
IAMSE Administrative Offices Closed for Thanksgiving

As those of us in the United States prepare for Thanksgiving, we would like to extend a sincere THANK YOU for being a part of our success and daily lives.

The IAMSE Administrative Office will be closed on November 25 – 26, 2021 for the Thanksgiving holiday. We will resume normal business hours November 29, 2021.

We are truly grateful for the support you have provided to us at IAMSE. As we look forward to 2022 we are excited for the new opportunities that may lay ahead.

Opportunities for Exhibiting at #IAMSE22 in Denver, CO, USA

IAMSE is delighted to invite you to exhibit at the 2022 IAMSE Annual Meeting on June 4 – 7, 2022 in Denver, CO, USA. As partners in medical education and healthcare, we offer exhibit space to commercial, non-profit and academic exhibitors in health professions education. The IAMSE meeting is a perfect place to display educational products and services and engage with meeting participants from around the world. We look forward to meeting our much-valued previous exhibitors again, as well as welcoming our first-time exhibitors. 

Each exhibiting package includes one draped table and chair in the exhibit area, company brochure or literature sheet in each registrant’s packet and your company logo with hyperlink on the meeting website.

New for 2022 – Executive Exhibitor* – $4,000

  • 30-minute networking session with a short platform presentation with attendees scheduled during the conference program
  • Sponsored email during the conference that includes a message and logo
  • Promotional video of max 5 minutes and max 3 downloadable flyers on the meeting website
  • One additional draped table and chair
  • Two waived registration fees including all scheduled meals, breaks, receptions and social events
  • Company logo in the published program book

*Limited availability.

Patron Exhibitor – $2,500

  • Sponsored email during the conference that includes a message and logo
  • Promotional video of max 5 minutes and max 3 downloadable flyers on the meeting website
  • One additional draped table and chair
  • Two waived registration fees including all scheduled meals, breaks, receptions and social events
  • Company logo in the published program book

Supporter Exhibitor- $1,750

  • One waived registration fee including all scheduled meals, breaks, receptions and social events
  • Company logo in the published program book
  • Promotional video of max 5 minutes and max 3 downloadable flyers on the meeting website

Non-Profit Discipline-Based Society – $1,000

  • One waived registration fee including all scheduled meals, breaks, receptions and social events
  • Contributor – $750

    • Basic exhibiting package with unstaffed draped table, company brochure or literature sheet in registration packets and company logo with hyperlink on the meeting website.

    For more information on exhibiting, please see our exhibitor brochure for opportunities and pricing or please contact the IAMSE office at or by phone at +1 (304) 522-1270. Sponsorship opportunities are also available.

    Thank you for supporting IAMSE and we look forward to seeing you in Denver!

    A Medical Science Educator Article Review From Dr. Melanie Korndorffer

    This review was written by Melanie L. Korndorffer, MD, FACS, a member of the IAMSE Publications Committee, and was published in April 2021 in Medical Science Educator. The article is titled “Supporting Self-Directed Learning: A National Needs Analysis” and was written by Youn Seon Lim, Virginia T. Lyons & Joanne M. Willey.

    As a physician and a medical educator, I considered reviewing this original research article a great opportunity. Drs. Lim, Lyons, and Willey published a fascinating manuscript analyzing the current status of faculty learning to foster SDL in medical schools. The authors present the results of a needs assessment. The assessment demonstrated an overwhelming agreement that physicians in training should be self-directed learners and that faculty require training in various education approaches to teaching the process of SDL. A crucial part of their research evaluated the faculty recognition of cognitive, affective, and metacognitive strategies to aid learners in guiding their learning. In addition, the authors identified an absence of faculty development in the methods of teaching SDL.

    In practice, physicians must identify gaps in knowledge and choose wisely among many venues, journals, and conferences the optimal process for themselves. A majority of those surveyed in this study agreed with this assessment. Most also agree faculty need specific training to teach SDL effectively. Most faculty report administration support for SDL within their schools, but only half of the respondents were offered any in-house training. The most frequent access to a program to train educators is at national conferences. Some faculty reported that they did not believe that teachers can actively educate students on SDL but that it is learned through medical school in general.

    In their final analysis, the authors concluded that medical educators, by and large, want to have curricula fostering the process of SDL. Additionally, faculty recognize the need to be educated in pedagogies designed to facilitate the skills of SDL. Finally, this research allowed medical educators to evaluate their own ability to guide learners in the process and administrators to identify gaps within their own institutions. The article is clearly written, technically sound, and well referenced. The limitations of the study are acknowledged and may be addressed with further research. Congratulation to the authors on another fine original research paper from the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth.

    Thank you for allowing me to review this article offering such important information.

    Melanie L. Korndorffer, MD, FACS
    Tulane University School of Medicine

    Reminder* #IAMSE22 Call for Poster & Oral Abstracts Due December 1, 2021

    The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) would like to remind you that the call for abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations for the 26th Annual IAMSE Conference to be held at the Hilton Denver City Center in Denver, CO, USA from June 4-7, 2022. The IAMSE meeting offers opportunities for faculty and student development and networking, bringing together medical sciences and medical education across the continuum of healthcare education.

