Benefits & Services

IAMSE members

Connect and collaborate with your colleagues

Membership in IAMSE provides professional advancement opportunities to network with colleagues at other medical facilities, establish collaboration and exchange programs, publish in the Association journal, conduct and/or attend courses and workshops on educational methods, present projects from your school, and develop the credentials of a truly effective medical educator.

Click here to download a membership flyer.

Information on medical education

  • Monthly e-mail digest of important current happenings in medical education that impact on medical science educators
  • E-mail announcements of professional development opportunities in medical science education
  • Mailings of IAMSE conference announcements, brochures, calls for abstracts, plus announcements of Association Conference Proceedings availability

International Journal

  • Access to Medical Science Educator (Med Sci Educ). Written specifically for medical science educators by medical science educators, this electronic peer-reviewed journal features first released articles describing original research, current trends in basic medical science education, reports, critiques, and commentaries on innovative teaching methods, debuts of educational software, and candid editorials.

Financial benefits

  • Discount on registration for IAMSE Annual Association Conferences and events. 
  • Discounted registration to all IAMSE Web Seminars
  • Advance notice, priority registration at a discounted rate, to all IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminars

To be active within the organization

  • Ability to serve on IAMSE Standing Committees and other appointed Task Forces
  • Full voting rights for selection of candidates to the Board of Directors who determine the course of IAMSE
  • Access to the online Directory of Colleagues, containing members’ names, disciplines, mailing address, phone, fax, e-mail address
  • Access to experts in a variety of fields
  • Access to current Positions Available postings

Benefits of joining as an institution include

  • 4 seats for faculty and 2 seats for students
  • Discounted registration fee for IAMSE webinars with access for any faculty at the member institution
  • Conference registration discount for faculty included on the membership
  • Additional members can be added for $130 each or in multiples of four for $490.

NOTE: In an effort to equitably assess membership fees, the following three-tiered structure is used. This is based upon each country’s GNP, as determined by the World Bank. This applies to both Individual Memberships and Institutional Memberships and a complete listing of countries may be found at: If you are employed in the U.S., Canada, or other high income category countries, you must choose category 3. If you have a question about your category, please contact

  Individual Membership  
  One Year Two Year
Category 3= high-income countries $140 (US, Canada, etc) $250
Category 2= lower-middle and upper-middle-income countries $85 $150
Category 1= low income countries $48 $85
Student, fellow, or health professional in training * $25 $45

* Definition of student, fellow, or health professional in training

A student is a person who is enrolled in a degree/certificate program (such as BS, MS, PharmD, PhD, MD, DO, etc., or a dual-degree program, MD/PhD, etc.) at a school or equivalent institution. Persons who already hold advanced/terminal degrees (such as PhD, MD, MBA) and have faculty appointments or are otherwise employed in their field are not considered to be students.

A fellow is a person who is conducting research or is undergoing further training after completion of a doctoral (or equivalent) degree but does not yet hold a faculty appointment or other independent position.

A health professional in training is an individual with a clinical degree who is still in training and is in a supervised (non-independent) position. These individuals often hold titles such as intern, resident, assistant doctor, junior doctor, or equivalent and do not yet hold faculty positions or other independent positions.

Memberships for students, fellows, and health professionals in training include complimentary access for the IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminar Series for 1 full year.

  Institutional Membership *  
  One Year Two Year
Category 3 $490 (US, Canada, etc) $950
Category 2 $225 $495
Category 1 $155 $295

* Institutional memberships include membership for 4 faculty and 2 students.

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Basic Science EducatorsClinical EducatorsAdministratorsStudents

If you are a basic scientist who has a passion for teaching health professionals, joining and participating in IAMSE will be of tremendous benefit to you. IAMSE offers a myriad of opportunities for you to enrich, enhance, and develop your career as a medical educator.

