition of USMLE Step 2 CS to a virtual format, along with a vast majority of medical education. COVID-19 has also forced a more rapid acceleration in the digitization of teaching materials across the literature. He highlighted factors that contributed to his FMS department’s adaptation to the COVID-19 pandemic, crediting the department’s collaborative nature as well as the presence of faculty already devoted to medical education in mounting a rapid and effective response to the unforeseen changes. A robust faculty development program also enabled a quick transition to online learning and asynchronous education, while promoting evaluation of effectiveness.

While the number of traditionally-structured foundational sciences departments has been decreasing over the last two decades, Dr. Gould suggested this may be due to department name changes and combination of disciplines into single departments. In fact, according to the AAMC, overall numbers of basic/foundational science departments have increased 33% over the last five years, and the number of foundational science faculty has increased from 14,047 in 1998 to 18601 in 2018, with 21% of medical school faculty holding a PhD as of 2018 [2]. As continued changes to medical education are inevitable, Dr. Gould strongly promoted the increase and development of dedicated foundational science medical education faculty, who are invested in maintaining and innovating effective education in the face of unforeseen events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the transition of the USMLE Step 1 to P/F.


1. National Resident Matching Program. Program Director Survey Results. 2018.
2. Association of American Medical Colleges. 2018 US Medical School Faculty Report.

Say hello to our featured member Nehad El-Sawi

Dr. Nehad El-Sawi

Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career, and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is IAMSE charter member Nehad El-Sawi, PhD.

Nehad El-Sawi, PhD
Assistant Provost for Educational Innovation and Enhancement
Des Moines University Medicine & Health Sciences

How long have you been a member of IAMSE? 
I’m a charter member and have been involved with IAMSE since 1992.

Looking at your time with the Association, what have you most enjoyed doing? What are you looking forward to? Committee involvement, conference attendance, WAS series, manuals, etc.?
I have and continue to serve IAMSE in various capacities and roles including chairing the WAS Committee for seven years; publishing as a lead author a collaborative research manuscript in the Medical Science Educator about Utilization and Perceived Effectiveness of a Web-based Faculty Development Seminar for International Medical Science Educators; serving twice on the Board of Directors (1994-1996 and 1998 – 2001); chairing the conference program committee twice (2005 in Los Angeles, CA and 2012 in Portland, Oregon);  and I’ve also served on several other annual conference programs, site selection and nominations committees. 

Currently, I’m a member of the WAS committee; and the 2021 annual conference program committee. I mostly enjoy the brainstorming, collegial collaborative nature of those opportunities and connecting with colleagues at the annual meetings.

It’s a great joy to watch and be part of the IAMSE evolution from a special interest group to a world-class, robust and vibrant education organization and look forward to what is yet to come.

What interesting things are you working on outside the Association right now? Research, presentations, etc.
My current research projects focus on creating innovative faculty development approaches for preceptors in a distributed clinical teaching curricular model, simulation educators, as well as onboarding new faculty. 

I was recently invited to speak at the “First International Symposium in Health Educational Technologies” on November 27, 2020, hosted by Unichristus Centro Universitarioo Christus, Brazil.

How have your years with IAMSE impacted your teaching? 
I have been actively engaged in teaching medical students for more than 20 years and IAMSE influenced my educator development at the level of teaching fundamental content knowledge within my discipline (microbiology) to the bigger picture of medical education. Active teaching/learning methodologies, pedagogy, formative/summative assessment, integration, curriculum reform, change cultures, immunity to change, leadership and many other related topics have been presented and discussed with colleagues. They enhanced my teaching, expanded it beyond my discrete discipline and assisted with leading a range of education ventures including curriculum development, simulation centers and libraries at both established and new medical schools.

IAMSE is a very core and essential part of my past and continued professional development. Every time I am in the presence of other IAMSE colleagues I am blessed and privileged to continue learning.

Anything else that you would like to add?
I am very grateful that my IAMSE network circle of professional colleagues also created a circle of personal friends. My kids (now a physician and cybersecurity analyst) grew up in IAMSE and have fond memories of the annual meetings and still enjoy seeing people they know when they occasionally attend a meeting.