    Back in 2022
    Virtual Poster & Oral Presentations!

    This year IAMSE will offer both in-person and virtual registration options allowing authors the opportunity to choose their method of participation. All accepted poster and oral presentations will be available to both virtual and live attendees.

    There is no limit on the number of abstracts you may submit, but it is unlikely that more than two presentations per presenter can be accepted due to scheduling complexities. Abstract acceptance notifications will be returned in March 2022. Please contact for any questions about your submission.
    We hope to see you in Denver next year!

    Register Now for the IAMSE Winter 2022 Webcast Audio Seminar Series!

    Shorting the preclinical curriculum. USMLE Step 1 and COMLEX-USA Level 1 going pass/fail. Heightened emphasis on clinical integration and professionalism within the first two years. Amid these and other changes to preclinical medical education, medical science educators wonder, “How do the basic sciences and the educators who teach them still matter?” The IAMSE 2022 Winter webinar series will explore this question as we examine the evolving and constant roles of basic science educators. By integrating foundational disciplines throughout the medical school experience, basic science educators will continue to play vital roles in the education and development of physicians and other health care providers. Beginning Thursday, January 6 at 12PM Eastern, join IAMSE for:

    How Science Educators Still Matter:
    Leveraging the Basic Sciences for Student Success

    This five-part webinar series will incorporate viewpoints from educators around the globe in shortening an 18-month preclinical curriculum to 12 months (session 1), the relevance of research in the medical school curriculum (session 2), innovative strategies and persistent challenges when incorporating diverse basic science topics into the clerkships (session 3), professional identity formation among medical students (session 4) and assessment in the absence of USMLE STEP 1 (session 5).

    Sessions in the Winter 2022 series include:

    • January 6  at 12PM EST – Nadia Ismail, David Rowley and Munder Zagaar (Baylor College of Medicine) present New Horizons: Restructuring the Basic and Clinical Sciences Beyond USMLE
    • January 13 at 12PM EST – Rachel Wolfson (The University of Chicago) presents Research in Medical School — Impact on Career Path
    • January 20 at 12PM EST – Michelle Daniel (University of California San Diego) presents Integrating Basic Science in the Clerkships: Innovative Strategies and Persistent Challenges
    • January 27 at 2PM* EST – Michelle Lazarus and Shemona Rozario (Monash University) present Identity Shape-Shifting:  How Basic Science Teaching Practices Can Foster Identity Transformation From Medical Student to Medical Professional
      *Please note that this session will be held at 2PM EST.
    • February 3 at 12PM EST – David Harris presents Rethinking Assessment Strategies in the Basic Sciences as Step 1 Goes Pass/Fail

    As always, IAMSE Student Members can register for the series for FREE!

    For more information on student member registration, please email

    Say hello to our featured member Emily Johnston

    Emily Johnston

    Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, students, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Emily Johnston.

    Emily Johnston, PhD, MPH, RDN, CDE
    California Health Sciences University College of Osteopathic Medicine
    Assistant Professor of Biomedical Education, Faculty Lead: Nutrition and Culinary Medicine

    How long have you been a member of IAMSE?
    Since the fall of 2018 (~ 3 years)

    Looking at your time with the Association, what have you most enjoyed doing? What are you looking forward to?
    Soon after signing up for IAMSE membership, I joined the Student Professional Development Committee. I ended up meeting my future department chair and another co-worker through that committee. Through my SPDC work, I have been able to network with professionals across the country and around the world, something that the COVID-19 pandemic would have otherwise largely prohibited. I also really love the IAMSE Café sessions as they help me to feel connected and inspired by the outstanding programming other colleagues are implementing. I look forward to attending my first in-person IAMSE meeting sometime in the future.

    What interesting things are you working on outside the Association right now? Research, presentations, etc.
    I am working on including more students in my research projects, which focus on nutrition in medical education and clinical care. The students I am working with are creating lifestyle interventions for patients with uncontrolled diabetes or hypertension to be administered over the phone and through social media and video platforms. The students are really creative and very excited about their projects!

    Looking back at your time during your graduate studies and early career, if you could give your younger self a piece of advice what would it be?
    Meditate, slow down, enjoy this time because you cannot get it back. Also, apply for more grants because even if you do not get them, you usually get great feedback and sometimes even meet future collaborations through the process.

    Anything else that you would like to add?
    I am grateful to be a recipient of an IAMSE Educational Scholarship Grant, with my colleague Dr. Leanne Coyne, for our project, “Shopping for Health: A Virtual Reality Educational Intervention”. We hope to share our findings at a future IAMSE meeting.

    Save the Date for the Winter 2022 Webcast Audio Seminar Series

    Join us Thursday, January 6, 13, 20, 27 and February 3, 2022 for the IAMSE Winter 2022 Webcast Audio Seminar Series titled: 

    How Science Educators Still Matter:
    Leveraging the Basic Sciences for Student Success

    Shorting the preclinical curriculum. USMLE Step 1 and COMLEX-USA Level 1 going pass/fail. Heightened emphasis on clinical integration and professionalism within the first two years. Amid these and other changes to preclinical medical education, medical science educators wonder, “How do the basic sciences and the educators who teach them still matter?” The IAMSE 2022 Winter webinar series will explore this question as we examine the evolving and constant roles of basic science educators. By integrating foundational disciplines throughout the medical school experience, basic science educators will continue to play vital roles in the education and development of physicians and other health care providers. 

