
Check out the IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminar Series Archives!

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce that the archives for “Back to the Future: Maximizing Student Learning and Wellbeing in the Virtual Age,” the 2021 Fall series of the Webcast Audio Seminars are now online!

The Webcast Audio Seminar archives are located on the IAMSE website under the Events heading as Web Seminars. Here, you will be able to search the archives or browse by year and series.

Registration for the Fall 2022 series is now open! Join us beginning September 1, 2022 for this five-part series. The goal of this series is for participants will be better prepared to recognize causes of academic difficulties, know better when to recommend students for more intensive interventions and implement strategies for identifying and breaking down barriers that limit student success. 

If you have any issues accessing the archives, or if you have any trouble registering for the Fall 2022 series, please just let us know at

Reminder* Call for IAMSE #VirtualForum22 Lightning Talk & Poster Abstracts

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is still accepting abstracts for Lightning Talk and Virtual Poster presentations for the inaugural IAMSE Virtual Forum to be held December 2-3, 5-6, 2022. The IAMSE Virtual Forum is an entirely virtual synchronous event offering opportunities for faculty and student development and networking, bringing together medical sciences and medical education across the continuum of healthcare education.

Lightning Talks are short 7-minute live presentations followed by 7-minutes of questions and answers that will provide presenters a chance to share their work, including works in process. Virtual posters will be presented asynchronously as a short video presentation, which will be made available to all attendees for the full duration of the forum. For either type of submission, we are asking for work that breaks some form of barrier as well as work that celebrates diversity. 

Abstracts for Lightning Talks and Virtual Posters must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site here.

Submission deadline is September 1, 2022.

There is no limit on the number of abstracts you may submit, but it is unlikely that more than two presentations per presenter can be accepted due to scheduling complexities. Abstract acceptance notifications will be returned in October 2022. Please contact for any questions about your submission.

We hope to see you virtually this December!

Say hello to our featured member Sarah Muder!

Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, students, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Sarah Muder.

Sarah Muder (she/her/hers)
IAMSE 2022 Oustanding Virtual Poster Presentation Winner
4th Year Medical Student
New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine

Congratulations on winning the 2022 Outstanding Virtual Poster at the IAMSE Conference! What led you to submit an abstract to IAMSE for this meeting?
My faculty mentors, Dr. Donna McMahon and Dr. Christine Hutak, have both been very involved in IAMSE, and spoke about how it was such an important meeting to attend for those interested in medical education. Naturally, when we started this research, I knew exactly where I wanted to present!

Tell me a little bit about the research of your winning presentation? What really excites you about this topic?
Our research was started based on a noticeable need for better healthcare among the LGBTQ+ patient population. We believe that this starts with our education in medical school, so the study team chose to examine the perceived and actual knowledge of medical students and faculty on educational topics related to LGBTQ+ specific care.

Your award comes with one year of waived registration to the IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminar Series. Registration for our Fall Series for this year, entitled “The Struggle is Real: Breaking Barriers That Limit Student Success”, is now open! Which session would you say you are most looking forward to?
While I am excited for all the sessions, I have a strong passion for mentorship, so I can’t wait for the session “Learning Communities: Creating Structures for Peer Support”. As a low-income, LGBTQ+ student, mentorship was essential for me in my path to medical school, and I enjoy paying it forward to future physicians every day!

As a new member of IAMSE, what benefit of the association do you see yourself benefitting from the most?  
I’m looking forward to creating meaningful connections with others (especially OB/GYNs and OB/GYNs in the making!) who are passionate about the future of medical education.

Want to learn more about the Fall 2022 Webcast Audio Seminar series? Click the button below!

#IAMSE23 Focus Session Abstracts Due September 1, 2022

There is still time to submit a focus session abstract for the 27th Annual IAMSE Conference to be held at the JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa in Cancun, Mexico June 10-13, 2023. The IAMSE meeting offers opportunities for faculty development and networking, bringing together medical sciences and medical education across the continuum of health care education. The theme of the IAMSE 2023 Meeting is “Teaching & Learning in Health Sciences: Linking Current Theory to Practice.”

The purpose of a 90-minute Focus Session is to “focus in” on a specific topic in a small group interactive discussion format. Based on previous years, group size might vary between 10-50 individuals. The exact format for the session is free to choose by the session leader(s), as long as not more than one-third of the time is being used for formal presentation, and the rest of the time is used for interaction, active learning in small groups, and discussion. The Program Committee welcomes diversity such as multi-institutional and inter-professional submissions and presenter-teams consisting of junior and senior faculty and students.

