Registration is now open for IAMSE Webinar Series Spring 2018! Sessions begin on Thursday, March 8, 2018.
Integrating Nutrition and Wellness Instruction: Practical Applications for Health Science Educators
As a follow-up to our successful series on faculty and student wellness and resiliency and as a prelude to our annual meeting integrating nutrition and wellness education in teaching the health sciences, the 2018 Spring IAMSE Web Seminar Series focuses on specific examples of how schools have implemented programs to address these issues. The first session will feature presentations by Angela Cheung from the University of Toronto and Maryam Hamidi from Stanford who will describe the current status of physician nutrition, barriers to healthy eating by physician training and practice, and suggestions for awareness recognition of the importance of proper nutrition in the wellness of physicians. The second session will be presented by Nicholas Pennings from Campbell University who will highlight, from a practical standpoint, how a new osteopathic medical school implemented a longitudinal nutrition theme focused on obesity. The next session will be presented by Sian Cotton who will provide a detailed description of a highly successful center for the promotion of integrative health and wellness at the University of Cincinnati. The fourth session will be another paired presentation by John Yoon from the University of Chicago and Tania Jenkins from Temple who will highlight research focused on the moral and spiritual development of students over-time, conducted as part of the of the “Good Physician Project”. The series concludes with a presentation by Jo Shapiro from Beth Israel on promotion of student wellness using peer-support groups. This series will set the stage for our upcoming meeting and provide insight into implementation of these important curricular initiatives.
March 8 – The Importance of Nutrition and Physicians’ Wellbeing – Presented by Angela Cheung and Maryam Hamidi
March 15 – Fat Chance for Nutrition and Obesity Education in Medical Schools – Presented by Nicholas Pennings
March 22 – Integrating Wellness & Nutrition: Lessons from University of Cincinnati – Presented by Sian Cotton
March 29 – Project on the Good Physician: Using Life Stories to Study Medical Student Wellness – Presented by John Yoon and Tania Jenkins
April 5 – Mitigating the Emotional Toll of Medical Errors – Presented by Jo Shapiro
For more information or to register, please click here.