    In the first session, Drs. Nadia Ismail, Munder Zagaar, and David Rowley from Baylor College of Medicine will describe the steps taken to shorten an 18-month preclinical curriculum to 12 months. In session two, Dr. Rachel Wolfson from the University of Chicago will discuss the relevance of research in the medical school curriculum, highlighting results from a recent survey of residency program directors. In session three, Dr. Michelle Daniel from the University of California San Diego will examine vertical integration as she describes innovative strategies and persistent challenges when incorporating diverse basic science topics into the clerkships. Session four will welcome Dr. Michelle Lazarus from the Monash Centre for Scholarship in Health Education (Australia) to demonstrate how basic science teaching practices may augment the development of professional identity among medical students. In the fifth and final session, Dr. David Harris from the University of Central Florida will discuss alternative strategies to assess basic science content in the absence of UMSLE STEP 1 numerical scoring. 

    As always, IAMSE Student Members can register for the series for FREE! Email for more information.

    Further details about the Winter 2022 series will be coming soon, so keep an eye on your inbox. For more details on our archives of previous seasons, please visit

    A Medical Science Educator Article Review From Dr. Steven Crooks

    This review was written by Steven Crooks, PhD, MHA, a member of the IAMSE Publications Committee, and was published in March 2021 in Medical Science Educator. The article is titled “Some Learning Theories for Medical Educators” and was written by Hongmei Dong, Jonathan Lio, Renslow Sherer & Ivy Jiang

    If you are confused about the connection between learning theory and medical educational practice, I recommend an article recently published in Medical Science Educator titled “Learning Theories for Medical Educators.” To be sure, there is no shortage of articles in the medical education literature on the praxis of learning theory, but this article is different from others in some important ways—ways that helped me to see more clearly the utility of learning theory in my own teaching.

    First, the authors discuss several contemporary learning theories with an emphasis on the interrelationships (e.g., similarities, differences) among the theories rather than discussing each theory in isolation. This helped me to see the entire theoretical landscape as a coherent whole rather than as a mass of disparate theories. With this broader perspective, theories I once viewed as conflicting became complementary—useful tools for thinking about specific learning situations from different angles. 

    To concretize the idea of multiple theories working together, the authors proffered PBL as an example of an instructional method incorporating multiple theoretical perspectives. They explained that the steps in the PBL method illustrate several learning theories including cognitivism, social and cognitive constructivism, self-directed learning, adult learning, experiential learning, and communities of practice. More importantly, they show how each of these theories function as useful tools for thinking about and understanding the rationale behind the various components of PBL. This helped me to appreciate the complexity of PBL and to understand why PBL research has yielded such conflicting results. Clearly, future PBL research should employ more nuanced designs to isolate specific methods along with their theoretical underpinnings.  

    The authors also addressed a more fundamental question that often mystifies practicing educators: “Why do we [need] so many learning theories?” Their answers reinforced in my mind the utility of having multiple theories. I could especially relate to the apt analogy comparing the Indian parable of the blind men and the elephant to our penchant for locking in on a single perspective to explain the entirety of the learning experience.  The author’s helped me to better appreciate the fact that “theories are connected, [and] describe inter-related parts of the complex learning process.” 

    Another notable contribution of this article is how the authors referenced descriptions in published articles when illustrating specific applications of a theory to medical education practice. As I read their explanations of theory in actual medical education practice, I was reminded of a statement I read some time ago that “there’s nothing so theoretically interesting as good practice.” I’ve read several articles providing guidance on applying theory to practice, but too often the guidance itself was theoretical, conjectural, and/or vague (e.g., social constructivism suggests that students learn better in groups). In their article, the authors took pains to document published examples of specific instances of applying theory to practice in medical education. This helped me to more clearly invasion how I can transform theory to practice in my own teaching.

    Finally, I was impressed by the sheer number of theories addressed in the article. And the authors were careful to avoid outdated theories (e.g., behaviorism) with minimal relevance to the practice of modern medical education. Once again, I highly recommend the article to those interested in some fresh insights into the relationship between theory and medical education practice.

    Steven Crooks, PhD, MHA
    Professor of Medical Education
    Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
    Member, IAMSE Publications Committee

    #IAMSE22 Poster & Oral Abstracts Due December 1, 2021

    The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce the call for abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations for the 26th Annual IAMSE Conference to be held at the Hilton Denver City Center in Denver, CO, USA from June 4-7, 2022. The IAMSE meeting offers opportunities for faculty and student development and networking, bringing together medical sciences and medical education across the continuum of healthcare education.

    Back in 2022

    Virtual Poster & Oral Presentations!

    This year IAMSE will offer both in-person and virtual registration options allowing authors the opportunity to choose their method of participation. All accepted poster and oral presentations will be available to both virtual and live attendees.

    Please note: The first time you enter the site, you will be required to create a user profile. Even if you did submit in previous years, you need to create a new account. All abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site.