Jonathan Amiel to Present “USMLE Step 1 P/F: A UME Curriculum Dean’s Perspective”

The 2021 IAMSE Winter Webcast Audio Seminar Series is underway! In this five-part series, recognized experts from various stakeholder groups will present and discuss the impact of the decision to make Step 1 P/F, identify challenges to their respective programs and explore creative ways to address the consequences of this important medical education milestone. Our third session in the series will feature Jonathan Amiel from Columbia Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons.

Jonathan Amiel

USMLE Step 1 P/F: A UME Curriculum Dean’s Perspective 
Presenter: Jonathan Amiel, MD
Session: January 21, 2021 at 12pm Eastern Time

This session will review the anticipated impact of the shift of USMLE Step 1 on the undergraduate medical education curriculum and on medical students’ experience of the residency application process.

IAMSE Winter 2021 WAS Session 1 Highlights

[The following notes were generated by Andrea Belovich, PhD.]

The opening seminar for the Winter 2021 IAMSE Web Seminar Series, “USMLE Step-1 is Going to Pass/Fail, Now what do we do?” was co-presented on January 7th, 2021 by Dr. Mark L. Jordan, Professor of Urology and Residency Program Director at the University of California, Irvine and Dr. Justin La, Chief Resident of Urology at the University of California, Irvine. In this presentation, entitled “USMLE Transition to Pass/Fail: Implications for Resident Candidate Assessment and Selection,” Dr.’s Jordan and La provided an overview of how the USMLE Step 1 exam’s transition to pass/fail may impact residency applications from both the Program Director and Resident perspectives.

Dr. Jordan began with an overview of the current role of the USMLE Step 1 as a screening tool for residency program applications and the impetus behind its transition to a pass/fail assessment. He emphasized that the initial purpose of the USMLE was to determine the minimal competency of physicians to enter practice, rather to gauge an applicant’s qualifications for a residency program. Despite this, the Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3 components of the USMLE exam have all been assessed using a 3-digit numerical score, while the Step 2 CS exam is assessed on a pass/fail basis. In 2008, the Committee to Evaluate USMLE Program (CEUP) did consider converting the Step 1 exam to pass/fail, though, at the time, the 3-digit scoring system was upheld. However, several points of discussion emerged regarding the benefits and drawbacks of using a numerical scoring system, which Dr. Jordan then addressed.

The predominant argument in support of a 3-digit USMLE Step 1 score has been that the exam is standardized, and therefore offers a “level playing field” for all test-takers. This serves as a reliable source of “hard data” which residency program directors can use to screen and filter residency applications. In contrast, other parameters such as grades, class rank, letters of recommendation, etc. often lack uniformity between schools and are difficult to compare. Dr. Jordan also discussed the disadvantages of utilizing a numerical score for the USMLE Step 1, and placed emphasis on the developing consensus that holistic evaluation of resident candidates is no longer best-served by utilizing a high-stakes exam. Dr. Jordan also explained that the focus on numerical scores of the USMLE often results in “USMLE mania,” where achieving high scores becomes the predominant goal of preclinical medical education. This phenomenon contributes to increased student anxiety as well as the development of parallel curriculum, or “teaching to the test.” Furthermore, as Dr. Jordan addressed in detail towards the end of the seminar, the 3-digit score introduces an inherent bias against diverse applicants during recruitment and does not promote equitable distribution of residency positions.

Ultimately, the Invitational Conference on USMLE Scoring (InCUS) convened in March 2019 by the AAMC, AMA, ECFMG, FSMB and NBME concluded that the USMLE Step 1 no longer served its stakeholders and recommended a transition of the USMLE Step 1 to pass/fail after January 2022.

