Group-based learning is a powerful educational experience, satisfactory for both students and faculty. Parker Small’s POPS platform has been available for over 30 years and is widely used. The Clinical Correlation Exercises (CCE) platform is a derivative of POPS originated at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), which emphasizes differential diagnosis and laboratory tests. At MUSC, the student feedback is highly positive; 90-94% of the student agree/strongly agree that “POPS and CCE are effective platforms to integrate clinical material in the Infection and Immunity course”
The POPS website includes links to the following cases, in both Word and pdf formats (except when noted):
- •Elderly with Pneumonia
- •Hepatitis
- •Immediate Hypersensitivity
- •Immunodeficiency Disease
- •Influenza: Serologic Diagnosis and Epidemiology
- •Jaundiced Baby
- •MI Sick (PDF only)
- •Opportunistic Infections
- •Painful Rash
- •Paternity
- •Tetanus Immunity
- •Tuberculosis (2 versions)
- •Transplantation Immunology (2 versions)
All cases can be freely downloaded and modified by the users. Users that modify cases are requested to forward an electronic copy of their version to