
IAMSE #VirtualForum22 Call for Virtual Pre-Conference Faculty Development Workshop Abstracts

On behalf of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), I am pleased to announce that the 2022 Virtual Forum Program Committee is soliciting proposals to be considered for the inaugural IAMSE Virtual Forum slate of Saturday pre-conference workshops, to be held virtually on December 3-6, 2022. The theme for the virtual forum is Health Professions Education without Borders.

Proposals will be accepted until June 1, 2022. The 2022 Virtual Forum Committee will review all proposals and select 6-8 half-day workshops for the meeting. (Half-day workshops are 3 hours and may start in the morning or afternoon/early evening.)

IAMSE Saturday workshops focus on Career/Professional Development and should be useful for advancing the career of the attendee. The broad umbrella areas of focus for these workshops include:

• Leadership/Advancement as a Medical Educator
• Research/Scholarship/Publications
• Instruction/Assessment
• Technology
• Service Engagement

Saturday pre-conference workshops proposals must include the following information:
• Title of the workshop
• Name and e-mail of Organizer
• Facilitator(s) information
• Summary of the workshop and how it will advance the career of the attendee
• Length of Workshop
• Level of the workshop (Introductory/intermediate/advanced)
• Who should participate

All abstracts must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site found here.

Please note if you are having technical issues with your submission, we highly recommend using Chrome as your browser. If you are still experiencing issues after changing browsers, please contact

Thank you,
Sol Roberts-Lieb, EdD
Chair, IAMSE 2022 Virtual Forum Committee

A Medical Science Educator Article Review From Dr. Jennifer Fischer

This month the IAMSE publications committee review is taken from the article titled Developing Comprehensive Strategies to Evaluate Medical School Curricula published in Medical Science Educator (30 October 2018) by Sally A. Santen, Moshe Feldman, Sara Wier, Courtney Blondino, Meagan Rawls, and Susan DiGiovanni. 

For medical education, the ultimate goal of training students to be prepared for residency has not changed, but the educational environment is rapidly shifting. The pandemic has driven new policies and procedures that ultimately affect the delivery of curriculum. These swift adjustments introduce new methods of content delivery that evolve with the health policies and procedures of the moment. As public health mandates vary over time, resources shift, and staff changes occur, it becomes increasingly critical for schools to assess the curricula changes being made. Faculty who participate in curriculum, assessment, and student committees, can benefit from understanding if curricular modifications are achieving the desired goals.

As many programs were forced to adjust training strategies, a question to ask may be what do we keep and what do we go back to? The article by Santen, et al, describes the importance of curricular evaluation and provides resources to achieve meaningful feedback. Readers can identify sources for data collection and can also recognize what those sources help to measure. The authors outline the significance, not only of data collection and multiple sources, but also how context and relationships between facts can be informative. Using this information, educators and administrators can evaluate if trends in attitudes and skills provide insight into the strengths of curriculum and which aspects may need improvement.

Additionally, the article describes key stakeholders in medical school communities that will benefit from the analysis. The monograph offers examples of opportunities for implementing and reviewing evaluation strategies in order to align training with program goals. 
As schools balance the demands of medical education and health safety for students and staff in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, evaluating curriculum changes can inform decisions about which curriculum pieces are working and which are not. The informed decisions should be aimed to meet the needs of the student learners and to improve resident readiness. 

Jennifer Fischer, PhD
Associate Professor
Rowan University
School of Osteopathic Medicine
Department of Molecular Biology

#IAMSE23 Call for Pre-Conference Faculty Development Course Abstracts

On behalf of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), I am pleased to announce that we are now accepting proposals for pre-conference faculty development courses that will be delivered the Saturday before the 2023 IAMSE meeting. The annual meeting will be held in Cancun, Mexico from June 6-13, 2023.

Proposals will be accepted through July, 1, 2022. The Professional Development Committee will review all proposals and select 2-3 full-day workshops and 7-8 half-day workshops for the meeting. 

A pre-conference faculty development course is 3 or 6 hours in length and enrollment is limited. Instructors are asked to combine appropriate amounts of didactic presentations with significant “hands-on” opportunities for participants. For the participants, a certificate of attendance will be available after completion of the course if needed. Pre-conference faculty development courses focus on career/professional development, and the workshops should be useful for advancing the career of the attendee. The broad umbrella areas of focus for these courses include:

  • Leadership/Advancement as a Medical Educator
  • Research/Scholarship/Publications
  • Instruction/Assessment
  • Technology

Proposals must include the following information:

  • Title of the course
  • Name and e-mail of organizer
  • Facilitator(s) information
  • Summary of the course and how it will advance the career of the attendee
  • Length of the course (3 or 6 hours)
  • Area of focus for the course (Leadership/Advancement; Research/Scholarship/Publications; Instruction/Assessment; Technology)
  • Level of the course (introductory/intermediate/advanced)
  • Description of the target participants. 