All abstracts must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site found here.

Submission deadline is September 1, 2022.

Abstract acceptance notifications will be returned by November 1. Please contact for any questions about your submission.

We hope to see you in Cancun next year!

IAMSE Seeking 2024 Manual Proposals Due October 15, 2022

The IAMSE Manuals Editorial Board is seeking proposals for contributions to the IAMSE Manuals book series to be published in 2024.

The IAMSE Manuals series was established to disseminate current developments and best evidence-based practices in healthcare education, offering those who teach in healthcare the most current information to succeed in their educational roles. The Manuals offer practical “how-to-guides” on a variety of topics relevant to teaching and learning in the healthcare profession. The aim is to improve the quality of educational activities that include, but are not limited to: teaching, assessment, mentoring, advising, coaching, curriculum development, leadership and administration, and scholarship in healthcare education, and to promote greater interest in health professions education. They are compact volumes of 50 to 175 pages that address any number of practical challenges or opportunities facing medical educators. The manuals are published by Springer; online versions are offered to IAMSE members at a reduced price.

We welcome proposal submissions on topics relevant to IAMSE’s mission and encourage multi-institutional, international, and interprofessional contributions. Topics for the manuals may vary widely, including but not limited to the following:

  • Program Evaluation
  • CQI in Medical Education
  • Educational Models and Conceptual Frameworks
  • Teaching using Learning Strategies
  • Approaches to Integration
  • Professionalism
  • Educational Technology

The essential factors to consider in submitting a proposal are the proposed topic:

  1. informs medical education practice;
  2. provides practical instructions and tips to the reader;
  3. excites interest in the medical education community;
  4. demonstrates careful attention to sound research and theory.

We welcome proposals from medical educators, theorists, researchers, and administrators. The entire proposal should not exceed 2,500 words. The following criteria will be used to evaluate proposal submissions:

  • Objectives
    • The objectives should emphasize specific instructional practices that readers can implement in their instructional settings.
  • Description of the proposed manual
    • The description should clearly explain the primary topic of the manual, how—and to what extent—the topic is covered in existing publications, and how the proposed manual addresses gaps in the extant literature.
  • Manual title in conjunction with an expanded table of contents (TOC)
    • The expanded TOC should identify the major topics to be covered in each chapter, with short (two- to three-sentence) descriptions of what will be included in each chapter
  • Description of the target audience. 
    • The description should include the anticipated size of the readership (i.e., the size of the market). 
  • A statement of general interest that addresses the expertise, skills, and attributes of the authors that contribute to the topic. (no longer than 1-2 pages in length)
  • Listing of authors. Include brief biographical sketches (no longer than 1-2 pages in length). 

The submission deadline has been extended to October 15, 2022.

Each proposal will be evaluated by the IAMSE Manuals Editorial Board using the criteria specified above. The Editorial Board will then discuss the proposals and select 2-to-3 for publication. Selections will be based on how well the proposals match the above criteria. We expect publication decisions to be made by December 2022. We anticipate that selected manuals will be published during the second half of 2024.

Both IAMSE members and non-members are eligible to submit a proposal. IAMSE is a diverse community and strives to reflect that diversity in the composition of its authors. The Editorial Board welcomes applications from members of different countries, various health professions backgrounds, and members of minority groups.

If you have any questions about submission or the Manuals series please reach out to

We look forward to your submissions.

Call for IAMSE #VirtualForum22 Lightning Talk & Poster Abstracts

The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce the call for abstracts for Lightning Talk and Virtual Poster presentations for the inaugural IAMSE Virtual Forum to be held December 2-3, 5-6, 2022. The IAMSE Virtual Forum is an entirely virtual synchronous event offering opportunities for faculty and student development and networking, bringing together medical sciences and medical education across the continuum of healthcare education.

Lightning Talks are short 7-minute live presentations followed by 7-minutes of questions and answers that will provide presenters a chance to share their work, including works in process. Virtual posters will be presented asynchronously as a short video presentation, which will be made available to all attendees for the full duration of the forum. For either type of submission, we are asking for work that breaks some form of barrier as well as work that celebrates diversity. 

Abstracts for Lightning Talks and Virtual Posters must be submitted in the format requested through the online abstract submission site here.

Submission deadline is September 1, 2022.