    Students who would like feedback on a draft of their abstract prior to final submission should email it to the Student Professional Development Committee, care of Colleen Croniger at, by November 5, 2021.

    Submission deadline is December 1, 2021.

    There is no limit on the number of abstracts you may submit, but it is unlikely that more than two presentations per presenter can be accepted due to scheduling complexities. Abstract acceptance notifications will be returned in March 2022. Please contact for any questions about your submission.

    We hope to see you in Denver next year!

    IAMSE Fall 2021 Session 5 Highlights

    [The following notes were generated by Andrea Belovich, PhD.]

    The fifth and final session in the Fall 2021 IAMSE Web Seminar Series, “Back to the Future: Maximizing Student Learning and Wellbeing in the Virtual Age,” was presented on September 30th, 2021 by a panel of educators and students. The presentation, “How COVID-19 Transformed Online Teaching and Learning: Or did it?” was co-presented by Dr. Jonathan Wisco, Associate Professor of Anatomy and Neurobiology at Boston University School of Medicine, Dr. Olivia Coiado, Teaching Associate Professor of the Department of Biomedical and Translational Sciences at the Carle Illinois College of Medicine,  and Dr. Jaya Yodh (Teaching Associate Professor and Medical Education Facilitator) for the Carle Illinois College of Medicine, and Luke Read, a final-year medical student from Norwich Medical School at University of East Anglia. In this webinar, the presenters shared examples of how their respective programs adapted to the online learning environment precipitated by the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic.

    Dr. Wisco began the panel presentation by sharing how the Anatomy course at the Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) was adapted from the traditional dissection format of the pre-pandemic world into a blended learning format with a greater online learning component. Importantly, Dr. Wisco’s work showed that student outcomes (as measured by feedback and performance on summative assessments) improved from previous years, indicating that the changes made to the program delivery enhanced student learning beyond the traditional in-person format used previously.

    Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 9-week BUSM Anatomy course involved thrice weekly lectures, a weekly two-hour dissection for each student within a larger group, and continuing dissection/recitation events in the afternoon, with M-IV students acting as teaching assistants and prosectors. Students also relied on the ability to access the anatomy lab to finish dissections and study from their cadaver donors outside of scheduled classes. However, in response to the pandemic, BUSM’s guidelines resulted in a reduction to in-person contact hours for students and eliminated their access to the anatomy lab outside of class. The challenge then faced by Dr. Wisco and his team was how to translate this traditional dissection course to a safe, online learning experience with minimal student-educator contact. Delivery of didactic lectures remained unchanged, but anatomy students now only had two hours each week to study in the anatomy lab.

    To meet this challenge, the BUSM anatomy course was changed to a completely prosection-based paradigm combined with several online resources to help students prepare for their two-hour weekly lab session. MS-IV students were mobilized to prosect all cadaver donors and set up study materials, with the afternoon recitations and material reviews delivered virtually using Zoom. To help students prepare for labs, Dr. Wisco utilized flipped learning and created lectures using  images from the Rohen and Yokochi Anatomy Atlas and the Complete Anatomy software from Eslevier. A detailed structure guide created by graduate students in the Boston University Masters of Anatomical Sciences Educator Pathway was provided to the students. During the in-person lab sessions, students were further divided into groups (Pods) that rotated between 6 cadaver donor stations, with 2-3 students receiving instruction from station prosectors at a time. In terms of assessment, the BUSM Anatomy course did not administer practical exams using cadaver donors, but rather utilized images from Complete Anatomy and Rohen & Yokcohi’s Atals to create “hotspot” questions in Examsoft requiring students to click on the area of the image specified by the assessment question. Formative assessments were also used extensively, consisting of in-lab quizzes with first-, second-, and sometimes third-order questions asked by prosectors.

    Dr. Wisco next shared data regarding the effectiveness of each of the learning resources provided to students. Data were collected using a Likert-scale questionnaire, a grounded theory thematic analysis of student free-response questions (collected from 80/160 students), and a focus group of 16 students. The results showed that students believe the pre-lab guides were useful, but were used mostly as post-lab review, depending on the instruction received in the lab. Surprising to Dr. Wisco was the high value students placed on the Zoom recitation sessions, stating that the feedback they received during the recitations was imperative to their success in the course. Indeed, students on average scored 10% higher on all exams administered compared to the previous year’s traditional dissection course. With these results in mind, Dr. Wisco stated that the BUSM Anatomy course will incorporate more opportunities for in-person dissection as safety guidelines relax, but will retain the use of  Zoom-mediated lab recitations. Additionally, as BUSM is moving to a systems-based and fully integrated curriculum, the addition of team-based learning (TBL) to the lab will help utilize the best of both worlds.

    Dr. Wisco concluded his section of the webinar with major lessons learned by emphasizing the importance of establishing a culture of trust, with clear objectives and expectations, along with activities that help students learn and perform well on exams. He also shared the importance of reassessing how educators assess students, and ensure that assessments are reflective of students’ learning activities. He further shared the observation that faculty are no longer the primary source of information, but the ability of faculty to provide formative and timely feedback to students is more important for student success. Finally, by involving students as partners in the feedback process, curriculum transformation can be better informed.

