Since 2007, IAMSE has honored member medical educators with two prestigious awards to recognize and promote teaching excellence and educational scholarship in the medical sciences. We now open the nominations for the 2018 Excellence in Teaching awards, which will be presented at the annual meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada in June.
The Distinguished Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Educational Scholarship (formerly called the Master Scholar Award) recognizes an IAMSE member who has a distinguished record of educational scholarship, including educational research and dissemination of scholarly approaches to teaching and education. Candidates should be Professor, Associate Professor, or equivalent rank, or have demonstrated greater than 10 years of educational scholarship. Additionally, candidates must have a significant record of engagement within IAMSE.
The Early Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Innovation honors an IAMSE member who has made significant contributions to the field in the short time they have focused their careers toward enhancing teaching, learning and assessment. Candidates for this award will be Assistant Professor or equivalent rank, or have demonstrated less than 10 years of educational scholarship.
Qualified candidates may self-nominate, or be nominated by an IAMSE colleague.
Details regarding each award, required application materials, and deadlines are found in the document linked here. All nomination/application packets must be received by Cassie Chinn (cassie@iamse.org) no later than April 1, 2018.