All abstracts must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site found here.

If you have any questions about submitting your proposal, please contact IAMSE via email at

Thank you,
Jonathan Wisco, PhD
Chair, IAMSE Professional Development Committee

Say hello to our featured member Aaron Marshall!

Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, students, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Aaron Marshall.

Aaron Marshall, PhD
Position: Associate Professor
University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine 

How long have you been a member of IAMSE?
Joined in 2017 around the time of the Burlington, VT conference.

Looking at your time with the Association, what have you most enjoyed doing? What are you looking forward to?
I appreciate the duality of IAMSE, being both an established organization and yet small and nimble enough to accept new ideas and people into important roles. The most impactful experience to my career has been the ESME course with Drs. Haramati and Harden and the subsequent fellowship program. I also enjoy serving IAMSE (to ensure it stays thriving), by volunteering for the Denver Conference program committee and reviewing conference abstracts. Hopefully more to come in that arena. 

Tell us a bit more about the poster you will be presenting in Denver at the annual conference?
“Using Experiential Learning to Underscore Interprofessional Education in Nutrition” is an IAMSE-funded project about experiential learning and its impact on student attitudes and intentions regarding a historically underserved part of medical school (medical nutrition). To our teams’ surprise, while participants in this experiential learning intervention wanted to incorporate more nutrition in a “typical” patient encounter, they recognized (from the experience as a patient) that providing too little information (in context of 15-minute appointment) is counterproductive. This recognition highlighted the importance of other health professionals. 

What workshop, session or event are you most looking forward to in Denver? 
As a member of the Program Committee, I am obligated to say ALL the sessions will be excellent. Joking aside, the committee (under Maria Sheakley’s leadership) is very proud of the conference lineup. The pre-conference workshop Aligning Values and Behaviors: A Path to Authentic Leadership for Women in Academia is one I am looking forward to. 

What interesting things are you working on outside the Association right now? 
Dr. Heather Christensen and I co-founded a taskforce aimed at improving gender equity (all genders) at our college. The ongoing efforts were part of an accepted presentation to Advancing Gender Equity for Faculty: Allyship and Inclusive Leadership Strategies, a conference taking place at Bowling Green State University in May.

Anything else that you would like to add?
Many past featured members have talked about how great IAMSE is as a response to this question. Ditto for me. Like my home city of Cincinnati, IAMSE has big-time offerings with the feel of a small, homey organization. 

For more information on sessions, presentations and to register for #IAMSE22 visit

#IAMSE22 Focus Session Spotlight: Enhancing Your Professional Development Through Publication

The 26th Annual IAMSE Meeting will feature a host of new sessions throughout the entire conference. One of our first-time focus sessions is Enhancing Your Professional Development Through Publication. This course will be given Tuesday, June 7, 2022 from 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM and will be led by our partners in the Association for Study in Medical Education (ASME) Sandra Nicholson and Kim Walker. 

Enhancing Your Professional Development Through Publication
Presenters: Sandra Nicholson and Kim Walker – ASME
Date and Time: Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM

Publishing is increasingly important to academics working in medical education as a means to disseminate their practice and seek external validation of their own professional development. Currently, a successful publication track record in appropriate scientific journals is used as a marker of academic rigor and frequently features within promotion criteria. However, we argue that high-quality publications in appropriate journals and books are more than steps to promotion. The skills required to develop and write for publication alongside understanding what constitutes a high-calibre manuscript are essential medical education scholarship credentials.

For more information on half-day faculty development sessions, and to register for the 26th Annual IAMSE Meeting, please visit

Congratulations to the 2022 IAMSE Distinguished & Early Career Award Winners

IAMSE, on behalf of the Professional Development Committee, would like to congratulate Kathryn Huggett and Jaya Yodh on receiving the Distinguished Career Award and Early Career Award, respectively.

The Distinguished Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Educational Scholarship recognizes an IAMSE member who has a distinguished record of educational scholarship, including educational research and dissemination of scholarly approaches to teaching and education. Candidates must have a significant record of engagement within IAMSE. Kathryn Huggett, the 2022 awardee, is the Director of The Teaching Academy, Assistant Dean for Medical Student Education, and Professor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine at the University of Vermont Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine.

