ASME, the Association for the Study of Medical Education, is offering a series of webinar events for medical educators. On January 14, the session will be organized in collaboration with IAMSE. Join Dr. Peter GM de Jong (Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands), Prof. Neil Osheroff (Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, USA), Prof. Aviad Haramati (Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, USA) and Dr. Jo Bishop (Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia) for this ASME Bitesize session focusing on Building Caring and Character in Students.

ASME BITESIZE: Building Caring and Character in Students
Thursday 14th January 2021, 12:00 GMT (Please note time is UK local)
To register for this free event, please click here .
Medical School is not only about learning science and clinical skills, it also provides an excellent opportunity for character-building and developing professional values in our students. Educators are role models for students and provide examples of good character every day. With their classroom activities they can encourage students to develop ethical principles and foster compassionate behaviours to be successful in their future careers. One of the requirements for this character building is a safe and comfortable community where students experience a caring attitude with their mentors and peers. Creating such a learning environment will promote professionalism and enhance well-being and mental wealth for all.
The session will include the following presentations followed by a moderated discussion:
• Using Competencies to Build Professionalism and Character in Early Medical Students
• Creating Caring Communities: Innovation during the COVID-19 Pandemic
• Mental Wealth for allFor more information about this session, and to register, please visit the ASME event page here.