This session will briefly review the problem of healthcare provider stress, high rates of burnout, and describe high-level multi-pronged interventions to address these critical issues. The session will focus on highlighting two successful programs currently underway at the University of Cincinnati’s College of Medicine that constitute a preventive and educational approach to fostering well-being. One is the course in mind-body medicine, modeled after the program at Georgetown University School of Medicine, which is now underway in 7 of our 13 Colleges at UC. This effort is aimed at advancing student wellness and resilience by teaching students mind-body skills in supportive group formats that are facilitated by trained faculty. The second program to be described is the Turner Farm Student Wellness retreats, where inter-professional groups of healthcare students are exposed to concepts such as Food as Medicine, Mindfulness for Stress Reduction, and a hands-on teaching kitchen experience at a weekend retreat. Both program presentations will include information on development, outcomes, and sustainability plans to enable faculty and administrators at other schools to consider implementing or adapting.
Integrating Wellness & Nutrition – Lessons from University of Cincinnati
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