The Early Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Innovation honors an IAMSE member who has made significant innovations to the field in the short time they have focused their careers toward enhancing teaching, learning and assessment. Candidates must have demonstrated less than 10 years of educational scholarship. Jaya Yodh, the 2022 recipient, is a Teaching Associate Professor and Medical Education Facilitator in the Department of Biomedical and Translational Biosciences at the Carle Illinois College of Medicine, and Research Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 

Congratulations to Dr. Huggett and Dr. Yodh. They will both be honored at the 26th Annual IAMSE Meeting in early June. Good luck to both of you in all your future endeavors.

Thank you,
Jonathan Wisco
Chair, IAMSE Professional Development Committee

For more information on workshops, presentations and to register for the
2022 IAMSE Annual Conference please visit

A Medical Science Educator Article Review From Dr. Alice Fornari

This month the IAMSE Publications Committee review is taken from the article titled “A Culinary Medicine Elective Course Incorporating Lifestyle Medicine for Medical Students, MSE (2021) 31, pages 1343-1349 (2021), by Shinichi Asano, Amy E. Jasperse, Dina C. Schaper, Robert W. Foster & Brian N. Griffith.

Culinary Medicine (CM) programs have developed due to a lack of nutrition education in USA-medical schools. Culinary Medicine is described as an evidence-based field joining the art of food cooking with the science of medicine. There is evidence that CM is an effective means for learners to increase their perceived knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy in nutrition.

Gap: This article describes a CM intervention that in addition includes essential components of lifestyle medicine: physical activity and emotional health. This focus on lifestyle medicine makes this elective unique.

The 2-week elective course was taught by instructors, clinicians, and chefs and offered to 3rd and 4th year students had the following components: pre-selected modules from Health Meets Food curriculum were chosen for self-directed study resources. This elective also included a scientific literature review of a topic relevant to CM. The final component was a lecture on clinical applications of exercise physiology, exercise testing, and prescription and guidelines supported by the American College of Sports Medicine. The lecture was followed by a hands-on experiential laboratory session focused on fitness. This was followed by a diabetes counseling lecture by a certified diabetes care educator. The conclusion was an ethics discussion related to food and nutrition ethical issues. This was a literature-based discussion with pre-selected articles and questions.

Assessment: An anonymous electronic survey pre-course and post-course was administered to assess the students’ experience and overall course feedback. It included both quantitative and qualitative questions. The survey results the CM elective increased students’ perceived knowledge of nutrition. This is consistent with other literature on CM as a framework to enhance medical students’ knowledge of nutrition principles and confidence and apply them to disease management when counseling patients. The outcome of the lifestyle medicine component of the course needs further assessment and larger participation.

Alice Fornari, EdD FAMEE RDN
Vice President Faculty Development 
Northwell Health 
Office of Academic Affairs 
Associate Dean
ZSOM at Hofstra Northwell
Science Education Dept
Member IAMSE Publications Committee

Registered Students Can Attend NEST for FREE at #IAMSE22!

Join the IAMSE 2022 Annual Meeting in June so you can attend this free, in-person workshop just for students! This free workshop co-developed with ScholarRx will provide student participants with an introductory, hands-on experience in applying Kern’s Six-Step model to design a complete education activity with appropriate pedagogic strategies. Students will also explore models of converting medical education design and development into scholarship.

New Educator and Scholar Training (NEST): A Professional Development Workshop for Students
Presenters: Colleen CronigerAmber HeckTao Le & Elisabeth Schlegel
Date: Saturday, June 4, 2022
Time: 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM

After participating in this session, student attendees should be able to:

  • Describe a framework for medical education professional development
  • Discuss and apply principles and best practices for curriculum design, pedagogic strategies, and educational scholarship
  • Identify and synthesize themes that integrate across major domains of medical education professional development.

For more information on half-day faculty development sessions, and to register for the 26th Annual IAMSE Meeting, please visit

#IAMSE22 Faculty Development Session Spotlight: Technology-Assisted Faculty Development

The 26th Annual IAMSE Meeting will feature a host of new sessions throughout the entire conference. One of our first-time pre-conference faculty development sessions is Technology-Assisted Faculty Development: Ideas, Development, Implementation, & Outcomes. This virtual three-hour faculty development course will be given Monday, May 23 and will be led by Alice Fornari, Machelle Linsenmeyer and Elisabeth Schlegel. 

