
Norman & Caruthers to Present “Surviving Club Quarantine”

The IAMSE 2021 Spring webinar series will explore strategies for inclusive teaching. Recognizing that unconscious bias is a crucial and contributory step in this endeavor, this series will explore how to recognize unconscious bias and create diverse, inclusive and equitable content for both the basic science curriculum and the clinical learning environment. The final session in the series will feature Marquita Norman from Wake Forest School of Medicine (USA) and Kara Caruthers from The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (USA).

Surviving Club Quarantine: Establishing Mentorship and Maintaining Wellness in a Diverse Student Population 
Presenters: Marquita Norman Hicks MD, MBA and Kara Caruthers MS, PA-C
Session: April 1, 2021 at 12pm Eastern Time

In this webinar, speakers will discuss why graduate health professions programs should address wellness, especially as it aligns with the current focus on diversity and inclusion initiatives. They will provide information on how their individual campuses address student wellness and provide practical examples on how webinar participants can implement ways to engage with students during limited face-to-face interactions.

Congratulations to the 2021 IAMSE Distinguished & Early Career Award Winners

IAMSE, on behalf of the Educational Scholarship Committee, would like to congratulate Alice Fornari and Kim Dahlman on receiving the Distinguished Career Award and Early Career Award, respectively.

The Distinguished Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Educational Scholarship recognizes an IAMSE member who has a distinguished record of educational scholarship, including educational research and dissemination of scholarly approaches to teaching and education. Candidates must have a significant record of engagement within IAMSE. Alice Fornari is the Associate Dean of Educational Skills Development Zucker Som at Hofstra/Northwell and is the Vice President of Faculty Development for the 23 hospitals of the Northwell Health organization.

The Early Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Innovation honors an IAMSE member who has made significant innovations to the field in the short time they have focused their careers toward enhancing teaching, learning and assessment. Candidates must have demonstrated less than 10 years of educational scholarship. Kimberly Dahlman, 2021 awardee, is an Associate Professor of Medicine (Division of Hematology/Oncology) and Director of the Innovative Translational Research Shared Resource (ITR) in the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Congratulations to Dr. Fornari and Dr. Dahlman. They will both be honored at the 25th Annual IAMSE Meeting in early June. Good luck to both of you in all your future endeavors.

Thank you,
Bonny Dickinson
Chair, IAMSE Professional Development Committee

A Review from Medical Science Educator from Dr. Melanie Korndorffer

This review is from the September 2020 issue of Medical Science Educator. The article I have chosen is Pascoe, M.A., Betts, K. Use of a Digital, Profession-Specific Dissection Guide Is Associated with Improved Examination Performance and Student Satisfaction. Med.Sci.Educ. 30, 1025–1034 (2020).

As a teacher of gross anatomy, I considered reviewing this article of original research a great opportunity. I enjoyed reading the Use of a Digital, Profession-Specific Dissection Guide Is Associated with Improved Examination Performance and Student Satisfaction by Michael Pascoe and Kourtney Betts. The idea of a profession-specific dissection guide is intriguing, particularly with the decreased amount of time allocated to anatomy both in schools for Allied Health professionals and physicians. Many digital dissectors, most institution-specific, have been evaluated and discussed over the past decade. The profession-specific consideration is unique and surprisingly useful. Perhaps, training medical students more for their eventual specialty may be considered when searching for an efficient education as time and money are more and more limited for training.

The importance of cadaveric based anatomy training for physical therapists is underpinned in this writing as physical therapy practice requires the ability to understand musculoskeletal anatomy and physical skills to manipulate tools and limbs. The consideration of cognitive load during anatomy lab is inciteful and helpful for those of us teaching anatomy. The discussion of retrieval practice on the lab-based content was useful. In combination with the decreased cognitive load, the decreased cognitive load contributed to the overall student assessment scores’ overall improvement and improved student satisfaction. The student feedback on digital dissector is interesting. The students did not care for the videos or the self-study of osteology. The pop-up glossary terms were popular, as were the image galleries and the formative quizzes.

