The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) invites you to join us for our second annual Virtual Forum! Join us October 18-20 as we host ignite talks, lightning talks, and more. The virtual forum is designed for all interested in teaching, designing, and leading medical and health professions sciences curricula. Participants include students & trainees, basic scientists, providers, clinicians, and other faculty from across various healthcare and educational disciplines. We specifically encourage junior faculty, postdocs, and students to participate in the forum. This year’s theme: “Should It Stay or Should It Go? Changing Health Education for Changing Times”.
The third of our three ignite speakers is Neil Mehta from Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University in the United States. He will present Teaching in the Age of Online Resources: Designing Lesson Plans to Enhance the Value of In-Person Classroom Learning on Friday, October 20, 2023.

Teaching in the Age of Online Resources: Designing Lesson Plans to Enhance the Value of In-Person Classroom Learning
Neil Mehta, Cleveland Clinic
Presented on Friday, October 20, 2023
With many accessible popular online educational resources, educators find it challenging to engage students in traditional classroom sessions. We will review and practice a pedagogic framework for making classroom sessions both engaging, invaluable, and irreplaceable.