Two IAMSE Communities of Growth (CoG) will be meeting in March! The AI CoG, and the CORE CoG will both meet on Zoom. Below are the details for each meeting.
The AI CoG meeting on Zoom will take place at Noon (12 PM) EST on Wednesday, March 5, 2025. IAMSE AI CoG meetings take place regularly at 12 PM ET on the first Wednesday of each month. For information on how to join the AI CoG meeting, email Doug McKell at
The March AI CoG meeting will have a presentation and discussion on a recently released white paper, “Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education: The 2025 IACAI Vision and Integration Frameworks,” from Sola Aoun Bahous, MD, PhD, MHPE, Professor/Dean.Department of Internal Medicine—Division of Nephrology, Gilbert and Rose-Marie Chagoury School of Medicine of the Lebanese American University. She was one of the authors of this report from the International Advisory Committee for Artificial Intelligence (IACAI), which is made up of representatives from AMEE: the International Association for Health Professions Education, the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), the Asia Pacific Medical Education Network (APMEN), and the Alliance of Academic Health Centers International (AAHCI).
To join the March AI CoG Zoom meeting, click here.
Meeting ID: 897 1837 0101
Passcode: 511007
The Community Outreach, Research, and Engagement (CORE) CoG meeting will take place at 3:00 PM EDT on Thursday, March 13, 2025. CORE CoG meetings then take place regularly on the second Thursday of the month at 3:00 PM ET, and the second Monday of the month at 11:00 AM ET every other month. The CORE CoG is led by Peter Vollbrecht and Natascha Heise.
To join the March CORE CoG meeting, click here.
Meeting ID: 878 6039 0726
Passcode: 159759