The Annual Conference of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) offers many opportunities for faculty development and networking, and brings medical sciences and medical education across the continuum together. This year’s theme is “Integrating Generations: Are We Ready for the Next 25 Years of Health Professions Education?” Featured plenary speakers include Will Bynum (Duke University, USA), Teresa Chan (Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada), Thirusha Naidu (University of Ottawa, Canada), and Yvonne Steinert (McGill University, Canada).

Thirusha Naidu, PhD
How Not to Haunt the Future –
Global Polycrises Compel Generational Shifts in Medical Science Ideology and Methodology
Presented by: Thirusha Naidu, PhD, University of Ottawa, Canada
Date and Time: Monday, June 16, 2025, 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM MDT
In times that call to attention how we value of human life, our diverse ways of knowing and sources of life it becomes imperative to explore how human intervention and interaction are generationally implicated. In this talk I reflect on our emergent awareness of how the inter-related polycrises of global instances of genocide, epistemicide and the destruction of the planet and ecosystems (terracide) highlight gaps in health science ideology and methodology. Reflecting on sociopolitical histories that resulted in past generations creating the conditions for current global crisis. I suggest that accepting past generations limitations and acknowledging contemporary gaps in our knowledge system will catalyse fundamental and essential transformation in research, teaching and scholarship in health and medical science education. I consider how and why we should take responsibility for shifts in ideology and methodology while releasing long-term outcomes to future generations. Consideration of social time, generational consciousness and diffracting and decolonising methodology are ways in which we may alleviate epistemic violence and heal social and intergenerational trauma.
Learning objectives
1. To understand how contemporary global polycrises of genocide, epistemicide and terracide results from the actions of past generations
2. To explore how may avert current and future crises through past generations limitations through expanding current ideologies and methodologies.
3. To reflect on how we can expand awareness, positionality and future orientation as researcher to avert harmful impacts of our current unconscious limitations on future generations.
For more information about speakers, events, and registration, please visit www.iamseconference.org.
We hope to see you in Calgary, Alberta, Canada!