There is no limit on the number of abstracts you may submit, but it is unlikely that more than two presentations per presenter can be accepted due to scheduling complexities. Abstract acceptance notifications will be returned in October 2022. Please contact for any questions about your submission.

We hope to see you virtually this December!

Thank you,
Sol Roberts-Lieb
2022 Virtual Forum Program Chair

Register Now for the IAMSE Fall 2022 Webcast Audio Seminar Series!

Medical educators are often called upon to help identify, support, and remediate struggling students. The root causes of student performance deficits are multifaceted and may be due to academic and non-academic factors. Deficiencies are rarely correctable through a simple solution. The Fall 2022 IAMSE Webinar Series will address strategies for identifying and supporting at-risk students and recognizing and breaking down barriers that may limit student success. The series will begin with an overview of methods to identify, intervene with, and remediate struggling students. Follow-up speakers will delve into specific mechanisms that have been employed to support students, including decelerated curriculums and Learning Communities. Additionally, speakers will provide information on the impact of mental health issues on medical school performance and the unique barriers and challenges faced by members of underrepresented communities. Webinars will provide specific strategies for mitigating the effects these factors may play in student success.
Beginning Thursday, September 1 at 12 pm Eastern, join IAMSE for:

The Struggle is Real: Breaking Barriers
That Limit Student Success

By the end of this series, participants will be better prepared to recognize causes of academic difficulties, know better when to recommend students for more intensive interventions and implement strategies for identifying and breaking down barriers that limit student success.

Sessions in the Fall 2022 series include:

  • September 1 at 12 pm EDT – Calvin Chou presents “This Learner Is Terrible”: Remediation In Medical Education
  • September 8 at 12 pm EDT – Robert Walker presents The Off-Cycle Curriculum: Intention vs. Impact
  • September 15 at 12 pm EDT – Michael Redinger presents Mental Health and the Struggling Learner
  • September 22 at 12 pm EDT – Caroline Harada and Lauren Parker present Learning Communities: Creating Structures for Peer Support
  • September 29 at 12 pm EDT – Janet Coffman presents Breaking Barriers for Racial/Ethnic Groups Underrepresented in the Health Professions

As always, IAMSE Student Members can register for the series for FREE! Email for details.

You Can’t Miss the IAMSE Annual Conference in 2023!

IAMSE is pleased to invite you to join us in Cancun, Mexico for our 2023 Annual Meeting. Read on to learn more about this exciting event and keep your calendars open!

June 10 – 13, 2023
Cancun, Mexico

Conference Program
The annual meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) offers many opportunities for faculty development and networking, and brings medical sciences and medical education across the continuum together. This year’s main topic is Teaching & Learning in Health Sciences: Linking Current Theory to Practice. Confirmed Plenary speakers include Anique de Bruin from Maastricht University (The Netherlands), Michelle Daniel from the University of California – San Diego (USA) and Ricardo León-Bórquez from the World Federation for Medical Education (Mexico). The meeting offers workshops, focus sessions, oral and poster presentations, and several networking opportunities. In addition to the program, the IAMSE Fellowship and AMEE-ESME course will be offered.

Who Should Attend?
The meeting is designed for all those who teach and lead curricula in the sciences of medicine and health. Participants include basic scientists and clinical medical faculty as well as members representing faculty from various other health care disciplines and educational disciplines. Also, students are always represented and involved in the program. This international meeting typically hosts over 25 nationalities from around the world.

About Cancun
Cancún, a Mexican city on the Yucatán Peninsula bordering the Caribbean Sea, is known for its beaches, numerous resorts and nightlife. It’s composed of 2 distinct areas: the more traditional downtown area, El Centro, and Zona Hotelera, a long, beachfront strip of high-rise hotels, nightclubs, shops and restaurants. Cancun is also a famed destination for students during universities’ spring break period.

For more details, and information on past meetings, please visit

Thank you,
Amber Heck
Chair, IAMSE 2023 Program Committee

IAMSE 2022 Virtual Forum Information

IAMSE is pleased to invite you to join us for the inaugural IAMSE Virtual Forum. The Forum will take place December 2-3, 5-6, 2022. Read on to learn more about this exciting event and keep your calendars open!

