Welcome to this 20-2s issue of JIAMSE. This is the first issue of JIAMSE published under my editorship since I took office on July 1st 2010. Thanks to the work of the previous Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Uldis Streips, the Journal has increased its number of issues per year and is now able to connect to an increasing number of authors interested in publishing their work. As we are experiencing a growing reputation within the USA, my mission will be to make our Journal well known to an international audience. I hope I can count on your help in this mission by publishing your own scholarly work in JIAMSE and by suggesting to your colleagues to become a reader of the Journal either through membership in IAMSE or by an individual subscription.
The first issue I present to you as Editor-in-Chief is the special issue dedicated to the IAMSE annual meeting. The program of the meeting was again interesting and challenging as the meeting participants shared their expertise and ideas with others. This year’s issue however is a little different than previous years. In addition to the abstracts of all poster presentations, we have also included the invited contributions of all three keynote presenters from the meeting: Dr. Mennin, Dr. McGee and Dr. Schuwirth. I believe these contributions are very important for all meeting attendees to review, but also for all other readers who were not able to attend the meeting. Furthermore, we have two Innovations by the two Outstanding Poster Award winners of this year, Dr. Carnegie and Dr. Thompson. Their work was rated as the best and most promising presented at this year’s meeting and I am therefore very honored to present their work to you.
I hope this issue of JIAMSE will give you a nice overview of the work presented at the IAMSE meeting in New Orleans.
Peter G.M. de Jong, Ph.D.