Technology-Assisted Faculty Development: Ideas, Development, Implementation, & Outcomes

Alice Fornari – Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra Northwell
Machelle Linsenmeyer – WVSOM
Elisabeth Schlegel – Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra Northwell
Date and Time: Monday, May 23, 2022, 3:30 PM – 6:30 PM

The distribution of faculty development in new and innovative formats is important for meeting the needs of faculty members and health professionals. This does not mean simply changing old content to a new format. Without careful planning, the use of technology can fail to achieve desired faculty learning outcomes or worse, become a deterrent to faculty using these technologies. There are several new innovations in faculty development that are surfacing to mitigate some of these issues. They center around modalities and just-in-time tools that put the resources in the hands of educators and foster their lifelong learning mentality of medicine in a format that is more versatile and accessible.

For more information on half-day faculty development sessions, and to register for the 26th Annual IAMSE Meeting, please visit

Don’t Miss These Great IAMSE How-to Guides!

As you may know, IAMSE has published five how-to manuals with several more to come in the next year. New to the series are two new manuals: Mentoring in Health Professions Education and Rubrics – A tool for feedback and assessment viewed from different perspectives. Each manual is available as a digital download and priced at only $15 for IAMSE members. Not an IAMSE member yet? Join here today!

Mentoring in Health Professions Education. This IAMSE Manual defines the field of academic medicine as highly dependent on finding and relating to mentors at virtually every stage of a doctor’s career. It describes and analyzes successful mentor/mentee relationships, examining personal experiences, as well as a data-driven approach, to explore the many different roles and perspectives on mentoring relationships and ultimately the mentoring culture. The editors look at the data with respect to the success of different mentoring strategies and diverse programs.

Available for only $15 USD for IAMSE members.

Rubrics – A tool for feedback and assessment viewed from different perspectives. This IAMSE Manual describes how to use rubrics in higher education, especially in the highly specialized health sciences education setting. The book provides a conceptual framework, practices and a series of checklists that lecturers can use to design their own rubrics for a variety of situations and content. It highlights varying perspectives, from teachers, students, educational advisors, and curriculum managers, while providing practical tips for developing and using rubrics. 

Available for only $15 USD for IAMSE members.

How-To Guide for Team-Based Learning. This “How-To” Guide for Team-Based Learning is a manual that provides an overview of the fundamental components TBL and serves as a blueprint for instructors considering using this technique. The manual also identifies factors that will facilitate or sabotage a successful implementation of TBL. Authored by Ruth Levine and Patricia Hudes, both internationally recognized experts in the field of TBL.

Available for only $15 USD for IAMSE members.

How-To Guide for Active Learning. This manual is a compilation of teaching strategies in active learning to adapt to your own large group settings. Each chapter is a specific description of a strategy written by authors who are experienced in using the strategy in a classroom environment with students. The Manual chapters are designed to be accessible and practical to the reader. The manual is edited by Alice Fornari and Ann Poznanski.

Available for only $15 USD for IAMSE members.

How-To Guide for Team-Based Learning Japanese Translation. IAMSE is proud to announce that we now have a Japanese translation of this “How-To” guide! The How-To Guide for Team-Based Learning was authored by Ruth Levine and Patricia Hudes and translated by Yukari Igarashi,  Mariko Iida, Yoko Shimpuku, Yoichiro Miki, and Hiromi Seo.

Available for only $15 USD for IAMSE members.

Manuals are also available for purchase on the Springer website here in paperback or digital editions. Please note that all IAMSE manuals are for individual use only.

Say hello to our featured member Kelly Quesnelle!

Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, students, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Kelly Quesnelle.

Kelly Quesnelle, PhD
Position: Professor & Chair of Biomedical Sciences
University: University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville

How long have you been a member of IAMSE?
I joined IAMSE in 2014, and attended my first annual meeting in 2015. I have not missed one since!

Looking at your time with the Association, what have you most enjoyed doing? What are you looking forward to?
Since 2015, I have met some amazing individuals while serving on the 2017 annual meeting program committee, as a member of the CAMSE subcommittee of the professional development committee, as past Chair of the publications committee, and now as Chair of the educational scholarship committee. Through these interactions, I have found many friends and mentors in the health science education field, and I have had the privilege of mentoring many of our IAMSE Medical Educator Fellows. On a personal note, my work with the IAMSE café has been one of the most rewarding engagements I have had with IAMSE. To connect in an informal way on a regular basis with other IAMSE members from around the world has really improved my well-being at work throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and I have been very fortunate to host some extraordinary guests on the IAMSE café. As I step down from my role as an IAMSE café host after two years, I am looking forward to watching the café continue to connect us in the future under the leadership of Jon Wisco, Wendy Lackey, Raúl Barroso, and a new IAMSE café host. It is exciting to see new faces come into leadership roles in the organization!