The article is clearly written, technically sound, and well referenced. The limitations of the study are acknowledged may be addressed with further research. Congratulations to the authors on another fine original research paper from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (Aurora, CO, USA)

Thank you for the opportunity to review this intriguing document.

Melanie L. Korndorffer, MD FACS
Director Gross and Developmental Anatomy, Advanced Surgery-Based Anatomy, and
Anatomy Certification and Leadership Program
Co-Vice Chair of Medical Education
Department of Structural and Cellular Biology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Room 3301, Hutchinson Bldg

#IAMSE21 Faculty Development Session Spotlight: Designing VR-Enhanced Educational Activities

The 25th Annual IAMSE Meeting will feature a host of new sessions throughout the entire conference. One of our first-time workshops is Designing VR-Enhanced Educational Activities: A Backward Design Approach. This half-day faculty development course will be given on Saturday, June 12 and will be led by Yerko Berrocal and team.

Designing VR-Enhanced Educational Activities: A Backward Design Approach
Presenters:Yerko Berrocal – University of Illinois Peoria
Andrew Darr – University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria
Mark Huang – Municipal WangFang Hospital, Taipei Medical University
Thomas Lin – Center for Education in Medical Simulation, Taipei Medical University
Daniel Salcedo – Taipei Medical University, Center for Education in Medical Simulation
James Thomas – Keio University School of Medicine
Date and Time: Saturday, June 12, 2021, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT  

Virtual reality (VR) use for health professions education has been rapidly growing during the past few years. This educational technology offers great potential benefits, including better learner engagement, ability to provide learner-centred adaptive content, with a strong focus on experiential learning. Unfortunately, there is still a lack of evidence-based best practices in VR-education, and poor implementation strategies can lead to limited educational outcomes and unnecessary costs. Proper design of VR-enhanced educational interventions based on proven educational frameworks with appropriate assessment strategies is essential to take full advantage of this technology. This interactive workshop aims to introduce the principles of backward design for VR-enhanced learning activities to improve educational outcomes and reduce unnecessary costs associated with deficient implementation, through the careful integration of educational objectives and assessment methods. Selecting the right tools for the job is essential in the successful utilization of any educational technology, and gaining the necessary knowledge of how to optimize VR in health professions education is critical to establishing a successful program. This workshop has been successfully conducted in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and this is the first opportunity to hold it in North America.

For more information on full- and half-day faculty development sessions, and to register for the 25th Annual IAMSE Meeting, please visit

IAMSE Spring 2021 Session 3 Highlights

[The following notes were generated by Michele Haight, PhD.]

Arianne Teherani PhD, Professor of Medicine and Education Scientist, Director for Program Evaluation and Education Continuous Quality Improvement,  Karen Hauer, MD, PhD, Clinical Professor, Associate Dean for Assessment,  University of California San Francisco School of Medicine

Achieving Equity in Assessment for Clinical Learners

Equity in assessment  occurs when all learners have fair and impartial opportunities to learn, be coached and receive feedback, be assessed and graded, be advanced and graduated, and be selected for subsequent training and job opportunities. (Lucey et al. Academic Med 2020)

Equity in clinical education is a relatively unexplored area. There is not a singular definition of equity. Equity is built upon the following principles:

  • Acknowledgment that differences are not deficits
  • Supporting the success of all learners
  • Implementation of multiple types of assessments
  • Holding all learners to the same high standards
  • Moral, legal, political, economic and social dimensions
  • What constitutes an equitable outcome?

Conceptual framework for thinking about equity

  • Closing achievement gaps (key outcomes we desire to achieve)
  • Equal treatment (adequacy and opportunity)
  • Fairness (personal or social status are not obstacles to achieving educational potential) and Inclusion (ensuring a standard of education for all)
  • Justice

What does it mean to have equity in assessment?

