In case you missed yesterday’s Webcast Audio Seminar (WAS) Session, here are the highlights of this session:
Global healthcare overview of European model
Presenter: Jen Cleland, BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, D Clin Psychol:
September 21, 12 PM EST
Medical education challenges: attracting the “Generation Y” workforce
Influences on medical careers decision making process such as:
- Gender
- Individual preferences/fit
- Exposure/experience
- Wish for work/life balance
- Medical school
Their approach
- Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE)
- Health economics
- Personal preferences
- Quantifiable in monetary terms
Characteristics of Trainee (resident or student of DCE)
- Familiarity with hospital
- Geographical location
- Opportunities for partner/spouse
- Potential earnings
- Clinical/academic reputation
- Working conditions
Other items were more important than location, location, location. These are good working conditions and opportunities for partners/spouses.
In the end, working conditions were the key to trainee and final year medical student career decisions.
What is being done to improve working conditions?
The current medical students want:
- A good team
- To feel valued
- Have a sense of belonging
- Receive more positive feedback
- CPD opportunities
- Both full and part time work.
“A European Case Study of Rural Health System Strengthening through Rural Medical Academy Development”
Dr. Méabh Ni Bhuinneáin: MD FRCOG MRCPI MICGP MSc Public Health
What are your learning objectives for rural health system strengthening?
Are you committed? Can you provide justification? Are you able to apply, reinforce and provide clarification for your ideas?
Underlying dimensions of social disadvantage
- Demographic decline
- Social class deprivation
- Labor market deprivation
Global Inequities
- Rural poverty indicators
- Rural health needs
- Reproductive health indicators
WHO Health Workforce Strengthening: “To expand, strengthen and orient health professional training institutions, in terms of quantity, quality, and skill mix to be relevant to the implementation of the transformative scaling up of health professionals.”
WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personal: “An adequate and accessible health workforce is fundamental to an integrated and effective health system and for the provision of health services.”
Moving towards a Student-Centered Academy
Learning environment
Pastoral, social and self-care
Faculty sensitization and development
Organizational development
Use of improvement methods
Governance – towards full student representation
Community engagement
Ending question: How does reciprocity/mutuality work in reality?
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