  • Engagement: IAMSE provides the opportunity to network with a diverse and international group of scientists, clinicians, and administrators who have a passion for teaching learners in the health sciences. These interactions often develop into exciting professional collaborations, career opportunities, mentoring relationships, and lifelong friendships.
  • Career Enhancement and Development: The annual meeting, web seminars, and special fellowship programs of IAMSE provide opportunities to learn cutting-edge concepts from internationally recognized educational experts. Participation will help you develop the skills necessary to become an outstanding medical educator and a curricular leader.
  • Recognition: The annual meeting and the IAMSE journal, Medical Science Educator, provide respected, peer reviewed venues to present educational scholarship to an international audience.
  • Empowerment: IAMSE provides a strong sense of community that empowers and encourages you to become the best educator that you can be.

There are many ways that Clinicians can benefit from becoming involved with IAMSE. Some of these include 1) networking with other health professions educators, 2) participating in faculty development opportunities, and 3) supporting personal professional advancement through service and leadership opportunities.

  • Networking with other colleagues who are dedicated educators
    • Sharing best teaching practices with other clinicians and other professionals
    • Collaborating with basic scientists to integrate basic science into clinical education
    • Gaining insights into the student perspective
    • Assessing trends in curricular development, revision, outcomes, and assessment with administrators
    • Mentoring
  • Faculty development
    • Web seminars
    • Attendance at annual conferences (workshops, Essential Skills in Medical Education, IAMSE Fellowship)
    • Innovative teaching strategies including the promotion of self-directed student learning
    • Assessment of core competencies
    • Interprofessional setting
  • Promotion: professional advancement
    • Inclusion of membership on your CV
    • Expanding and documenting your credentials as a medical educator for your portfolio
    • Opportunities to engage in the scholarship of education
    • Opportunities to participate on committees, board of directors, and as the officers of the association

IAMSE: Interdisciplinary, Interprofessional, and International

As an administrator, you will be able to develop your own knowledge and abilities, identify development opportunities for your faculty and collaborate with colleagues in an international forum. Opportunities include:

  • International professional collaboration and career enhancement.
  • Leadership opportunities and international recognition.
  • An organization to network, brainstorm, and meet collaborators for educational scholarship, and compliance with accreditation standards.
  • Sharing experiences with colleagues who have similar positions at their institutions.
  • Faculty development: my faculty get to interact and network with peers who are experts in the fields of curriculum design, assessment, evaluation, and student academic development.
  • Web Seminars: an institutional membership allows my faculty access to 15 web seminars per year on various aspects of health sciences education.
  • An affordable way to connect with an international group of colleagues interested in educational scholarship.
  • Health science educators from many different disciplines and professions share best practices in teaching and learning

IAMSE offers many ways for you as a health professions student to grow as a nascent educator and professional colleague. A student is considered a person who is enrolled in a degree/certificate program (such as BS, MS, PharmD, PhD, MD) at a school or other institution. Persons with advanced/terminal degrees (such as postdocs, PhD, MD, MBA) who are employed in their field, or who have faculty appointments, are not students.

Participation in IAMSE conferences and web seminars will help you in the following ways, among others.

  • Make friends with students and teachers from all over the world, coming from different disciplines, professions, and educational systems. These interactions will give you an advantage in beginning a career as a health science educator.
  • Learn educational concepts…learn the why behind how you are educated. Learn how different educational strategies can be used to teach comparable basic science content.
  • Network with your future employers and colleagues in a welcoming organization where all ideas are valued. IAMSE is an interprofessional collective of clinicians, scientists, educators, deans, and technology-driven experts eager to collaborate and cross-pollinate.
  • Get advanced words on new educational strategies and concepts from cutting-edge innovators.
  • Present your work, share your ideas, and get feedback from an experienced international audience who teaches for a living and values student input. In doing so, improve your verbal and written presentation skills. Do all the above at the annual meeting in an enjoyable, relaxed environment chosen for its desirable locale.
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