Core ideas of two prevailing equity in assessment  frameworks (Gibbs and Lucey) have been organized into one framework that is focused on macro and micro level solutions. Both levels of solution need to be addressed to propel change.

  • Macro level of solution (procedures/policies, top down mandate)
  • Micro level of solution (occurs in micro settings/one on one interaction)


  • Intrinsic Equity (assessment practices are just and fair for all groups and minimize bias)
  • Instrumental Equity (results are shared and used to create opportunity; interpretation of results is just and fair)
  • Definition of Achievement (takes into account how achievement is defined; what does the institution and the teacher consider achievement; what are the knowledge and skills that are equated with achievement? )


  • Contextual Equity (learning environment factors, teachers’ beliefs, fairness in the learning environment, bias-free learning environment)
  • Multifactorial (learner identity, self-esteem, motivation, expectations for success)

Key Evidence about Equity and Clinical Performance Assessment

  • Differential attainment addresses how educational outcomes diverge for different demographic groups which are assessed in the same way
  • Studies show differences in clinical performance assessments favor non-UIM (underrepresented in medicine) learners.
  • Amplification Cascade shows how a small difference in assessed performance leads to larger differences in grades and selection for awards.
  • A UCSF study of its own learners showed evidence of an amplification cascade for UIM learners and demonstrated that academic outcomes differences favor non UIM learners throughout their medical education experience.
  • UCSF conducted a Root Cause Analysis to assess what happened, why it happened and how it can be prevented. Results indicated the following:
  1. Factors that caused the differences were personal, interpersonal, cultural and structural.
  1. Personal/Interpersonal factors that included stereotyping, microaggressions, unconscious biases, etc. disproportionately impacted UIM learners.
  1. Cultural/Structural factors embedded in institutional policies (e.g., normative vs. criterion-based grading) and present in the clinical learning environment (e.g., rapidly changing team assignments) disproportionately impacted UIM learners.
  2. These impacts resulted in fewer honors grades and awards for UIM learners and affected UIM residency specialty choices and the potential for academic career choices.

To address equity in clinical performance, there needs to be an integrated, systems approach to change which focuses on the following:

  • redesign of medical school curricula
  • redesign of learning and assessment methods
  • faculty development and training programs to identify and avoid bias
  • use of frequent observations and feedback as a best practice for assessment
  • use of narrative assessments over time
  • avoidance of comparing  learners

Countermeasures and Solutions implemented by UCSF

  • Advocacy and Health Equities curriculum in Internal Medicine clerkship
  • Altered clerkship assessment practices (e.g., grading committees)
  • Re-envisioned honors societies’ membership processes
  • Faculty training to recognize microaggressions and bias, especially in the learning environment
  • Reinforce Educational CQI habit of mind; establish and implement Equity Evaluation Plan.

The clinical learning environment is complex and raises questions about equity.

Concerns about bias found UIM bias affects all aspects of assessment. Non UIM learners were rated slightly higher than UIM.

  • Bias is not merely an individual problem; it is a systemic problem.
  • Many biases are harmful.
  • It is not possible to remove all bias.
  • Bring awareness to biases so we can make a choice to avoid acting with harmful discrimination.

We need to design systems that allow all students to learn and become best. This requires a cultural change in medicine.

Factors to consider in determining a clerkship grade:

  • Did team members observe the student contributing to patient care?
  • Did the learning environment allow learners to perform at their best?
  • Do learners and team members share a common understanding of expectations?
  • What structural factors in learners’ educational experiences before and during medical school might lead to differences in grades?
  • What process does clerkship director use to determine final grade?

There are three components of equity in assessment:

  • Intrinsic equity : the way one designs and conducts assessment practices.
  • Contextual equity: addresses the environment in which learning and assessments occur.
  • Instrumental equity: how use assessment information such as  grades, to determine selection for next opportunity or honors and awards.