During the next segment of the presentation, Dr. La presented the perspective of current residents in context of the USMLE transition to pass/fail. While no data has yet been published on the impact of resident input in the application evaluation process, Dr. La hypothesized that current resident input contributes greatly to building a successful and collegial team and environment that facilitates learning and sound patient care. Regardless of COVID-19, the majority of residency applicants to a urology residency program reported interactions with current residents as the most important component of their interview day [1]. Current residents also are able to assess the “fitness” of applicants for residency as well as their overall “fit” amongst the cohort by using non-USMLE components of their application [2]. As mixed data exists regarding the ability of the USMLE Step 1 to predict resident success, Dr. La presented scoping literature reviews demonstrating that other selection criteria are heterogeneously studied, with publications differing even in definition and assessment of resident success [3, 4]. In light of these data, Dr. La concluded that there is no single factor predictive of success in residency.

During the final section of the seminar, Dr. Jordan discussed the challenges the USMLE Step 1 pass/fail transition poses for program directors and the implications for applicants, along with a wide range of studies to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of other evaluation metrics. With the loss of an objective evaluation tool for screening and evaluating residency applications, program directors face an increased burden in reviewing applications, raising some concern that applicants could be disadvantaged, as individual applications may receive a less in-depth review. Applicants are then left with uncertainty about how to distinguish themselves from their peers when applying for competitive specialties, particularly if they are apply from newer, international, or less well-known medical schools. There is also uncertainty over whether greater emphasis will now be given to the numerical score of the Step 2 CK exam.

Finally, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are also anticipated to be felt during the transition of the USMLE Step 1 to pass/fail, as many in-person tools for assessment of residency candidates (such as visiting rotations and in-person interviews) have not been feasible. Evaluation of qualities and factors such as professionalism, accountability, social responsibility, team performance, peer interactions, and technical skills cannot be effectively assessed by an electronic application. Prior to COVID-19, visiting/away clinical rotations were heavily relied upon to assess applicants, as they allow the most important determinants of future success to be observed. The COVID-19 pandemic therefore introduces greater uncertainty in terms of how candidates are not only assessed for residency, but also how they are able to gain consideration for interviews.

Dr. Jordan also polled the live audience to gauge which tools they would now primarily rely upon for resident selection, what positive changes they anticipated could result from Step 1 transitioning to pass/fail, and what greatest challenges they faced for residency selection during the pandemic. He then concluded the presentation with a summary of potential solutions to the challenges he had outlined during the seminar:

  • Standardized Candidate Assessment Tools such as clinical skills assessments based on specialty, nontraditional assessments (e.g., Jefferson Empathy Scale, Grit Scale), predictors of self-control, wellness and conscientiousness, etc.
  • Standardized MSPE, rotation evaluations, grades, letters of recommendation, and transcripts
  • Increased medical school transparency on applicant strengths, professionalism, performance
  • Program director-driven development of mission-based holistic criteria for application review
  • ERAS modification to permit extraction of information for holistic review
  • Early application cycle to demonstrate program interest


1. Kenigsberg AP, Khouri Jr. RK, Kuprasertkul A, Wong D, Ganesan V, and Lemack GE. Urology Residency Applications in the COVID-19 Era. Urology. 2020
2. Nemani VM, Park C, and Nawabi DH. What makes a “great resident”: the resident perspective. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2014.
3. Yang A, Gilani C, Saadat S, Murphy L, Toohey S, and Boysen-Osborn M. Which Applicant Factors Predict Success in Emergency Medicine Training Programs? A Scoping Review. AEM Educ Train. 2020.
4. Bowe SN, Laury AM, and Gray ST. Associations between Otolaryngology Applicant Characteristics and Future Performance in Residency or Practice: A Systematic Review. 2017.

Doug Gould to Present “Pass/Fail Step 1: Implications for a Foundational Science Department”

The 2021 IAMSE Winter Webcast Audio Seminar Series kicks off today at 12pm Eastern! In this five-part series, recognized experts from various stakeholder groups will present and discuss the impact of the decision to make Step 1 P/F, identify challenges to their respective programs and explore creative ways to address the consequences of this important medical education milestone. Our second session in the series will feature Doug Gould from Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine.