Health Professions
Education Without Borders

Our world is rapidly changing and the need for health care professionals to understand this changing landscape is crucial. Join us for the 2022 IAMSE Virtual Forum where we will tear down the borders that separate us and work towards more integrated education opportunities. Borders come in all forms, from geo-political to socio-economic, from online to face to face, and from diversity to experience levels. This forum will feature conversations that showcase the borders but give actional suggestions on how to remove them and build community. Topics include but are not limited to technology-enhanced education, online vs face to face, conflict zone education, diversity equity and inclusion, intercollegiate collaboration, international collaboration, junior and senior educator collaboration, and any other border that prevents us from sharing resources, talents, and helping our students be the best health professional they can be.

Presentation Descriptions

  • Preconference Workshops: These 3-hour sessions to be held on Friday and Saturday will focus on providing attendees with an opportunity to learn and practice a new skill.
  • Ignite talk: Throughout the forum, there will be four ignite talks. These talks consist of a 20-minute presentation, a 20-minute breakout activity for all attendees, and concludes with a 20-minute large group discussion.
  • Lightning Talks: These short sessions, 7-minute presentations with 7-minutes of questions and answers, provide all scholars with a chance to share their works including works in process.
  • Virtual Posters: Accepted poster authors will submit a 3-minute recording of their abstract which will be posted on the event application and accessible to all attendees. There will be no synchronous component to the Virtual Posters.
  • Networking Round Table: Do you want to discuss a topic? Submit an idea to the Virtual Forum Program Committee by emailing You can also volunteer to facilitate the discussion of your topic.

Important Deadlines

June 1, 2022 – Deadline for Preconference Workshops
August 1, 2022 – Preconference Workshop Author Notification
September 1, 2022 – Deadline for Lightning Talks and Virtual Posters
October 1, 2022 – Lightning Talk and Virtual Poster Author Notification
October 2022 – Registration Open!
November 1, 2022 – Early Bird Registration Deadline
November 7, 2022 – Virtual Poster Submission Deadline
December 2-3, 5-6, 2022 – IAMSE 2022 Virtual Forum

Tentative Forum Schedule

Please note that with the exception of the Ignite Speakers, all sessions will be offered twice – once during the United States/European Block and again during the Asian/Oceania block.

United States and European Block

EasternUnited KingdomSingaporeFriday, December 2Saturday, December 3Monday, December 5Tuesday, December 6
9:00 AM2:00 PM10:00 PMWorkshopsWelcomeWelcome
9:15 AM2:15 PM10:15 PMWorkshopsIgnite Speaker 1Ignite Speaker 2
9:30 AM2:30 PM10:30 PMWorkshopsIgnite Speaker 1Ignite Speaker 2
9:45 AM2:45 PM10:45 PMWorkshopsIgnite Speaker 1Ignite Speaker 2
10:00 AM3:00 PM11:00 PMWorkshopsIgnite Speaker 1Ignite Speaker 2
10:15 AM3:15 PM11:15 PMWorkshopsBreakBreak
10:30 AM3:30 PM11:30 PMWorkshopsLightning TalksNetworking with Breakouts
10:45 AM3:45 PM11:45 PMWorkshopsLightning TalksNetworking with Breakouts
11:00 AM4:00 PM12:00 PMWorkshopsLightning TalksNetworking with Breakouts
11:15 AM4:15 PM12:15 PMWorkshopsLightning TalksNetworking with Breakouts
11:30 AM4:30 PM12:30 PMWorkshopsLightning TalksRoundtable/Panel Discussion
11:45 AM4:45 PM12:45 PMWorkshopsLightning TalksRoundtable/Panel Discussion
12:00 PM5:00 PM1:00 AMRoundtable/Panel Discussion
12:15 PM5:15 PM1:15 AMRoundtable/Panel Discussion
12:30 PM5:30 PM1:30 AMMeeting Close

Asia and Oceania Block

Eastern United KingdomSingapore Friday, December 2Saturday, December 3Monday, December 5Tuesday, December 6
8:00 PM1:00 AM9:00 AMWorkshopsWelcomeWelcome
8:15 PM1:15 AM9:15 AMWorkshopsIgnite Speaker 1Ignite Speaker 2
8:30 PM1:30 AM9:30 AMWorkshopsIgnite Speaker 1Ignite Speaker 2
8:45 PM1:45 AM9:45 AMWorkshopsIgnite Speaker 1Ignite Speaker 2
9:00 PM2:00 AM10:00 AMWorkshopsIgnite Speaker 1Ignite Speaker 2
9:15 PM2:15 AM10:15 AMWorkshopsBreakBreak
9:30 PM2:30 AM10:30 AMWorkshopsLightning TalksNetworking with Breakouts
9:45 PM2:45 AM10:45 AMWorkshopsLightning TalksNetworking with Breakouts
10:00 PM3:00 AM11:00 AMWorkshopsLightning TalksNetworking with Breakouts
10:15 PM3:15 AM11:15 AMWorkshopsLightning TalksNetworking with Breakouts
10:30 PM3:30 AM11:30 AMWorkshopsLightning TalksRoundtable/Panel Discussion
10:45 PM3:45 AM11:45 AMWorkshopsLightning TalksRoundtable/Panel Discussion
11:00 PM4:00 AM12:00 AMRoundtable/Panel Discussion
11:15 PM4:15 AM12:15 AMRoundtable/Panel Discussion
11:30 PM4:30 AM12:30 AMMeeting Close