Intrinsic Equity:

Older Model of Assessment Practices
Purpose: Classify and rank learners; some students learn more and better. There is  little feedback; promotes fixed mindset
Learner ability: Some will learn more and be better
Feedback:  infrequent, correct/incorrect
Progress: Time-based
Context:  De-contextualized
Mindset: Fixed

Current Model of Mastery Assessment Practices
Purpose: Promote and shape learning (all learners have capacity to learn and succeed)
Learner ability: All learners have the capacity to learn
Feedback:  Frequent, immediate and actionable
Progress: Based on progress map/competency-driven
Context: Real world/interact with patients
Mindset: Growth

We need to challenge faculty to think differently to overcome old assumptions and adopt a growth mindset.

Characteristics of a Growth Mindset in Assessment

  • Recognizes and rewards growth and improvement.
  • Rethinks the cultural affinity for excellence; the view of excellence in medicine is that a few learners and a few physicians are truly the top and we can identify those. This is a faculty myth based on working with learners for a few days or a week.
  • Reframes meritocracy. Not all learners start at same point or have the same experiences. In the learning environment, with attention all learners can be highly successful.
  • Establishes a non-competitive learning environment; changes the learner focus from keeping achievement higher than peers to individual focus on how to be better tomorrow than today.

UCSF Interventions:

  • Faculty Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Champion Training
  • Website for Assessment Guidelines and Equity Checklist for Assessment Faculty are encouraged to continue to reflect upon their own biases, and observe learners to better understand all the ways they are contributing to patient care.
  • Changes to clerkship assessments: Establish grading committees, eliminate core clerkship honors grades in third year so learners have a year to learn, grow and receive feedback.

Contextual Equity: (Learning and Assessment Environment)

  • Environment offers opportunities for all students participate and learn.
  • Faculty preparation including allyship against stereotype threat and microaggressions.

Factors influencing performance of UIM learners:

  • Stereotype threat: phenomenon in which performance is impaired due to fear of confirming negative stereotypes.
  • Microaggressions (can emanate from patients, team members, observations and images)
  • Microaggressions can appear as:
    • Microassaults
    • Microinsults
    • Microinvalidations
    • Environmental Images

Bystander Intervention Guide

  • Pre brief : anticipate that microaggressions and will occur; engage learners in how they would like a response.
  • Recognize and analyze microaggression.
  • Consider type of response, e.g., bear witness, intervene with patient, pause, exit room.
  • Respond in real time.
  • Check in with learner immediately.
  • Follow up (based on learner preference).

Instrumental Uses of Assessments: Use of assessments for purposes for which they are not designed. For example, clerkship exams are intended to assess and ensure minimum knowledge competency at the end of the clerkship, but are used to determine clerkship grades, AOA selection or residency selection.

UCSF changed its selection practice for AOA away from metrics to  a holistic process in which learners submit an application and describe how they feel they meet the criteria for AOA, which center on serving the sick.  UCSF no longer participates in AOA due to a conflict of values.

Changing assessments in medical schools raises questions about residency selection. Many national organizations are working to improve the residency application process to ensure it promotes learning across the continuum rather than maintaining a focus on a high stakes selection process.

Recommendations for achieving equity in assessments:

  • Examine your own data.
  • Design your assessment to fit your purpose.
  • Continuously improve assessment.
  • Think of assessment as a system.
  • Consider the intrinsic, contextual and instrumental aspects of equity in assessment.

Have an Announcement? Share it in Medical Science Educator!

In every issue of Medical Science Educator, we publish an announcements section. In this section, we share information that is of interest to the readership of the journal. Individual IAMSE members wishing to post medical education related announcements in the Journal are invited to send their requests to the Editorial Assistant at Announcements may be IAMSE-related, announcements from other medical education organizations, medical education conference information or international issues affecting medical education. Announcements will be published at the Editor’s discretion.

Deadline for inclusion in the next issue: April 15, 2021

Thank you,
Peter GM de Jong, PhD

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Thank you,
Peter GM de Jong, PhD

IAMSE Spring 2021 Session 2 Highlights

[The following notes were generated by Michele Haight, PhD.]