Doug Gould

Pass/Fail Step 1: Implications for a Foundational Science Department 
Presenter: Doug Gould, PhD, FAAA
Session: January 14, 2021 at 12pm Eastern Time

This session will explore the impact of the USMLE Step 1 exam moving to pass/fail on a foundational science department. Focus will be on the potential and expected impacts on our faculty, curriculum and students.

Save the Date for the Spring 2021 Webcast Audio Seminar Series

Join us Thursday, March 4, 11, 18, 25 and April 1 for the IAMSE Spring 2021 Webcast Audio Seminar Series titled: 

Strategies for Promoting Inclusivity in Health Sciences Education

The IAMSE 2021 Spring webinar series will explore strategies for inclusive teaching. Recognizing that unconscious bias is a crucial and contributory step in this endeavor, this series will begin by exploring how to recognize unconscious bias and create diverse, inclusive and equitable content for both the basic science curriculum and the clinical learning environment. Dr. Brown will describe how to systematically analyze the basic science content for unconscious bias and will offer hands-on examples addressing them. Similarly, Drs. Hauer and Teherani will explore the clinical curriculum. They will review bias in performance recognition as well as awards selection and provide strategies to promote equity. Dr. Baker and her team will utilize a case-based approach to discuss approaches for managing difficult situations in interactive teaching sessions, such as small group learning. Ms. Fleming, Dr. McGee and Dr. Poll will describe Physician Assistant, PhD, and MD pipeline programs for increasing diversity in the health sciences. The presenters will examine program outcomes and impediments to success. The series will conclude with Drs. Caruthers and Hicks sharing their experience in both Physician Assistant and MD programs supporting wellness and well-being amongst students underrepresented in the health professions and students from diverse backgrounds, including challenges posed by COVID-19 related increases in on-line learning, evaluation, advising, and mentoring. By the end of the series, the audience will have acquired skills to create inclusive and equitable content and learning environments.

As always, IAMSE Student Members can register for the series for FREE! Email for more information.

Further details about the Spring 2021 series will be coming soon, so keep an eye on your inbox. For more details on the current Winter 2021 series or our archives, please visit

ASME Free Event: Building Caring and Character in Students

ASME, the Association for the Study of Medical Education, is offering a series of webinar events for medical educators. On January 14, the session will be organized in collaboration with IAMSE. Join Dr. Peter GM de Jong (Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands), Prof. Neil Osheroff (Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, USA), Prof. Aviad Haramati (Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, USA) and Dr. Jo Bishop (Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia) for this ASME Bitesize session focusing on Building Caring and Character in Students.

ASME BITESIZE: Building Caring and Character in Students
Thursday 14th January 2021, 12:00 GMT (Please note time is UK local)
To register for this free event, please click here .

Medical School is not only about learning science and clinical skills, it also provides an excellent opportunity for character-building and developing professional values in our students. Educators are role models for students and provide examples of good character every day. With their classroom activities they can encourage students to develop ethical principles and foster compassionate behaviours to be successful in their future careers. One of the requirements for this character building is a safe and comfortable community where students experience a caring attitude with their mentors and peers. Creating such a learning environment will promote professionalism and enhance well-being and mental wealth for all.

The session will include the following presentations followed by a moderated discussion:

• Using Competencies to Build Professionalism and Character in Early Medical Students
• Creating Caring Communities: Innovation during the COVID-19 Pandemic
• Mental Wealth for allFor more information about this session, and to register, please visit the ASME event page here.

IAMSE at Virtual APMEC 2021

The 18th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC) will be taking place virtually from January 22-24, 2021. IAMSE is proud to be included in APMEC 2021 as participating partner reflecting the strong collaboration we have built over the years. The IAMSE virtual booth will be present at the conference to exhibit, so if you plan on attending this meeting, do not forget to swing by and check out our page!

There will also be several workshops, discussions and a symposium with IAMSE involvement for you to consider:

Workshop: Strategies and Approaches to Build Resilience in The Early Years of Health Professions Education (W1A5)

Workshop: Tips and Tricks for Successfully Publishing Scholarly Work in an International Journal on Medical Education (W1P1)

Symposium: Building Resilience Starts on Day 1 in Medical School: Tips and Insights (Symposium 11)

Panel Discussion: What is Resilience and How Does it Look Like? An International Perspective (Panel Discussion 5)

For more information on the APMEC Meeting, please click here.

