IAMSE CORE (Community Outreach, Research, and Engagement) Community of Growth

IAMSE Communities of Growth are ongoing groups of like-minded individuals who want to informally get together to connect over an area or topic of their interest. One of these communities is the IAMSE CORE (Community Outreach, Research, and Engagement) Community of Growth (CoG). 

CORE is meant to serve as a community of growth for individuals involved in service-learning and outreach programs. Members of CORE will benefit from learning about the efforts of others involved in similar work, while serving as a source of best practices within the field of service-learning and outreach. Specifically, CORE will promote a rigorous scholarly approach to service-learning and community outreach and engagement.

Additional goals of this COG are to develop and share best practices in service-learning and outreach and provide support for individuals looking to create or improve their own outreach or service-learning program. The hope is that CORE will serve as a starting point for those looking to get more involved in service-learning and outreach, or for those looking to make the switch to a more rigorous scholarly approach. As such, CORE will work towards developing workshops and presentations (such as those at IAMSE 2022 and ASPBP 2023) as well as best practices documents.

Through this work we hope to develop a reputation as a welcoming and beneficial group for both novices and veterans within the field of service-learning and outreach. CORE will help to lead the way in the field of service-learning and outreach, particularly among medical school professionals. By improving the rigor of the field there is a hope that service-learning and outreach will be recognized as a valuable form of scholarly work.

This will be achieved both through the creation of a community of growth and by encouraging scholarly presentations examining service-learning and outreach in the form of articles, posters, presentations, and workshops.

The next meeting of the CORE CoG will be 3 PM EDT on Monday, July 8, 2024. The CORE CoG will then meet at 10 AM EDT on Thursday, September 12, 2024, followed by 3 PM EST on Monday, November 18, 2024.

A presentation of the CORE CoG will take place during oral presentations at the Annual IAMSE Conference coming up in June in Minneapolis, Minnesota as well!

For more information about the CORE CoG, as well as the other active IAMSE CoGs. click here.

Thank you,
Peter Vollbrecht and Natascha Heise
CORE Community of Growth Leaders