
Last Call* 2025 IAMSE-ScholarRx Student Educational Research Grants Due January 15, 2025!

As a final reminder, the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to once again accept applications for the IAMSE-ScholarRx Student Educational Research Grant Program.

Students must be members of IAMSE to be eligible to apply for this grant. All students will need to have a faculty mentor sign off on the proposal confirming that all policies will be met. Proposals must be accompanied by a letter from an appropriate institutional official confirming that the institution will pay to send the student to the IAMSE meeting the year following project completion to present the results of the proposed work; timing of the presentation is flexible as to be appropriate for the completion of the project. Up to four (4) student grants will be awarded for up to $2500 USD.

Applications are to be submitted through the form found here by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on January 15, 2025

All information regarding the IAMSE-ScholarRx Educational Research Grant Program, including the application process, eligibility, proposal format, and evaluation criteria, can be found on the IAMSE website here. A template for the budget can be found here. Note that you may need to open the template in another window to download it. 

Click Here to Submit Your Application

Reminder* Registration is OPEN for the Winter 2025 Webcast Audio Seminar Series

In today’s rapidly evolving medical education landscape, one size does not fit all. As a reminder, this five-session series titled, “Tailored Education: Helping Every Student Across the Finish Line,” explores how personalized and precision-focused approaches can empower every medical student to succeed. Join leading medical educators in discussing strategies that support the success of every learner, from individual mentorship to data-driven learning support. 

Sessions will cover the concept of precision medical education, from big-picture theories to innovative implementation, showing how adaptive learning environments can better meet diverse student needs. The series also emphasizes the critical role of mentorship, coaching, and sponsorship in guiding students towards personal and professional success. Additionally, it highlights pre-matriculation programs as a key strategy for preparing incoming students, enhancing their readiness, confidence, and ability to succeed. 

Join us as we explore innovative strategies to personalize medical education, build supportive learning environments, and guide every student towards becoming the best medical practitioner they can be. Questions regarding the registration process, specifically for institutions, or other FAQs about the Winter 2025 WAS Series can be found by clicking here.

Tailored Education: Helping Every Student Across the Finish Line

More Information About the Series

Join us for each one-hour session beginning Thursday, January 9 at 12 PM EST. Sessions in the Winter 2025 series include:

  • January 9, 12:00 PM EST – Guiding the Next Generation: Enhancing Medical Education through Mentorship, Coaching and Sponsorship, presented by Alice Fornari, Hofstra University
  • January 16, 12:00 PM EST – Precision Education: The Future of Lifelong Learning, presented by Sanjay Desai, American Medical Association
  • January 23, 12:00 PM EST – Coaching and Remediation: Developing a Toolkit for Learners Who Struggle, presented by Jean Klig, Harvard Medical School
  • January 30, 12:00 PM EST – From Bytes to Bedside: Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Medicine and Medical Education, presented by Marc Triola, NYU Langone Health
  • February 6, 12:00 PM EST – Medical Education Readiness Program (MERP): Our Guided Approach to Foster Success in Medical School, presented by Inna Lindner, Adtalem Global Education

Questions regarding the registration process, specifically for institutions, or other FAQs about the Winter 2025 WAS Series can be found by clicking here.

Register Today!

As always, IAMSE Student Members can register for the series for FREE! 

If you are an IAMSE student member, please contact for information about registering at no cost.

Say Hello to our Featured Member, Jennifer Hotzman!

Our Association is a robust and diverse set of educators, students, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Jennifer Hotzman.

Jennifer Hotzman
Associate Professor of Anatomy
Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine
Meridian, Idaho, USA

How long have you been a member of IAMSE? 
I joined IAMSE in 2017 after learning about the organization, especially the Medical Educator Fellowship.

Looking at your time with the Association, what have you most enjoyed doing? What are you looking forward to?
I have most enjoyed being a part of the EnGAGE group and then continuing to serve on the newly formed Equity and Advocacy Committee (EAC). EAC is in their second year of existence and I am priveleged to be able to serve as the current Chair of this committee. I look forward to continuing to build this committee from its strong foundation established by the inaugural co-chairs.

I am also looking forward to the 2025 Annual Conference in Calgary. The IAMSE Conferences always provide so many educational opportunities through the focus sessions presented and the research presented in medical education. I know I will walk away from the focus sessions I attend with tools that will help me be a better medical educator.