Karen Eley Sanders, MS, EdD, Vice Provost for College Access, Charlotte Baker DrPH, MPH, CPH, Richard Vari, PhD, Senior Dean for Academic Affairs, Joanne Greenawald MD, Director of Problem-Based Learning, Emily M. Holt Forest, MA, Director Counseling and Academic Enrichment Services, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine

Strategies to Recognize and Address Implicit or Explicit Bias in Small Group Teaching

Dr. Eley Sanders presented a video of a small group learning session in which an administrator and medical student actors portrayed a small group learning facilitator and group participants respectively. The video showed group introductions for a problem-based learning  opening session. Dr. Eley Sanders encouraged the webinar participants to consciously reflect upon their impressions, thoughts and feelings during the video presentation.

Upon completion of the video, Dr. Eley Sanders conducted a debriefing session in which she initiated a discussion on “microaggressions.”  She described a system of bias. She explained how stereotypes can lead to prejudice. Acting upon prejudice results in discrimination. Microaggressions are an extension of discrimination, prejudice and bias.

  • Bias is an inclination for or against something.
  • Stereotypes are generalizations about a person which do not permit for individual differences or variations.
  • Prejudice is an opinion, pre-judgment or attitude about a group or its members.
  • Discrimination is behavior that treats people unequally because of their group memberships. This often begins with negative stereotypes and prejudices.
  • D. Wing Sue classifies microaggressions as “ brief, everyday exchanges that send denigrating messages to certain individuals because of their group membership.”

Dr. Eley Sanders described eight different categories of microaggressions:

  • Alien in One’s Own Land
  • Second Class Citizen
  • Ascription of Intelligence
  • Pathologizing Values/Communications Styles
  • Color Blindness
  • Assumption of Criminal Status
  • Denial of Racism/Sexism/Homophobia/Transphobia
  • Myth of Meritocracy

Microaggressions can have short term and long terms impacts such as the following:

  • Feeling of “onlyness” and loneliness
  • Physical avoidance
  • Disengaging
  • Physiological stress
  • Anxiety and/or Depression
  • Sleep Difficulties
  • Inability to Focus
  • Dropping Out
  • Patients who experience microaggressions are less likely to follow through on treatment plans, and less likely to return to a medical professional who shows bias.

Dr. Eley Sanders noted that the persons committing microaggressions might be otherwise well-intentioned and unaware of the impact of their words, but this does not minimize the impact of their words.

Dr. Charlotte Baker guided the group to view the video again, pausing to analyze each example of a microaggression. She provided alternative comments and strategies to avoid inappropriate comments. She noted that some people might not be offended by certain comments, but she cautioned that this might not always be the case.

Dr. Baker reviewed other situations that commonly occur in medical education and can lend themselves to microaggressions.

Drs. Eley Sanders and Baker concluded the session by responding to questions posed by the webinar participants.

  1. How do you recommend a bystander respond to a microaggression that has been observed in the classroom? Simply say “Ouch” or “Wow.” These responses provide the opportunity for discussion. Give everyone the opportunity to learn from the incident.
  2. Is it appropriate to acknowledge that you might have difficulty pronouncing someone’s name, but you will make every effort to learn how to pronounce it? Yes, acknowledge this and you might work with the student to perfect your pronunciation.
  3. Participants noted that the examples in the video were more “macro” than “micro” aggressions. Eley Sanders stated that this is a correct observation and clarified that microaggressions can be further broken down to micro-assaults, micro-insults and micro-invalidations.
  4. Baker noted that it is important to establish relationships with students, so we need to be constantly aware of “how” we ask questions.
  5. What are your recommendations for navigating the student/faculty power differential in conversations? Create a “safe space” in the learning environment for learners to have these types of discussions. Acknowledge and apologize to the learner for any missteps and apologize in the group (if this is where the misstep occurred) in order to role model the behavior we seek from our learners.
  6. Should students be called out for committing microaggressions? Absolutely yes. We have to help them learn appropriate behaviors and engagement.
  7. Baker and Eley Sanders recommended reading the following article: “My Name is Not Interpreter,” Montenegro, R. JAMA, 2020, 323(17):1700-1701.