Say hello to our featured member Cathryn Caudill!

Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, students, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This month’s Featured Member is Cathryn Caudill.

Cathryn Caudill, PhD
IAMSE 2022 Oustanding Faculty Oral Presentation Winner
Professor of Pathology
Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine at the University of Pikeville

Congratulations on winning the 2022 Outstanding Faculty Oral at the IAMSE Conference in Denver! What led you to submit an abstract to IAMSE for this meeting?
Thank you! My primary motivation for submitting an abstract to the IAMSE annual meeting was to share our findings with the profession, especially since we found improvements in some dimensions of medical student mental health during the pandemic that were quite surprising. I also hoped to make connections with other researchers and institutions who were either studying medical student mental health, or who had developed impactful wellness programs or resources. Of course, the honor of presenting research at our profession’s premier conference was also very enticing! 

Tell me a little bit about the research of your winning presentation? What really excites you about this topic?
Our research documented medical student mental health during the peak of the pandemic, via a survey of U.S. osteopathic and allopathic medical students administered in December 2020 and January 2021. We identified demographic and experiential factors associated with poor mental health indicators, including depression, anxiety, burnout, self-harm/suicidal ideation, and substance use, in the hopes that medical schools and clinical clerkships could target counseling and resources to students most at-risk. I was most excited to find that some dimensions of medical student mental health, specifically burnout and self-harm/suicidal ideation, actually improved relative to pre-pandemic rates. Depression and substance use remained the same, and only anxiety increased during the pandemic among our medical student population. These same indicators were worse in the American public and other student groups during the pandemic, so it is worth exploring the experiential factors that may be influencing these improvements in future research. I won’t belabor all of our findings, but I was particularly struck that the relationship between COVID-19 and mental health appeared to be modulated by how personal it was to the student; for instance, students who personally knew someone who died of COVID-19 infection had worse mental health measures in every dimension. This study also affirmed that we need to continuously support students who are already reaching out for mental health resources at our institutions; these students were more than four times as likely to self-harm or consider suicide, and over twice as likely to use substances to cope with pandemic-related stress. 

I need also to acknowledge Madison Jupina, DO, a recent KYCOM graduate who formulated and completed this research during her clinical clerkship. I feel incredibly fortunate that she approached me for faculty-mentored research guidance; it was incredibly rewarding to work with such a highly motivated student, and learn more about medical student health in the process!

Your award comes with one year of waived registration to the IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminar Series. What has been your favorite WAS series or session so far? And are you excited to participate in this year’s series lineup?
The IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminar Series from Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 were so timely and relevant to the changes that are happening in medical education in this moment. I particularly enjoyed the 4th Winter session (“Identity Shape-Shifting”) about the role foundational medical sciences faculty have in helping students form their professional identity. The session provoked me to re-evaluate my own role in professional identity development, which I had previously thought was almost solely influenced by our clinical faculty. Not only was my perception changed, but I was also intrigued by some of the other concepts introduced in the presentation, such as helping students develop “uncertainty tolerance.” I’m very eager to participate in this year’s series about barriers to student success and how we can better support at-risk students, especially given that we know student mental health both impacts and is impacted by their performance.

What interesting things are you working on outside the Association right now? Research, presentations, etc. 
Like many other medical school faculty, the pandemic fundamentally changed how I taught. With the switch to virtual teaching, I needed to know how well my students were progressing while physically absent from campus, and I began assigning graded formative assessments for every class session in Pathology. I expected lots of pushback from students for the extra work, but I was delighted that they enthusiastically embraced these opportunities to continuously assess their learning because they found them valuable. I continued to utilize regular formative assessments when we returned to on-campus instruction, and students still cite them as one of the most valuable aspects of the course. Although most of these formative assessments are faculty-authored, we also began assigning questions from a commercial test bank (TrueLearn) in the last academic year. My teaching colleague, Dr. Ayesha Ghayur, and I have been completing educational research on the impact of these formative assessments in our course, specifically looking at how students utilize and value faculty-authored formative quizzes versus questions assigned from the commercial test bank. Students value both types of assessments, but for different purposes and reasons, and we’re eager to share this research soon.