*Last Call* Call for IAMSE-ScholarRx Educational Research Grants

The deadline is quickly approaching to submit an application for the IAMSE-ScholarRx Educational Research Grant Program.

All IAMSE student members are eligible to submit a grant proposal. Applications are to be submitted on the submission page found here by January 15, 2021

All information regarding the IAMSE-ScholarRx Educational Research Grant Program, including the application process, eligibility, proposal format, and evaluation criteria, can be found on the IAMSE website here.

Thank you,
IAMSE Student Professional Development Committee

Mark Jordan and Justin La to Present “The Challenges of Resident Candidate Assessment and Selection”

The 2021 IAMSE Winter Webcast Audio Seminar Series will begin next Thursday, January 7 at 12pm Eastern! In this five-part series, recognized experts from various stakeholder groups will present and discuss the impact of the decision to make Step 1 P/F, identify challenges to their respective programs and explore creative ways to address the consequences of this important medical education milestone. Our first session in the series will feature Mark Jordan and Justin La from the University of California Irvine.

The Challenges of Resident Candidate Assessment and Selection 
Presenters: Mark Jordan, MD, FACS and Justin La, MD
Session: January 7, 2021 at 12pm Eastern Time

The original intention of the USMLE was to serve as the primary assessment tool for state medical board physician licensing. Gradually, USMLE (in particular reliance on Step 1 scores) has been adopted as the primary screening and selection tool for the transition of candidates from UME to GME by residency directors and selection committees. Consensus has been developing that the current UME-GME transition reliance on USMLE Step 1 is inherently flawed since the results of a high stakes exam designed to qualify physicians for state licensing is not relevant in either holistically evaluating residency candidates or in providing an equitable means fairly distributing residency positions. This culminated in the Invitational Conference on USMLE Scoring (InCUS) conference in March 2019, where it became clear that USMLE Step 1 was no longer serving the stakeholders in what has become a flawed UME-GME transition system. Although the was a general consensus of inCUS was that changes were needed, USMLE alone would not be the only component requiring a “fix”. However, several suggestions included implementing a “pass/fail”, composite, or categorical USMLE scoring system, as well as minimizing racial demographic difference affecting USMLE performance, among others.

From the program director’s perspective, it is unclear that changes in USMLE scoring alone would provide significant additional guidance in residency selection. Equitable selection of residency applicants has become a major challenge, in view of the absence of hard data to reliably predict residency performance. In addition to USMLE part 1, our traditional tools have included letters of reference, medical school grades, election to AOA, Dean’s letter, and clinical course evaluations. Unfortunately, notwithstanding the MSPE and Dean’s letter, critical factors such as professionalism, accountability, social responsibility, team performance, peer interactions, and clinical skills cannot adequately be assessed. For many candidates, the most important determinants of future resident performance are observed during clinical rotations in the chosen subspecialty, either at the home school or as away rotations. Unfortunately, most students are faced with the challenge of a limited number of clinical elective rotations, and hence exposure to potential residency programs. As a consequence, most residency directors overly rely on the USMLE part 1 as a surrogate of clinical performance for students that have not rotated with them. During the COVID pandemic, the absence of in-person away rotations has made the clinical assessment of resident candidates even more challenging for programs. 

Potential solutions could include incorporating a standardized residency assessment tool (RAT) utilized by all medical schools, that may include milestone – type assessments that correlate to the six core competencies, as well as evaluation of skills relevant to the type of residency applied to ( e.g spatial coordination, technical ability for surgical specialties). Other tools such as the Jefferson Scale of Empathy and Crowdsourcing of clinical skills to assess potential candidates are being piloted in some programs. 

This webinar will review the current challenges of resident candidate assessment and selection. The pandemic coming on the heels of the planned conversion of USMLE conversion to Pass/Fail has magnified the importance of developing alternative and viable candidate assessment tools and will be a major factor informing our discussion.”