Panel to Present “Pathways & Pipelines: Approaches to Increasing Diversity in the Health Professions”

The IAMSE 2021 Spring webinar series will explore strategies for inclusive teaching. Recognizing that unconscious bias is a crucial and contributory step in this endeavor, this series will explore how to recognize unconscious bias and create diverse, inclusive and equitable content for both the basic science curriculum and the clinical learning environment. The fourth session in the series will feature Norma Poll-Hunter from the Association of American Medical Colleges, Shani Fleming from the University of Maryland-Baltimore (USA) and Rick McGee from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (USA).

Norma Poll-Hunter, Shani Flemming and Rick McGee

Pathways & Pipelines: Approaches to Increasing Diversity in the Health Professions 
Presenters: Norma Poll-Hunter PhD, Shani Fleming MSHS, MPH, PA-C and Rick McGee PhD
Session: March 25, 2021 at 12pm Eastern Time

This session aims to describe the current state of diversity in physician assistant, physician and the biomedical PhD workforce; compare programs and initiatives to increase diversity; and identify future opportunities to advance diversity in the health sciences.

#IAMSE21 Faculty Development Session Spotlight: Creating Cases that Integrate Basic & Clinical Sciences

The 25th Annual IAMSE Meeting will feature a host of new sessions throughout the entire conference. One of our first-time workshops is Creating Cases that Integrate Basic and Clinical Sciences: Envisioning the Future of Health Sciences. This half-day faculty development course will be given on Sunday, June 13 and will be led by Christine Hutak-Jacaruso and team.

Creating Cases that Integrate Basic and Clinical Sciences: Envisioning the future of Health Sciences
Christine Hutak-Jacaruso – NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine
Donna McMahon – NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine
Swapan Nath – Professor of Medical Education
Todd Nolan – Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
Naunihal Zaveri – Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine
Date and Time: Sunday, June 13, 2021, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT  

Educators are increasingly seeking ways to integrate basic and clinical sciences throughout undergraduate medical education, as medical education is moving away from the traditional two years of preclinical education followed by two years of clinical clerkships. One way of doing this is to use clinical cases that integrate basic and clinical sciences in several curricular formats that use team-based learning (TBL), case-based learning (CBL) or problem-based learning (PBL) with or without lectures. The outcomes of these curricular modalities will depend on how actively students engage and learn using clinical cases. Therefore, the quality of the clinical cases, clarity of learning objectives, and the learning environment created by the cases are important components in all of the modalities mentioned above. The purpose of our workshop is to provide educators and administrators with the foundations to incorporate these modalities into their curriculum.

For more information on full- and half-day faculty development sessions, and to register for the 25th Annual IAMSE Meeting, please visit

IAMSE Spring 2021 Session 1 Highlights

[The following notes were generated by Michele Haight, PhD.]

Amy Caruso Brown MD, MSc, MSCS, HEC-C , Associate Professor of Bioethics and Humanities and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, New York, USA

Creating Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Content in Medical Education

Diversity, equity, inclusion and bias in health sciences education is a compendium of many different perspectives.

Addressing issues related to bias requires a shared definition for commonly used terms. These terms can be positive, negative or both.

  • Prejudice: Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or experience.
  • Stereotype: Association of a member of a group with a consistent set of traits.
  • Bias: Inclination or prejudice for or against something
  • Implicit or Unconscious Bias: Relatively unconscious and relatively automatic features of prejudiced judgment and social behavior; contrasted with explicitly endorsed beliefs. Implicit to Explicit represents a spectrum, not a dichotomy.