Why should people be excited to join your pre-conference workshop “Educator portfolios: Documenting your activities as an educator”? 
Although many health sciences educators are largely self-directed and self-motivated, recognition for our work as health sciences educators is essential for our sustained career satisfaction and identity formation. The committee for the advancement of medical science educators (CAMSE) was formed under the leadership of Bonny Dickinson and Nicole Deming as a subcommittee of the IAMSE professional development committee to address the concerns of IAMSE members in reward and recognition for our work. As part of this work, the committee created the Medical Science Educator Portfolio Toolkit, which can be used to help educators engage in self-reflection and highlight their work across the five domains of educational activities: teaching, curriculum development, learner assessment, advising and mentoring, and educational leadership and administration. The workshop will explain these domains and walk participants through a hands-on exercise with their own CVs to show how the toolkit can be used to prepare educators for promotion at their home institutions.

What workshop, session or event are you most looking forward to in Denver? 
I am really looking forward to the focus session, “Frequency, Dosage and Therapeutic Use of Assessments in an Integrated Curriculum” by Joe Blumer, Marieke Kruidering, Michael Lee, Steve Schneid, John Szarek, and Naunihal Zaveri on Tuesday morning. I think this will be a robust session on utilizing a diverse array of assessments throughout a health science curriculum, how to identify and remove bias in examination questions, and the implications of USMLE Step 1 moving pass/fail on assessment types in medical education. Looking forward to a great workshop from these outstanding presenters!

What interesting things are you working on outside the Association right now? 
I was very fortunate to start a new role at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville this year as Chair of the Biomedical Sciences Department. My most interesting work right now is getting to know the phenomenal educators in the department and working with them as we refresh our pre-clerkship curriculum to keep it vibrant and engaging for our learners in Greenville for many years to come. 

Since 2020, I have also been working on an IAMSE-sponsored project with educators from several IAMSE member institutions to study the pathways that lead to careers in medical education and both the positive and negative factors that contribute to identity formation of basic science educators. This has been an exciting project, to interview so many medical educators and to work with such a dedicated research team, led by Ming-Jung Ho at Georgetown University Medical Center and Joanna Brooks at the University of Kansas School of Medicine. We are looking forward to sharing some of our preliminary results at the Denver meeting.

I am also pleased to announce that the third edition of “An Introduction to Medical Teaching: The Foundations of Curriculum Design, Delivery, and Assessment” is now available through Springer. Katie Huggett and Bill Jeffries invited me to edit this edition of their book with them, and I am proud to say that the book contains many chapters by authored by fellow IAMSE members who are experts in their fields. We also added a focus on the science of learning and instruction, new materials on asynchronous teaching and educational scholarship and career development, and a focus on diversity and inclusion across many of the chapters.

Anything else that you would like to add?
I would just like to add a big thank you to all of the wonderful IAMSE mentors who have guided me through my own journey as a medical educator. Apart from the other people I have already mentioned here, a big shout out to Bonny Dickinson, Neil Osheroff, Peter de Jong, Adi Haramati, Alice Fornari, and so many others who are a constant source of support and encouragement. And, of course, a big THANK YOU to the many faces of JulNet who make IAMSE work in all of the practical ways that we need it to work. IAMSE is a wonderful family, and I am honored to be a member.

#IAMSE22 Faculty Development Session Spotlight: Aligning Values and Behaviors

The 26th Annual IAMSE Meeting will feature a host of new sessions throughout the entire conference. One of our first-time workshops is Aligning Values and Behaviors: A Path to Authentic Leadership for Women in Academia. This half-day faculty development course will be given Saturday, June 4th and will be led by Heather Christensen and team. 

Aligning Values and Behaviors: A Path to Authentic Leadership for Women in Academia
Heather Christensen – The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Carrie Elzie – Eastern Virginia Medical School
Jennifer Hotzman – Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine
Naunihal Zaveri – Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine
Date and Time: 
Saturday, June 4, 2022, 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM EDT

Authentic leaders understand their own values and behave toward others based on those values. Work in this area has particular relevance for marginalized groups, such as women and underrepresented faculty in academic medicine. The purpose of this workshop is to guide medical educators in developing leadership skills by creating intentional alignment between values and behaviors. Through reflection and assessments (both interactive activities), participants will identify their lived experiences which have contributed to their strengths and explore facets of their leadership which need further development. 

For more information on half-day faculty development sessions, and to register for the 26th Annual IAMSE Meeting, please visit