    Dr. Coiado then continued the webinar by discussing her experience during the transition of problem-based learning (PBL) to an online setting in the beginning phases of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic in March 2020. She began by sharing the rationale and in-person implementation practices of PBL at Carle Illinois College of Medicine (CICM) to provide context for the changes made in response to COVID-19. In contrast to traditional lectures which often separate basic and clinical science with no application of knowledge or immediate feedback for the student, PBL integrates basic and clinical sciences and provides immediate feedback to students. PBL is a student-centered approach, where students learn a subject or topic by solving an open-ended problem (a medical case) as a team. Students benefit from the collaborative approach of PBL through discussion of information with other students and application to a case. Dr. Coiado discussed some of the published benefits of in-person PBL compared to traditional lectures, which include 1) being more enjoyable for students and teachers, 2) having a more stimulating and humane learning environment, 3) self-directed learning skills are enhanced and retained, 4) deeper rather than surface learning is promoted, 5) interaction between students and faculty is more promoted along with interdepartmental collaboration, and 6) a greater emphasis is placed cooperation and teamwork [1].

    Prior to the pandemic, in-person PBL at CICM was conducted using groups of 5-10 students working on one medical case together, with each student assigned a unique role in the group (e.g., scribe, information searcher, etc.) and a faculty facilitator present to guide the activity. The groups were assigned their own classroom with a single table, a physical whiteboard, and one computer/projector for the group. As CICM moved their curriculum to an online modality in March 2020, Zoom was used to replace the physical classroom, with the physical whiteboard being replaced by Google Docs, Excel, or Powerpoint. This early-pandemic transition of PBL from in-person to online learning at CICM was documented and published [2], and Dr. Coiado emphasized the highlights of these findings with the webinar audience. She shared that sessions run slower in an online setting than in-person, and often involve greater periods of silence. There is also greater risk for distraction, thought the chat feature of Zoom can be taken advantage of communicate directly with individual students. Accessibility was also increased for students, given the difficulties imposed by COVID-19 such as quarantining and other issues that otherwise would have prevented them from attending. Regarding challenges of conducting PBL using Zoom, Dr. Coiado commented that it was much more difficult for faculty facilitators to observe body language, assess student engagement, and engage the more quiet and reserved students in their groups. Students also felt isolated and experienced loss of community. Dr. Coiado also acknowledged the burnout and feelings of tiredness often experienced in an online setting.

    Finally, Dr. Coiado shared important lessons learned through the process of transitioning PBL from in-person to an online format, emphasizing that PBL is still fun for students (through the use of icebreakers and games) and is it still a student centered approach, as demonstrated by the how students’ use of the PBL whiteboard evolved into an organized online excel sheet. In her parting comments to the audience, Dr. Coiado shared that regardless of platform, a good teacher is a good teacher, even though it might take time to adapt and improve to new teaching modalities.

    Next, Dr. Yodh expanded upon the themes identified by Dr. Coiado in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, discussing the online impacts on PBL that have emerged over the past year. Dr. Yodh shared unpublished results from an in-progress study comparing online and in-person PBL at CICM. These data suggest that PBL has been impacted by the online learning environment through changes in computer access by group members, student engagement, and student learning and learning outcomes. Regarding computer access, in-person PBL at CICM previously involved only one student having access to a computer, resulting in only one group member able to conduct searches and gather more information. Other group members were then able to focus on identifying learning issues and applying the information to the case. During online PBL, all student members have computer access, so the role of “searcher” therefore expands to the rest of the group. Although this ubiquitous searching ability seems to benefit individual learning synthesis, it also leads to a more passive learning environment and less team engagement and problem solving. Dr. Yodh’s data also suggests that students may be intimidated by the transition back into in-person PBL if they no longer will have the ability to search for information. However, despite the differences in team-building and team roles, the learning issues students identify for the group to address remain largely the same, regardless of in-person or online platform.

    Dr. Yodh then posited that several aspects of PBL will be changed by the online transition, and some changes may be permanent. In addition to allowing for remote and hybrid accommodations for students and facilitators, online platforms allow for guests to easily join groups, which may be useful for facilitator training & evaluation. PBL sequencing may also change, with in-person PBL being conducted mostly during the M1 year to promote team-building, and online PBL conducted during the M2 year to accommodate students’ busier schedules. Dr. Yodh concluded by discussing opportunities for the evolution of online PBL methods, including more socially enhanced learning strategies such as real-time annotation, games, and concept mapping.

    Mr. Read then finished the webinar by providing his perspective of the online learning environment as a PBL/small group facilitator, as well as the application of a framework to improve online learning. For context, Mr. Read began by sharing that, since the United Kingdom went in and out of lockdown multiple times, he was able to observe a variety of changes in his PBL groups as they shifted back and forth between online and in-person learning environments. During periods of online learning, Mr. Read noticed greater passive participation and more silent pauses, reduced topic discussion and session length, less creativity and innovation, and decreased conversation during breaks. He also noticed that, initially, all students in the online learning environment kept their cameras off. He hypothesized that these changes were largely influenced by motivational problems, so he consulted the literature to find applicable solutions for his students.

