In case you missed yesterday’s Webcast Audio Seminar (WAS) Session, here are the highlights of this session:
Generating Trust in Entrustment: an update from the AAMC Core EPA Pilot Group
Presenter: Kimberly D. Lomis MD
January 11, 12 PM EST
Goals of Webinar
- Review the background of the AAMC Core EPAs for Entering Residency initiative
- Summarize recent activities of the national pilot group
- Review guiding principles for implementation
- Introduce the EPA toolkits
- Discuss areas of ongoing development & study
- Can see the Core EPA Pilot Project at AAMC website
Core EPA Pilot Project Motivated by patient safety
Desired Outcomes
- Competencies, which are trainable attributes of an individual
- Milestones, which are the developmental trajectory of the individual
- EPAs describes units of work
- Entrustments for a task requires the synthetic application of multiple competencies at a specified level of performance (milestone)
13 EPAs that can be found at the AAMC website
- History and examination
- Differential diagnosis
- Common tests
- Enter orders
- Document encounter
- Oral presentation
- Clinical questions
- Patient handover
- Interprofessional team
- Emergent care
- Obtain consent
- Perform procedures
- Safety and improvement
Targeting summative entrustments decisions for that class at graduation in 2019.
10 Medical Schools participated in the Pilot
Four Key Concepts in Implementation of EPAs
- Entrustment
Dimensions of Trustworthiness
- Knowledge and Skill
- Discernment
- Conscientiousness
- Truthfulness
- Assessment
- Need to be able to assess the Resident in the “ clinical work place”
- Digital Portfolios are necessary to assess
- Curriculum
- Organized and systems-based approach
- Faculty Development needs include:
- Various faculty roles will require differing levels of training regarding the EPA framework
Nine Guiding Principles are available on the AAMC Initiative Website
- EPA Toolkits and “One-Pagers” are available at the website as well.
- Toolkit Structure includes
- FAQs
- “One-Pager” Schematic for the specific EPA
- Resources from AAMC’s DREAM repository
- Bulleted list of Behaviors and Vignettes
- Complete Physician Competency Reference Set (PCRS)
- Faculty and Learners’ Guide
Curriculum Developers’ Guide
AAMC Core EPA Guides - AAMC Pilot Group recommendations: Guiding Principles
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