Bias in health sciences education can be placed into four categories:

  • Who?  Who is admitted to medical school? Who is hired to teach?
  • What?  What content is presented to learners?
  • How #1? How are learners taught, mentored and evaluated?
  • How #2? How do learners see health professionals treat patients and families?

There are four categories of bias within the area of content:

  • Scientifically inaccurate information.
    • Promotion of race as a biological as opposed to a social construct, racial essentialism.
  • Overemphasis of certain topics; Neglect of other topics
    • Unequal distribution of time in pharmacology dedicated to men’s and women’s reproductive issues.
    • Disproportionate representation of white skin and white able-bodied images.
  • Promotion of bias, shame and stigma towards people belonging to certain groups or with certain medical conditions.
    • E.g., fat-shaming, poverty=laziness, all patients who speak Spanish are undocumented workers.
  • Irrelevant to medicine and promotes bias and discrimination
    • Humor and microaggressions

What doe bias look like on multiple-choice exams?

  • Diseases associated with specific races
  • Male and female stereotypes
  • Instantaneous judgments of patients with certain characteristics
  • Epidemiology without context
  • Use of race as a proxy for genetics
  • Absence of white privilege
  • Race as meaningful for only non-white identities
  • Race is represented negatively and associated with disparities without mention of community strengths

Bias in content and the learning environment is costly:

  • Lowers faculty productivity and student/faculty retention
  • Reduces quality of care

Our biases are mitigated by our:

  • Positionality
  • Discomfort with discussing racial issues
  • Lack of real-world data
  • Lack of time and effort for closer examination

Current curricular and assessment paradigms in health sciences education make it difficult to identify biases.

Dr. Caruso Brown has developed a checklist instrument for identifying content biases; this tool is publicly available at

Guiding Questions for examining content include the following:

  1. Why is the content at risk for bias?
  2. How might it impact learners?
  3. What is the goal/learning objective for this part of the content? Why is the content there in the first place?
  4. Should it be changed?
  5. How should it be changed?

There are four recommended methods for changing content:

  • Remove content
  • Replace content with images that challenge stereotypes
  • Add content
  • Apologize (last resort)

Mapping the attributes of hypothetical patients used in the curriculum via the spreadsheet provided in the checklist tool provides an opportunity for a systematic review of potential biases across the curriculum. This type of review also helps to identify the pervasiveness of biases across the curriculum and provides the opportunity to enhance equity within the curriculum.

Addressing Bias in Content Development

  1. Offer faculty and students a session unpacking race as a social construct before they start learning from case studies or real patients.
  2. Use tables to track representation over entire courses and curricula. Regularly reassess for over or under representation. (Equity mapping)
  3. Practice counter-stereotypic imaging.
  4. Incorporate discussion of structural and social determinants of health into cases including a discussion of a patient’s relative vulnerability or privilege based on the patient’s racial classification.
  5. When race and stereotype may align within the case, faculty should talk explicitly about that and promote stereotype replacement, individuating and perspective-taking.
  6. Consider introducing the patient’s race in a paragraph with additional information about the patient’s family and social and cultural background, rather than in the first sentence.

Pros and Cons for Including Race in Case Development:


  • People notice race
  • Racial and ethnic identities and experiences matter and can impact care
  • Learners often make assumptions about race if it is not mentioned


  • It is easy to fall back on race as proxy for genetics
  • Faculty are not trained to view racism as a risk factor
  • Faculty do not want to write about rare combinations

Say hello to our featured member Molly Johannessen

Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career, and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Molly Johannessen, PhD.

Molly Johannessen, PhD
Director of Education and Teaching and Associate Professor of Physiology
University of Medicine and Health Sciences

How long have you been a member of IAMSE?
Consistently since 2017 I believe, but I have been involved in some capacity through random engagement since 2012.