    Mr. Read gave a brief overview of his findings from the literature, which included the use of blended learning by adding some in-person sessions to online curriculum [3], increasing faculty involvement and increasing effort to help students engage [2], and modifying online and in-person feedback delivery methods to be timely and active [4]. He also shared that using learning models designed to promote activity and engagement, such as exploratory, dialogical and constructivist models, are going to elicit better participation from students [5]. Finally, he included other strategies that essentially “force” engagement, such as rules regarding mandatory microphone and camera use during learning sessions.

    While Mr. Read found these solutions to increase student engagement to be useful, they did not address the underlying issues that were causing reduced engagement in the first place. He then explored conceptual frameworks and motivational theories to help him understand the psychology of his students and why they were struggling to engage [6]. Mr. Read shared that self-determination theory was most applicable to his particular problem, explaining the different types of motivation it encompasses and their relative values for promoting student engagement According to this theory, the ideal motivation for an individual is intrinsic motivation, where one acts out of one’s own internalized values and for the joy or pleasure the activity gives them personally. Extrinsic motivation is less ideal, as the individual depends on external factors such as obtaining a reward or avoiding a punishment in order to act. However, either intrinsic or extrinsic motivation is preferable to amotivation which entails a state of apathy and an unintentional approach and is least desirable for promoting engagement.

    Mr. Read continued by sharing the three psychological needs that must be met in order for intrinsic motivation to take hold: autonomy (the perception of being to control one’s actions and thereby, one’s success), competence (the perception that one’s abilities are well-suited to the difficulty level of a task), and relatedness (the need to feel connected to other and a sense of belongingness with the people around them). Using this approach to intentionally support his students’ psychological needs required for intrinsic motivation, Mr. Read utilized well-planned lesson strategies and feedback to promote students’ perceptions of autonomy and competence. However, he stated that promoting relatedness in an online learning environment poses a greater challenge due to the loss of non-verbal cues, greater distractions, reduced interactions between breaks, lack of privacy for conversation, and the impossibility of mandating students to bond with one another.

    With this in mind, Mr. Read then revisited the literature strategies for promoting engagement he identified earlier, but this time through the lens of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. He discovered that solutions like blended learning work because they encourage intrinsic motivation by helping to promote social connectedness and allowing students to feel like they are more in control of their learning. Similarly, strategies that encourage friendly competition and collaboration and/or teamwork between small groups of students promote connectedness. Availability of the educator through timely and frequent feedback helps students feel connected, as well as feeling competent and more in control of their learning. Other elements can promote extrinsic motivation (which is preferred to amotivation), such as greater faculty involvement to call on students to participate and mandatory camera and microphone rules.

    To end the webinar, Mr. Read shared an analogy to summarize how online learning relates to in-person learning. If educators consider in-person learning to be a push-bicycle useful for transporting the learner from point A to point B, then online learning is considered to be a motor bike, which is an obvious improvement to the push-bicycle that only needs fuel (effort) to be superior. Instead, Mr. Read shared his insight that online learning is more akin to a skateboard, emphasizing that, while online learning has its benefits and drawbacks compared to in-person learning, it is an altogether different vehicle. While online learning can overcome many barriers to learning, it cannot overcome them all. In particular, while relatedness can be optimized in an online setting, it cannot realistically be maximized. In conclusion, Mr. Read suggested that online learning is a tool that should be used when its benefits outweigh its disadvantages.


    1. Johnson, SM., and Finucane, PM. (2000) The emergence of problem-based learning in medical education. J Eval Clin Pract. 6(281).
    2. Coiado, OC., Yodh, J., Galvez, R. and Ahmad, K. (2020) How COVID-19 transformed problem-based learning at Carle Illinois College of Medicine. Medical Science Education, 30, pp 1353-1354
    3. Vallée, A., Blacher, J., Cariou, A. and Sorbets, E. (2020) Blended Learning Compared to Traditional Learning in Medical Education: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(8).
    4. Li, J., Wong, SC., Yang, X. and Bell, A. (2020) Using feedback to promote student participation in online learning programs: evidence from a quasi-experimental study. Education Technology Research and Development, 68, pp 485-510.
    5. Kauffman, H. (2015) A review of predictive factors of student success in and satisfaction with online learning. Research in Learning Technology, 23.
    6. Cook, DA. and Artino, AR. (2016) Motivation to learn: an overview of contemporary theories. Medical Education, 50(10), pp 997-1014.

    Say hello to our featured member Elisabeth Schlegel

    Elisabeth Schlegel, MS, PhD, MBA, MS (HPPL)

    Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, students, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Elisabeth Schlegel.

    Elisabeth Schlegel, MS, PhD, MBA, MS (HPPL)
    Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
    Associate Professor, Science Education; Assistant Director, Faculty Development and Medical Education Research

    How long have you been a member of IAMSE? 
    I have been a member of IAMSE since 2016.