I’m also excited to continue my work with medical student mental health and wellness at KYCOM. I am the faculty advisor to our Student Government Association’s Mental Health Committee, and it has been exciting and rewarding to watch our students develop initiatives and lead activities on campus to promote wellness and decrease the stigma of mental illness. Over the past two years, I’ve administered a Wellness Hub for students via our campus course management system, but I’m in the progress of migrating the resources to a permanent website, Med School Recess, so that they are accessible to medical students anywhere. I’m excited to work on something that may have benefit to others beyond my institution.

Anything else that you would like to add?
I am consistently impressed with and enriched by the programs offered through IAMSE. The webinars and conferences that I have participated in over my two years of membership in the organization have accelerated my professional growth, even after 16 years of medical school teaching. I appreciate all of our colleagues who offer their experiences and knowledge to grow our profession, and I’m excited to continue to learn from you and contribute what I can in the future.

Save the Date for the Fall 2022 Webcast Audio Seminar Series

Join us Thursday, September 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2022 for the IAMSE Fall 2022 Webcast Audio Seminar Series titled: 

The Struggle is Real:
Breaking Barriers that Limit Student Success 

Medical educators are often called upon to help identify, support, and remediate struggling students. The root causes of student performance deficits are multifaceted and may be due to academic and non-academic factors. Deficiencies are rarely correctable through a simple solution. The Fall 2022 IAMSE Webinar Series will address strategies for identifying and supporting at-risk students and recognizing and breaking down barriers that may limit student success. The series will begin with an overview of methods to identify, intervene with, and remediate struggling students. Follow-up speakers will delve into specific mechanisms that have been employed to support students, including decelerated curriculums and Learning Communities. Additionally, speakers will provide information on the impact of mental health issues on medical school performance and the unique barriers and challenges faced by members of underrepresented communities. Webinars will provide specific strategies for mitigating the effects these factors may play in student success.  

By the end of this series, participants will be better prepared to recognize causes of academic difficulties, know better when to recommend students for more intensive interventions and implement strategies for identifying and breaking down barriers that limit student success. 

As always, IAMSE Student Members can register for the series for FREE! Email for more information.

Further details about the Fall 2022 series will be coming soon, so keep an eye on your inbox. For more details on our archives of previous seasons, please visit

Congratulations to the 2022 Poster & Oral Presentation Award Winners

This year, IAMSE showcased over 280 poster and oral presentations, with 31 posters and 12 oral presentations nominated for an award. These awards recognize the most outstanding medical education peer-reviewed presentations at the IAMSE annual meeting. The first author on the winning poster receives a plaque, one year of IAMSE membership, and access to one series of the IAMSE Audio Seminars.

A full listing of this year’s Best Poster Presentation Award nominees and Best Oral Presentation Award nominees can be found at

Outstanding Faculty Oral Presentation
Medical Student Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Cathryn Caudill – University of Pikeville (United States)

Outstanding Student Oral Presentation
Preclinical Ultrasound Education Using a Near-peer Educational Model
Lindsey Claus – Boston University School of Medicine (United States)

Outstanding Faculty Poster Presentation
Medical School Benchmark Performance Based on College Competitiveness
Shaun Andersen – Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV (United States)

Outstanding Student Poster Presentation
High Self-efficacy for Academic Performance Is Positively Related to Student Wellness
Jonathan Ruiz – University of Central Florida College of Medicine (United States)

Outstanding Faculty Virtual Poster Presentation
Perceptions of Medical Students and Educators Regarding Lgbtq+ Healthcare and Sexual Gender Minority Patients
Sarah Muder – The New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine (United States)

Outstanding Student Virtual Poster Presentation
Virtual Bedside Tutorials For Medical Education
Tse Yean Teo – Singapore General Hospital (Singapore)

Please join us in congratulating the winners of this year’s awards. If you are interested in submitting an abstract for a poster or oral presentation for the 2023 Annual Conference you may do so beginning in October. More information will be shared later this year.