Looking at your time with the Association, what have you most enjoyed doing? What are you looking forward to?
When I discovered the work and the mission of IAMSE in 2012, I found a group of educators all who thought like I did and who really worked together to support the learning and growth of their colleagues. At the time I did not know this was unique, but I do now. This society is my professional society and where I learn to be the best educator I can be and where I lean on others to support my professional growth. A physiologist by training and now an administrator who focuses more on curricula, faculty development and student support initiatives, I find that everyone I meet at meetings and through involvement inspire me to continue working towards doing my best to help learners in the healthcare field. Over the last year, I have gotten involved in a few committees including the Student Professional Development Committee as well as the 2022 Program Committee, but my favorite addition to my time this last year has been dropping in on the bi-weekly IAMSE Café sessions. As an extroverted people-person, COVID has taken its toll on my energy in engaging with other humans, but these meetings give me face-time with others and remind me frequently of the great work that others are doing to improve healthcare education. I value the time and the frequency and it has been an absolute mental lifesaver over the last several months!

Tell me a bit about your time with the Student Professional Development Committee? Why did you join? What projects are you working on? Etc.
To me, learners, and more specifically students, are at the root of everything I do. Although in my newest role as Director of Education and Teaching at the University of Medicine and Health Sciences I have my hands involved in faculty development, curriculum discussions and student support, (my efforts) all root back to students. (I work on) ensuring that we have the best avenues to help learning occur and the training of new healthcare providers and healthcare educators. Through working with the Student Professional Development Committee, I am able to keep my interest in seeing students flourish at the forefront of my committee experiences. The students are quickly becoming our colleagues and the more we can help support them in this process, the more we can create space for them to shine, the better legacy we are leaving for those who come next.

The absolute most-inspiring of moments I have at any conference and have had at IAMSE meetings is when I see students present (research). It can be an idea of how they have expanded their coaching programs, or developed curricula to support something they felt was more difficult to learn, or research they have explored and are presenting on a poster. Any time we open up space for students to demonstrate their growing professional experiences, I am likely to be found smiling proudly in the corner cheering them on!

What interesting things are you working on outside the Association right now? Research, presentations, etc.
The COVID pandemic has stirred up the lives of many over the last year and I am no different. A year ago I was representing Kaplan Medical as their Medical Learning Consultant in supporting a number of institutions utilize their resources more effectively. When the pandemic hit there was downsizing and my role was cut. However, I landed proudly on my feet supporting one of Kaplan’s partner institutions, the University of Medicine and Health Sciences as the Director of Education and Teaching and Associate Professor of Physiology. I was able to bring my experience with Kaplan and curricula at various institutions and my love of learning and helping students to support the already great work of this institution and their mission to educate uniquely skilled and diverse medical professionals through personalized education. Our basic science campus is in St. Kitts, and our students attend a transition semester in Maine before continuing onto rotations throughout the United States. I, however, am located in Wisconsin, so I have been involved in ensuring there is support of faculty, curriculum, and students through distance measures. A challenge in and of itself, one area I have focused a lot of my energy recently has been on trying to create space for community. With almost all of our pre-clinical students continuing to learn remotely and our faculty located in various locations due to the pandemic, creating space to have community has become ever-more important. Through weekly faculty journal clubs and drop-in lunches over zoom to student drop-in sessions multiple times each week, I am surrounded by the energy of the institution to support my own energy in learning each day!

Anything else that you would like to add?
Thank you to IAMSE for providing an avenue for educators to meet with, grow with, and learn from fellow educators. As a lifelong learner who wanted to go into education, I had a community to discuss these things with while in graduate school but lost that community when I entered professional teaching. I was surrounded by a lot of educators, but not all of them were focused as deeply as I was on learning. Within IAMSE you know that no idea is too outside the box, no question is too challenging, and you will always be supported in your effort to help others learn and become the best healthcare educators they can be, all while supporting the training of the very best healthcare practitioners! In these times, I think we need each other in these efforts more than anything!

Want to find more opportunities for students in IAMSE? Join the New Educator and Scholar Training (NEST): A Professional Development Workshop for Students at #IAMSE21 in June! Registration for this workshop is complimentary for students when registered for the meeting!