Schools undergoing curricular reform are re-evaluating the optimal timing of Step 1. Historically, students have completed the exam immediately following the basic science curriculum. A small but growing number of schools have moved Step 1 after the core clinical clerkships, citing a number of reasons for the change, including promoting long-term retention and understanding of basic science concepts. As schools undergo curricular transformation, educators are looking to peer institutions to share their experience and lessons learned. They are also seeking data to guide decisions. In this webinar, Dr. Daniel will review the reasons to consider a change, the potential hurdles one might encounter, and the findings of recent studies. This will serve as a springboard for dialogue surrounding the optimal timing of Step 1.
Presenter Bios
Michelle M. Daniel, MD, MHPE, FACEP
Dr. Michelle Daniel is the Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Learning Health Sciences at the University of Michigan Medical School. She obtained her medical degree from Johns Hopkins Medical School in 2002 and her Masters in Health Professions Education from Maastricht University in the Netherlands in 2016. Dr. Daniel is known for her work in the area of clinical skills education and is Past-President of the Directors of Clinical Skills Courses (DOCS). She currently serves on the board of Best Evidence in Medical Education (BEME) and directs the Michigan BEME International Collaborating Center. Her current scholarly interests include the optimal timing of USMLE Step 1, systematic reviews, and clinical reasoning.