What interesting things are you working on outside of the Association right now?
The most interesting project I am currently working on is creating an in house online illustrated neuroanatomy glossary for ICOM students. Students struggle with neuroanatomical terminology and my goal is to provide a single resource where my students can go to find the definitions and associated images or videos to help them understand the terms. 

As a member of the IAMSE Program Committee, what do you most enjoy about being a part of that?
I most enjoy collaborating with the other members of the committee and learning from everyone’s ideas and contributions. I loved the conversations we had regarding the theme of the conference, the plenary speakers, and the focus session proposals. I appreciate the diverse perspectives provided by all of the committee members.

Anything else that you would like to add?
I want to thank IAMSE for giving me the opportunities to serve within the organization. I have benefitted greatly from being a member in this organization and I always look for opportunities to serve the organization and its members. Please feel free to reach out if I can help in any way (!

IAMSE CoG Meetings – January 2025

Two IAMSE Communities of Growth (CoG) will be meeting in January! The IAMSE AI CoG, and the IAMSE CORE CoG will both meet on Zoom. Below are the details for each meeting.


The AI Community of Growth meeting on Zoom will take place at Noon (12 PM) EST on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. Regularly scheduled AI CoG meetings are the first Wednesday of each month, however, January’s meeting is a week later than usual as the first Wednesday falls on New Year’s Day.

IAMSE AI CoG meetings take place regularly at 12 PM ET on the first Wednesday of each month. For information on how to join the AI CoG meeting, email Doug McKell at

To join the January IAMSE AI CoG Zoom meeting, click here.
Meeting ID: 897 1837 0101
Passcode: 511007


The Community Outreach, research, and Engagement (CORE) CoG meeting will take place at 11:00 AM EST on Monday, January 13, 2025. IAMSE CORE CoG meetings then take place regularly on the second Thursday of the month at 3:00 PM ET, and the second Monday of the month at 11:00 AM ET every other month. The IAMSE CORE CoG is led by Peter Vollbrecht and Natascha Heise.

To join the January Community Outreach, Research, and Engagement (CORE) CoG meeting, click here.
Meeting ID: 878 6039 0726
Passcode: 159759

A Medical Science Educator Article Review From Dr. Matthew McMillin

Medical Science Educator

This month the IAMSE Publications Committee Review is taken from the article titled Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL): Perceptions and Wellness of First-Year Medical Students published in Medical Science Educator (10 September 2021) by Caitlin A. Williams, Therese Vidal, Piero Carletti, Ahraz Rizvi, and Caryl Ann Tolchinsky.

Medical school presents numerous challenges that contribute to stress, which has been linked to burnout, diminished well-being, and impaired academic performance among students. In response, medical schools have implemented various stress-reduction programs, which can be categorized as either reactive, addressing stress after it arises, or proactive, aiming to prevent stress before it develops. Among the proactive approaches, peer tutoring and mentoring programs have proven effective in mitigating stress and promoting student well-being.

This article explores the implementation of a peer-assisted learning (PAL) program at Nova Southeastern University’s Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine, aimed at improving student wellness and reducing stress while increasing content mastery. The PAL session was modeled after the medical school’s problem-based learning and team-based learning curriculum with a near-peer design utilizing second-year medical students instructing first-year medical students. Key results from the anonymous surveys given to first-year medical students include that the PAL learning session reduced test anxiety, increased student confidence in their mastery of course material, and most students believed they gained a mentor from this program.

This study builds on previous research demonstrating that PAL sessions are beneficial for student learning and adds to them by diving deeper into measures of student wellness and stress reduction. This information is valuable and useful for instructors seeking to implement PAL into courses they are involved in as well as administrators aiming to implement PAL on a larger scale in their medical education programs. Further investigation into PAL programs, including their optimal format and session design, are warranted to best determine how they can promote the well-being of medical students.

Matthew McMillin, PhD
Assistant Professor
Huffington Department of Education, Innovation & Technology
Baylor College of Medicine

Fornari to Begin IAMSE Winter 2025 Webcast Audio Seminar Series

Join the upcoming IAMSE Winter Webcast Audio Seminar series webinar series with the theme of “Tailored Education: Helping Every Student Across the Finish Line.” Over five sessions, we will cover the concepts of precision medical education and individualized support, from big-picture theories to innovative implementation, showing how adaptive and personalized learning environments can better meet diverse student needs.

