IAMSE Webinar Series, Winter 2019 Session 3. The Learning Environment During Residency presented by Dr. John Co.
IAMSE Webinar Series, Winter 2019 Session 3. The Learning Environment During Residency presented by Dr. John Co.
IAMSE Webinar Series, Winter 2019 Session 3. The Learning Environment During Residency presented by Dr. John Co.
IAMSE Webinar Series, Winter 2019 Session 3. The Learning Environment During Residency presented by Dr. John Co.
IAMSE Webinar Series, Winter 2019 Session 2. An Overview and Introduction to the Learning Environment presented by Dr. Larry Gruppen.
IAMSE Webinar Series, Winter 2019 Session 1. An Overview and Introduction to the Learning Environment presented by Dr. Larry Gruppen.
Did you know that we archive each season of the Webcast Audio Seminar series? Reaching all the way back to Winter 2011, you can search the topics, speakers and presentations in our webcast series greatest hits collection. The Webcast Audio Seminar archives are located on our website under the Events tab as Web Seminars. Here,… Read more »
Our association is a robust and diverse set of educators, researchers, medical professionals, volunteers and academics that come from all walks of life and from around the globe. Each month we choose a member to highlight their academic and professional career, and see how they are making the best of their membership in IAMSE. This… Read more »
Since 2007, IAMSE has honored member medical educators with two prestigious awards to recognize and promote teaching excellence and educational scholarship in the medical sciences. We now open the nominations for the 2019 Excellence in Teaching awards, which will be presented at the annual meeting in Roanoke, Virginia in June. The Distinguished Career Award for Excellence in… Read more »
The IAMSE Admin team has grown. To better support your membership needs, it may be helpful to know our members and what they do for IAMSE. Julie K. Hewett, CMP, CAE Association Manager Julie has been supporting IAMSE for nearly 20 years in many different ways. Currently, she is responsible for Board and Committee support… Read more »
It is common for undergraduate students to engage in undergraduate research experiences as part of their preparation for applying to medical and other professional schools. It is widely assumed that performing undergraduate research provides students with knowledge and skills, as well as attitudes that will prepare them for the demands of medical school, and in… Read more »
The deadline for poster abstract submission is quickly drawing near! As a reminder, IAMSE is currently accepting Oral and Poster abstract presentations to be presented at the 23rd Annual IAMSE Conference. The deadline for submission is December 1, 2018 at 5 PM ET! Please click here to submit your abstract Please note: The first time… Read more »
The International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) is pleased to announce the ScholarRx-IAMSE Student Educational Research Grants Program. All IAMSE student members are eligible to submit a grant proposal. All students will need to have a faculty mentor sign off on the proposal confirming that all policies will be met. Proposals must be accompanied… Read more »