A Medical Science Educator Article Review From Dr. Jennifer Fischer

This month the IAMSE publications committee review is taken from the article titled Developing Comprehensive Strategies to Evaluate Medical School Curricula published in Medical Science Educator (30 October 2018) by Sally A. Santen, Moshe Feldman, Sara Wier, Courtney Blondino, Meagan Rawls, and Susan DiGiovanni.  For medical education, the ultimate goal of training students to be prepared for… Read more »

#IAMSE23 Call for Pre-Conference Faculty Development Course Abstracts

On behalf of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), I am pleased to announce that we are now accepting proposals for pre-conference faculty development courses that will be delivered the Saturday before the 2023 IAMSE meeting. The annual meeting will be held in Cancun, Mexico from June 6-13, 2023. Proposals will be accepted… Read more »

Say hello to our featured member Aaron Marshall!

Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, students, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE…. Read more »

Congratulations to the 2022 IAMSE Distinguished & Early Career Award Winners

IAMSE, on behalf of the Professional Development Committee, would like to congratulate Kathryn Huggett and Jaya Yodh on receiving the Distinguished Career Award and Early Career Award, respectively. The Distinguished Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Educational Scholarship recognizes an IAMSE member who has a distinguished record of educational scholarship, including educational research and dissemination… Read more »

A Medical Science Educator Article Review From Dr. Alice Fornari

This month the IAMSE Publications Committee review is taken from the article titled “A Culinary Medicine Elective Course Incorporating Lifestyle Medicine for Medical Students, MSE (2021) 31, pages 1343-1349 (2021), by Shinichi Asano, Amy E. Jasperse, Dina C. Schaper, Robert W. Foster & Brian N. Griffith. Culinary Medicine (CM) programs have developed due to a… Read more »

Registered Students Can Attend NEST for FREE at #IAMSE22!

Join the IAMSE 2022 Annual Meeting in June so you can attend this free, in-person workshop just for students! This free workshop co-developed with ScholarRx will provide student participants with an introductory, hands-on experience in applying Kern’s Six-Step model to design a complete education activity with appropriate pedagogic strategies. Students will also explore models of… Read more »

#IAMSE22 Faculty Development Session Spotlight: Technology-Assisted Faculty Development

The 26th Annual IAMSE Meeting will feature a host of new sessions throughout the entire conference. One of our first-time pre-conference faculty development sessions is Technology-Assisted Faculty Development: Ideas, Development, Implementation, & Outcomes. This virtual three-hour faculty development course will be given Monday, May 23 and will be led by Alice Fornari, Machelle Linsenmeyer and… Read more »

Don’t Miss These Great IAMSE How-to Guides!

As you may know, IAMSE has published five how-to manuals with several more to come in the next year. New to the series are two new manuals: Mentoring in Health Professions Education and Rubrics – A tool for feedback and assessment viewed from different perspectives. Each manual is available as a digital download and priced at… Read more »

Say hello to our featured member Kelly Quesnelle!

Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, students, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE…. Read more »

#IAMSE22 Faculty Development Session Spotlight: Aligning Values and Behaviors

The 26th Annual IAMSE Meeting will feature a host of new sessions throughout the entire conference. One of our first-time workshops is Aligning Values and Behaviors: A Path to Authentic Leadership for Women in Academia. This half-day faculty development course will be given Saturday, June 4th and will be led by Heather Christensen and team. … Read more »

IAMSE22 Early Bird Registration Ends April 1!

The 2022 IAMSE Annual Conference is right around the corner! The Early Bird registration deadline is April 1, 2022. After the Early Bird deadline, the registration rate for both members and non-members will increase. Be sure to register before April 1 deadline to save $75.00! Please note that ALL presenters must be registered by April… Read more »