    Looking at your time with the Association, what have you most enjoyed doing? What are you looking forward to? Committee involvement, conference attendance, WAS series, manuals, etc.? 
    I have always enjoyed the great opportunities for spirited collaboration with colleagues and students who all share the same interests and passions. This has been a fabulous and productive journey, since we are all working toward the same goal– advancing health professions education through teacher development. This September 2021 also marks one year of service on the IAMSE Student Professional Development Committee, and I hope I will add many years and help many students not only learn the skills but also find their own individual strengths, styles, and voices to become masterful medical educators. I recently joined the IAMSE Fellowship to renew and improve my approach to scholarship adding specialized educational skills such as multimedia education, which became an important mode of education in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, I am excited to help and serve when needed to expand the impact of IAMSE on health sciences education. I look forward to attending the 2022 conference in Denver!

    What interesting things are you working on outside the Association right now? Research, presentations, etc. 
    My role as Assistant Director, Faculty Development and Medical Education Research, includes developing and executing programs to support faculty in delivering basic science and clinical content across the continuum of undergraduate, graduate, and continuing medical education. This role allows me the privilege of working with renowned experts from our affiliated expansive healthcare system, Northwell Health. I am invested in coaching our expert faculty to include active pedagogy and unlock their potential to use active learning at the medical school. I am also involved in other faculty development initiatives, such as a new video-based faculty onboarding program, or my medical education blog, eBites ( I have a great interest in interdisciplinarity and insights on innovation in education and aim to encourage and assist medical and science educators as well as students as they try new teaching methodologies, develop and deploy educational curricula, and improve sections of already existing programs. 

    Looking back at your time during your graduate studies and early career, if you could give your younger self a piece of advice what would it be? 
    During my Ph.D. training at the University of Salzburg, Austria, I had two great mentors who enabled me to take on teaching microbiology and biotechnology education to science teacher students and seasoned science teachers at the university as well as at pedagogical institutes. Science teaching for secondary education also included learner team building, project assignments, and student speaker training. These experiences were incredibly formative and showed me the opportunities and challenges in education. I later gained additional knowledge as an assistant professor at a liberal arts university in the U.S., but my methods to organize learners into teams and have them co-teach with me were markedly successful! Thus, my advice to students who are involved in teaching would be to: (1) reach out and share best practices across the university and beyond as early as possible, and (2) include your learners in the educational process. 

    Anything else that you would like to add? 

    I am very thankful for the pleasure and privilege to be part of such a fantastic, vibrant community! Thank you, IAMSE. 

    IAMSE Fall 2021 Session 4 Highlights

    [The following notes were generated by Andrea Belovich, PhD.]

    The fourth seminar in the Fall 2021 IAMSE Web Seminar Series, “Back to the Future: Maximizing Student Learning and Wellbeing in the Virtual Age,” was presented on September 23rd, 2021 by Dr. Kendra Gagnon, Clinical Professor and Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy at Baylor University. In her presentation, entitled, “Hybrid Healthcare Education – Innovating for the Future and Rethinking Student Support,” Dr. Gagnon showcased examples of recommended practices for promoting collaborative hybrid and online learning as applied in Baylor University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) [1]. As one of the first fully hybrid DPT programs in the United States, Baylor University had implemented many innovative online and distance learning strategies prior to the changes induced by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. From this perspective, Dr. Gagnon challenged the audience to consider which elements of pre-pandemic teaching and learning should be retained by health professions education programs in a post-pandemic world, and which elements could (or should) be changed as we seek to return to “normal.”

    Dr. Gagnon first framed the webinar by acknowledging hybrid education as a quickly evolving method of health care education delivery, and emphasized that student engagement and professional identity formation is possible to achieve in an online environment, though it requires intentionality in order to succeed. For the purpose of her talk, Dr. Gagnon offered working definitions of several terms often encountered when discussing hybrid learning, drawn from both the Babson Survey Research Group and the Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy. Dr. Gagnon defined the term “hybrid education” as a delivery method that utilizes both online and face-to-face learning strategies as a way to maximize both learning environments. This is distinct from “online education,” where all instruction occurs online, either synchronously or asynchronously. “Blended learning” refers to the method whereby asynchronous online learning is used to enhance student learning between face-to-face sessions without replacing face-to-face time. Finally, Dr. Gagnon defined “flipped learning” as a type of blended learning in which students receive content online, then use face-to-face time for active learning based on the online content.

    Next, Dr. Gagnon discussed the community of inquiry framework [2] the Baylor DPT program uses to deliver hybrid learning. This framework describes the importance of establishing three different types of presence when teaching online. The first is Teaching Presence, which involves structuring learning to help students understand what information they are learning and where they need to go to get that information. This includes activities such as constructing syllabi with objectives and organizing the curriculum into a learning management system (LMS)). Cognitive Presence refers to students’ ability to “create meaning” from the information they are learning, which involves collaboration between learners to build upon previous knowledge and exchange ideas. The third presence is Social Presence, which involves the humanization of learning and is essential for students to feel like they are part of a community of learning.

    Dr. Gagnon then gave examples of how the hybrid DPT program at Baylor builds each of these presences in their program. To exemplify how teaching presence is built, she provided an overview of how learning is structured in terms of curriculum organization and delivery. The first year of Baylor’s two-year, accelerated DPT program splits each trimester into two 5-6 week-long minimesters of online learning (which includes both synchronous and asynchronous methods) that are interspaced with 1-2 week-long face-to-face lab sessions on the Waco campus. During the second year, the trimesters allow 31 weeks of face-to-face clinical experience interspersed with in-person labs and online ministers. In this way, the hybrid learning structure is leveraged to help students manage the heavy load of didactic and clinical training that would otherwise require three years to complete.