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to join the conversation on Helping Every Student Across the Finish Line!

Learn More About the Winter 2025 Series

The series begins on January 9, 2025, with a presentation by Alice Fornari, ‘Guiding the Next Generation: Enhancing Medical Education through Mentorship, Coaching and Sponsorship.’ The series will continue on January 16 with Sanjay Desai presenting ‘Precision Education: The Future of Lifelong Learning,’ followed by the January 23 session, ‘Coaching and Remediation: Developing a Toolkit for Learners Who Struggle,’ presented by Jean Klig. The series will continue on January 30 with Marc Triola presenting ‘From Bytes to Bedside:  Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Medicine and Medical Education.’ To wrap up the Winter 2025 WAS Series will be Inna Lindner presenting ‘Medical Education Readiness Program (MERP): Our Guided Approach to Foster Success in Medical School’ on February 6.

Below we look at the first week’s presentation:

Alice Fornari, EdD, MS

Guiding the Next Generation: Enhancing Medical Education through Mentorship, Coaching and Sponsorship

Presenter: Alice Fornari, EdD, MS, Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra Northwell University
Session Date & Time: January 9, 2025 at 12:00 PM EST
Session Description: This webinar explores the multifaceted role of medical science educators on their individualized professional journey, with an emphasis on their professional functions as coaches, mentors, advisors and sponsors. It begins by distinguishing between coaching, mentoring, and advising. The webinar delves into the specific skills and strategies required for effective coaching, the dynamics of mentor-mentee relationships, and the techniques for providing academic and career advising. Special attention is given to interactions with learners, highlighting the importance of understanding their needs, building trust, and tailoring approaches to individual contexts.

Challenges faced by educators in these roles and strategies for overcoming them are discussed. Finally, the webinar will link the Kern National Network (KNN) conceptual framework of flourishing: Character, Caring and Practical Wisdom to the mentor and mentee roles of mentoring and coaching and when appropriate sponsorship.

Register Today!

As always, IAMSE Student Members can register for the series for FREE!

Inquire about free IAMSE student registration

Reminder* Call for 2025 IAMSE-ScholarRx Student Educational Research Grants

Due January 15, 2025

As a reminder, the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to once again accept applications for the IAMSE-ScholarRx Student Educational Research Grant Program.

Students must be members of IAMSE to be eligible to apply for this grant. All students will need to have a faculty mentor sign off on the proposal confirming that all policies will be met. Proposals must be accompanied by a letter from an appropriate institutional official confirming that the institution will pay to send the student to the IAMSE meeting the year following project completion to present the results of the proposed work; timing of the presentation is flexible as to be appropriate for the completion of the project. Up to four (4) student grants will be awarded for up to $2500 USD.

Applications are to be submitted through the form found here by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on January 15, 2025

All information regarding the IAMSE-ScholarRx Educational Research Grant Program, including the application process, eligibility, proposal format, and evaluation criteria, can be found on the IAMSE website here. A template for the budget can be found here. Note that you may need to open the template in another window to download it. 

Click Here to Submit Your Application

Say Hello to our Featured Member, Doug McKell!

Our Association is a robust and diverse set of educators, students, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Doug McKell.

Doug McKell
Adjunct Assistant Professor
College of Population Health
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

How long have you been a member of IAMSE? 
I have been a member of IAMSE for 6 years, ever since Bonny Dickinson, one of my Medical Education classmates at the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions, invited me to attend my first IAMSE Annual Conference in Roanoke, VA, in 2019. 

Looking at your time with the Association, what have you most enjoyed doing? What are you looking forward to?
The highlight of my membership experience has been the opportunity to meet with many talented IAMSE community members with a wide range of medical and health professional expertise. I have been amazed by the strong volunteer commitment of members serving on various committees and programs. Participating in the WAS Seminar series Committee, the Annual Program Committee, and the Virtual Forum Program Committee has allowed me to meet many of these dedicated IAMSE members. As a result, I continue to learn more about the challenges – and opportunities – in health professions education. I have expanded my research interests to consider new approaches to educating health professionals, specifically in applying Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health to training health professionals.

