Are you doing something in teaching that others might be interested in hearing about?
In an earlier issue of THE FORUM I wrote “This is your column and your opportunity to share you experiences in medical education with your colleagues.? This statement is still true. We invite articles about what you are doing that is new and innovative. This column was not established to present only major approaches in teaching your discipline but also the smaller experiments. We have all attempted a new (for us) innovation, such as a new approach to presentation, a new scheduling approach between lectures and conference, or a new examination format. We would like to include articles on what works well as well as what didn’t work. Please do not be reluctant about sharing your ideas. Frequently we have shared our ideas with colleagues in our own discipline but the information may not have reached the individuals in other basic sciences. If you know of someone doing something innovative, call me and I will contract them. If you have suggestions for topics, let me know. This is your column, so let us share our approaches.