    Dr. Gagnon next shared examples of how the online learning components of the minimesters are structured and delivered. She focused on the standardized use of their LMS (Canvas) to build a stable, familiar learning environment for all online learning. Therefore, the LMS becomes the “classroom,” minimizing students’ cognitive load by removing the need to constantly learn how to navigate different learning environments. Content is delivered both as asynchronous, 10-minute “lecturettes,” and as synchronous live class sessions with software (Zoom) to facilitate breakout rooms, gamification, polling, and embedded quizzes. To further enrich and humanize the online learning environment, video assignments and video discussion boards are used between classes. The use of video assignment platforms (Bongo) allows students to record and demonstrate a learned skill for assessment, while platforms such as Flipgrid allow students to replace text-based discussion boards with personalized video responses.

    To help members of the audience think more intentionally about using technology to build teaching presence in online learning, Dr. Gagnon shared the Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition (SAMR) framework. Technologies that enhance learning either serve as a direct replacement for in-person learning with no added functionality (substitution), or as a direct replacement with a functional improvement (augmentation). In contrast, technologies that are considered to be transformative also introduce the possibility for significant task redesign (modification), and/or allow the creation of new tasks that were previously impossible (redefinition).

    Next, Dr. Gagnon shared an example of how she promoted cognitive presence during the transition of her pediatrics physical therapy lab to an online lab during the COVID-19 pandemic. To support cognitive presence (i.e., students’ construction of knowledge and making of meaning during learning), she used the online platform Padlet, which enabled each lab competency to be visually grouped with its associated materials, activities, and assignments to simulate the “feel” of a lab experience. To further promote collaboration and interaction between students, group video assignments and activities were also implemented to help students create a community of learning. Flipgrid again was used to allow students to upload skills demonstration videos during lockdowns and receive video feedback from faculty on their performance. The group-focused nature of the pediatrics physical therapy lab also supported the development of social presence in online learning by building on online community. To avoid the “divide and conquer” phenomenon that often occurs in group work, students were required to upload “group selfies” or screenshots of the group working together, which supported synchronous collaboration and accountability.

    Dr. Gagnon also shared evidence that professional identity formation is possible to achieve through online learning. She shared a student’s reflection video from a Telehealth final exam with a patient family over Zoom. This student’s reflection included commentary about how the activity helped her develop confidence in her skills and in her professional identity as a physical therapist. To further showcase the value of intentionally structuring online learning, Dr. Gagnon shared data showing high levels of student engagement achieved as a result of this approach to asynchronous learning.

    During the final segment of the webinar, Dr. Gagnon expanded the idea of creating community online when an entire program is hybrid. As a cohort-based program, community is already an inherent part of the Baylor accelerated DPT program. However, students in this program are located across the country, which makes community building more challenging. To compensate, the DPT program uses orientation videos and group activities (such as creating a map of students’ locations) as well as the formation of academic teams with assigned faculty coaches. Students with diverse abilities are intentionally grouped after taking strengths finder and emotional intelligence assessments and are given resources to promote a culture of reflection. Faculty coaches are also given training and resources to help build a shared understanding of roles and values in the teams. Dr. Gagnon discussed the non-academic and institutional support resources available to help students. These virtual resources and support systems were strengthened during the COVID-19 pandemic, which represented a positive example of change that will, hopefully, persist in a post-pandemic world.

    Finally, Dr. Gagnon shared the preliminary outcomes of the Baylor DPT program, which closely matched or exceeded the average outcomes of other accredited DPT programs. This included graduation rate, licensure pass rate, and one-year employment rate. However, the Baylor DPT program has a much higher percentage of minority students, both enrolled and graduated, than the national average. Based on student feedback, Dr. Gagnon suggested that the accessibility of the program helps remove barriers to minority and first-generation students and may promote increased diversity amongst students in the program.

    Dr. Gagnon also shared opportunities and challenges of using hybrid education for the healthcare professions. Opportunities include scalability, flexibility, the ability to use time as a resource, the promotion of a diverse student body, and a greater ability to recruit faculty across the country. However, Dr. Gagnon acknowledged that cost is a challenge, either due to the technologies, online program managers, and faculty travel for in-person lab teaching. Student workload and workflow must be appropriately managed, faculty development must be intentionally implemented, and faculty/student issues must be intentionally managed from a distance. Integrating experimental and community-based learning and service can also be a challenge.

    To conclude the webinar, Dr. Gagnon provided the audience with a rich variety of resources and references for more information about successful online teaching and learning.


    1. Gagnon, K., Young, B., Bachman, T., Longbottom, T., Severin, R., Walker, M. (2020) “Doctor of Physical Therapy Education in a Hybrid Learning Environment: Reimagining the Possibilities and Navigating a ‘New N’” Physical Therapy, 100(8): 1268-1277.
    2. Garrison, D.R., Anderson, T., and Archer W. (1999). “Critical inquiry in a text‐based environment: computer conferencing in higher education.”Internet and Higher Educ. 2(2-3): 87-105.