What interesting things are you working on outside of the Association right now?
For the past 6 months, I have focused on designing ways to integrate digital assistants, AI Chatbots, into graduate courses I teach for residents, practicing physicians, pharmacists, and advanced practice nurses. I want to better understand the implementation barriers to their use, in addition to the potential benefits to students and faculty. This quest has taken me deeper into understanding Competence-Based Education, Self-Directed Learning, Critical Reasoning, Human-Computer interface, Universal Design for Learning, and Professional Identity Formation, all areas of IAMSE members’ expertise.

As the Lead of the IAMSE AI Community of Growth (CoG), what have you gotten out of leading the CoG since it began, and what is your favorite part about being the Lead of the AI CoG or the AI CoG in general?
The expanding network of IAMSE members interested in responsible AI use continues to challenge me to consider how, when, and especially for what purpose we adopt any AI technology or specific tool. My two AI Community of Growth collaborators, Drs. Lise McCoy and Diego Niño have been valuable collaborators in developing and leading the AI CoG since it began as an early morning interest group at the 2023 IAMSE Cancun Annual Meeting. IAMSE members continue to join the AI CoG listserv and attend our monthly Zoom discussions. It has become a terrific professional community of over 100 members that continues to strengthen network collaboration, research interests, and informal information sharing about AI in health professional education.

Anything else that you would like to add?
I am grateful for the warm welcome I received joining IAMSE and the opportunity to be on several committees. I also want to thank the IAMSE leadership of Drs. Peter de Jong and Carol Nichols for their vision to create the AI CoG and their ongoing support. I continue to benefit personally and professionally from the IAMSE leadership, especially their support of the AI Community of Growth and the recently published AIAMSE AI Needs Assessment on AI’s Impact on Medical Education survey (SharedIt link: We plan to repeat this survey in 2025 to help provide the IAMSE members with additional information about the rapidly changing AI landscape in health professions education. Finally, a new AI Certificate program for IAMSE members will be available at the 2025 Annual Meeting in Calgary in response to the need for coordinated skill-based AI information.

Last Call* #IAMSE25 Poster & Oral Abstracts Now Welcomed!

Deadline December 1, 2024

As a final reminder, the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce the call for oral and poster abstracts for the 29th Annual IAMSE Conference to be held at the Calgary TELUS Convention Centre in Calgary, Alberta, Canada from June 14-17, 2025. The IAMSE Conference offers opportunities for training, development, and mentoring, to meet the needs of learners and professionals across the continuum of health professions education.

Submit Your Abstract by December 1

A few things to note:

  • The first time you enter the site, you will be required to create a user profile. Even if you submitted abstracts in previous years, you will need to create a new account.
  • All abstracts for oral and poster presentations must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site.
  • You may list several authors, but you are limited to one presenter.
  • Once the submission deadline has passed, you may not edit your abstract. This includes adding authors.
  • Once the submission deadline has passed, authors will no longer have access to their abstract submissions.

There is no limit on the number of abstracts you may submit, but it is unlikely that more than two presentations per presenter can be accepted due to scheduling complexities. Abstract acceptance notifications will be returned in March 2025. Please contact for any questions about your submission.

The deadline to submit is December 1, 2024!

We hope to see you in Calgary next year!

Submit an Abstract

Call for 2025 IAMSE-ScholarRx Student Educational Research Grants

Due January 15, 2025

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to once again accept applications for the IAMSE-ScholarRx Student Educational Research Grant Program.

Students must be members of IAMSE to be eligible to apply for this grant. All students will need to have a faculty mentor sign off on the proposal confirming that all policies will be met. Proposals must be accompanied by a letter from an appropriate institutional official confirming that the institution will pay to send the student to the IAMSE meeting the year following project completion to present the results of the proposed work; timing of the presentation is flexible as to be appropriate for the completion of the project. Up to four (4) student grants will be awarded for up to $2500 USD.

Applications are to be submitted through the form found here by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on January 15, 2025

All information regarding the IAMSE-ScholarRx Educational Research Grant Program, including the application process, eligibility, proposal format, and evaluation criteria, can be found on the IAMSE website here. A template for the budget can be found here. Note that you may need to open the template in another window to download it. 

Thank you,
IAMSE Student Professional Development Committee

Click Here to Submit Your Application

Registration is Now OPEN for the Winter 2025 Webcast Audio Seminar Series 

In today’s rapidly evolving medical education landscape, one size does not fit all. This five-session series titled, “Tailored Education: Helping Every Student Across the Finish Line,” explores how personalized and precision-focused approaches can empower every medical student to succeed. Join leading medical educators in discussing strategies that support the success of every learner, from individual mentorship to data-driven learning support. 

Sessions will cover the concept of precision medical education, from big-picture theories to innovative implementation, showing how adaptive learning environments can better meet diverse student needs. The series also emphasizes the critical role of mentorship, coaching, and sponsorship in guiding students towards personal and professional success. Additionally, it highlights pre-matriculation programs as a key strategy for preparing incoming students, enhancing their readiness, confidence, and ability to succeed. 

Join us as we explore innovative strategies to personalize medical education, build supportive learning environments, and guide every student towards becoming the best medical practitioner they can be. 

Questions regarding the registration process, specifically for institutions, or other FAQs about the Winter 2025 WAS Series can be found by clicking here.

Tailored Education:
Helping Every Student Across the Finish Line

More Information About the Series

Join us for each one-hour session beginning Thursday, January 9 at 12 PM EST. Sessions in the Winter 2025 series include:

  • January 9, 12:00 PM EST – Guiding the Next Generation: Enhancing Medical Education through Mentorship, Coaching and Sponsorship, presented by Alice Fornari, Hofstra University
  • January 16, 12:00 PM EST – Precision Education: The Future of Lifelong Learning, presented by Sanjay Desai, American Medical Association
  • January 23, 12:00 PM EST – Coaching and Remediation: Developing a Toolkit for Learners Who Struggle, presented by Jean Klig, Harvard Medical School
  • January 30, 12:00 PM EST – From Bytes to Bedside: Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Medicine and Medical Education, presented by Marc Triola, NYU Langone Health
  • February 6, 12:00 PM EST – Medical Education Readiness Program (MERP): Our Guided Approach to Foster Success in Medical School, presented by Inna Lindner, Adtalem Global Education

Questions regarding the registration process, specifically for institutions, or other FAQs about the Winter 2025 WAS Series can be found by clicking here.

Register Today!

As always, IAMSE Student Members can register for the series for FREE! 

If you are an IAMSE student member, please contact for information about registering at no cost.

Say Hello to our Featured Member, Sarah Clayton!

Our Association is a robust and diverse set of educators, students, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Sarah Clayton.

Sarah Clayton
Associate Professor and Interim Department Chair
Physiology & Pharmacology Department
Des Moines University
Des Moines, Iowa, USA

How long have you been a member of IAMSE? 
I have been a member of IAMSE for about 10 years.

Looking at your time with the Association, what have you most enjoyed doing? What are you looking forward to?
I really think the Association is quite dynamic and working to continually improve medical education. I pour over the publications to glean new ideas and approaches to my teaching. In addition, the Fall and Spring Webinar Series are always well organized and timely. In the past, our institution has used these as events where faculty could meet, review the seminar, and then hold discussions as time allowed. I have always gotten great insights and ideas, especially as a novice educator. I am looking forward to widening my collaborative “net” as I engage further with members across the Association and work together to advance medical education.

What interesting things are you working on outside of the Association right now?
I was recently just promoted to Interim Chair for the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology. While this role is a bit daunting to me, I know the relationships that I have made, within DMU and with outside colleagues, including those within IAMSE, will put me in a good position to understand the best approaches to this new position. I also became a Fellow of the National Academy of Osteopathic Medical Educators this year. Additionally, I have very active research collaborations within Des Moines University, when I am not in the classroom. 

Congratulations on receiving the IAMSE Reviewer of the Year Award this year! Can you reflect on what that means to you? Where do you see your impact within the Association?
I was truly honored and humbled to receive this award – it came as a complete surprise! I appreciate the validation of my work, and it has allowed me to get more involved with IAMSE as an Associate Editor for MSE. As I increase my engagement with the Association, I am looking forward to sharing experiences and collaborating with other amazing medical educators around the world and giving back to my profession.

Anything else that you would like to add?
I would like to express my gratitude to all the members of the Association and especially those members that made specific impacts on where I am today, including Drs. Kurt Cornish and Edward (Pat) Finnerty. Their enthusiasm for medical education and encouragement to engage with the Association made a powerful impact on my career trajectory. I have really enjoyed the home I have found within the Association and the opportunities it has afforded; I would highly recommend that medical educators engage with this Association, as the community is supportive and collaborative.